Book Read Free


Page 9

by Jennifer Sucevic

  But still I can’t just jump blindly off the cliff with him… even if he kind of makes me feel like I want to. “I need some time.”

  With his hands still on my shoulders, he pulls me just a bit closer. Although not close enough to actually be flush against his hard muscular body. Only enough to tease me with the heat of him. “I can give you that.”

  The corners of my mouth tentatively slide upward. Here’s a guy who has seen me lose it and he isn’t running away. It makes me wonder if maybe I really can trust him.

  “Are you coming to our party Friday night?”

  “I think so… Brooklyn has only mentioned it a few dozen times now.” Probably more… Seriously, if I have to hear one more gooey word about Austin, I’m going to be sick.

  Smiling, his eyes hold mine, both of us much happier than a mere five minutes ago. “I’m sure she has since I asked Austin to make sure that his new girl brought her roommate along.”

  I chuckle as his fingers gently squeeze my shoulders again. A warm little arrow of heat shoots right through me.

  Pulling my eyes away from his intense golden gaze, I watch as a car quickly speeds past us. “I should probably get back to the dorms.” I still need to shower and get ready for class.

  He pulls me just a bit closer before murmuring, “How about I run back with you?”

  I shake my head. “You don’t have to do that.” The sun is shining brilliantly down upon us, warming our skin. People are getting in their cars and leaving for work or school. It’s perfectly safe for me to be out running by myself.

  One side of his mouth quirks up as he searches my eyes. “But I want to.” And suddenly I have the feeling that safety isn’t foremost in his mind right now.

  “Okay,” I concede, knowing all too well that I’ll enjoy the feel of him at my side.

  Running next to one another, we jog back to my dorm which is about a mile and a half away. I’m pretty sure he has to slow his pace even though I’ve tried to quicken mine. But he never complains. Neither us speak, instead we listen to our Ipods. When we finally arrive in front of Washington Hall, the girls’ dorm, I turn to him, completely huffing and puffing, pathetically out of breath.

  When I’m finally able to form words, I gasp, “I’ve just started running again. I’m a little out of shape.” It’s almost embarrassing that I used to run five miles in less than fifty minutes a couple times a week to keep my stamina high.

  “You don’t look out of shape.” His eyes slide appreciatively over my body and if my cheeks hadn’t already been pink from our physical exertion, he would have seen the hot blush scorching them. “How often are you running now?”

  I gulp down another breath as my heart continues to pound away. “Three times a week. Usually Monday, Wednesday, and Friday around six thirty.” I actually want to double over and lean my hands against my thighs, but there is no way I’m going to do that in front of him.

  He nods before stretching his legs. “Would you like some company?”

  I would love to spend more time with him… “I won’t be able to keep up with you,” I admit, “I’m not fast enough.” My brows draw together as I take a really good look at him. “You’re not even breathing hard,” I finally accuse. Oh, that is so unfair. I’m practically ready to keel over and he looks as if he’s been out for a Sunday stroll. Worse than that- it’s only been a mile and a half.

  So pathetic.

  He smiles, his dimples peeking out. And just like it always does- something warm slides through me at the sight of them.

  “I run almost every day and lift weights four times a week. We also have practice six days a week,” he chuckles, “I had better be in good shape or my hockey career would be over pretty quickly.”

  Still looking unsure, I warn, “You won’t get much of a work out if you run with me.”

  Once again, he places his hands on my shoulders before gently squeezing them. He doesn’t ask permission this time but moves slowly enough that I could have stopped him if I had wanted to. And for some reason, that makes me feel better. More in control of the situation. Cole isn’t going to rush me into something I’m not ready for.

  He holds my eyes with his golden brown gaze. “I’m not looking for a challenge. I’m looking to spend more time with you.”

  I can’t stop the wide smile that spills its way across my face as I finally nod. “Okay.” I like the idea of waking up and running with him three times a week.

  He squeezes my shoulders one last time. “Save me a seat in psych?”

  “I will.” Another flutter erupts within my belly at his warm words. I enjoy my psychology class but now I’m looking forward to it even more.

  Leaning towards me, I think that maybe he’s going to kiss me. Inhaling a deep breath, I wait, kind of wanting it and kind of frightened of him actually doing it. But he doesn’t. Instead, he softly presses a kiss to the top of my forehead before pulling away and searching my eyes.

  He grins as if my disappointment is something he can feel. “Slow, okay?”

  Facing flaming again, I nod. “Okay.” In that moment I realize just how much I wanted to feel the warm pressure of his lips sliding over mine. I’ve secretly relived the kiss we shared an embarrassing amount of times.

  With one final wave, Cole takes off, heading back to his house at a much faster clip than the one we just ran at. Standing outside my dorm, I feel surprisingly happier than I’ve felt in a really long time.

  Chapter Eleven

  With our arms linked, Brooklyn and I become absorbed by a large herd of students heading to the same party we are. With a raised brow, I stare up at the large Victorian as we finally arrive. It looks as if it’s bursting at the seams with people. Even though it’s only nine o’clock on a Friday night, already drunken revelers are spilling out onto the darkened lawn, plastic beer cups in hand, laughing and hollering. Music pumps and pulses from somewhere inside.

  My wide gaze slides to Brooklyn. “Jeez, it looks like everyone from campus is here tonight.”

  “Didn’t you see the flyers plastered all over school? I think it’s a,” she uses her fingers to make air quotes, “fundraiser.” She rolls her large green eyes at that.

  I can only imagine what will be bought with the money they make tonight.

  Probably more red plastic cups and beer…

  Pushing through the throng of people, we finally make our way inside the house. My eyes dart around almost impressed with the sheer amount of partiers crammed inside the living room. Every square inch of space seems to be occupied. And if I had thought music was pumping outside… well, it’s much louder once you’re actually enveloped in it. There is absolutely no way we will ever find Cole or Austin in this mess.

  Just as that thought flits through my head, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning, because honestly, if this is going to be another party where my ass is constantly being squeezed, I’m out of here right now. Blaring music and a bunch of obnoxiously drunken strangers looking for a hook up isn’t exactly my scene. But it’s Cole who I find looking at me with that trade mark sexy smile lighting up his face.

  Wait a minute… did I just really think that?

  Unconsciously my gaze drops from his eyes to his lips. Yeah, I sigh, he really does have a sexy smile. Actually, Cole is just plain sexy. Crap. I am so over my head with this…

  He leans towards me before whispering, “Remember, we’re taking this slow.”

  When my eyes widen, he continues, “You keep looking at me like that and I’m not sure just how slow I’m going to be able to keep things.”

  Almost instantly I yank my eyes from his before feeling his fingers slide gently under my chin, lifting it until I’m once again meeting that intensely direct stare of his. And yeah… that’s sexy as well. I take a big gulp of air as he pins my gaze with his scorching hot one.

  “I’m not saying I don’t like it,” he says softly, “I just want you to know that it affects me.” His fingers stroke softly under my chin before sliding up to cradle my

  Feeling nervous, I tug my gaze from his as I glance around the overly packed room searching for a new topic of conversation. “I can’t believe how many people are here.” I have to clear my throat when it unexpectedly cracks.

  With a knowing smile lighting up his face, he thankfully lets our previous conversation drop as he too takes a look around before nodding. “There’s a band playing in the backyard. Let’s grab something to drink and we can head back there for a while. Do you want a beer?”

  I shake my head. I’m not against drinking, it’s just not something I do anymore. I like to be clearheaded. Especially around Cole. He scrambles my brain more than alcohol does. Which is seriously saying something.

  “How about a water or soda instead?”

  Already my throat feels dry. “I’ll take a water, please.” I turn around to ask if Brooklyn wants anything but she’s no longer behind me. I blink at the space where she’d just been standing only a few moments ago. So much for sticking together… “I guess it’s just me.”

  Cole grins. “Well, I’m happy to see just you.” His fingers weave their way through mine. Watching me for a moment, it’s almost as if he’s gaging my reaction.

  I release a little sigh of relief when nothing happens. Okay, maybe that’s not exactly true. Because there is definitely a little shiver of pleasure snaking its way through me. And because Cole is usually so smooth with his lines, I can’t resist teasing, “Just so you know- that was incredibly cheesy.”

  He laughs as if pleased by my comment. “But absolutely true.” Then he jerks his head toward the back of the house, “I’ll bet that’s where Austin and Brooklyn disappeared to.”

  With that he pulls me through the thick crowd of people standing inside the living room. As we slowly weave our way around clumps of students, I can’t help but notice how Cole catches the attention of several girls we walk past. It still boggles my mind that he chose me when he could have any girl he wanted.

  As we pass through the kitchen, Cole snags two bottles of water before handing one to me.

  “Thanks.” Twisting off the cap, I take a long drink.

  “No problem.” With my hand in his, he continues towing me behind him as we leave the house through the backdoor. Surprisingly there seems to be just as many people jammed into the large fenced in yard but there’s a ton more room to spread out. I honestly can’t believe how many people are here tonight. The band is in one corner of the yard tuning their instruments.

  “Dude, there are so many hot girls here!”

  I turn in the direction of that booming voice until my eyes slam into a barrel-like chest before moving slowly upward until I’m finally able to latch onto his face.

  It’s one I unfortunately recognize. The corners of my mouth slide down as I stare at Alex. I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing him again since the night he and I got into it. Equally silent, he stares right back at me as if trying to place where he knows me from. It’s only a matter of moments before he makes the connection.

  “Hey,” his eyes flare wide before narrowing, “I remember you!” His gaze slides accusingly to Cole who is next to me. “That’s the girl who got all those crazy chicks mad at me.” Gone is all his jovial happiness. In its place is irritation. “Do you know that they yelled at me for like forty minutes? It was a total buzzkill. And they wouldn’t stop following me around for the rest of the night either. There wasn’t one single girl who would talk to me after that.” He has that whole sullen toddler face going on again. It’s actually hard to take him seriously when he’s pouting and glaring like that.

  Instead of laughing like I’m tempted to do, I merely smile sweetly. “Hi Alex, good to see you again.”

  His face becomes even more pinched. Apparently not in the mood to return my greeting, he asks rather rudely, “Why are you here?”

  Before I can utter a single word in response- because trust me, there’s one right on the tip of my tongue and it wasn’t going to be very nice- Cole cuts me off. “She’s with me.” Which is then followed by- “Do you have a problem with that?” I almost blink in surprise because I’ve never seen Cole get all hard assed before.

  God… how could that possibly be so sexy?

  I want to throw my hands up in disgust because everything the guy does is sexy.

  Alex’s deep brown eyes bounce slowly from Cole to me and then back again before he finally holds up one hand as if surrendering. “There’s no problem, Cole.”

  Still sounding all hot and hard assed, Cole adds, “Maybe you shouldn’t go around ass grabbing if you don’t want to have a pack of angry chicks bitching you out all night.”

  Alex’s eyes narrow as his lips thin. “Maybe.” Giving me one last glowering look, he stalks off towards the house.

  With an apology on the tip of my tongue, I turn to Cole but he beats me to the punch. “I’m sorry about Alex. Believe it or not, he really is a nice guy.”

  “Oh, clearly,” I agree with a laugh. Yeah, well, the jury is still out on that one. Because now that’s two lousy interactions I’ve had with the guy.

  The corner of his mouth lifts in humor as well. “I’m serious, he really is. He can just be a little dense sometimes. He’ll come around.” Then he mutters, “Eventually.”

  “Can’t wait.” But I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

  For the rest of the evening we listen to the band. They’re a local group who play at a lot of bars around town but since one of the hockey guys knows the lead singer, they play exclusively at their parties which make the hockey parties really popular which explains the huge crowd. Before I know it, I’m dancing with Cole, Austin, and Brooklyn. And after a while, even Alex joins in. He turns out to be quite smooth on his feet. Which, yeah… is totally shocking. A few drinks later, he sidles up to me looking sort of like a dog with his tail tucked between his legs and apologizes for grabbing me three weeks ago. Even though it’s a nice surprise, I can’t help but wonder if Cole put him up to it.

  After a few hours, exhausted from dancing, we just stand near the front of the makeshift stage listening as the band finishes their last set. The crowd has finally thinned and the atmosphere is mellower. Stifling a yawn, it definitely feels like it’s time to head home. Tonight has been an awesome night. One of the best I’ve had in a long time. And I know that has a lot to do with Cole and the way he makes me feel when I’m with him.

  Searching the crowd, I don’t see Brooklyn or Austin anywhere.

  Cole leans down, whispering in my ear, “I think they disappeared upstairs about twenty minutes ago. Do you want me to see if she’s staying over?”

  I shake my head knowing that I’ll probably be heading back to the dorms alone tonight. “No.” She’s been spending quite a few nights here with Austin. I assume it’s a pattern that will only increase in frequency if they stay together. Brooklyn is way past her usual expiration date when it comes to dating a guy.

  Cole is quiet for a few moments before he finally says, “I can drive you home or, if you want,” he looks adorably unsure as he continues, “you can just crash here tonight...”

  Huge gulp.

  Before I can even begin to protest, he pushes out the rest of the words. “We’d just sleep, I swear. Or you could stay in my room and I’ll bunk somewhere else. Whatever you want.” Stepping towards me, he draws me slowly into the warm circle of his arms until I’m able to feel the heat of his body through my clothing. “I know you need to take this slow and I don’t want to push you into doing something that makes you uncomfortable. So, if it does, I’ll grab my keys and take you home right now.”

  Surprised by his offer, I chew my lower lip thoughtfully.

  Do I want to sleep here?

  With Cole.

  All of the saliva in my mouth instantly dries as that thought rolls through my head. Because sleeping is definitely all we would be doing. There is no way I’m ready for more than that. Even though Cole kind of makes me want to do more than that...

bsp; Cautiously I ask, “And you would be okay with that?” Because the last thing I want is to put myself in another bad situation. I’ve done that way too many times already.


  The look on his face is so sincere. I can’t help but believe him. Searching his whiskey colored eyes, I realize that I want to spend the night with Cole. I want to experience that closeness with him. “Okay.”

  Before I can rethink my decision, Cole has my hand secured firmly within his own and is towing me through the small clusters of people who are still going strong even though it’s well after two in the morning. Feeling nervous with each step that brings us closer to his bedroom, Cole leads me up the wooden staircase and then down a long hall until we stop at a locked door. Pulling out a key, he opens the door before ushering me inside.

  Feeling jacked up on nerves, I stand in the middle of his room, slowly taking everything in. A large queen bed is centered against the back wall. There’s a navy bed spread covering it. A desk is situated near the door where I’ve come to a complete stand still. A neat stack of books are piled on top of it. The backpack I always see him carrying around campus lies on the floor next to it. Right now, Cole is rifling through a large dark wood dresser that matches the desk. An overstuffed chair sits in the far corner. Not that I’m totally surprised, but his room is actually quite neat. Yes, there’s a pile of clothing stacked on the dresser along with some hockey gear lying around, but that’s about it.

  My eyes fly back to his as he pulls out a light gray t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts before handing them to me. Feeling suddenly off balance because I’ve never actually spent the night in a guy’s room before, I hesitantly point towards the hallway. “I’m, ah, just going to use the bathroom.” With butterflies fluttering madly around in my belly, I take a hasty step towards the door.


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