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Overboard: Swingers Second Chance Contemporary Romance Novel

Page 14

by Moore,Mia

  “Glen, we weren’t alone. You know that right?” She whispered in his ear, running her hands along his back.

  “I know.”

  They held each other and started to giggle.

  Glen popped his head up and looked side to side up and down the promenade. “I hope they don’t complain to the crew, we could get in trouble.”

  “I don’t think they’ll complain. Thank God, they’re cool with it.” She grabbed his face and looked in his eyes. “Oh my God! We just had sex in public!” She looked like she didn’t know whether to shit or wind her watch.

  He snorted. “Yeah, I guess so… it was pretty hot, them watching us.”

  Through a giggle, Abby said, “Do we get another prize for six times in one day?”

  They both laughed.

  “Glen, I liked that.”

  “Me too. Sex with you is always great.” He started to get up when her hand stopped him.

  “No. I don’t mean that. It was being watched while we did it. It put me over the edge, made it hotter for me too.”

  “Yeah.” They were still for a few minutes, their breath and hearts resuming a normal rhythm, clutching each other when he started to laugh again.

  “What’s so funny?” Abby’s hands pushed against his chest.

  “Barry. We haven’t had this much sex in years. Still ready to kill him?”

  He could hear her and feel her body as she broke out laughing too.


  They strolled along the deck, on their way to their cabin when the lights and soft music of a jazz bar caught their attention.

  “Want to stop for a nightcap?” Glen paused in front of the bar.

  “Sure, but just one. I’d like to tour some of the Bahamas when we dock tomorrow.” Abby turned and entered the bar.

  A waiter met them and asked, “Good evening. Will you be staying in the bar or are you on your way to the playroom?” He smiled, revealing perfect dental work.

  “Maybe we’ll pop into the playroom and see what that’s like.”

  Abby’s head swiveled to look at Glen. Well, they’d said they might see that other couple. It wouldn’t hurt to wander through and then have a drink.

  “Enjoy yourselves. It’s right through that door,” The waiter gestured to the rear of the bar, “and there’re lockers and towels just inside.”

  “Thanks. We aren’t playing any sport, so we’ll be right back.” Glen held Abby’s elbow, steering her through to the door.

  “Well that’s odd. Why would anyone want to play a sport where you need lockers and towels, especially right after a huge meal?” She glanced at a corridor of metal lockers, and skirted the long bench next to them. Everything was so quiet, no balls bouncing or rackets clanging.

  They rounded the corner, entering a large dimly lit room. She glanced at Glen and then back into the room. Now she could see.

  There were groups of naked people scattered around the room on beds and they were… She sucked in her breath. They were having all kinds of kinky sex.

  “Glen?” She squeaked.

  Chapter 31

  He was staring slack-jawed as well, like a deer caught in the headlights.


  “We’re not in Black Rapids anymore, Abby.”

  There was a hand on Glen’s shoulder and an older man’s face appeared at his side.

  “I’m sorry, but you must undress before you are permitted in the playroom.” The man’s face was apologetic.

  Glen spun to face him. “What the hell kind of place is this? People are having sex, in public! It’s an orgy!”

  The man’s head tilted, his eyebrows high on his forehead. “Of course. What else would you expect on a swinger’s cruise?”

  “SWINGER’S CRUISE?” Her hand went to her mouth immediately. She hadn’t meant to say it so loud.

  She followed Glen and the host from the room. A swinger’s cruise? Glen had booked them on a swinger’s cruise. No, it was that asshole, Barry. No matter. What were they doing on a swinger’s cruise? They weren’t THAT kind of people. Okay, so they’d just had sex on deck when that other couple wandered by. THAT didn’t make them Swingers!

  Now what? Would people be coming onto them, expecting to have sex? No wonder Richard had checked out her chest in the restaurant. They’d invited Glen and her to go to the playroom. She’d just seen the playroom. It was an orgy! That Sherri and Richard wanted to have sex with her and Glen. Oh my God!

  Glen was trotting, dragging her through the bar, and only stopped when they came to the railing, overlooking the pool. She stood beside him and looked down. A woman was laying at the edge of the pool, legs spread and dangling in the water. Long dark tresses of a woman’s head were between her legs. Meanwhile the woman lying down was giving head to some guy.

  There were people at the other side of the pool having sex as well. She looked up at Glen and grabbed his arm, her fingers digging in.

  “WHAT THE FUCK? THIS is our romantic cruise? Oh yeah, romancing a couple of thousand passengers! WHERE’S AN ICEBERG WHEN YOU NEED IT!”

  Chapter 32

  “Admit it! I’ll keep tickling you until you do!” Barry’s fingers pressed into Claire’s waist, twitching and struggling to keep her within his grasp. His leg was over hers, pinning her bottom against his tummy.

  Her arms flailed, trying to escape the torture. “Stop! I’m going to pee! You’ve got to stop. OKAY! I liked it! There! Stop it!” Her eyes were slits above cheeks pulled back in laughter.

  “Liked what? Say it Claire. I want to hear you say it.” His fingers started another assault on her waist.

  “I LIKED WATCHING THE SWINGER PORN! Now stop!” She pulled away from him, her face still grinning. “Happy?”

  “You have no idea how happy I am right now, just being here with you, in my own bed again.” He pulled her close to him and kissed her lips gently. “I love you.”

  Her hand rose to the back of his neck, fingers idly playing with his hair. “And the sex was pretty good too.”

  “Awesome is more like it. Where’d you learn that little trick you did? You know the squeezing just when I’m about to come? No wait. It’s none of my business where you learned it. Actually I don’t want to know.” He tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear, his smile now gone.

  “It’s my kegel muscle silly. I exercise it whenever I can. I wasn’t kidding when you tickled me. I almost peed and had to run to the bathroom yesterday when Peter mentioned the cruise pics. The more I exercise it, the better control I get. It’s only when I laugh.”

  “So if I tell you jokes, I get a golden shower?” He edged sideways barely missing the blow of her hand.

  “Stop. I’m working on it and you didn’t seem to mind.” She pulled away and sat up, looking down at him. “I’m hungry. How ‘bout you?”

  “Starving!” He sat up and pulled her on top of him once more. “For you.”

  She looked into his eyes quietly for a few moments. “I’ve missed this. Being with you, playing and just being close.”

  “I know, baby, me too. I want to go back to the way we were before.” He stroked her hair with his hand, looking deep into her eyes. This evening had been great. Would she take him back?

  “We can never go back there. We lost something.” She looked away for a second and his stomach dropped. When she looked at him again, he saw…hope? “But I’m willing to try again.”

  “Oh Claire! Thank you. I love you so much.” He held her tight and rolled them both over so that he was on top of her. “There’s only you, from now on, baby.”

  Chapter 33

  “I’m sorry, Abby. I fucked up. This cruise was supposed to be just us, reconnecting.” He put his arm around her shoulder pulling her close to him. Below them at the pool, the odd moan or squeal drifted up as the couples continued their delights.

  He waited for her to say something. Forgive him? Yell at him? Anything. What was going through her mind? Did she want to leave? Catch a flight home tomorrow? God Abby, say s
omething. They stood together watching the couples below.

  “Actually, we’ve done that. As odd as this whole trip is, it’s the best sex we’ve ever had--and laughter. If I had to be on a swinger cruise, I’m glad it’s with you.” She leaned her head on his shoulder.

  “I know I haven’t been much of a husband to you for awhile now. It wasn’t you. I’ve always loved you. You’re still as sexy as you were in high school.”

  Her hand rubbed his back.

  “It was the job. For too long I let that little prick Carl get to me. But that’s over now. I almost lost you and you’re the most important person in my life.” He pulled her tight to him for a second.

  “I love you too.”

  The scene below them was really getting hot and heavy. The guys screwing women were pumping like steam engines while the women were crying out with pleasure. And now the red head and Richard wandered into the party, both completely naked. Sherri walked right up to the one woman who was doing it doggy style and started kissing her and playing with her boobs. Holy shit, it was hot.

  “It’s fun to watch this, isn’t it? I mean, it’s just you and me. No one in Black Rapids will ever know, right?” Her hand continued rubbing his back.

  “No one, but us chickens. And yeah, this is fun.” Fun! He was getting a chubby again! His hand drifted down from her shoulder, to her waist and then to her ass, rolling over the cheeks.

  She looked at him and smiled. “Stand behind me. Play with me while we watch.”

  No need to ask twice. He stepped behind her and reached for the front of her dress, pulling it up, out of the way. Hey…

  His other hand scooped the We vibe out of his shirt pocket. How do you turn this thing on? He fumbled with it, pressing all over the surface at random until it started humming. He slid it past Abby’s ass, reaching under the dress and up. God, she was wet. His hand at her front pushed the thin line of her panties aside, while his other hand pushed one end of the vibrator into her opening.

  “Oh Glen. That’s it. Press it right there, against my clit. Oh fuck, this is nice.” She hadn’t even kept her voice down!

  His head dropped to kiss her neck as he rubbed her with the instrument. Below them, Sherri was spread out, getting done by some guy and it wasn’t Richard. He was really pounding into her, making her boobs jiggle.

  She was bent over, hands clinging to the railing. “Look at all those people fucking down there Glen, just like you’re fucking me right now. And those people who walked by, they saw you fucking me. I liked that. You’ve got a big dick and I liked that people saw you fuck me with it.”

  Holy shit. He’d never heard Abby say stuff like this— and in public? Fuck that! He was masturbating her, right out in the open. People down below could see everything and the bar was only six feet behind him. Oh yeah. They were putting on a show and it was hot. He rubbed the vibrator against her faster.

  “That’s it baby. Fuck me harder!”

  Jeeze. She’d almost screamed it! People in the pool had heard it. A few of them looked up at him and Abby. He felt Abby’s body stiffen and then fall into his hand and arm.

  She panted for a moment or two. “Oh God, Glen, that was great.” Her hand reached between her legs to still his hand.

  “What’s that, number six?” Richard shouted up at him, grinning like a hyena.

  “Seven!” He pulled the vibrator away from Abby and held it aloft. “But I had help!”

  Chapter 34

  “Abby, are you almost ready?” Glen sat on the bed watching her finish her make-up.

  She watched herself in the mirror. Her skin was almost glowing. Was it the bit of sun she’d experienced or all the sex she was having? She finished putting lipstick on and turned, ‘striking a pose’.

  It was easy for Glen to be all ready and waiting. HE didn’t have to put make-up on or spend half an hour hemming a sundress. The bright yellow frock had been shortened from the demure, mid thigh length. Who knew what these swingers would be wearing on the shore excursion?

  Glen’s eyes roamed from the short hem and lingered on the scooped neck of the dress. Yup. The push up bra was holding the girls up and together, making her look really stacked. He gave a wolf whistle.

  “I’m not leaving your side today, especially with you wearing THAT around this group of people!” He got up and kissed her cheek.

  “You’re one to talk! Mr. Seven. Or is it double O seven? Should I call you James?” She looked up at him from under her dark eyelashes.

  “Bond. James Bond. C’mon Pussy Galore. Let’s go.” His hand slid under her dress to pinch her ass. “You ARE wearing panties, aren’t you?” His fingers slipped between the cheeks of her bum, searching.

  “G string.” She opened her legs. “Find it?”

  “Sexy.” He pulled his hand away and kissed his fingertips with a flourish.

  When they were outside, they noticed Sherri and Richard in the line-up of people waiting to disembark. Sherry was wearing a gingham halter top and micro mini skirt. She must have sensed Glen and her watching because she turned and waved when she saw them. Oh boy. She was dragging Richard out of line and coming their way.

  “Glen, Abby! How’re you doing?” Sherri put her hands on Abby’s shoulders and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. THAT was a friendly greeting. Was she supposed to kiss back?

  Now it was Glen’s turn for the kiss. When Richard approached, Abby reached up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. With his Pierce Brosnan eyes and bone structure it wasn’t hard to do. Besides, she was a fast learner.

  “I LOVE Nassau. The white sand beaches and the shopping! Wow. Have you two decided what you’re going to see?” Sherri looked from Glen to Abby, her blue eyes, sparkling with delight.

  “Well, we read about the straw market and the flamingo parade. We don’t see too many flamingos in Ohio.” Abby was glad that she’d read through the brochure while Glen was showering that morning.

  “Great! That’s what we were thinking of doing, isn’t it Richard?” She glanced at her husband who was flashing a brilliant smile. “Mind if we team up? We can get some great pictures that way. And we know a great spot for lunch. How about it?” She placed her hand on Abby’s arm and squeezed it gently.

  Her enthusiasm was infectious and Abby couldn’t help grinning. It could be fun to hang out with them, especially since they’d been to Nassau. “We’d love to. We haven’t done much travelling so it’d be good to go with you.”

  “Yeah. That’d be great!” Glen placed his hand on hers and gave it a tug.

  “I’m surprised you’re walking after your day yesterday, Glen. SEVEN times? My best day’s only been five. So is this your first cruise?” The line started moving forward and Richard fell into step next to Glen.

  Abby waited for Glen’s response.

  “Yeah. What a ship! So far, so good.”

  “Are there many clubs where you live? Ohio you said. Where in Ohio?” Richard’s question hung in the air for a moment before Abby turned to answer.

  “Black Rapids. By clubs…do you mean swinger clubs?” She could feel Sherri’s eyes on her.

  “Well yeah. What other kind of club is there?” Richard and Sherri shared a small laugh.

  “We’re not swingers.” Glen spoke quickly.

  “What? You’re on a swinger’s cruise, had sex seven times yesterday and you’re not swingers?” Sherri’s head dropped and her hand held her sunglasses down, looking from Glen to Abby with her blue eyes.

  “No. We booked it by mistake. It was a bit of a shock the first day, seeing everyone naked. But now…we’re kind of getting used to it. We’re cool.” Glen was trying his best nonchalant voice.

  Sherri and Richard began to laugh. “Oh my God, I would think it was a shock. You poor kids.” Sherri’s hand rose to Abby’s shoulder.

  “Yeah, this was supposed to be a romantic second honeymoon sort of thing.” She shook her head and was soon laughing too.

  “Well it HAD been romantic up until we found out everyone was swi
ngers. Now it’s just out and out horniness watching people have sex. I guess we’ve graduated to being voyeurs.” Glen spoke up.

  “Nuthin’ wrong with being a voyeur. Actually, that’s how Sherri and I started.”

  They were moving along in line, almost at the gangplank, the hot Caribbean sun shining down on them, talking about sex with perfect strangers, off handed, as if they were talking about the weather. This was a whole other world. And that’s how THEY started out swinging? By the end of this voyage, would she and Glen be swingers? They were a long way from Black Rapids.

  Chapter 35

  Oh fuck, what happened last night? One eye creaked open. Ow, the light. Eyes blurred and squinting he threw the covers back and sat up. This was not good. Easy. Is the stomach going to stay down?

  He eased his feet onto the floor and slowly stood up. So far so good. Holding his head to keep it from dropping to the floor he walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Images of the evening before flooded his brain.

  Peter Henkel, you are soooo dead. How had all those people got word of the party? There had to be fifty of them. That asshole Eric. He’d left just when things were getting warmed up. The girls had agreed to play strip poker and they were down to bra and panties when Eric just up and left. It HAD to be Eric who got the word out.

  He used the toilet and looked around. Oh God, the shower curtain was torn and hanging in tatters. He flushed and washed his hands purposely not looking in the tub. Plodding along the hallway, he noticed the guest bedroom door ajar and stopped. He opened it and peeked in.

  What the fuck! The box spring was propped up against the wall and the mattress was on the floor. Whoever had done that couldn’t just leave the bed the way it was? They had to make some sort of fort? He closed the door softly and continued walking.

  His parent’s bedroom door was closed. His hand went to the handle and tried it. Good, it was still locked. Thank God he’d had the foresight to close that door and lock it. There was no way, even when the party was small that he’d let anyone in there.


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