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The Boss's Pet

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “What’s this?” he asked, sliding his fingers through her lips. “You’re soaking wet. You do love to be spanked, my little pet.”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “Why? You’re my pet, to use and play with.” He gripped the base of his cock, pressing the tip to her core. She cried out as he rammed home, going deep inside her. Christy opened her arms wide, gripping the edges of the table as he fucked inside her. There was nowhere for the table to go, and he could fuck her harder than ever before. He didn’t relent, gripping her hips tightly as he slammed within her.

  The walls of her pussy tightened around him, squeezing him. Staring down at his cock, he watched her pretty cunt open around him. She was still so incredibly tight.

  “I own this pussy, Christy. There’s not going to be any other man for you, do you understand?”

  He’d never made a claim on a woman and had never wanted to. There had been many times when he shared a woman with George, but the thought of anyone touching Christy filled him with jealousy.

  Wrapping her hair around his fist, he tugged her back. “Tell me who you belong to.”


  “Now,” he said, slapping her ass.

  She cried out, trapped between the unyielding table and his cock. “I don’t—”

  He slapped her ass again. “Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You. I belong to you.”

  Drake kept hold of her hair, slamming inside her, over and over again. He started to play with her clit. The moment he started to stroke her clit, she came apart. Her pussy got even tighter throughout her orgasm.

  The way her cunt squeezed him, he was unable to contain his own release. Thrusting inside her, he filled her with his cum. His hand on her hip tightened even further, and he knew she’d be bruised tomorrow when she got to work.

  Once the pleasure started to ebb away, Drake let go of her hair, stepping back to take a seat. She didn’t move, and he watched as his seed spilled out of her pussy down her thighs. Neither of them made a sound.

  Christy moved first. She cleared her throat, getting to her feet. He watched as she pushed her skirt down then grabbed her bra and blouse. Her hands were shaking.

  Standing up, he pushed his cock back into his briefs, pulling them and his pants up.

  He’d not gotten naked this time.

  She didn’t say anything, simply moving to the end of the table, putting the tray onto the trolley that the cleaners would remove tomorrow morning.

  Picking up the files, he followed her out.

  Most women would be all over him, cuddling, kissing, whereas Christy had yet to look at him.

  She walked slowly toward her desk, grabbing her purse.

  “What’s going on?” Drake asked.

  “Nothing. I’ll, erm, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She didn’t look back as she moved toward the elevator.

  Moving toward his computer, he turned the machine on, typing in the password to get into the security cameras. The sight of Christy standing in the elevator had him sitting back on his chair. She looked … scared, tired, sad. He’d just fucked her and had her screaming out in orgasm, yet it appeared as if she’d just been given awful news.

  Rubbing at his chest, Drake turned the computer off. He didn’t need to see her like this to know something was bothering her. They were crossing boundaries both of them had set up. Christy didn’t even like him.

  Usually, he didn’t care if women liked him or not, but he wanted Christy to like him. Clearing his throat, he pulled out her panties, checking them over. They were not overly expensive, but they were nice, pretty.

  Buying her underwear might help in her liking him? He didn’t know if it was possible for her to like him or if he’d fucked up.

  “What the fuck are you doing? It’s just sex.”

  Closing down his computer he made his way out toward his car. He lived in a penthouse apartment in the city. It was an expensive place to live but one he could more than afford.

  Christy hadn’t seemed impressed with the place when she’d last been by to see him. She was proving to be a difficult woman to please.

  Chapter Six

  For the next month everything passed by uneventfully for Christy at work. They were dealing with several takeover deals, but for the most part Drake was looking into the printing firm. He’d gotten Eric to agree, yet that was the easy part. Now it was drawing up the business side. When they were alone late in the office, he’d call her inside, and fuck her as if her life depended on it. The attraction and desire were still there between them. She didn’t know why he still wanted her.

  Even she knew they’d broken several of his world records for sexual relationships. A couple of times he’d tried to get her to have dinner with him or go to lunch, which she had refused. They were not in a real relationship.

  They worked together, they fucked, and she tended to go home, feeling ashamed of herself. She didn’t know how women were able to screw their boss without feeling anything. Tapping her fingers on the keys, she typed up the latest letter to send to his lawyer.

  “Christy, get in here,” Drake said, calling toward her.

  The first few weeks working for him, his ordering gained a lot of attention from their colleagues. Now, they continued on with their work, not giving either of them attention.

  Gathering the letters she’d already typed up, she entered his office.

  “Close the door.”

  Closing the door, she walked toward his desk.

  “Sit down.”

  His orders never changed. Taking a seat in front of him, she was careful in crossing her legs. He always gave strict orders for her not to wear panties. One day she’d disobeyed him, wearing them and refusing to give them to him. It had been a busy work day, and she just didn’t want to do what he asked. He’d made her pay that evening. Drake had bent her over his legs and spanked her until her ass was red and raw.

  He wasn’t a Dom into having a submissive. She’d asked him that, and he’d laughed. Drake didn’t have a playroom nor did he know the first thing about BDSM. He liked to spank and play, but he wasn’t into safe words.

  “Now, pet, are you wearing any panties?”

  “Stop calling me that.”

  “It’s what you are.”

  “I’m not a pet.”

  “Christy, are you wearing any panties?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not.”

  She looked out of the glass to see the office still working as if nothing was happening.

  “Did you get my gift?”

  He’d started sending her gifts the day after their … interlude in the conference room.

  “Yes, I got your gift. I can’t take them.” She’d returned every single one of his gifts from expensive lingerie to clothes to jewelry. They were all wasted gifts on her. She didn’t want or need them.

  “I want you to wear them tonight. When you get home you’ll discover a dress waiting for you.”

  “Drake, I don’t understand.”

  “We’re having a business dinner. I expect you to be there and to play the part.”

  “You’ve never needed me to be at business dinners before. What’s changed?”

  “I had other women in my life.”

  “I’m not the other woman.” Christy bit her lip, glancing down at the letters in her lap. “I’ve got these for you to sign.”

  “You’re the woman in my life, Christy. We’ve both agreed to be with each other. I’m not going to take another woman to a business meeting for you to read about it in the papers.”

  “I don’t care, Drake.”

  “I do care. What do I have to do to get you to do as you’re told?” He snapped each word out. Angered at his approach to her, she snapped back her response.

  “Stop sending me gifts. They’re crude and uncalled for.”

  “Really? I thought women liked receiving nice gifts.”

  “No, the women you’re used to like it. I’m not like those women. Stop trying to mak
e me into one.” She stood, placing the letters on his desk.

  He caught her wrist, holding her in place. “Why are you being so difficult?”

  “I’m not. You’re the one turning this into something it isn’t. I don’t need gifts. When you’re ready to end this, just tell me.”

  “What’s wrong with the gift?” he asked.

  His thumb stroked across her wrist, and her body betrayed her. Drake was right, she was his pet. The moment he stroked her, she was putty in his hand.

  Forcing herself to fight her reaction to his touch, she glared right back at him. “You sent me a bracelet worth three thousand dollars, Drake. That’s nearly four months of mortgage. I don’t go to expensive dinners, fancy restaurants, or premiers like you. An extravagant purchase for me is buying a cookbook.”

  This was getting them nowhere. The more they talked, the more annoyed she got.

  “Come with me to dinner and I’ll stop the gifts.”


  “Yes, you must wear what I purchased for you.”

  “I hope it fits,” she said.

  “It will. I checked out your dress size when I had you naked.”

  Heat bloomed in her cheeks. “You’re insane.”

  “You wouldn’t give me your dress size, and I needed to find it out.” He let her go and shrugged. “There’s another thing. We need to go to London in three weeks. Eric wants me to meet his partner.”

  “I’ll book you a plane ticket and hotel.”

  “Make one for yourself. You’re coming with me.”

  She wanted to argue, but it was work related. Nodding, she stepped out of his office, drained. They were fighting at every turn. Just once she wished she could relax, but that didn’t seem to be happening.

  Coffee would help with her exhaustion. Leaving the pile of letters on her desk, she made her way to the coffee machine. Sandra was humming to herself when Christy entered.

  “Long time no see,” Christy said, walking toward the coffee pot.

  “Hello, stranger.”

  Chuckling, she grabbed a mug from the cupboard.

  “How’s Mr. Brennan? He still working you into the ground?”

  “He’s working me.” Heat filled her cheeks as she thought about what he’d been working inside her just last night. They had yet to fuck in a bed.

  Fuck—it was such a horrible, yet totally apt, word.

  “Wow, I’ve seen that look before.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Is there a man in your life?”

  “Yeah and no,” Christy said.

  She was exclusive to Drake, and he promised there was no one else. At first she’d not cared if he fucked a whole harem of women. Over the past couple of weeks it had started to bug her. She had flicked through a women’s magazine the other day seeing an old picture of Drake with some model. Doubts had filled her. Why was he with her, fucking her nightly, when he could have his pick of women?

  “That doesn’t sound good.”

  “Sandra, do you think it’s possible for a guy who could have his pick of anyone, to want a simple woman?” Christy asked, trying her hardest to be tactful.

  “It depends on the woman and man. He may have fucked all the other women out of his system? The woman may mean something? Or there may just be a connection between them that neither can understand.” Sandra shrugged. “Attraction is a funny thing.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “My man, he could have any woman he wanted. He’s handsome, muscular, and so damned possessive, yet he picked me.” Sandra shrugged. “Some things are just not easily put into a box.”

  Sandra walked toward the door. “Christy?”


  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with your boss, would it?”

  “Huh, what? No, Drake, no nothing at all. I was just curious. I mean, I read that kind of storyline in a book. What do books know about attraction?”

  Sandra chuckled. “You need to get out a little more.”

  “No, I need to stop screwing my boss,” Christy said when she was alone.


  Pulling up outside of Christy’s house, Drake walked up to her door, and knocked. She answered a couple of seconds later. Her hair was curled around her, the length brushing across her dress. He’d picked her out a deep blue dress that molded to her curves, accentuating her full tits and hips. The dress went in, showcasing her hourglass figure. He sent a diamond necklace, earrings, and bracelet to go with the set.

  “I thought you’d have put up more of a fight,” he said.

  His cock was rock hard at the sight. She looked totally beautiful, even more so than he imagined. Christy didn’t look anything like his PA. Every womanly curve and attribute was on display.

  “I want to put up a fight. I just, seeing this I’m kind of nervous about where this business dinner is going to be.” She sucked her lips in, as she glanced down her body. “This isn’t me, Drake. Are you sure you don’t want to get anyone else?”

  Stepping closer, he cupped her cheek. “I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. You look breathtaking, Christy.”

  “This is going to seem odd to a lot of people. You usually take dates to these things.”

  Her nervousness was adorable. “I’m taking you, baby.”

  She smiled. “Let me grab my purse.” Christy stepped back from him to grab her purse. He waited for her to lock up her house before following him back to his car.

  Opening the door, he helped her into the passenger side, before rounding the car to climb behind the wheel.

  “I’ve got a bit of a confession to make,” he said, starting up the car.


  “We’re not going to a business dinner.”

  “What? Why not?”

  He pressed his foot onto the gas and locked the doors so she wouldn’t try to do anything stupid.

  “We’re going on a date.”

  “Wait, I didn’t agree to a date.”

  “You did. You’re in my car, and I made the reservation myself. We’re also booked into a room at the hotel.”

  “Are you completely insane? I’m your PA. People will talk.”

  “We’re going to an exclusive hotel that my friend owns. The chef is superb. We will not be disturbed.”

  He glanced over at her to see her hands locked together in her lap.

  “Why did you lie to me?” she asked.

  “You wouldn’t accept my gifts or my invitations for dinner. I wanted to take you out and treat you.”

  “This is what this is, treating me?”

  “Christy, I fuck you every chance I get in my office. If I could I’d have you sitting on my dick from the moment we walked in. I imagine you’d be upset for others to see you like that. I wanted us to be away from the office for once. Get to know one another.”

  “Do you want to get to know me?”

  “Yes. Why wouldn’t I?” He pulled up at a red light, turning to look at her.

  “I don’t know. I work for you.”

  “So you’re good enough to fuck but not to know?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You’re saying a hell of a lot just lately.”

  “I don’t know what I’m saying.” She pressed a finger to her temples. “It has been a long time since I’ve been on a date. I don’t know if I know how to.”

  “How long has it been?” he asked. Drake didn’t know if the women he took to dinner would be considered a date. Most of the time he listened to them talk about the latest trends, diets, and crap, while he checked his cell phone to see if there was any important business. The dinner was only there so that he could have an excuse to fuck them. This had to be different with Christy.

  “Over three years, I think. I’ve not really had the best experience with men or dates. It’s, erm, yeah, it hasn’t been all that great.”

  “Then I’m determined to make this a much better experience than the ones you’re used to.” The light turned gree
n, and he drove down the street. “We’re going to a French restaurant. It’s quiet, and we won’t be disturbed.”

  He’d never taken a woman there before and hoped not to have a run in now. The last thing he wanted was for Christy to be subjected to some of the bitches he’d fucked in the past.

  Why are you making the effort?

  Pushing his own questions aside, he concentrated on the road in front of him.

  “I wanted to say thank you, for the dress. It’s beautiful and kind of you to take the time and effort with me.”

  Chancing a quick glance at her, he smiled. “Anytime, pet, anytime. What was wrong with my other gifts?”

  Her cheeks bloomed a beautiful red at his question. “You didn’t think about them. You once told me that those kinds of gifts came without thought. I don’t want or need thoughtless gifts.”

  He understood perfectly. All he’d done was treat her like his other women when she was anything but. “I’ll keep that in mind, pet.”

  “Why do you call me pet? It’s not nice.”

  “I want to.” He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, determined not to make a fool of himself.

  For the rest of the drive they were both silent. Every now and then he liked to glance at her to see what she was doing. Her head was turned toward the window, staring out into the night.

  “I like looking at the city,” she said.


  “You hear such awful things about living in the city. Gangs, violence, rape, all of the bad stuff that should give everyone nightmares. Seeing it aglow just from ordinary lights makes me wonder if all the bad stuff is true.”

  He took hold of her hand, locking their fingers together. Drake wanted to comfort her in ways that he’d never comforted another woman before.

  Get a grip before you sound like a fucking pussy.

  He was really starting to believe that Christy was changing him. For the first time in his life he was thinking about someone and it wasn’t always about himself.

  Chapter Seven

  They were seated toward the back a little away from the window. Christy had never in all of her life been to such a beautiful restaurant. There was enough room between the tables so no one overheard what others were talking about. Candles adorned each table, and the lighting in the room was low to give a sensual glow. There were no overbearing lights cast from outside of the window.


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