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The Boss's Pet

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “You’ll destroy me?”

  He smiled the same smile that she’d seen him reserve for men he was about to take down in the office.

  “Why?” she asked.

  Drake was a bastard in the office when he wanted something, yet when he wished to work with someone else, he was a nice man.

  “I want you, Christy. I know how amazing you are, and now I know how hot you are in bed, not that we’ve made it to a bed.”

  “You can have any woman you want. Why me?”

  “I’ve never been this hard for a woman before.”

  “I find that hard to believe.”

  “You’re fire and ice, baby. I want everything you can throw at me.”

  “This is blackmail.”

  “No, it’s not. I’m not going to force you to fuck me, Christy. I’m not about to take anything by force. Your pussy is soaking wet. You want this, and yet you think you have to fight me when you don’t.”

  The fingers wrapped around hers that were around his cock tightened. He started to move her hand up and down his shaft.

  “That’s what you do to me, baby. Open your legs.”

  She didn’t want to deny him. Opening her legs, she gasped as he slid a hand through her slit. He stroked over her clit before moving down to plunge within her.

  “You’re dripping wet, Christy. I won’t cause you any problems. All you’ve got to do is continue working for me.”

  “You want me to fuck you?” she asked, struggling to open her eyes.

  “I’m telling you nothing is holding us back. I will not let what we do together enter our work environment, nor should you. We’re attracted to each other. I know you don’t like me. You don’t have to like me for there to be attraction. What’s so wrong with giving into that desire?” he asked.

  Her arguments were falling all around her. She couldn’t think of a single thing to say to him to argue her point. Christy wanted some part of this. She didn’t like Drake, yet the attraction was there. Even now while she played with his cock, she was getting wetter by the second. Three years without sex had finally caught up with her. Was giving into him a terrible decision? Yes. Did she care? Not right at that moment, no.

  Taking several deep breaths, she wrapped her other arm around his neck. “Then I accept.” Slamming her lips on his, Christy closed her eyes, needing his cock inside her more than anything.

  The position of Drake’s PA provided her with everything she needed in her life. The only thing missing was a partner. Fucking Drake solved that problem, even though it would only be for a short time.

  He batted her hand out of the way, moving her toward the sofa. Drake didn’t press her down. He bent her over the arm of the sofa. “Are you on the pill? I know we forgot the condom last night—”

  “I’m on the pill.” She didn’t want or need him to start talking about the precautions. The last thing she wanted was a little Drake running around her feet. When she decided to become a mother, she’d be in a loving, committed relationship. Not this one.

  “I’m clean. I got checked last week.”

  “I’ve not been with anyone in three years, but I got checked six months ago. I’ll get rechecked if you need me to.”

  He slammed inside her. Every inch of his big, large dick thrust deep. She cried out, going to her toes as he gave her it all without holding back. Drake gathered up her hair, wrapping the length around his fist. He pulled her back so she didn’t have a choice but to press her hands in front of her.

  “You’re so fucking tight, Christy. I couldn’t sleep last night thinking about this pretty pussy.”

  “Shut up.”

  She cried out as he tugged on her hair. He leaned over her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “I like to talk. You may not like me, Christy, but here and now, you will.” He pulled out of her, only to pound back inside her. She gripped the sofa pillow beneath her, biting her lip as he slapped her ass. “I love watching it jiggle.” He fucked her hard and slow, making sure she felt every inch of his dick sliding inside her.

  He pulled away, and when she tugged on her hair to glance behind her, she saw he was staring down at where they were joined.

  I’m fucking my boss.

  I’m fucking Drake Brennan.

  The very thought terrified her and fuelled her to press back against him. She didn’t want to be one of the women begging for him to fuck her again. Several women he’d sent parting gifts to had turned up at the office to make a spectacle of themselves and of Drake.

  Christy had spent many moments wincing as he cut them down as if they weren’t even humans with feelings.

  Closing her eyes, she winced as he slapped her ass. The slight pain only added to her pleasure.

  “You’re mine, Christy. Mine to order around, mine to fuck.”

  He slammed inside her over and over again. She loved every second of his possession. The way he slapped her ass, telling her exactly how it was going to be between them.

  He slid his hand between her thighs and started to stroke over her clit.

  All it took was a few strokes over her clit and she was coming apart. Drake fucked her harder. The sounds filling the air were of their bodies slapping together.

  “So fucking tight and perfect.”

  He thrust inside her twice more before collapsing over her.

  “You’ll be my little pet.”

  She didn’t have the energy to argue with him.


  Monday morning and Drake couldn’t wait to get in to work. He’d spent the whole of Saturday fucking Christy, only leaving at the end of the evening. Actually, he hadn’t left. Christy had kicked him out of her apartment. She wouldn’t let him stay for dinner or to have any more fun. They had spent the day together. He lost count of the number of times he fucked her, taking her in the sitting room, the kitchen, up against the wall.

  It had been years since the need to fuck had been so strong. His six months of abstinence had to have played a part. When he first started fucking when he was a teenager, he’d fucked all day long. Over the years he’d been satisfied with once or twice from the women. With Christy, he couldn’t get enough of her. He loved the way her body molded to his. She was soft in all the right places. When he skimmed his hands down her body he didn’t brush across the indentations of her ribs. She was soft, full, and he loved grabbing onto her. Her hips were nice and wide.

  He loved to grip onto her hips and start to pound inside her. There was nothing more beautiful than watching her taking his cock. Whistling, he made his way into his office, flipping his car keys up and down.

  “Wow, someone’s in a happy mood.” Turning around he found his friend George standing in the doorway.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I thought I’d stop by to see the man himself.”

  “What do you mean?” Drake fired up his computer, glancing at the clock to see it was past eight. Christy would be arriving any moment. George was a player of the highest order. He fucked women and forgot about them as fast, but Drake knew he wasn’t one to criticize as he’d never listened to what women wanted.

  “I heard you’ve not been playing with any women. There are a lot of women out there mourning your loss, Drake.”

  George was a lawyer and worked for his father. He was ruthless when it came to the opposition, and as far as Drake knew, George hadn’t lost a case.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “You and I both know you’re not the kind of man who’ll pass an opportunity to fuck. What’s happening?” Drake looked past George’s shoulder to see Christy removing her jacket. It was hot outside, and she looked like she’d taken the stairs. Her cheeks were flushed.

  “Is Christy causing you any problems?”

  Drake didn’t realize he’d been staring for so long. “No. I’ve not been out partying because I’ve not been out, George. What brings you here?”

  “Nothing. You missed the charity ball Palmer put on Saturday night. You were expected.”

�Shit, that was this Saturday?” He watched as Christy bent down to get something she dropped. The curve of her ass was too enticing.

  “Man, what the fuck is going on with you?”

  Returning his attention to George, Drake shook his head. “Nothing. Nothing is going on with me. If you’ll excuse me.” He left his office, walking toward Christy’s desk. “I told you not to wear panties.”

  She gasped, turning to face him. “We’re in the office. What do you think you’re doing?”

  “I gave you an instruction, Christy. Go to the toilet. I want those panties in my hands in five minutes.”

  Without waiting for her bitchy response, he walked back into his office.

  “Something is going on with you and Christy,” George said.

  “Nothing is going on. I gave her an instruction. I’ll call the Palmers and send a donation. Thank you for reminding me.”

  “What is going on with you?”

  “I’ve got a lot of work to be getting on with. How about we meet up for lunch on Friday?” he asked.

  “I don’t know. Are you free?” George asked.

  Drake never blew off his friend, and George had been a great friend to him and to the company he ran.

  “Ah, we’ll soon find out.”

  Christy entered the office, stopping when she saw George sitting in the office.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Brennan. I didn’t know you had company.”

  He noticed her hand was fisted around something. Her panties? Drake hoped so. He really enjoyed ordering her around.

  “You’re not interrupting anything. Christy, am I free Friday for lunch?”

  She kept trying to edge toward the door. He wouldn’t have her leaving.

  “You’d have to check your schedule.”

  “I can’t recall where I put it.” Pushing his chair back from the desk, he made sure there was enough room for her to stand.

  He watched as she licked her lips, biting onto her bottom lip. “Of course.”

  She walked past George, rounding the desk.

  Christy pressed her panties into his palm, which he pocketed. She started to click on the mouse, bringing up his schedule. “Mr. Brennan, I may have to book you an eye appointment.”

  When she made to leave, he stopped her by running his fingers up the inside of her thigh. If she moved, it would expose them both to George and the people in the office. Where she stood kept them both secluded, which she had to know.

  “Yes, George. I’m free.”

  “Okay. You’re acting strange, Drake.”

  Several seconds later they were alone. “What are you doing?” she asked. “You said you didn’t mix business with pleasure.”

  “I didn’t, until you. Christy Bell, you’re making me break all of my rules.” He tugged the panties out of his pocket.

  “Please put them away.”

  “Why? You disobeyed me.” He stared down the length of her body. She wore the pencil skirt he’d ordered her to wear, along with the white blouse. He saw the lace of her bra through the material.

  “Rest your ass against the desk.”


  “No, do as I say. You know you want to.”

  She hesitated for several seconds before finally giving in. He placed the panties in his pocket before sliding his hand up her skirt.

  “Open your legs as wide as you can.”

  Christy shuffled until she spread as wide as the skirt would allow.

  He cupped her pussy, touching her molten heat. “You love me giving you orders.”

  Drake couldn’t look away as she bit her lip, clearly trying to find something to throw back at him. There was nothing she could throw at him.

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “I want to, and so do you. Don’t try to pretend you don’t want this, Christy. Give in, live a little. I’m not going to stop. I’ll only stop if you tell me to and mean it.” Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he licked her cream, relishing the taste. “I believe my first meeting is at ten. Will you make sure the conference room is ready?” She nodded, and he watched her leave on shaky legs.

  Chapter Five

  Everyone had left the building, and Christy was exhausted. Drake was proving himself to be the wrong man to go up against as he fought to get the latest business deal on some printing company he wanted to add to his portfolio. She’d been sent out to get coffee as they were shouting.

  Being the only woman in the room she’d been glad of the reprieve. Her body was on fire with need. Ever since Drake had touched her that morning it had been impossible to concentrate on anything else. Watching him fight for his company was turning her on. Only last week she wouldn’t have dreamed of being aroused by him. The moment his dick had entered her, it was like she’d been awakened from the inside out.

  Her hands were shaking as she poured out the coffee. Taking several deep breaths, she picked up the tray, carrying it through to the conference room. She was shocked to find Drake sitting alone. His gaze was on hers.

  “Where are they?” she asked, placing the tray on the end of the coffee table.

  “Eric folded like he should have three hours ago. I’ve never met a more stubborn bastard.”

  She chuckled. “That’s a little like the pot calling the kettle black, right?”

  “Are you saying I’m stubborn?”

  “If you weren’t¸ we’d both be home by now.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “I always get what I want.”

  “Doesn’t stubbornness enter into it?”

  “Not from where I’m sitting, no. Come here.”

  Two words and all she wanted to do was rush toward him. “Shouldn’t I be going home?”

  “No, you shouldn’t. Is your pussy wet?”

  Licking her dry lips, she nodded.

  “I can sort that out for you. Why are you fighting still?”

  She didn’t know. Taking a step toward him, she took her time, rubbing her sweaty palms down her skirt.

  There was a small space between him and the table. Sliding in front of him, she gripped the edge of the desk. “What do you want me to do?”

  He reached out, brushing his fingers against the pulse in her wrist. “I want you to calm down. I’m not going to destroy you, Christy. If you really don’t want to fuck me then leave the room. We can still work together.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’ve never forced a woman to fuck me. I’m not going to start now. You’re dripping wet for me. If you really don’t want my dick inside you, then I’m not going to force you.”

  She frowned. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”

  “It’s simple. Do you want this, or do you want it to end?” he asked. Two fingers rested on her pulse. “I can think of a million reasons for this to happen, but I can only think of one that it shouldn’t.”

  “What’s that?” she asked, hypnotized by his touch.

  “You don’t want to. I want this, Christy. I’m not going to treat you any differently. I like you. You have my respect. Do you want this or don’t you?”

  This wasn’t a side she was used to. Drake took what he wanted, or at least he did in business. She couldn’t walk away from the job, but could she handle being near him and not having him?

  Saturday had been life-changing. He’d fucked her so many times that it had been a struggle to remember her own name. She ached in all the most delicious places. His touch was gentle. He’d not hurt her in any way.

  Reaching out, she took hold of his hands. Only for a moment she was tempted to walk away. She’d never gotten this personal with any of her previous bosses. Christy had crossed the line Friday night, and the whole of Saturday. There was no turning back now. What was the point in turning back something that she wanted?

  Gripping his hands in both of hers, she placed them on her knees just beneath her skirt. Staring into his eyes, she brought his hands up her thighs. Each inch of flesh he touched, the harder it was for her to breathe.
/>   She kept licking her lips as they dried quickly in the stuffy conference room. Three years she’d been in this room and not once did she think she’d be about to fuck the man who ran it. The skirt gathered up as he moved further up her thighs.

  “What do you want from me?” he asked.

  “I want this, Drake. Only this and to work for you.”

  “I can handle that.”

  Moving her hands out of the way, she left him to do the work. He pushed her skirt up around her waist. “Unbutton your shirt.”

  Biting her lip, she started to work open her shirt.

  He unsnapped her bra, pulling the material down her arms, onto the floor.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said.

  “I don’t need sweet or charming words, Drake.”

  “I’m telling you what I see.”

  Drake stood, pushing his pants down to his knees. His cock sprang forward. There really was no turning back now.


  Wrapping his fingers around his cock, Drake leaned down to lick around her nipples, sucking the hard buds into his mouth. Christy cried out, sinking her fingers into his hair. He was already rock hard.

  “I want those lips around my dick.” He pressed on her shoulders until she went to her knees before him. The sight of her semi-naked was almost his undoing. He closed his eyes, counting to ten to gain control.

  She caught his cock, pumping the length before covering the tip with her mouth. Christy sucked him inside, lathering the tip with her tongue. She swallowed down his pre-cum before working the whole of his dick into her mouth. When he hit the back of her throat, she pulled away to tongue the tip. She cupped his balls, teasing them at the same time she worked his length.

  Drake couldn’t look away as her lips took him inside.

  After several minutes he couldn’t take anymore. Pushing her away, he gathered her up, bending her over the table. She didn’t fight him as he ran his hands over the generous curves of her ass. Slapping the rounded globes, he loved the pink glow his blows created.

  “You’ve got such a spankable ass.”

  “That’s not a word.”


  He slapped her again for good measure.


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