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Dirty Games

Page 8

by HelenKay Dimon

  Just as silence started to suffocate the room, Justin spoke up. “Why did you do it?”

  The money thing again. Some people Finn met were too into it. They sought him out in the hope of finding a payday. Others were ambivalent. A few even said it turned them off. Justin used it as a weapon. If you had money, he decided you weren’t worthy, and good luck climbing out of that hole.

  “We couldn’t sleep in the car.” When Justin’s expression didn’t change, Finn gave up trying to reason with him. “Jesus, what did you want me to do?”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about.” Justin’s voice stayed low, devoid of any emotion.

  The turn in the conversation confused the hell out of Finn. He didn’t mind a verbal battle, but he needed to know the damn topic. “Then what?”

  “The explosion.” Justin folded his arms across his chest but dropped them again two seconds later. “You dove for me. You protected me.”

  What the hell? He’d acted. Hadn’t thought it through at all. “Pure instinct, I guess.”

  “I was in the army. A sharpshooter. Dealt with the long hours of boring monotony and, worse, bursts of horrifying violence.” Justin moved closer until his knees knocked against the side of the mattress. “Do you understand what I’ve seen and done?” He shook his head as his eyes turned cloudy. He looked to be trapped in a memory that had nothing to do with what was happening in this room. “Look, Finn. I…”

  “Finish that sentence.”

  “Forget it.” He backed up this time. Moved away from the bed and inched closer to the door without turning to face it. “It doesn’t matter.”

  Finn didn’t claim to be an expert on human behavior, but he knew a lie when he heard one. “I think it does.”

  “You don’t get to walk around looking like that and being decent and playing the hero.” Justin waved his hand around as he talked.

  Whoa. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  Justin waved him off. “Just fucking don’t.”

  They couldn’t keep doing this. Whatever Justin had locked inside him needed to get out. Finn wasn’t sure how to help, but the close quarters forced him to try. “Justin.”

  “There has to be a bar in this place.” Justin spun around and headed for the door.

  Finn bolted around the bed, and the second Justin’s fingers touched the handle, he slammed his hand against the door, trapping them both inside.

  A mix of tension and heat radiated off Justin through his thin shirt. This close, Finn could hear his labored breathing and smell the soap on his skin and hints of smoke from the explosion in his hair. Rather than step away, Finn closed in. Let his chest rest against Justin’s back.

  He lowered his head and breathed in. Let his mouth linger just above the back of Justin’s neck. Finn’s hand slid down the door but he kept contact with the wood.

  “Look at me.” Finn heard the scratch in his voice. It sounded thick and mirrored his determination.

  Heat twisted between them, pulling their bodies closer together. Every argument for why he should stay away abandoned him. If the need was mutual, he’d never be able to back away.

  Justin balanced his forehead against the door. “Move your hand.”

  But Finn’s fingertips barely grazed the door now. Justin had to see that, had to know he could break away with one shove. That he didn’t told Finn exactly what he needed to know.

  Finn was done pretending. “If I do, I’ll put it on you.”

  Almost in slow motion, Justin turned until his back rested against the door and his gaze roamed over Finn’s face. “Do it.”

  Chapter 8

  He shouldn’t have said the words. Justin knew he should call them back. But that was never going to happen. Not when he stood just inches away from Finn, almost touching, so close to what he’d fantasized about for years.

  Maybe this is what they needed. A good hard fuck and then they could get back to the shipping and distribution issues. Work off the spark arcing between them, the one he once thought ran only one way, but now he knew better. Finn didn’t have a reason to fake an attraction, and not many people could make their pupils dilate on command, as was happening with Finn right now.

  The intensity of his stare. The rough breaths escaping those inviting lips. It all pointed to one thing—Finn wanted him. Maybe as much as he wanted Finn, though Justin doubted it. For him it was an inexplicable multiyear longing. One he’d tried to ignore, bluster and fuck away with nameless men, but still it lingered.

  While Justin’s mind whirled, Finn’s arm moved. Justin froze, afraid he’d stop whatever was about to happen, and that would have sucked, because Finn was not holding back. His fingers skimmed over Justin’s shirt, barely touching the material as they traveled from Justin’s chest to his collarbone. Those smooth fingertips brushed over the base of Justin’s throat. Lingered there.

  Justin never expected gentle. Hot, slam-against-the-door, drag-his-pants-down sex? Absolutely. He was all in for that. This was something very different, almost reverent. The slow, sexy torture made something flutter in his stomach, a sensation he couldn’t remember ever really feeling before. He chalked it up to anticipation, to the intake of breath before the serious touching. There wasn’t any other reasonable explanation.

  His heartbeat thudded in his ears. It was so loud Justin almost shook his head to block it out. But then Finn’s hand covered his and his vision blurred. The slip of skin over skin set off a frenzy inside him. His nerve endings jumped to attention and every cell craved more.

  “You’re playing a dangerous game, Finn.” The gravelly quality of his voice surprised Justin. He sounded so far gone. “Be very sure.”

  “Right.” Finn exhaled. “Because I’m your boss. I get it.”

  “Fuck that.” Justin slipped his fingers through Finn’s, entwining them and pinning their joined hands against his chest. “You aren’t forcing me to do anything. I know this isn’t a power play.”

  “Good.” Finn’s other handed landed on Justin’s hip. “But what do you think it is?”

  A seduction that was going to drop him to his fucking knees if Finn didn’t speed up. “I have no idea.”

  “You think I want to want you? Like this.” Finn freed his thumb and rubbed it over the slip of bare skin peeking out from under the open button at the top of Justin’s shirt. “Until I can barely concentrate on what you’re saying or put a decent sentence together?”

  Justin didn’t want to overanalyze, but…what the fuck? “You’ve been doing fine.”

  “Didn’t want to scare you away.”

  As if that were even possible. Hell, if he had known earlier about Finn and this concentration issue, he wouldn’t have spent one night alone in Morocco. But Justin still issued the warning. He needed this—whatever this was between them—to be honest and clear.

  “You should. I’m a bad bet.” Justin didn’t think he’d ever said a truer statement.

  “And I know one night won’t change how much you don’t like me.”

  Come on. “Don’t be stupid.”

  “Tell me what—”

  “Fuck this.” Justin swooped in then. Lowered his head and captured Finn’s mouth with his. Dumped them headlong into a fiery kiss that had their arms wrapping around each other and Justin’s fingers sliding through Finn’s hair.

  Justin’s back slammed against the door, pinned there by Finn’s weight. Hands toured over Justin, slipping down his sides then over his back. Fingers grabbed at his shirt, digging into his skin. At the pinch of Finn’s fingernails, Justin deepened the kiss.

  A grumbling sound wound up from his chest as his tongue tangled with Finn’s. The kiss was hot, almost desperate with need. Their hands traveled and they tugged their bodies closer. Justin felt the lift of his shirt and a warm palm against his lower back. Finn’s hand kept going. His fingers sli
d under Justin’s belt to the top of his boxer-briefs, and Justin ached for them to inch lower.

  All that longing, and wondering. All those years of wanting to taste Finn, to run hands over his body, down over that ass. To grab the backs of those impressive thighs.

  Every thought and every fantasy blinked out as the fresh air of reality crashed over him. Their mouths pressed together and their deep breaths mixed. He drew in the scent of Finn’s shampoo mixed with the heat of his body. One thought struck Justin: real life blew his dreams away.

  He finally lifted his head and pulled back, only to have Finn’s mouth chase his. His hands slapped against the door on either side of Justin’s head. Leaning in, Finn rubbed his body over Justin’s, making them both fight for breath through the drugging kisses.

  There was nothing subtle or sweet about this second kiss. The intensity matched the first. Every beat hungry and wanting, raw and pulsing with the need to push things further.

  This time Finn lifted his head first. But he didn’t go far. He rested his forehead against Justin’s.

  Justin closed his eyes because he didn’t want to see a that-was-good-enough smirk on Finn’s face or break the contact of their bodies. Not yet. So, he dragged his hands up Finn’s back, lifting his shirt and learning every inch of those defined muscles. For a guy who sat at a desk, or whatever the hell he did back at headquarters, Finn was fit and sleek. It was all Justin could do not to strip him bare and run his tongue over him.


  “Damn. Okay.” Finn blew out a long breath.

  The rush of air tickled across Justin’s cheek. It should have brought him crashing back to reality, but he stood there, balancing against the door and depending on the weight of Finn’s body to anchor him there.

  “Well.” Finn stroked his finger over Justin’s bottom lip. Slid the tip just inside.

  The simple touch forced Justin’s eyes open. Finn hovered above him, their bodies balancing against each other and their faces only inches apart. “I think it’s clear I like you just fine.”

  A sexy smile danced on Finn’s mouth. “Since when?”

  “Forever.” Why pretend? Justin didn’t see a reason to lie about this. The details and how long the feelings had dragged on were facts he’d kept locked inside. Some things were no one’s business but his.

  “I don’t…” Finn’s smile faded as his gaze searched Justin’s face. “Are you trying to tell me something?”

  “Forget it. All that matters is now.” And Justin believed that. There would be plenty of time for regrets tomorrow.

  “You’ve got to help me here. I’m on shaky ground. There are rules, or there should be.”

  No way was Justin going to let that lame work excuse stop them. If they both wanted this, and the bulge pressing against the front of Finn’s pants suggested they did, an office manual was not going to be the thing that had them backing away. “Forget the boss thing.”

  “That’s tough to do.”

  “Then I’ll help you.” Justin slipped his hand lower, under the band of Finn’s underwear and over bare skin. Then lower. He didn’t stop until he cupped Finn’s ass.

  “Fuck.” The word slipped out of Finn on a harsh breath.

  “That’s exactly what I want.” Justin was done holding back. Done pretending this was about stress or that any warm body would do.

  “An angry fuck.”

  “Any kind you’ll give me.” Because he was that fucking gone. He’d wanted this, with Finn, for so long. Ran through every position, touched him everywhere in his dreams.

  He’d never pined for anyone in his life. Never slept with one guy and pretended he was another. But the memory of that short initial visit from Finn never left his head. He chalked the attraction up to pure physical desire. A hot guy who was out of reach. The could-never-have-him part being what fueled the need. But now that he was touching him, so close to crawling into bed with him, he wasn’t thinking about anything but the man in front of him. Not the unrealistic fantasy. The actual man.

  “If you want to stop…” Finn’s hands slid down the wall, making a squeaking sound against the wood. Then they were on Justin’s pants, unbuckling his belt, tugging his zipper down. “Say it now.”

  No hesitating. Perfect.

  “I want your mouth on me. Me inside you.” He couldn’t be clearer than that.

  “Yes.” Keeping his fingers anchored in Justin’s waistband, Finn backed up, dragging Justin along with him, and didn’t stop until the back of Finn’s legs hit the edge of the bed.

  Justin didn’t say anything. He couldn’t, not when Finn’s hand was sliding inside his pants and cupping him. Not when he sat down, eye level with Justin’s length. Definitely not when he leaned forward and brushed his mouth over the front of his boxer-briefs, making Justin’s dick twitch and his hips dip forward.

  He groaned as Finn pushed his pants over his hips and slipped the front of his briefs down, releasing him. Finn’s hand and mouth were there. His lips covered Justin’s tip while knowing fingers closed over him.

  “Fuck, yes.” That’s all Justin could get out as he raked his fingers through Finn’s hair.

  Looking down, seeing the top of Finn’s head, feeling that wet mouth envelop his dick, it was every fantasy brought to life. For every time he’d closed his eyes and stared at the ceiling of his tent, letting his mind wander to Finn’s face, now he’d have a real memory.

  Finn wasn’t tentative or awkward. His hands moved with an expert’s ease. He shoved clothing aside without his mouth ever lifting off Justin. He licked around the tip and down Justin’s length. Sucked on him, squeezed him.

  “Jesus.” Justin forgot how to breathe. The air locked in his chest ached to get out.

  Without saying a word, Finn lifted his head. He glanced up with wet swollen lips and Justin’s heart flipped. He had no idea what that was about, but he refused to question the need pulsing through him.

  Finn leaned back on the bed. As his back hit the mattress, he let his hands fall palms up near his head. “What are you waiting for?”

  Finn’s deep voice smoothed over Justin like a caress. He felt the gruff tone go straight to his dick. And he didn’t wait. He nearly ripped the material as he tore his pants and briefs the rest of the way off.

  Next came the slow climb up the bed. He stripped his shirt off as he straddled Finn’s hips. He beat back the call in his head to stretch out on top of Finn and undress him. Justin debated every little thing he wanted to do to Finn, with him, then he moved up higher on Finn’s body, close to his head.

  Finn was under him now, his dick stiff and ready. His eyes flashing with raw need. Justin’s body begged for him to keep going, but he slowed things down. This he planned to savor. Finn’s experience seemed to match his own, which meant it could be a wild night. Since it might be the only one, Justin wanted it to last.

  Justin’s hand snaked down his body and over his length. Leaning in, he skimmed his tip over Finn’s lips. Traced the outline of his mouth and got dizzy when it opened, welcoming him.

  For a few seconds, they stayed that way, with Justin testing as he learned every curve of Finn’s lips. Around and around, dipping just inside, until Finn’s tongue darted out, swirling over sensitive skin. When he licked in short sweeps, Justin lost his breath. It clunked inside him when Finn’s mouth closed and he started sucking.

  The sound of Finn’s mouth. His hot breath. The tightening as Justin plunged deeper and Finn dropped his head back and took every inch. The sex was like the fighting—sexy and fiery. It knocked Justin off-balance and made him lower his defenses. In all his fantasies, he’d never dreamed it could feel like this.

  Finn slipped his hand around Justin, down to the back of his thigh. Finn pressed, bringing Justin in closer until he had to grab onto the elaborate backboard for balance.

  “Finn…” Justin’s
voice cut off and he fought to get it back. “Yes. God, please.”

  Finn continued to work his mouth, sliding over Justin. Caressed him with his fingers and tongue. Swallowed him then drew him out only to thrust him between his lips again. The steady rhythm hypnotized Justin. Dragged him under until his body shook.

  After a few minutes Finn lifted his head, breaking contact with a small popping sound. “There’s a condom in my bag.”

  The haze clouding Justin’s brain refused to lift. “What?”

  “Condom.” Finn rubbed his palms up and down Justin’s bare thighs. “Bag.”

  Shit. For a second there, Justin totally forgot. And he never fucking forgot protection.

  He had a thousand questions about why Finn had protection and when he’d put it there. All seemed relevant but not even a little important right then. Justin pushed them aside as he jumped off the bed.

  He was gone less than two seconds but by the time he got back Finn had his shirt off and his pants pushed down to the tops of his hips.

  Justin knocked Finn’s hands aside. “Let me.”

  He dropped the condom and a small tube of lube on the bed as he crawled over Finn. Justin wanted to take his time, savor this moment, but Finn opened the condom wrapper and that was it. The need to rip the rest of the clothes off Finn punched at him. Somehow, he kept his hands steady as he peeled Finn’s pants down. And when Finn lifted his hips to help, Justin hit record speed.

  Shoes thudded against the floor. The pants flew as Justin threw them. Then he was sitting in between Finn’s naked upraised thighs. The echo of his heartbeat hammered in Justin’s head as his gaze slid over Finn. The man was a fucking piece of art. A flat stomach and muscles that blew past a six-pack. The broad shoulders and his cock—thick and full. So ready.

  Justin tried to move but his brain misfired. He rocked back on his heels as his hands brushed up Finn’s thighs, pushing them toward his chest and opening him. A sharp pain cut across Justin’s palm from where the tube of lube pressed against his skin.


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