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Dirty Games

Page 9

by HelenKay Dimon

  He flipped the top and squeezed out what he needed. His fingers curled around Finn, skimming over every inch of his length, until his hips lifted off the mattress. Justin loved the reaction so much he squeezed Finn’s dick a little harder.

  Finn’s moan echoed through the small room. “Justin, now.”

  “So soon.” Justin kissed the inside of Finn’s knee. “I promise.”

  He needed them both on fire and aching with need. He slipped his finger, at first just inside Finn, then deeper. Finn pressed his legs tighter against Justin’s hips but that did not slow him down. He thrust his finger in and out, rubbing the lube over him, preparing him.

  Finn was tight but he didn’t show any signs of discomfort, so Justin added a second finger. Opening him. Forcing his movements to slow even more, to be gentle with this one part, Justin scissored his fingers. Curled one toward the front of Finn’s body and found that bundle of tissues. Justin swirled his finger over his prostate, added more pressure until Finn’s back arched off the bed.

  “Right there.” A moan rattled Finn’s throat.

  He kept moving. His fingers dug into the bedspread, grabbing fistfuls of material as his legs dropped open wider.

  The way Finn sank into his pleasure and didn’t hold back touched off something primal inside Justin. He couldn’t take much more. Not with Finn there, ready, begging for it with his body as harsh breaths had his chest rising and falling. When Finn’s head flipped from one side to the other and he let out a long, harsh breath, the last of Justin’s control crumbled.

  He slipped the condom on and grabbed Finn’s legs. Maneuvered their bodies until his tip rested against Finn’s ass. Then he pushed inside. One halting slide, going slow and letting Finn’s body adjust as his hips bucked and his mouth dropped open.

  Finn’s body clamped down on him. Those inner muscles tightened and caressed. Heat surrounded Justin, moved through him.

  “Yes…” The whisper escaped Justin’s lips before it could register in his brain.

  Justin wanted to thrust and move, but he couldn’t. Not right then, not at first. Inch by inch, Finn closed over him. His body tightened around Justin’s length and dragged him in deeper.

  That’s all it took. Justin’s breath hiccupped in his chest as instinct took over. His hips tipped forward and he pushed in and pulled back out. He watched in awe as sweat broke out along Finn’s pronounced collarbone and those sexy eyes closed.

  Their bodies fit together but Justin needed more. He insisted on taking everything Finn was willing to give.

  He pushed Finn’s legs back, doubling them against his chest. Justin’s palms moved from Finn’s calves to his knees and then over him, learning every inch, before one hand dropped down to rest on Finn’s stomach.

  He fucked Finn without hesitation. Long and hard. Steady as he savored each plunge. They stayed locked together as the room’s warmth wrapped around them. His hand slipped over Finn in a hand job that mimicked the way their bodies came together.

  The intimate touch had Finn’s eyes opening again. He stared at Justin as their bodies slapped together, as Justin pressed in closer.


  The feel of Finn under him, closing around him, pushed Justin right to the edge. He wasn’t thinking about how it could be or if it was forbidden by some archaic company rule. He was living it, reveling in Finn’s touches and the strangled noises sneaking out from the back of his throat.

  The bed creaked as the rhythm continued, fast, then slowed down until Justin’s body screamed for him to get them both off. He squeezed his hand around Finn’s length one last time and felt his body stiffen.

  Then Finn was coming. His muscles shook and his hands slid up and under the pillows by his head. He curled the edge of one closer to his mouth and stuffed the corner inside, biting down.

  Finn’s complete willingness to drop every wall and abandon every argument once they were naked crashed through Justin’s defenses. His body tightened to the point of snapping before finally letting go. The force of his orgasm stunned him. He slipped from holding onto the last thread of control to losing it. His body bucked and his fingers dug into Finn’s skin.

  One second Justin was on his knees, pumping into Finn. The next he was leaning forward, balancing his weight against the mattress as his body emptied. It was freeing, exhausting and exhilarating all at the same time.

  When the last pulses finally moved through Justin, his arms gave out. He had his hands propped against the bed to hold him up but the muscles turned to liquid. Gravity dragged him down until he lay on top of Finn. Then Justin stopped moving. He let their bodies rest against each other.

  After another minute, Justin turned his head to the side and put his ear against Finn’s chest. The rapid beating of his heart thundered there. Justin understood because that same out-of-control feeling coursed through him. Even now he panted, trying to draw in enough air to breathe.

  He couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. When Finn’s fingers caressed the base of his neck, all Justin could do was moan in satisfaction.

  “Damn.” Justin laughed at the awe he heard in his voice.

  “That’s what I was thinking. Do we need to fight for it to be that good?” Amusement filled Finn’s voice.

  Justin lifted his head and saw Finn’s smile.

  “I mean, I’ll do it if that’s what it takes.” Finn snorted.

  The dizziness came zipping back as he locked on the meaning behind those words. Justin had to open his mouth twice before he could get a word out. “You think this is going to happen again?”

  Finn’s eyebrow lifted. “You don’t?”

  Good question. Justin had no idea. He hadn’t thought one second past this moment. He’d assumed this was a onetime, knock-him-out-of-your-head thing. Now he didn’t know. “Not really.”

  “Maybe I’m just a few steps ahead of you on this topic, but I have faith you’ll catch up soon.”

  “You think you’re that good?”

  Finn laughed. “Not to brag but…”

  He wasn’t wrong, but it was that he sounded so…sure and solid even as Justin’s insides still shook. He experienced a blown-apart sensation that refused to leave him. A steady thrum of satisfaction ran through him but he knew he was tiptoeing through dangerous territory.

  He’d been fucked over before and had no interest in relationships. But Finn had been in his head for a long time…and Justin sensed that one fuck wasn’t going to be enough to kick him out of there. No matter how good it was.

  He decided to go with the practical issue. “First problem. You only brought one condom.”

  “You act like there’s only one way for us to play this game.” A huge smile lit up Finn’s face. “You have a mouth, don’t you? Hands.”

  Justin immediately felt lighter and more than a little turned on. “I’m starting to like your style.”

  “Good, because in about ten minutes I’m going to let you prove it to me.”

  Chapter 9

  They were back at the camp early the next morning after heading out of Tangier the second Moroccan security forces gave them the approval to go. Every minute since had been filled with answering questions from Alec via teleconference and checking on things at camp.

  All of Morocco seemed to be on high alert. They got lucky and no one was injured in the explosion except for some minor scrapes and burns. No group had taken responsibility for the truck bomb. Nothing else had happened. Rather than experience relief, Finn sat around as if an invisible doomsday clock ticked down to the next disaster.

  The juxtaposition of being so sexually satisfied while worrying about the people around him was an odd sensation for Finn. He’d had close calls before. In addition to the bombing in Germany with Justin, Finn once stepped off a plane only to find out it crashed later that day during another flight segment. He watched as their uncl
e stalked Alec, then tried to kill him, in a frantic ploy to hide the older generation’s underhanded business dealings. Finn dove in too late to stop Alec from firing the gun, and that act had stoked his reputation for being dangerous ever since.

  Things appeared calm today by comparison. A warm breeze wafted across the camp. People moved in and out of tents without any sense of alarm, as if they were accustomed to living on the edge of danger. Finn glanced across the open area just outside of the main administrative tent. The daily line of people seeking assistance with forms and logistics had died down. They all piled inside the tent and out of the beating sun, getting advice, help and food from Justin’s people.

  The operation ran smoothly when by every reasonable standard it shouldn’t. The camp sat in the middle of a political landmine. The number of people coming to the charity for aid increased daily. Their issues grew more grave and immediate. Now they had a shipment issue that could further endanger the people here.

  Somehow, Justin held it all together. With an iron fist, yes, but he never snapped. Finn hadn’t seen him be anything but decent to the people milling around him. He listened. He directed. For the most part, his only angry outbursts seemed to be aimed at Finn, and even those came in short attacks then disappeared.

  Despite their personal issues, Finn admired Justin’s ability to balance competing interests and keep people calm. It likely had something to do with the way he commanded any space he occupied. He spoke and people listened. People panicked over big and small issues and he never lost control. Never gave any indication that the big issues were big. A sense that he could handle any crisis seemed to follow him.

  That bone-deep confidence only added to Finn’s attraction. There was something about a guy who took control of the chaos and got things done. It totally turned Finn on. Justin’s impressive body and that face didn’t hurt either.

  And the sex. Damn, Finn hadn’t been prepared for that. Neither of them held back. After they used the one condom, they turned to more inventive ways to get each other off. Finn still could feel Justin’s mouth on him even though the sex had ended hours ago and they now stood fifteen feet apart.

  Despite the distance, heat flooded Finn as he watched Justin stand there with his hands on his hips. It was a quick whoosh of warmth that spread through him and left him shaking.

  He switched his focus to work to forget how good Justin looked without a shirt on. He was talking with two people Finn didn’t recognize from his previous tour of the camp. The man was a bit shorter than Justin but shared his former military, battle-tested look. He even wore a short buzz haircut, which struck Finn as practical as the temperature rose each day.

  The man was about forty and good-looking in a nonthreatening way. Brown hair, brown eyes. Not overly tall, not short. Nothing that stood out except his steady calm and larger than usual biceps. He smiled every time he looked at the woman by his side. She had short black hair and a toned runner’s body. Asian, and very pretty. She talked with her hands and the man seemed fascinated with every move she made.


  Justin motioned for Finn to join them. Since they had barely spoken a word to each other once they left the hotel bedroom, Finn wasn’t sure which Justin to expect. The hot, sexy demanding one who kept him up most of the night showing off a tongue expertise that should be illegal, or the aloof version that usually greeted Finn with an Are you still here? frown. Only one way to find out.

  Before Finn could say anything, Justin started the introductions. “Finn, this is Tyler Burns and Dr. Kit Asato.”

  “Hello.” Finn shook hands, still not clear on who they were.

  “Call me Ty.”

  “Yeah, we’re pretty informal.” The woman’s smile was warm and genuine. “I’m Kit.”

  “Kit runs the Open Hands charity.” Justin’s expression stayed unreadable as he spoke to the group. “Ty is her right hand. I think of him as her scheduler.”

  “So do I.” Ty laughed. “She’s the brains. I’m the logistics guy.”

  Finn mentally ran through the charity file. Ty had been in the field for years. He was considered an expert on logistics. If something needed to get somewhere, he knew the way to make it happen. “Right. Your group concentrates on providing medical treatment and vaccinations to the migrant population and anyone traveling through our camp who needs it.”

  Justin’s eyes widened. “Huh. You do listen.”

  “Sometimes.” But Finn really had paid attention to this topic. It was an informal partnership Justin had suggested to Alec after Doctors Without Borders left the area about four years ago, and it worked well. Justin teamed up with the medical-specific group to ensure the best care and to cut the costs of bringing on more doctors and nurses for the camp, since it was supposed to be only a temporary stopping ground.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you.” Ty shot Justin a quick glance then returned his focus to Finn. “We wanted to come over for a face-to-face once we heard you were paying us a visit.”

  Finn almost laughed. “A welcome. That’s not a reaction I’m used to getting around here.”

  “Really?” Ty asked. “I always appreciate the man with the wallet.”

  “Subtle.” Kit rolled her eyes. “Ty is constantly fundraising.”

  That didn’t offend Finn. He understood how this business worked. Ty and Justin were dependent on money sources, whether they liked the game or not. “I’m guessing that’s a big part of the job.”

  “It is when you don’t have a big corporation behind you.”

  “Okay, we all get it.” Justin frowned at Ty then turned to Finn. “Ty thinks I have it easy because I never have to fly somewhere to do the dog-and-pony show in a tux and beg donors.”

  Finn liked the image that put in his head. Not the begging…the idea of Justin in a tux. In anything, really. “I’ll keep that in mind if you ever ask for a raise.”

  “Nice.” Ty gave Justin a shove. “So, Finn, how long are you in Morocco?”

  At least he asked it in a nicer way than Justin and without the accompanying You should go now message Justin tended to telegraph. Finn preferred this approach. “Do you plan to hit me up for money?”

  Kit shook her head. “Of course not.”

  “Definitely,” Ty said at the same time.

  Finn raised his hands in mock surrender. “No need to lobby. I will happily write a check.”

  All the color left Kit’s face. “That’s not—”

  “It’s okay.” Justin put a hand on her arm. “He can afford it.”

  There had to be more. Justin rarely let his comments about money stop there. Finn waited for the punch line but it never came, so he switched topics.

  “I’m sorry about the recent shipment mix-ups.” Finn ignored Justin’s glare and broached the subject as carefully as possible. “We had some trouble with transit.”

  “I thought you used Billy White?” Ty asked Justin.

  Justin shook his head. “It’s not on his end.”

  “We think it was an oversight, but I know some of the supplies that we normally trade to your group for services went missing.” Finn remembered the report and Justin’s figures and tried to present all of it in an it’s-no-big-deal way to see their reaction. “We will, of course, make up for any shortfall.”

  Confusion showed on Kit’s face. “Justin already did that.”

  Now, that was interesting. Finn didn’t remember seeing that in any report, secret or not. “Did he?”

  Justin’s mouth flattened. “I thought I told you that, boss.”

  There it was. The gruff tone Finn had come to expect. “I’m sure it was buried in a report somewhere.”

  But for Finn the bigger question was how Justin managed to conduct work on the side, make up for shipment shortfalls and run the camp. The man had multitasking down cold.

  “We’re g
oing to check on the medical tent.” Kit shifted as if she were going to step away, but at the last minute she turned to Finn. “Did you want to come with us?”

  Finn’s mind wandered back to the comments Rania made the first day about Justin and his “side” work. Finn had ignored the questions he needed to ask for long enough. It was time to confront the issue head-on. “I’ll join you a little later. I need to talk with Justin for a few minutes about a camp matter first.”

  “We’re off.” Ty waved and then they were walking away, toward the medical tent.

  “They’re sleeping together.” Finn had meant to think the comment and not say it, but it was out now.

  Justin crossed his arms over his chest and watched the pair walk away. “Because he looks at her like a lost puppy?”


  “I think it’s been going on for a few months. She was married to another doctor stationed here, but he couldn’t hack it and left.” Justin stepped in front of Finn then, blocking out his view of the rest of the camp. “But who gives a shit. We’re sleeping together and it doesn’t mean anything.”

  The words slammed into Finn. Hit him right in the gut. He guessed that was the point but he grabbed onto the front end of the comment anyway. “You’re admitting it was more than a one-night thing?”

  For a second Justin just stood there, staring at Finn with an impossible-to-read expression. No anger but no lightness either. More like he was studying his prey. That’s sure how it felt to Finn.

  Without warning, Justin dropped his arms to his sides again. “I think we need to have a talk in my tent.”

  “After you.”

  But Justin was already gone. He practically stomped around the administrative tent and headed for his private one.

  Justin barely waited for the tent door to close before launching into the conversation. “What was that shit about Billy?”

  Okay, not what Finn expected. They bounced around from personal topics to work topics almost as fast as Justin’s mood shifted. But this subject Finn could handle without trouble. “Me doing my job. You keep forgetting why you called me here.”


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