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The Boss's Pet

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

“You ever had a man like me before?”

  “No.” There was no point in denying it. She’d never allowed a man she didn’t like to be this close to her.

  “Then, baby, I’m about to take you on one hell of a ride.”


  Gripping his cock, Drake pressed the tip through her wet slit. Her cream coated his dick. He couldn’t wait a moment longer. The need to sink inside her was too damn strong to deny.

  Reaching out, he gripped her hip as he started to push inside. The warmth of her cunt was like a dream. He’d never known anyone so tight, and he’d only just gotten the head of his cock inside. She was fire in his arms.

  The moment he started pushing in, she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto him.

  Working so late and not having a woman to take his frustrations out on was starting to take its toll. He needed to fuck and to release his cum inside her. Christy had gotten under his skin, and now there was nowhere to run.

  He held onto her hips, drawing her toward the edge and slamming in hard. Her pussy was incredibly tight.

  “Fuck, yeah. Such a nice tight cunt.” He didn’t stop. Pulling out of her, he slammed back inside, forcing her to take the whole of his cock. The desk didn’t help matters. He needed to be deeper inside her.

  Letting her go, Drake tugged her off the desk, tearing her clothes from her body so that she was completely naked.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He didn’t answer. Overcome by pure physical need, he pressed her over the sofa in the corner of his office. He rarely used the comfortable furniture as he liked to have the advantage in his office. Comfort gave a false sense of security, which he hated giving.

  Within seconds he had her on her back, and he was inside her tight heat once again.

  “Let go, Christy,” he said.

  This was far better than he ever imagined. Holding her hands above her head, he started to pound inside her pussy. Glancing down, he watched his cock disappear inside her. Each time he withdrew, his cock was covered in her cream.

  She screamed out as he swiveled his hips, bumping her clit.

  “That’s it, baby, scream. Let me hear what I’m doing to you.” He locked both of her hands under one of his so that he was free to play with her pretty pussy. As he caressed her clit, her cunt tightened around his cock. She was so wet. The women he was used to always needed to be worked to get this wet. Christy wasn’t complaining about his size or the fact he was pounding inside her.

  He didn’t let her go, fucking her harder than he’d ever fucked anyone.

  She was perfect in every way. Her large tits bounced as he pounded inside her. The sight was beautiful, turning him on even more.

  “Please,” she said.

  “What is it, baby? You need to come?”

  She thrust up to meet him, giving him everything. Christy gave as much as she took. He was completely right about her. She was fire and ice.

  Leaning down, he slammed his lips on hers as he fucked her. She came over his cock, and he refused to leave her pussy until she came a second time.

  By the time he found his own release, filling her cunt with his seed, she was dripping wet and shaking.

  When it was over, he pulled back at little to look into her eyes. “I always knew there was a woman inside you somewhere.”

  She was taking deep breaths.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” he said, moving away from her. He had a small bathroom in the corner of his office.

  He quickly washed his cock, aware he’d not used a condom. His hands were shaking.

  You’ve just fucked your PA.


  Drake may have fantasized about her many times, even when he was fucking other women, but he was never going to do anything about it. Grabbing some tissues, he walked out of the small bathroom, and stopped. The sofa was bare, and the clothes she’d worn were gone.

  “Fuck,” he said. “Christy.”

  He shouted her name. Rushing out of the office, he saw her buttoning up her shirt just as the elevator doors closed.

  Cursing once again, he ran toward the stairs. No one was in the building barring security, but he’d told them to steer clear of his office when he was inside.

  Rushing downstairs, he pushed out of the door to find John, the man on the security desk, staring at him.

  “Is everything okay, Mr. Brennan?”

  “Miss Bell? Have you seen her?”

  “No. Ah, she’s just got into her car, sir. She’s out of the office. Do you want me to call her back?”

  Rounding the desk, Drake saw her car disappearing.

  Shaking his head, he started to head back to the stairs.

  “Late night?”

  “Yes.” He used the elevator this time to take him back upstairs to his office. Drake entered the room, staring at the sofa. Running fingers through his hair, he leaned against the wall.

  He’d just had the best, quick sex of his life, and she’d run out on him. Why had she run out on him? She didn’t have a man at home.

  Rubbing his face, he started to clear away the pieces of paper that had fallen to the floor in his need to get inside her.

  Christy was becoming a mystery he didn’t want or need.

  Moving a pile of paper, Drake stopped. The remains of her torn panties were lying on the floor, waiting for him.

  Letting out a breath, he picked up the lace. They were a waste, destroyed in his need to get inside her.

  Pocketing the fabric, he put his office to rights before grabbing his case. Tomorrow was Saturday, so she wouldn’t be in the office until nine. They only worked half a day on Saturday unless he had an excuse for her to stay with him. In the past Drake hadn’t cared if Christy had to cancel a date to work. He’d overheard her during that first month organizing a blind date. Unable to handle her being with anyone else, he’d forced her to cancel whatever she had on to work.

  He knew what it was like to be inside her now. There was no way he was going to let her go. Christy was going to be his in every way that mattered.

  Chapter Three

  Phoning in sick the following day, Christy fired up her out-of-date laptop where her resume sat. It had been three years since she looked over the document.

  “There’s nothing to do. I’ve got to look for another job.”

  Rushing out of the office last night with his cum dripping down her leg had been her biggest shame of all. Never in the whole of her life had she fucked her boss. Drake was not the kind of man she liked.

  “Stupid, so stupid.” She tugged her hair back binding it with a band. The large baggy shirt dropped off her shoulder showing off her bra. The sweatpants were appropriate as well. Glancing over at the clock she saw it was past nine. Drake would be wondering where she was, possibly already getting the paperwork to fire her.

  Dropping her head into her hands, she shook her head from side to side. Even with no one present she was blushing.

  She looked through her resume, adding the training she’d gained during her years with Drake Brennan. Once she was satisfied that the document was up to date, she fired up her internet connection.

  “Please, let there be a job out there for little old me.”

  Typing in the websites on job hunting, she started to look through for any sign of work that paid similar to Drake’s PA position. Working for Drake had given her the opportunity to buy her house, which she was still doing, to travel, and to challenge herself in life. Several positions would mean her giving up the mortgage on her house. It was a modest two bedroom, with a nice big garden, a family starter home. Not that she’d ever have a family. There was no chance of her getting a family.

  She found one position that sounded interesting up until the question asked why she was leaving her current job. “I slept with my boss, and now I can’t face him. God, will he even give me a reference? I’m talking to myself now. How low have I sunk?”

  Scrolling through the jobs, she grew more and more depressed. An hour i
nto her search, she cried out as someone banged on her door.

  Without looking to see who was there, she opened the door.

  “Why the fuck haven’t you come into work?” Drake asked, barging past her to enter her home.

  She stared at the open space he’d been standing in a moment before, then turned to look at him. “What the hell are you doing here?” She closed the door, crossing her arms underneath her breasts.

  He looked too damned nice, if not a little angry. “You phoned in sick. What the fuck is that all about?”

  Drake had always been on the cursing side. No one would believe he was a rich successful millionaire, but then, she’d seen what a snake Drake could be.

  “I’m not well.” She coughed, trying to verify her story.

  With his hands on his hips, he stared at her. He was right in front of her laptop. She stared at the device, hoping he didn’t look down. Since she’d given herself away, Drake turned the laptop to see what she was doing.

  “You’re quitting on me?”

  “I think it’s best I leave.”


  She chuckled. “I don’t think you need me to go into why.”

  “We fucked, and you’re quitting on me. I never took you for a coward.”

  Glaring at him, she stepped into the room. “Last night shouldn’t have happened. I—or we—should have put a stop to it.”

  “Why? You were as hot for it as I was.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  “What’s the matter, Christy? Not used to a man taking the reins in your life?”

  “God, I can’t believe I actually slept with you.”

  “We didn’t sleep, baby. We fucked. There’s a big difference.”

  “Ugh, I hate you.”

  “Not enough to turn me down.” He bent down and started clicking away. Charging up to him, she yanked her laptop out of his hands.

  “Don’t you dare touch my stuff. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “I’m not accepting your resignation, Christy.”

  “You’ve got no choice but to.”

  “You hand in your resignation and every person who calls to inquire about you, I’ll tell them your skills suck but you know how to keep me satisfied.”

  She glared at him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He took the laptop from her hands, dropping it onto the table. In the next instance he caught her against him, holding her close. One of his hands went to the curve of her ass while the other sank into her hair, fisting the length.

  “Wouldn’t I? You’ve worked for me for three years, Christy. Haven’t you learned anything about me?”

  “Besides the fact you always have a woman on your arm? You go through them faster than underwear.”

  “Speaking of underwear I’ve got your panties back at my office.”

  Gritting her teeth, Christy couldn’t find an insult good enough to throw at him. He was driving her crazy.

  “You walk away from me, Christy. I will destroy your reputation so you don’t have a choice but to work for me.”

  “Why? I’m a damned good worker. What happened last night was a mistake.” Biting her lip, she stared at him wide eyed as he began to rub her through the sweatpants.

  “You’re a brilliant worker. A damned fine PA and one I won’t see walk out on me. You’ve organized my life and shown me what it means to have you in it. I’ll play dirty if you make me.”

  “There are other PAs out there.”

  “None with a pussy I want to fuck.”

  Growling, she tried to hit out at him. He grabbed her hand, locking it behind her back. “Let me go.”

  “No. You’re not resigning, nor are you leaving me.”

  “You can’t control me.”

  “Why? I’m doing a damn good job of it now.”

  “You can’t do this. It’s time for me to move on.”

  “We fucked, Christy. You’re staying with me.”

  “I don’t even like you. God, this is all so confusing. Let me go. I’m getting a new job, and that is final.”

  He growled. “If you even think of leaving me I will destroy you, Christy.”

  Oh, fuck.


  Drake accepted that she didn’t like him. He didn’t doubt for a moment that she would fight him. When he walked into work waiting for her to arrive he’d been shocked to hear that she’d called in sick. Shocked, disappointed, and frustrated. Last night he’d not been able to sleep. Christy had invaded his dreams, and now he didn’t know how to get rid of her. Being close to her while she was wearing a baggy shirt and sweatpants shouldn’t be doing anything for him, and yet he was hard as fucking rock.

  “You’d destroy me?”

  She’d stopped fighting him, which was a bonus as far as he was concerned.

  “I have the power to do whatever I want.”

  “You’re not that kind of man.”

  “I am. You’re not leaving me. There’s no reason for you to leave.” Holding her hand behind her back, he cupped her cheek, running his thumb along her bottom lip. He’d never really given women’s lips much thought until now.

  “You’ve got to stop touching me.”

  “I’m not going to stop. I’m going to touch you a lot more.”

  “This is sexual harassment,” she said.

  “Then report me. I dare you.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she stared back at him. He hated seeing those tears. A woman turning on the waterworks had never affected him before now. She wouldn’t report him because last night she’d been with him every step of the way. Christy had been soaking wet, begging and desperate for his cock. If she tried to fight him, he’d fight her back, and she knew it.

  “I’m not going to report you. You know I wouldn’t do that.”

  “Do I?”

  Her tears started to fall. “Why are you doing this?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  “Maybe to everyone else but not to me.”

  He stared at her. Christy had always been a humble person. She didn’t fight to be noticed. He’d watched several women he’d fucked in the past walk by her as if she didn’t exist. Was that what he liked? No one paid her any attention, and they didn’t know the jewel they were missing out on?

  “Is your pussy wet for me right now?”

  She gasped. Using her parted lips to his advantage, he slid his thumb inside while drawing her closer. He rubbed his cock against her stomach. “That’s what you do to me, baby. I’m hard for you. Suck.”

  He expected her to complain or to tell him to fuck off. Her gaze was on him for several seconds. Neither of them spoke, and then she sucked his thumb right into her mouth.

  Pushing in and out, he watched her eyes close. The fiery temptress was back for him. Releasing her hands, he cupped her pussy through her sweatpants. When the touch over the clothing wasn’t enough, he shoved his hand inside, cupping her. Her curls were drenched with cream. Sliding his fingers through her slit, he plunged inside her pussy.

  “Someone’s happy to see me.” He withdrew his thumb from her lips.

  “Stop it, Drake.”

  “Stop what? Stop touching you, stop fucking you with my fingers, or stop altogether?”

  She whimpered as she worked her pussy on his fingers. Her cheeks were flushed. She looked beautiful and radiant. Removing his hand from her sweatpants, he lifted her baggy shirt up and over her arms. Next, he dispensed with the bra. Her hands moved up to cover her breasts. He wasn’t having any of that.

  Pushing them out of the way, he cupped her tits in his hands. They were large, spilling out of the sides.


  She was perfect in every way. Sliding the tips of his fingers down her body, he shoved the offending sweatpants down. He held her hand as she stepped out of them.

  “You’ve been under my nose all this time,” he said, touching her legs, moving up to cup her full rounded ass. She stood before him naked.

need to stop this.”


  “It’s wrong.”

  “You’re not my sister or any relation to me. You’re single. I’m single.” He released his belt, pushing his trousers down. Kicking out of his shoes, he removed his clothes, placing them on the floor in a neat, screwed up pile.

  He stood in Christy’s sitting room, butt ass naked, as did she.

  “There’s no shame in needing each other.”

  She was taking deep breaths. The rise and fall of her chest gave away her arousal.

  “I don’t like you.”

  He grabbed her hand, forcing her to cup his cock. The moment her fingers wrapped around his shaft, Drake didn’t care. She was fighting her need. He would fight her back, using his body to convince her. Christy wanted this. Her body wanted this, yet her common sense was trying to overrule her body and stop them both getting what they wanted.

  “Then show me how much you hate me, Christy.” Slowly he started to draw her hand up and down his shaft.

  “I’ve never done anything like this.”

  “And you think I have? I’ve never fucked a PA, Christy.”

  She snorted.

  “You’re the first female I’ve ever taken as a PA. I’ve never been able to stand working with women. I don’t get along with them as they flirt, and waste my time. You changed my mind about women.”

  “That’s completely sexist.”

  “The women I interviewed giggled, flirted, and tried to show off their tits. I’m not interested in women during working hours. I work, and then I fuck. I don’t mix the two.”

  “Then why are you determined to bring me into this?”

  “Your fingers are wrapped around my cock, Christy. Do you really think I need to explain why we’re doing this?”

  Chapter Four

  Christy didn’t know what to say or do. Drake’s cock pulsed within her grasp, and she couldn’t think of a single reason why she shouldn’t be touching him. He wasn’t going to accept her leaving, which meant she didn’t have to worry about sending out her resume to other employers.

  She hated Drake, but she did enjoy working for him. He provided her a challenge that life had failed to give her otherwise. She wasn’t looking for anything difficult, and yet that was exactly what Drake gave her.


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