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Making Mina: The Best Revenge

Page 2

by Tacie Graves

  As if he could read her mind he gave her another shake, this one more insistent than the last, and she abandoned that train of thought. Whatever she thought she knew before obviously no longer held true.

  “I remember, too.” His voice was sweet and dark and she felt it soothe her tattered ego as it poured across her like honey. “I remember watching you, wondering what you were doing with someone who took you so obviously for granted.” His eyes traveled down, across her jaw, her neck, down into the shadow between her breasts, so hot they felt like they were scorching her skin. “I expected to be bored within minutes, but you kept surprising me. Testing me.” He brought his eyes back to hers. “When you walked away I wanted to grab you and drag you back to me.”

  Mina found it hard to believe what she was hearing. He wanted her even then?

  “I asked a few,” he tilted his head thoughtfully, “questions about you. You’d mentioned where you worked, what you did in your spare time—that sort of thing—but knowledge is power in my business, and I wanted to know everything about you.”

  He wrapped his hands around her arms and the strength in them sent thrills skittering through her. She might question his interest but only a crazy person would question his power. He gave her an approving look and she leaned into him unknowingly, like a sunflower following the sun as it passes overhead. His hands traveled across her back, stroking the tense muscles there until she groaned in pleasure. He reached up and pulled the pins from her hair, the crazy curls falling in a heavy mass over his hands, and buried his face in them.

  “So lovely,” he said, fingers massaging her scalp. He tightened his grip and she sucked in a surprised breath at the feeling, the tug sending a jolt through her body. Her fingers grabbed convulsively on his shirtfront, whether to pull him closer or hold herself up she wasn’t sure.

  He trapped her hands there, pressing tightly against her to prevent her from pulling away, and made his own trek, fingers sliding over the silk covering her sides, down over the waistband of her skirt, skimming along the length of her thigh until he reached the hem, lifting it inch by inch until he felt the satin of her panties.

  Long fingers traced along the stretchy lace, dipping and retreating until her breath was coming in ragged pants. Finally tiring of his teasing dance he pulled his hand away completely and she let out a little mew of disappointment. Her body was wound so tightly she felt like she was going to explode. She was wetter than she’d ever been in her life and she ached with longing. Marco’s eyes met hers and her face flamed. She wanted to look away, to hide her reactions, but she couldn’t. She tried to push away from his hard chest but he kept her pinned effortlessly.

  “How does that make you feel?” He asked. He watched her intently and she flushed under his scrutiny.

  “I…I like it...” Mina’s voice shook and he chuckled.

  “I think you more than like it.” She swayed on her feet, self-preservation insisting that she should leave while she still had some dignity, but she couldn’t focus on anything but the pleasure he was bringing her.

  “Yes,” she admitted. Liking didn’t even begin to describe how she felt.

  Marco nuzzled against the base of her neck, teasing the tendon there with sharp teeth. She whimpered and he smiled against her skin.

  “I want you to come with me tonight. I want to hear how you feel.” He drew a line along her neck with the wet tip of his tongue. “I want you to tell me what you like…what you want.”

  Mina’s head was swimming and she barely managed a nod.

  “Amazing,” he said, his voice rough with desire. “The night we met I saw it. Such passion, buried so deeply. Like a diamond—just waiting to be unearthed.”

  Mina couldn’t believe what she was experiencing. This man had turned her on more in thirty minutes than Ethan had in four years.

  “I had no idea,” she said. Her body felt boneless and electrified at the same time. “I never knew these feelings really existed.” She looked up in his dark eyes. “They were just fantasies. Not things that could happen like this.”

  Marco’s eyes heated at the word fantasies but he nodded his understanding. “You need someone with vision to show you. Someone to bring your natural gifts,” he said slowly, “to the surface.”

  He gave her a serious look. “You will pardon me if I say that Ethan Masters does not seem like the kind of man who possesses that kind of vision.”

  Mina snorted. “Ethan has the vision of a mole rat,” she admitted. “And the morals of a tom cat.”

  A feral look crossed Marco’s face. “A man like that deserves to be neutered.”

  It was comforting to hear someone else criticize Ethan’s behavior. “I thought it was my fault,” she said, remembering the hurt. “I believed all the things he told me. Every hateful, horrible one.”

  Marco pressed a soft kiss against her lips and Mina melted into him. His proximity was more intoxicating than the rum and she threw caution to the wind. Sliding her hands up his body, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss letting the reality of him burn away the pain Ethan caused.

  Oxygen became a need too great to ignore. Marco looked down at her, the banked desire he’d felt earlier fanned back into flames, and Mina could feel the heat of his gaze as it traveled over her face—her eyes, her jaw, kiss-swollen lips. She could feel his heart thundering under her hands, and feel the heavy thickness of his cock as it pressed into her stomach.

  “I’ll make you forget him.” His breath was warm in her face, but his voice burned through her brain. “When I’m through you won’t remember anything he said. You won’t even remember his name.”

  The dark promise in his words sent shivers up Mina’s spine and she nodded. It wasn’t just about revenge anymore. If she didn’t grab this opportunity she knew she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

  “All right,” she said in a whisper. Her agreement unleashed a torrent of movement. The crowd melted away in the face of his intensity, and as Marco bundled her out into the street Mina caught the surprised eye of one of Ethan’s coworkers. Within seconds a long, luxurious car glided to a stop in front of them. The realization that this man was rich enough to have someone circling the block waiting for him was lost in distraction as hot hands slid up along her back and then down over her bottom, cupping it possessively. Marco wrapped his arm around her and guided her into the backseat and then climbed in gracefully after her.

  Anything her voice of reason had to say was drowned out by the roar of desire in her blood. For the first time in her life Mina wasn’t thinking about what made sense, she was thinking about what she wanted. She wanted Marco Genovese. How could she not? He remembered her. He sought her out. He wanted her. She had no illusions. He was a playboy who spent more time in the gossip pages than Mina spent in the supermarket, and once he’d satisfied whatever urge was driving him he’d probably leave as quickly as he appeared, but for now the wanting was enough.

  “Stop thinking so much.” Marco pulled her towards him. “I can hear the wheels turning in your head, always turning.”

  Fingers traced patterns on her body and she sighed.

  “You like to be touched.” It was a statement, not a question, but Mina shook her head.

  “Not really,” she said. “I’ve always preferred a little distance. All this touching is a little disconcerting.” She gasped as a calloused finger grazed her nipple.

  “You don’t need distance.” Another statement. “You need to be touched. Your skin blooms when it’s touched—blood rushes to the surface, your nerves come alive—and it becomes translucent with your pleasure.”

  Another surge of wetness slicked her pussy lips at the subtle seduction of his words. Mina imagined his hands, hot and hard, touching her everywhere. Her nipples hardened. Her clit throbbed. Her body was on fire, clamoring for his touch.

  “Do you like that idea?” Marco asked. “Do you like the idea of me touching you? Stroking your fevered body? Pulling pleasure from y
ou until you can only beg for more?”

  His fingers punctuated every word. He traced rococo patterns along her arms, and swirls of pleasure along her ribcage. He ghosted along her breast only to tap the nipple roughly making her cry out in surprise.

  Mina nodded and Marco shook his head.

  “What was that?” he asked. “I’m afraid I didn’t hear you.” His hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her across his legs. Mina wriggled his lap, her eyes wide with surprise. Marco’s cock pressed against her, hot and insistent, and he growled as he held her tightly, preventing her from moving more.

  “Dio Santo,” his voice was thick, “Keep moving like that and you might get more that you bargained for.”

  The threat appealed more than it should have and Mina gave him a long calculated look before rotating her hips once more for good measure. His eyes glittered dangerously and she braced herself for his retaliation when a gentle throat clearing from the front seat startled them both.

  The car was idling in an underground parking garage. Mina hadn’t noticed them stop, had no idea how long they’d been sitting there with the driver watching them in the rearview mirror.

  “Mi diaspiace, Signore,” the driver said, never turning around. “Ma siamo arrivati.”

  Mina tried to remove herself from Marco’s lap to straighten her skirt but his hands held her tightly in place.

  “Don’t worry about Angelo,” Marco said. “He’s been with me since I moved to America. He’s the soul of discretion.”

  “I’m sure he is,” she said, carefully not looking at the man in question. Marco laughed. His hands loosened and Mina immediately put as much distance as she could between them. His eyes glinted in amusement and her face flushed again as she realized how silly her retreat must look to him. He didn’t wait for Angelo, but let himself out turning back to Mina with his hand held out expectantly. She slid across the expanse of cooling leather and allowed herself to be ushered into the concrete cavern. Fluorescent lights hummed softly and she could hear their footsteps echo as Marco directed her towards a bank of elevators. The soft sounds of the car receded and she realized the driver was gone. She was alone with Marco Genovese.

  What was she doing?

  The question rang through her mind. She was logical. Cautious. She never did anything anyone would consider even remotely reckless. At twenty-six had a job she loved, and until six hours ago would have said she was content with her life.

  But that wasn’t true anymore.

  “This way.” Marco stepped up to the chrome doors and pressed the call button. With every second that passed Mina could feel her heart beat faster, and when she shot a look at the man beside her she felt her breath catch. There was something about him that was larger than life. He strode through the building like he owned it, and he might for all she knew. She felt like a tiny boat being swept along in the wake of a power cruiser and all she could do was hang on.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as the doors opened.

  “Up.” His eyes challenged her to question more. She stood at the threshold and knew that if she took that final step her life would be irrevocably changed. She met his eyes with a tiny nod and stepped forward.

  The chime pinged. Floor after floor whispered by and she waited. He was standing so close behind her she could feel him through the thin material of her clothes, but he made no move to touch her. It was excruciating. Her nerves were stretched to the breaking point and she found herself trembling in anticipation as she watched the glowing number in front of her climb higher, afraid to turn and face him.

  “Have you ever fucked in an elevator, Mina?” Marco’s breath was hot on her ear. His tongue darted out to flick her ear lobe and she jerked suddenly only to find her bottom pressed tightly against his erection. Images raced through her mind, each one kinkier than the last and she felt herself drip with wetness.

  “No-o-o…” she whispered. Her cheeks blazed in embarrassment. She’d barely had sex in a bed. The idea of sex in a public place was as alien as the moon.

  The chime pinged for the penthouse and Mina took a deep breath, but whether it was relief or disappointment she couldn’t say. She took too quick a step and almost fell, stumbling over her own feet only to be caught up in Marco’s arms again as he saved her.

  “How is it you say?” He asked, eyes dancing down at her. “Saved by the bell?”

  Mina flushed again. He was laughing at her. She hated being laughed at.

  “How can you be so sure?” She cocked her head to one side and looked at him. “Maybe I was looking forward to sex in the elevator and you just disappointed me?” She found her feet and pushed away from him. “All that time wasted.”

  Marco’s laughter disappeared, replaced by a predatory gleam and Mina took a reflexive step back.

  “All that time?” His tone was light but his eyes were obsidian chips. “Darling Mina, that was barely enough time to whet my appetite.” Two strides closed the gap between them and Mina found herself staring up into his hard, handsome face. “Tonight I intend to feast.”

  Suddenly the reality of the situation slammed home and Mina panicked. This was a terrible idea. How could she have thought she could do this? Sex with a total stranger? Well, not a total stranger, but strange enough. Marco Genovese was completely out of her league and this was going to end as badly as her engagement had.

  “Marco,” she had to try twice before she could get her voice to work. “This is a mistake. You can’t possibly…” Her words were caught by his lips, his tongue blocking any protests she’d planned to make, and a new wave of desire washed away her reservations. She marveled at the feeling of him, the taste of him, and opened her mouth wider, sliding her tongue tentatively along his.

  “My only mistake,” he said when he finally released her, “was letting you go the evening that we met.” He pressed another fierce kiss upon her lips. “I will not make that mistake again.”

  Mina let out a little shriek of surprise as he swept her into his arms, his muscles rippling as they lifted her with seeming effortlessness.

  “What are you doing?” Mina squirmed in his arms, “Where are you going?” Marco didn’t answer he just strode purposefully down the hall. When he reached the end and turned Mina’s questions died in her throat.

  All around them the city lights twinkled. Hardwood floors gleamed. Two Italian leather sofas flanked the fireplace—a fireplace!—while the city of Miami stretched out in every direction. It was easily the most opulent space Mina had ever seen but Marco didn’t even slow. His long legs ate the distance as he carried her through his home and Mina buried her face in his neck, almost afraid to reach their destination.

  When he finally stopped, Mina felt his arms shift and tighten around her. A muscle along his jaw clenched, and she could feel tension building in him. Slowly he lowered her to the ground, trapping her body against his. Mina looked up and was caught by the conflict in his face.

  “This is your last chance. Beyond this door, there is no going back.” He rasped. “If you want to leave I will not stop you.” He pressed his hard length against her, “But if you stay I will make sure you will never regret it.”

  The ferocity in his voice took Mina’s breath away. No man had ever wanted her like this; it was a heady feeling. She reached out and stroked from his chest to his groin, sliding her hands along the tiny buttons that held his shirt closed. Slowly, intentionally, she slid them back up again and began undoing those buttons, one by one.

  Ethan had spray tanned and slathered on sunscreen to prevent wrinkles, his fair hair and pale skin a mark against him among Miami’s golden golf crowd. Marco, though, had grown up in the Italian sun, a burnished bronze god. The difference was exciting, another new experience, and she splayed her fingers out against his skin just to see the contrast. Dark hairs curled on his chest surrounding copper penny nipples. Mina’s mouth went dry at the sight. She wanted to drag her nails over his skin. She wanted to lick those little nipples. She wanted to touch an
d taste every part of him.

  “What do you want?” Marco stilled, allowing her to control the pace, but she couldn’t find her voice. A hard hand shot out and grasped her wrist stopping her exploration. His grip didn’t cause her pain, but his hand was unrelenting and she couldn’t resist without hurting herself.

  “Tell me what you want.” His voice was deceptive. It promised calm, cool rationality, but the intensity in his eyes told the lie in that.

  Mina’s eyes fluttered closed, unable to look at him while she spoke.

  “I want to touch you,” she whispered, her cheeks flaming. “I want to taste you.” She forced her eyes to meet his. “I want to fuck you.”

  Wicked satisfaction flashed across Marco’s face. He drew her wrist to his lips, the movement slow and inexorable, and Mina shivered as he flicked his tongue across her racing pulse.

  “So soft,” he murmured, his tongue traveling higher, “so sweet.”

  Everywhere he touched burned.

  “The night we met I imagined tasting you like this. Discovering the secret places that cause your heart to race and your skin to flush. I imagined sliding my fingers deep into you while I suckled at your beautiful breasts, and when that wasn’t enough anymore I would slide so deeply into you that you would never be free of me.”

  A mewling cry escaped Mina’s throat and Marco let out an answering hiss of appreciation. He drew her wrist down and behind her back, forcing her to arch forward.

  “Do you like that idea?” Marco cupped her breast with his free hand, squeezing the flesh through the silk of her blouse. “My mouth on your body, my cock in your pussy, my name on your lips as you scream through your pleasure?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered. In a split second, Marco pushed his body against her, pinning her to the wall with his leg between hers. Her skirt rode high up her leg and he skimmed her thigh with his big calloused palm until he was cupping her ass.

  He fastened his lips over the pulse at her neck and sucked, scraping his teeth over the skin without breaking contact. Her head lolled to the side to give him better access and another little whimper escaped her. His tongue traced patterns along the tendons in her neck until he reached the hollow behind her ear. He huffed gently and caused a wave of goose bumps to race across her body and she squirmed trying to escape the sensations, but Marco was having none of it. He held her helplessly against him, release impossible until he granted it.


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