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Dirty Games

Page 18

by HelenKay Dimon

  The hug was fierce yet loving, warm yet not confining. Justin’s hand rubbed up and down Finn’s back. The other one slipped into Finn’s hair. Chest pressed against chest. Their bodies met from shoulder to thigh.

  There was nothing sexual about the touch. Justin provided rock-solid relief. Finn let his body sway and Justin shifted from foot to foot with him. Finn didn’t fight any of it. He inhaled, giving up his balance and letting Justin support his weight.

  After the fight and all the bad feelings between them, Finn knew he should say something. Maybe even volunteer to answer a few questions in the hope of smoothing things over. But he didn’t because all he wanted was to stay locked in Justin’s arms, quiet and safe. Nothing had ever felt this good, this life-affirming.

  After a few minutes, the sounds of the night came floating back. The ticking the light above the stove made when it was turned on. The hum of the refrigerator. The soft thud of feet on the staircase next door.

  Justin leaned back just far enough to rest his forehead against Finn’s. “We need to get you upstairs to bed.”

  The memory of what Justin could do with that mouth and the way he liked to skim his hand down Finn’s chest and over his stomach didn’t have its usual electrifying effect on Finn. Even ignoring the shaky ground between them, he could barely keep his eyes open. “The body is out of gas.”

  Justin laughed as he pulled back a bit further and looked at Finn. “Bed, as in sleep.”

  That sounded so domestic. Like something a partner might say. Real boyfriend talk. Finn was afraid to bring that up and crush the moment, so he played along.

  “I have to get through a shower first.” Finn sniffed. “I’m pretty sure I smell.”

  “Then let’s get you out of these clothes.” Justin stepped back. Didn’t break contact but put a few inches of breathing room between them.

  “Justin.” Finn tightened his hold on Justin’s forearms as he moved. A new group of memories hit him. One after the other, and none of them were pleasant or even worth remembering. “You don’t have to—”

  “Don’t finish that sentence.”

  Justin put his arm around Finn. His hand fitted against the side of Finn’s waist, taking on most of Finn’s weight. He closed his eyes as they pivoted and headed for the stairs.

  The climb hurt, but then everything did. Lifting his hand, clunking his feet against each step. The overload of fatigue likely came from a mix of adrenaline burn-off and his brain wanting to shut down after all the violence and confusion. Intellectually, Finn knew that, but he couldn’t make his muscles function any better.

  He gave up the struggle and let Justin lead. He had them upstairs with the shower running in a matter of minutes. Finn leaned against the cool tile of the bathroom wall, watching Justin work.

  He grabbed a folded towel and tested the water twice before turning to Finn. “We need to get you undressed.”

  “I can do it.” But Finn didn’t move. It was as if his thoughts and actions refused to line up. The signals from his brain kept misfiring.

  Justin smiled. “It’s okay. I want to.”

  All that anger from before, the fights they had about…hell, Finn couldn’t even remember. His thoughts dissolved as Justin tugged the shirt over Finn’s head. The move was unexpectedly gentle. It didn’t match the frenzied race to strip that had occurred every other time they came together.

  Justin skimmed his fingers over Finn’s shoulder injury. Peeled the bandage off and frowned at the bruising and puckered skin underneath. Finn’s breath caught in his throat when Justin dipped his head and placed a soft kiss along the edge of the wound. The gesture was so sweet, so unlike the rage-filled lecture of a few hours ago.

  Finn grabbed onto Justin’s waist. He didn’t have a plan for what to do next. He just wanted to touch Justin. “We should…”

  “Shower.” Justin’s gaze locked on Finn’s. “That’s all we’re going to do.”

  Finn stared at Justin, looking into those amazing eyes, the mix of blue and greenish brown. An unexpected feature on a complex man. Justin stared back as he unzipped Finn’s pants and pushed them down. Dropped to one knee and peeled Finn’s clothes off until he stood there naked.

  Justin checked the water one more time then looked at Finn. “Get in.”

  Finn stepped inside but then a sudden unreasonable fear moved through him. “Where will you be?”

  He was fine alone. In fact, he’d expected to handle tonight all by himself. But Justin was here now, and they weren’t engaged in battle, and Finn just wanted the peaceful moment to continue.

  “With you.”

  With his brain still fuzzy and exhaustion dragging every movement, Finn wasn’t sure what that meant. He wanted to ask but then the hot spray of water hit his hair. He dropped his head, letting the steady stream drum into the back of his neck.

  Steam rolled up around him. The scent of eucalyptus filled the glassed-in space. The soap provided by the villa. Not his favorite scent but it revived him a bit now. His body tipped forward as he lost his balance. He slammed a palm against the wall to catch himself. As he did, strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind.

  Finn looked down and saw those expert hands resting on his stomach. Felt the weight of Justin’s body against his back.

  “I’ve got you.”

  The rough scratch of Justin’s voice echoed in Finn’s head. He closed his eyes and let it bounce around in there. Savored it.

  “We’re showering together.” An obvious thing to say, sure. Finn didn’t care. He watched the water race down his legs and spin into the drain at his feet. Their feet. That’s when he realized Justin had stripped down, too. “You’re naked.”

  Finn turned around. His gaze roamed over Justin’s broad shoulders, taking in every inch of his bare skin.

  The hot water continued to rain down as Justin soaped Finn’s chest and shampooed his hair. Justin’s hands touched everywhere, gentle and caressing. When Justin’s palms rubbed over Finn’s ass, Finn’s dick twitched.

  “Nope.” Justin used a washcloth to wash Finn there and his dick twitched again. “Not tonight.”

  The words should have been a relief. Finn didn’t have the strength. Hell, he couldn’t even stand up on his own. But the idea of getting lost in Justin’s body, in the feel of his hands, sounded so inviting.

  “We could—”

  “Bed.” Justin reached behind Finn and turned off the shower.

  A cool draft blew over Finn. Before he could shiver, Justin wrapped a thick white towel around his waist. Used another to dry his hair then his body. The intimacy, so simple and so pure, wiped away the anger that had gone before. Finn wanted nothing more than to fall into bed and drift off to sleep. His body, his mind, craved it.

  Before Finn could say anything, Justin maneuvered them to the bedroom. The towels dropped to the floor as he peeled back the sheet and blanket. Finn didn’t hesitate, just crawled in. Almost immediately his eyes started to close, but he forced them open again. His arm shot out and he grabbed Justin’s hand where he stood completely naked beside the bed. “Don’t leave.”

  “I won’t.” Justin slipped in beside him.

  Finn barely gave Justin a second to adjust before moving. He wrapped his body around Justin’s. Threw his leg over Justin’s and rested an arm on his chest.

  “Perfect.” Finn heard the whispered word and wasn’t sure which one of them had said it. It didn’t matter, since it was true.

  * * *


  Sunlight streamed through the crack in the curtains early the next morning. Justin opened his eyes. It took a second to adjust to the unfamiliar surroundings. The bigger bed. The clothes piled in the doorway to the bathroom.

  His arm ached from not moving all night, from being a pillow for Finn’s head, but the pain of pins and needles was worth it. Justin’s gaz
e moved over the man curled into his side. That perfect face, even sexier when relaxed with sleep. The soft brown hair that begged to be touched. Traveling down, he spied the shoulder. The injury that would leave a scar but was healing. And down that incredible arm, with its dips and valleys from the outline of his sleek muscles.

  “Good morning.” Finn’s voice sounded low and growly as it vibrated against Justin’s chest.

  His hand slipped into Finn’s hair without thinking. “Go back to sleep.”

  Finn lifted his head and his gaze searched Justin’s face. “I’m not tired.”

  It was the way he said it. His voice started a slow revving inside Justin, but he clamped down on it. “No.”

  “Really?” Finn’s hand skimmed over Justin’s stomach then dipped lower.

  Justin caught Finn’s fingers just in time. “You were so tired last night you were slurring your words.”

  “I feel good today.”

  “Really? Because someone tried to kidnap you. That kind of thing would throw most people off, at least for a day.” Justin could not get that fucking detail out of his head. He’d spent hours watching Finn sleep last night. Brushed his fingers over him as a reminder that he was not bloodied and broken.

  Finn pushed up on an elbow. With their legs entwined, their bodies still touched. “I’m safe.”

  “For now.” They needed to talk about that and whatever happened with Billy. Run through the danger and why it all seemed to center around Finn since he got here. The shipment issue had morphed into an attack Finn issue.

  Justin opened his mouth, thinking to start the uncomfortable conversation, just as Finn lowered his body. Slid right on top of Justin and placed a line of kisses along his jawline.

  It took a second for Justin to remember how to put a sentence together. “What are you doing?”

  Finn laughed. “Do I really need to spell it out for you?”

  “Hey.” With his hands holding Finn’s arms, Justin pushed up. Not hard but enough so he could see Finn’s face. “You’re injured and you’ve been attacked and…”

  There was more. Lots more. But Justin couldn’t remember any of them because Finn was kissing him. Dipping his tongue into Justin’s mouth, exploring and flirting in a kiss that blocked Justin’s defenses.

  When Finn finally lifted his head, Justin’s breath hitched in his chest. Seeing Finn above him, wearing that sunny smile, filled in some of those dark spaces Justin had thought would never see light again.

  He tried one last time to be reasonable. “You should rest.”

  But his palm slipped over Finn’s cheek. When he leaned into the touch, the simple gesture broke Justin. Stripped away the walls. Pummeled every last argument for staying apart and keeping his distance. Brought a crushing wall of guilt crashing down on him for all the shitty things he’d said.

  He swallowed, trying to find the right words. “What I said to you earlier.”

  “It’s forgotten.”

  That wasn’t quite the right answer. Justin needed Finn to understand that his anger and frustration were from a combination of many things, some of them not entirely fair to Finn. “I lost people four months ago, Finn. An investor came in with all these big plans, and after the shooting stopped, two good men had lost their lives.”

  “Shit.” Finn sobered a bit. “I didn’t make that connection.”

  Justin didn’t want Finn’s guilt, but he did need him to get this one point. “Admittedly, I’m sensitive on this subject. Lots of people with big ideas and big bank accounts come into camp. Many mean well, but more often than not, they don’t end so great.”

  “Understood.” Finn’s voice stayed low and calm. “But do you get that I’m not just another guy?”

  Only too well. “I do.” He sighed, hating this next part. “And if I’m being honest…the attack four months ago wasn’t the only reason I was ticked off.”

  Finn nodded. “I overstepped.”

  It would be so easy to let it go there. The idea of retreating appealed to Justin. It would be clean and they could gloss over the fight. But looking at Finn’s face, seeing the genuine concern in his eyes, convinced Justin to keep pushing.

  “I was pissed and…” How did he say it? It was so hard to explain the years and the dreaming. “I was trying not to…get close.”

  Finn kissed his way down Justin’s neck. “You were angry I stepped on your turf.”

  God, it was so much bigger than that. “Okay, yeah, but—”

  “Justin?” Finn lifted his head. “I’m going to roll onto my back and you’re going to get inside me.” His eyebrow lifted. “Understand?”

  With that, Finn slipped his hand between their bodies and wrapped his fingers around Justin’s length. His cock twitched and grew under the firm touch. All thoughts of stopping this to talk flew out of his head. That minute, right there, this was all he wanted. After the worry and panic, he ached to bring their bodies together. And when he looked into Finn’s eyes, Justin saw the same desperate need mirrored there.

  He wrapped an arm around Finn’s waist and held him close as he flipped them over. Careful not to touch Finn’s shoulder or put too much weight on him, Justin balanced his body over Finn’s and looked down at that sexy, inviting mouth. “You’re going to tell me if anything hurts.”

  “Are you saying you’re going to be gentle?”

  “Damn it, yes.” He could do that. Show Finn with his mouth and his fingers how important he was. He wasn’t ready to tell Finn how much he meant to him. Justin doubted he’d ever be that comfortable, that defenseless, but he could give Finn this.

  Finn’s hands dropped to his pillow on either side of his head. “I’m yours. Enjoy.”

  Justin had never wanted anything to be true as much as he wanted that.

  He went to work. Traced his fingers over every muscle. Trailed his tongue across Finn’s nipples, playing with them, teasing them, before moving lower. Kissed Finn’s stomach. When he hissed and those muscles tightened, Justin did it again.

  He took his time. Gave every impressive body part the attention it deserved. Then he slipped his mouth over Finn’s tip. Swirled his tongue as his hand pumped up and down. Finn’s back arched off the bed but that only made Justin work harder. He took Finn deep into his mouth. Sucked and caressed. Had Finn tight and full, with his fingers digging into the sheets, after only a few minutes. And when he deep-throated him, took in every inch, Finn lost it.

  “Justin…damn.” His fingers slipped into Justin’s hair and his thighs clamped down on Justin’s shoulders.

  Justin didn’t let up until Finn came. Until he drained every ounce of energy out of Finn and had him lying boneless and panting on the bed.

  His turn.

  Getting to his knees, Justin looked down. Let his gaze travel over Finn’s exhausted body and smiled because Finn looked wiped out, but in a good way. “You still want me inside you?”

  Finn’s arm slipped up the bed. The back of his hand knocked against the stand next to it and he pulled on the drawer. After feeling around for a second he took out a condom and handed it to Justin. “Impress me.”

  “Challenge accepted.” Justin put the condom on in record time.

  “I should make you work for it.”

  “I’m willing.” Justin pushed Finn’s legs open wider and crawled up his body until their chests met and their lips hovered just inches apart. “You’re worth it.”

  “Less talking. More fucking.”

  When Finn’s hand wandered down Justin’s body and his finger slipped between his ass cheeks, Justin’s control vanished. His body, already running on low reserves, exploded into action. He pressed his tip against Finn’s opening. Used the lube Finn had dropped on the bed to get them both ready. Rubbed it over Finn, inside him, getting him slick and ready.

  Through all the foreplay, Justin wanted to p
lunge and thrust, to take over. But he held back. He inched his way inside Finn. Slow and steady, he pressed forward until Finn thrashed around on the bed.

  “God, do it.” Finn grabbed onto the back of Justin’s thighs, as if trying to pull him in deeper and all at once.

  Justin prolonged the sensual torture. He promised gentle, he wanted loving, and Finn would have both. When Finn’s shoulders lifted off the bed, Justin eased them back down again. “Patience.”

  “You’re killing me.”

  “We can’t have that.” Justin slipped inside him then. Fully, giving Finn’s body time to adjust.

  His inner muscles clenched around Justin’s length. He could feel the pulsing in Finn’s body. Finn trembled under him and Justin’s muscles shook from the force of holding back. By the third stroke inside Finn, Justin lost it. The orgasm shot through him, surprising and overtaking him. He wanted it to last, to savor it, to bring them both right to the edge, but they’d passed that invisible point of no return.

  Justin’s body bucked and Finn used his hands to soothe him. He touched himself, ran his palms down the sides of Justin’s legs. Justin felt tossed around and churned up inside. Pleasure soared through him as his body emptied. When the pulses finally stopped, he lowered his weight onto Finn. Enjoyed the friction of skin against skin.

  “I told you I felt better.”

  Justin wanted to say something clever but all he could do was laugh. “And now I do, too.”

  Chapter 18

  Later that morning they headed over to visit Rania and Karim. Finn and Justin hadn’t said much to each other since showering this morning, which was fine with Justin. Last night had been about Finn. Taking care of him, being reassured he was fine. This morning was about getting back on track…or something. Justin wasn’t completely sure, but when Finn took over in bed and made demands, the knotted-up, twisting sensation inside Justin eased.

  The good news was, he hadn’t completely fucked up. Yet.


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