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Making Mina: The Best Revenge

Page 3

by Tacie Graves

  “Good,” he said, desire thickening his accent. “You are mine, Mina mia. You have been since the moment we met.” He lowered his head and gently covered her lips. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth, twining fingers tightly in her hair.

  “I love the way you taste,” he whispered against her skin. She was squirming again, but this time trying to increase their contact. He tugged at his handful of hair and she gasped at the sensation as it shot through her, the tingling pain tied directly to her aching clit. Marco dragged his whiskers across her chin and then further down, leaving a red trail on her pale skin to mark his passage. “You never reacted like this for Ethan Masters, did you?”

  Mina didn’t answer immediately, still lost in sensations, and Marco raised his head to look into her eyes.

  “Did you?” he insisted.

  The possessiveness in his voice startled her and she shook her head. “No,” she said. “I’ve never felt like this before.”

  It must have been the right answer. A deep chuckle surprised her as he loosened his grip on her hair, trailing his fingers down her neck and over her breastbone, finally reaching the top button of her blouse. Her breath was coming faster, little panting breaths fanning his face, and the buttons melted away under his onslaught. His eyes were hot with passion and possession and her head spun, dizzy in anticipation.

  He lifted his head to look into her eyes and smiled a dangerous smile.

  “I told you earlier I would make you forget him.”

  Mina had no doubt. Her knees trembled beneath her and she was grateful for the doorframe holding her up.

  “I should never have let you go,” he whispered, so low that she had to strain to hear him. “You were so close it made me crazy. Wanting to touch you, to taste you, to see if I could shake that iron control you had over yourself.”

  His thumb was tracing a circle around her nipple, narrowing its path as the areola puckered beneath it. The heat from his hand seared her skin and she shivered in reaction.

  Light glinted in his eyes.

  “You like that. You like this too.” His hair brushed against her flushed skin as he bent and took the pebbled tip into his mouth, and she couldn’t resist sliding her fingers into it, coaxing his head even closer.

  “Marco, please,” she groaned, not really knowing what she was asking for.

  “Please?” he asked. “Please what, mia adorata? This?” He rolled her other nipple between his fingers. “Or is this what you want?” he continued. His hand slid between her legs and she was lost. She gasped as she felt the wet lace of her panties being pushed down around her thighs, his fingers teasing until finally she felt them slide between her pussy lips. She moaned softly. It felt so good.

  “I love that sound,” he said, “but it isn’t enough. I want to hear you louder. I want to hear you scream.” He looked into her eyes as he stroked her. “Scream for me, Mina.”

  His fingers were magic. They stroked long and smooth while his thumb found her clit, wringing breathless cries from her throat. She felt her orgasm building, tightening low in her body until even her feet were flexed in anticipation.

  “That’s it, darling,” he murmured, “Give yourself to it. Lose yourself in it.”

  She did. The sound of his voice pushed her closer and closer to the edge until the world exploded behind her eyelids and she thought she’d shatter into a million pieces.

  “Marco… Oh God, Marco,” the words were ripped from her as she was swamped with pleasure. His eyes took in every breath, every movement, but it wasn’t enough.

  “Oh, you beautiful creature,” he was murmuring again, his voice low and hot and determined, “that was incredible, but… I still want more. I want to see you under me, thrashing in pleasure, begging for me—just for me.”

  The images burned in her brain as he spoke, imagining what it would be like to have his weight pressing her into the bed, to have his heat surrounding her, pushing her to the edge of sanity only to drag her back by the fingernails until nothing existed but him.

  “Yes, please. Please, Marco, I need you.” The words were out before she could stop them, but she knew them for the truth they were. Her hands flew over him, gripping and pulling, desperate to touch him but not knowing how. Her blouse had fallen to the floor and with the work of a moment her skirt joined it, Marco scooping her up into his arms only slowing to kick the bedroom door further open before striding across the room and dropping them on the bed.

  “I’m going to make sure you never forget that,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re going to feel me when you move and smell me when you breathe. You are going to remember that you’re mine with every heartbeat.”

  Mina shuddered under the weight of his words, and her heart began to pound so hard she was afraid it would burst. Marco lifted himself, sitting back on the bed staring for a moment. He stroked her legs from ankle to thigh, nudging her legs apart as he pushed higher, sliding between them until she was trapped under his body. His fingers slid inside her and she groaned as she gave herself over to him again. The heat and the weight and the sensation as his fingers slid wetly over her were more than she could stand and she began to writhe beneath him, searching for something, anything, to soothe the raging fire.

  Her hands found their way to his shoulders, pushing his shirt off. She felt his muscles moving under her hand, and then curled her fingers into his hair, pulling him closer. His kiss was light and she shuddered, arching to feel her breasts against his chest, dragging her hands down until she could tweak and twist those copper nipples that had so fascinated her. The sensation caught him off guard and he let out a groan of his own, pleasure clear on his face. He moved away long enough to kick off his shoes and slacks and she cried at the loss of his touch, reaching for him as he lowered himself back over her.

  “Did Ethan make you feel this way?” he asked. Confusion clouded her face, unable to follow the sudden change

  “Who?” She stuttered.

  Triumph blazed in his face.

  “Exactly,” and before she could take another breath, he plunged into her.

  Mina shrieked in shock and pleasure as his cock filled her completely, and then there was nothing—nothing but the feel of him, the smell of him, the sound of his breathing. She was drowning in Marco Genovese and she never wanted it to end.

  She writhed against him as she burned and he kissed her hard, dragging little noises from her that could only be described as crazed. She tried to wrap herself around him, to absorb him into every pore, and he thrust again and again, hot and insistent, splitting her softness and leaving her hot and slick and aching.

  “Mina,” Marco groaned. “You make me mad with wanting you. Give yourself to me. Look in my eyes. I want to see you come. For me. Only me.”

  He reached between them and found her clit, rubbing it with his thumb until she couldn’t hold back any more. Wave after wave crashed through her of pleasure so intense it was almost painful and she screamed his name. His eyes widened as he felt her pussy clench like a fist around him. Her muscles milked his cock and he loosed a guttural howl that shook the pictures on the walls. Deeply stroking into her body, he rode higher and higher until finally he gave in to his own pleasure. Each shuddering pulse of triggered another little spasm of ecstasy and Mina shuddered as he filled her with his hot come.

  Marco’s body was heavy across hers and as she struggled to catch her breath she marveled at the rightness of it. It should have been awkward. She should be embarrassed. She should want to leave. Instead, she wrapped her arms tightly around his waist and buried her face in his shoulder.

  “That was…” she tried to find a word for it. “Unexpected.”

  There was so much more to it, but that covered the high points.

  “Maybe for you.” Marco gently rolled to one side, gathering her up against him. “I, however, am an excellent judge of character. I knew exactly how good--”

  Mina turned her face away, not wanting him to finish that sentence. Marco rolled over her
quickly, though, and pinned her beneath him, forcing her to look at him.

  “I knew how good we would be together.” He dropped a sweet kiss on her surprised lips. “Do not look so shocked. I told you I wanted this—that I wanted you.”

  “I guess I just never thought,” Mina said, “I mean, I guess we proved I’m not frigid, but I never knew it could be like this.”

  Marco shook his head. He looked smug. “That is because it couldn’t. You were with the wrong man.”

  Mina huffed. “Oh, and I supposed you’re the right man?” She meant it to be a challenge but it came out sounding wistful instead. Marco didn’t seem to notice.

  “Of course I am.” He kissed her again and wrapped her in his arms. Mina wiggled against him and he nipped at her shoulder. “I will prove it again later.”

  “Later?” Mina asked. She’d expected a revenge fuck—a one night stand. She certainly wasn’t prepared for an “again later.”

  “Yes, later.” The voice behind her was dark with promise. “And again and again until you accept the truth.”

  “There’s no ‘truth’ to accept,” she started to argue and he chuckled, the vibrations rolling through her and setting off tingles between her thighs.

  “You think this is over?” He smiled condescendingly and she suddenly wanted to knock that smile from his face.

  “Well, it’s over for me,” she snapped. “It was revenge, pure and simple. For what Ethan did to me.” She tried to scoot away from him but couldn’t escape the muscular arms around her. “It was lovely, don’t get me wrong, but it was just revenge.”

  Storm clouds darkened Marco’s face and she wondered if she’d pushed him too far. He was lying half on top of her, his face inches from hers. She could feel his heart pounding against her breast and his cock hardening against her thigh. He gave her a little shake and she met his eyes, surprised by the depth of emotion there.

  “I let you go once.” She felt his words resonate between them. “You are deluded if you think I am going to do it again.”

  Mina thought he was the one that was deluded. She didn’t belong in his world, and it was only a matter of time until he figured that out. If that delusion meant she got to keep him close to her a little longer, though, she wasn’t going to argue.

  “So,” she cleared her throat and prayed she wasn’t going to regret this. “Again later. Right.”



  (For now!)

  Mina and Marco will return in Making Mina: Strings Attached!

  About the Author

  Tacie Graves isn’t schizophrenic; she just writes what the voices in her head tell her to. Living in the middle of the Midwest with her husband and two children, her days are spent in a whirlwind of activities that always somehow lead back to her writing desk and the sexy stories that come alive there (which can be difficult sometimes when she has to explain why she’s looking at the pool guy just so.) She writes erotica for every woman because we can all use a little extra spice in our lives sometimes. Oh, and because the voices told her to.

  Making Mina: The Best Revenge. Copyright © 2012 by Tacie Graves. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used facetiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Table of Contents


  Cold. Distant. Unresponsive. Frigid. Mina Hemingway glared down at the bar as she took a healthy swig of rum and coke.

  About the Author




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