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Dirty Games

Page 19

by HelenKay Dimon

Justin and Finn stood across from Rania at the small breakfast bar that separated the kitchen area from the living area. This villa mirrored Finn’s except it was narrower and decorated in splashes of red. It had a more closed-in feeling because it wasn’t an end unit.

  “How is he?” Finn asked as he balanced his palms against the bar.

  Rania sighed. “Shaken. Sore.”

  The news sounded positive. Exactly the same as it had been when they went to bed. But Justin had other thoughts in his head. “What exactly happened at the gate?”

  Justin could feel the heat of Finn’s stare. Justin had to ignore it. Had to get through this and eliminate Karim from suspicion, if possible, because he was always with Finn. He had unfettered access.

  It took a few seconds for Rania to answer. It was as if she were playing the scene in her head even though she hadn’t been there. “He didn’t see the men pile out of the truck.”

  Finn shook his head. “Neither did I.”

  “He feels responsible.” Rania blew out a longer breath this time. She walked around the edge of the counter and into the living area. Then she stopped right in the middle of the floor and turned around to face Finn. “I should have been there. If I had let someone else check the villa, then both of us could have handled the attackers.”

  “You both did your jobs,” Finn said. “He saved my life. He managed to maneuver the car out of a tight spot even after getting shot.”

  Rania rolled her eyes. “The villa management people aren’t happy.”

  Finn waved that concern away. “I’ll cover any damage.”

  “Is that the point?” Justin didn’t care about the money. He’d negotiate with the owner, if necessary. He cared about Finn being vulnerable and almost abducted.

  Finn frowned at Justin. “It’s not coming out of Karim’s paycheck.”

  “Of course not.” Justin heard Finn’s disapproving, tread-carefully tone. Heard and ignored it. He glanced at Rania. “Can we see him?”

  “He’s in the shower.”

  Justin had missed the noise but he heard it now. The obvious sound of running water. He remembered the early hour and realized Karim likely had had a rough night. The shower made sense but Justin wished Karim were available to talk.

  “No problem. We’re going to head back to the camp.” Finn shot a look that suggested he not disagree.

  Rania nodded and headed for the stairs in a rush. “I’ll get him and we’ll—”

  “You two are staying here.” There was nothing harsh about the comment but Finn stepped in front of her as he said it. “I’ll see you tomorrow, if he’s up to it.”

  “That’s not our understanding.”

  “It is today.” Finn gestured toward the top of the steps. “Keep him in bed and recuperating. That’s an order.”

  Rania’s mouth almost curved into a smile as she opened the front door for them to leave. “Yes, sir.”

  The stress, the worry, it was all right there on her face. Justin could see it, read it. She kept her responses professional and clearly wanted to dive back into work. It looked like she planned to fight about that until Finn made it clear they had today off, like it or not.

  Justin knew it was the right solution, even though he didn’t like it because it meant putting off getting answers by at least another day. But he followed Finn out the front door.

  They walked down the path, nodding hello to Nabil, who stepped back to give them room and privacy. Then he went to the door and started talking with Rania.

  Finn stopped after a few steps. His voice stayed low, almost at a whisper. “It’s not them.”

  “What?” But Justin knew what he was talking about. Finn didn’t have trouble following along. He must have known Justin wanted to dig into Kamir’s choices and double-check his story.

  “You were running through the list of suspects in your head. I could almost see the wheels spinning up there.” Finn’s voice changed, morphed into a mimicking tone. “Who knows Finn is here and why?”

  Damn right. “They are likely suspects.”


  The answer was obvious. Justin didn’t know how Finn didn’t see it. “They are always with you and you’re still getting injured.”

  “You know about their background but are trying not to mention it.”

  Justin didn’t find the information all that telling. “They lost their parents young. They were political activists who were rounded up by the government and disappeared.”

  Finn crossed his arms as he took a quick look at Rania and Nabil. “I see you’ve been reading Alec’s file on them.”

  The file left one unanswered question. “How do they go from that upbringing to being in the military?”

  “They were raised by relatives who were either in special forces or closely aligned with them. They eventually got out of the military because they wanted a different life. I know that because we’ve talked about this during our drives.” Finn leaned in closer. “And, for the record, Rania was the one who told me about your side career helping people in crisis. She’s a fan of yours.”

  Well, shit. It wasn’t that Justin wanted it to be them. Karim was just the most likely answer since he had near-constant access to Finn. He had been steps away from Finn during every incident, meaning he knew where anyone who wanted to attack Finn could find him.

  But that didn’t make him guilty. Justin wasn’t one to make false accusations. He knew how a life could be turned upside-down. “Are you trying to make me feel like an asshole?”

  “Is it working?” Finn smiled. “Honestly, if Karim wanted me dead or taken, it would have happened yesterday. He really did save me.” Finn’s smile disappeared as quickly as it came. “The attack proves this is someone else.”

  “It’s time we find out who.” Justin remembered the angry call he received yesterday. “Is that why you picked a fight with Billy?”

  “I asked to meet with the man.” Finn winced. “If that makes things start moving, panics someone, good.”

  It was as if he wanted to be attacked. “Have you lost your mind?”

  Justin was terrified for Finn’s safety. He doubted he’d sleep a single night while Finn was in Morocco and the shipment and attack issues remained unresolved.

  “Trust me.”

  “I’m trying.” And Justin was pretty sure Finn had no idea what a big deal that was.

  They made it back to the camp a short time later. Rania had issued orders to Nabil and his team. Finn picked up something in their talk about radios and wanted a status check. It was clear Rania didn’t intend to rest today. She was staying connected and calling the shots from miles away.

  That made Finn smile. It also convinced him that he was right about Rania and Kamir. Their dedication and loyalty were unmatched. They knew the area and the players but they had nothing to do with the attacks.

  Someone was coming after him because he was investigating the shipments. He thought about the people who knew he was there to dig into the details. The group was small, which led him right back to Billy.

  They walked into the main tent. It was abandoned except for Oliver, who paced back and forth in front of the first line of desks. Everything about the scene struck Finn as wrong. The workers had cleared out. No one hovered around the entrance of the tent, waiting to ask Justin for something. Phones weren’t ringing. Computers weren’t turned on.

  “What’s wrong?” Finn asked as soon as Oliver glanced up.

  Instead of his usual joking manner, Oliver looked serious. There was no laughter in his eyes or in his voice. “You have a problem.”

  That was not the answer Finn wanted but he should have seen it coming. “Another one?”

  “The special forces guys do not like that you’ve been involved in more than one incident in such a short time.” Oliver handed Justin a note. “I got a
warning from one of our contacts. There’s a lot of pressure on the local council to move you out of the area, Finn. There’s talk about escorting you to the airport.”

  Finn’s chest got tight. It felt as if someone had slammed a heel into it, but he refused to let that show. “Not going to happen.”

  “Maybe you should listen since it’s their country.”

  The deep voice had them all turning around to face the door.

  Finn blinked a few times, unsure what he was seeing. “Alec? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Making sure you’re not dead.” He growled the last part as he sent a bruising glare in Justin’s direction.

  “I’m fine.” Finn barely got the words out before Alec wrapped him in a bear hug. The kind that said Alec was scared…and Alec was never scared. Finn rushed to calm him. “I am. I promise.”

  “He’s injured and clearly someone’s target,” Justin said in a deep, steady voice.

  “You’re not helping.” Finn shot Justin his best thanks-for-nothing frown before looking at his brother again. Finn recognized the stress on Alec’s face. It had been on Justin’s last night. The tight lips and narrow eyes. Finn tried to find a happier subject. “You’re supposed to be in Paris with your boyfriend. Gaige planned a trip for the two of you.”

  “I’m aware.” Alec finally stepped back but not before squeezing Finn’s good shoulder and taking a quick look at the bruised one.

  Justin shook his head. “I still can’t believe you have a boyfriend.”

  Rage washed over Alec. Finn had seen it before and recognized the signs now—the clenched jaw and strained voice being the most obvious.

  “Shouldn’t be that much of a surprise, what with our history.”

  Alec’s words took a second to settle in Finn’s brain. Even then they didn’t make much sense. “What does that mean?”

  “You think I didn’t have ten people come up to me the minute I got into camp to fill me in on you two?” Alec stepped in front of Justin, swallowing up all the space between him and the door. “That I can’t see it even now?”

  Justin didn’t flinch. He didn’t back down either. Oliver hovered but stayed quiet.

  Finn had no idea what was happening. “Alec, what are you—”

  “Just so I’m clear. Is the plan to sleep with every Drummond brother?” Alec crowded Justin. “You told Finn about that, right? You were honest with him, I’m sure. Told him how we slept together. Had sex right after a visit like the one he’s on right now.”

  Justin and Alec. The thought spun around in Finn’s mind but he kept trying to kick it out again. They were alike. The same age. But sleeping together?

  Finn wanted to sit down but he stayed on his feet. He was a grown-up and no matter what the history was, and Finn would get the answer to that later, the comments were so far out of line. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  Alec nodded as a sly smile formed on his mouth. “Good question. He clearly has an obsession.”

  “I meant you.” Finn stepped between Alec and Justin and pushed his big brother back and glared at him. “What is wrong with you?”

  Alec’s mouth dropped open. “Me?”

  Anger and confusion balled up inside Finn. He felt it rush up his body and spew over. “You jumped on a plane and came here to tell me about Justin’s sexual history? Honestly, Alec. What the fuck is that about?”

  “He’s using you.”

  “Is this an appropriate conversation to have right now?” Oliver asked, and it was pretty clear what he thought the answer should be.

  “Our sex life, what we share or don’t. That’s for us to discuss, not you.” Finn meant it.

  This was not the way he wanted to find out anything about Justin. None of this was Alec’s business. Hell, he and Justin were barely on stable ground and Alec clearly wanted to knock them off balance again. The question was why, and Finn vowed to get an answer to that. From Justin. No one else.

  Oliver cleared his throat. “Well, then.”

  Finn thought that pretty well summed up the awkward moment.

  “I’m providing a reality check.” Alec pointed at Justin, who hadn’t yet said much at all. “He’s great at his job, but his personal life is a shit show.”

  That got Justin moving. He didn’t go near Alec but he didn’t step away either. “I’m standing right here and my sex life is none of your business.”

  “We both know that’s not true,” Alec shot back.

  Yeah, something bigger than sex was happening here. Alec and Justin dealt with each other all the time. Finn saw the emails and overheard the video conferences. Alec had never shown anything but respect for Justin and the way he’d stood up in the military and how he ran the charity now. The worst thing he’d ever said was that Justin was a pain and always wanted more money for the charity. That fit in Finn’s head. It was also Justin’s job, so it made sense.

  But the idea of something deeper passing between them threw Finn off. Until Gaige, Alec hadn’t been a relationship guy. Finn assumed Justin’s experience on that score had been equally limited. The thought of being the consolation prize sucked.

  He definitely needed to talk with Justin alone. “We will figure this out without you.”

  Alec shook his head. “You’re not hearing what I’m saying.”

  “You slept with Justin. Got it.” The words were harder to say out loud. Finn’s voice didn’t stumble but Justin looked at him for the first time since Alec walked in, so Finn guessed he gave something away.

  Alec turned to Justin. “Do you really not have anything more to say about your role and what your plan is here?”

  “Nothing that won’t get me fired.”

  Then it hit Finn. The boss thing. The attitude. Justin had been hiding something and now Finn figured that “something” might be related to Alec.

  What a fucking mess.

  “It’s not a competition, Alec.” Finn really hoped that was true. His feelings for Justin were confused and a bit hazy, but he would not play the role of relationship runner-up to Alec. No way.

  “That’s the point. I think it is for him,” Alec said as he continued to stare at Justin.

  Justin shook his head. “Alec, Jesus. Shut up.”

  “You don’t get to speak right now,” Alec shot back.

  “Yes, he does.” The one thing Finn needed was for Justin to finally open up. Whether he wanted to or not, he would have to on this subject. Finn could not let this fester. The not-knowing would eat away at him.

  Alec looked at Finn again. “I’m worried about you.”

  Finn believed him. All this, the drama and the yelling, came from a decent place. Alec wasn’t the type to make a scene without a reason. In his head, he must have thought he had a pretty good one. But that didn’t mean Finn had to like it or that Justin had to tolerate it. “Do it without being an asshole.”


  “Right.” Oliver clapped his hands as he stepped into the fray. He glanced at Alec while wearing the least genuine smile Finn had ever seen. “Would now be a good time for that camp tour?”

  “Subtle,” Justin mumbled under his breath.

  “What can I say.” Oliver didn’t bother to whisper. “I sense the Drummond brothers aren’t big on subtlety.”

  “Him, I like.” Alec pointed first at Oliver then to Justin. “Fuck him.”

  Justin shook his head. “A lovely offer, but I’m going to decline.”

  Before Alec could close in again, Finn stepped in front of him. “Take the tour. You can use the break to become less annoying.”

  This time Justin snorted. “The camp’s not big enough.”

  “We’re not done,” Alec said, needing to have the last word, as usual.

  “On this topic, you are. Go.” Finn practically pushed Alec out of the tent. Then he t
urned around to face Justin again. “Your turn.”

  Justin had the nerve to look confused. “For what?”


  Chapter 19

  Justin wasn’t sure where to start so he went with the most obvious. “Your brother is—”

  “Still my brother. Tread carefully.”

  The shaking inside him eased. Having Alec show up and drop that bomb…motherfucker. It took all the control Justin had not to punch the guy.

  That was not how Justin had wanted Finn to find out the truth. Certainly not with Alec putting his spin on the details. But he could handle this. Funnel all his anger and frustration and churning worry about Finn seeing him differently into targeting Alec. “He always rush into town to rescue you?”

  “Nope.” Finn shook his head as he crossed his arms over his chest. “We’re not doing it this way.”

  A new sensation swept through Justin. He couldn’t identify it—panic, fear. Something that had adrenaline building inside him. “What does that mean?”

  Finn didn’t move. “This isn’t about Alec. It’s about us and, specifically, about you.”

  The walls clinked into place. Justin heard them in his head. This is where he usually downshifted into defensive mode. Sarcasm flowed through him. He took verbal shots. But he didn’t want to fall back on any of his poor people skills. Finn deserved more. They both did.

  Justin fought to hold back every instinct and actually talk to Finn. “You didn’t buy into his ranting about the sex, right?”

  “I’m guessing that means you’re not really collecting Drummond brothers.”

  Only one. Always that one Drummond brother. “Definitely not.”

  “But that is a big piece of information to forget to tell me.” Finn’s hands balled into fists.

  There was no other outward sign that this conversation got to him. That there might be something else going on in his head, something different from what the smooth sound of his voice suggested.

  “I didn’t ask for a list of your former partners.” He let his guard down for a second and slipped into old-school Justin. He fought off a wince, hoping Finn wouldn’t notice.


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