Ruthless King

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Ruthless King Page 29

by Hughes, Maya

  “The guys did this? For me?” I stared through the glass door behind him to the ridiculously attractive bunch of guys laughing together on the other side of the breakfast bar.

  “You’re one of us.” He wrapped his arms around me. I’d thought those four simple words would be impossible to hear after everything we’d been through.

  Curling into him, I couldn’t hold back my tears. The relief, possibilities, and love radiating from that small bundle of papers nearly brought me to my knees.

  “What does this mean for us? What about you and LA?”

  He brushed his hand through my hair, whispering words of comfort and belief in what I’d be able to do.

  I wiped my face on his shirt. An Avery-sized smudge marred the pristine sky blue fabric.

  “I’ll go back to LA once the summer is over. We can find a place here—a small one—and every break I have, I’ll be here. It’s not ideal, I know it’s not, and this isn’t how I wanted things to go.”

  I couldn’t hold back my smile. Pressing my finger to his lips, I soaked in the beginning of our future. “That sounds perfect.”

  “Selling the house in LA shouldn’t take more than a couple of months. Once that happens, I’ll make it known to the coaches that a transfer back here wouldn’t be out of the question. I know long distance isn’t—”

  I pressed my fingers against his mouth again. “We can handle it. If we’ve handled the past four years, we can do this.”

  His grin was infectious and my cheeks hurt from smiling. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up onto the railing.

  The certainty, even in uncertain times, was that we could weather whatever life threw at us. If we could survive everything we’d been through and find our way back to each other more than once, there wasn’t anything about our future that scared me.

  “We can totally do this.” He captured my chin between his fingers and laid a searing kiss on me. His hands pressed into the small of my back, pulling me flush against him. The buttons of his shirt pressed into my skin.

  Lifting me off my perch, he spun me around and slid me against the side of the house.

  My hands were under his jacket, pushing it off his broad shoulders. Our bodies fell right back into that rhythm. Even a few days of separation had been too long. Hockey season would be torture, but we’d make it.

  A sharp, high-pitched whistle broke us apart. Panting and staring into each other’s eyes, we grinned.

  “Don’t stop now!” someone shouted from the street below.

  I threw my hand over my mouth, laughing so hard tears came back in my eyes.

  “Maybe we should head inside.” He ran his hand down my arm and threaded his fingers through mine. We walked in through the kitchen, past caterers with trays of food, and out into the living room.

  “Congratulations! I can’t believe you two are getting married,” Liv squealed.

  My head whipped around. How did everyone know already?

  But she rushed across the room and tackle-hugged Declan and Mak instead. Their hands were clasped together, held up at shoulder height. The glinting shine from the ring on her finger couldn’t compare to the glow coming off the two of them.

  “It looks like we weren’t the only two to have the same idea this weekend.” I bumped my shoulder into Emmett’s.

  “Maybe not, but I bought your ring way before he bought hers.” His grumpy tone didn’t hide the happiness he felt at seeing those two together.

  “How long have you had it?”

  He plucked a glass from a passing waiter and swallowed down all the champagne in one gulp then put it onto another empty tray.

  “Can I have this dance?” He held out his hands to me, avoiding my question.

  “Seriously, Em—how long have you had the ring?”

  “Since senior year.” He dodged my gaze.

  “You bought me a ring as a senior in high school?!”

  “I told you I always meant it.” We glided across the makeshift dance floor, the world around us fading away. I’d never known it could feel like this. There were no secrets between us. He knew every ugly, raw thing I’d endured, and he hadn’t sprinted in the opposite direction. It had only taken almost losing him again to see that I’d rather he saw all the imperfections than be without him.

  We danced past Declan and Mak, who kept glancing down at the ring on her finger. I could only imagine how that must feel, and I knew when the time was right, I would know firsthand. “Congratulations you two.”

  “Thank you. We could say the same about you.”

  A bang and crackle from outside drew everyone’s attention. “Fireworks are starting!” a voice called out from the front of the house.

  We stood on the sand gazing up at the sky as bursts of color rained down around us. Emmett looped his arms around my waist and I leaned back against his chest, soaking up the moment.

  The people dotting the beach oohed and aahed at the second surprise fireworks display. My hands tightened around his as I closed my eyes. It was the start of something I’d scarcely been able to imagine the day before. It was as if time had reversed and given me a gift, but this was even better. This was without any of the worries of my past haunting me.

  A white patch of hair glowed in the twinkling fireworks as a familiar face joined our group. I threw my arms around Colm.

  “Thank you so much for your help with the bakery.”

  He squeezed me back. “You might not be thanking me once you find out this loan comes with the stipulation that I get a lifetime supply of baked goods from B&B. You’re lucky I don’t live down here. I guess maybe I’m the lucky one—I’d easily be five hundred pounds.”

  I hugged the rest of the guys and expressed my profuse gratitude.

  Later, lying in bed beside Emmett, I ran my fingers up and down his chest, trailing them along his skin.

  “Once I get the money from the house in LA, we can start on improvements at B&B, make the place your own.”

  “Em…” I glanced up at him.


  “Don’t take this personally, but I think you need to save your money. You’re not used to working with a budget, so how about we go through a year at B&B without any changes—no surprise flash freezers, no Viking ovens showing up with a bow on it. I have everything I need. I have you.”

  “How did I ever get so lucky?” He traced his finger along the side of my face.

  “No idea. You must have been really good in a past life.”

  His response was the fingers of death, tickling my sides. I finally tapped out and we fell into a blissful sleep. Donuts and dimples danced through my dreams. The trials of my past didn’t weigh me down. They’d made us strong enough to find our way back to each other.



  I brushed my hair back from my face, blowing the strands from my eyes. Using the heel of my hand, I balanced my phone, keeping my dough-covered fingers away from the screen. Dipping my head, I tapped the green button with my nose.

  Kicking the oven closed, I slid the tray of tester cookies onto the top of the stove. Our cozy apartment blocks from the bakery might not have been the penthouse, but we’d made it into a home. Framed pictures covered every available surface, and Emmett was quite the DIY junkie now that he had a reason to be.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you’d get to call me before you got on the plane.”

  “Don’t I always?” Cars rushed by in the background on his end.

  “I know, I know, but I didn’t want you to miss your flight.” Even with a jam-packed hockey schedule, Emmett still found time to visit the organizations he helped. The various events, galas, and receptions had him squeezing in travel on top of travel.

  “I have a surprise for you.”

  We’d been doing this for a long time now. Almost one year into our bi-coastal separation, we’d finally figured out the best way to see each other at least once every few weeks without decimating our savings. All Emmett’s jet-setting and
high spending over the years meant he had credit card points he’d never even knew existed, let alone touched.

  My dad’s rehab had gone well, and he wasn’t drinking. He’d found a job at a grocery store with great benefits, and we’d sold the house. The surprise check from him after that had brought tears to my eyes, and I’d stretched that money as much as I could.

  Alyson was kicking ass at USC just like I knew she would. Straight As in every freaking subject including Japanese. I swear, she’d be ready to take over the world. I’d managed a flight out to see her while Max manned the bakery for a few days.

  “A surprise you say? What kind?” Before, those words would have sent me running for cover, but lately Emmett’s gifts leaned much more toward thoughtful and sweet as opposed to the Hope Diamond.

  “The kind you’re going to love.”

  I took a bite of a new recipe I was trying out and grabbed the edge of the counter to keep my knees from buckling. Damn, it was good!

  He chuckled. “It’s that good, huh?”

  “How could you tell?”

  “You were moaning like you do when I run my tongue along that spot on your neck.”

  My skin broke out in goosebumps just thinking about it. It had been nearly four weeks, and I was dying. There weren’t enough batteries in the world to satisfy me like Emmett did.

  “So what’s the surprise? I needs it.” I took another bite of the cookie. Dark chocolate, sugar and vanilla all mixed in perfect balance. It didn’t even need milk.

  “Hold on one second, I’m getting into an elevator, I might lose you.”

  “You’re such a tease.”

  “You know you—”

  The call cut out. Sliding another tray into the oven, I decided I’d give him another couple minutes to get wherever he was going and call back. The cookies were going straight to my neighbors. There was no freaking way I could be trusted with them in the apartment for more than the time they took to cool, and even that was cutting it close.

  I wiped my hands on the kitchen towel at the sharp knock on the door. Putting a bunch of cookies on a plate, I got them ready for Autumn and Ethan. There would be a cage match to the death if they didn’t both have their fill. They’d often drift across the hallway when the smells from my kitchen reached their apartment.

  “I knew you two—” The words caught in my throat. “What are you doing here?” I plunked the plate down on the table beside me and launched myself into Emmett’s arms.

  Wrapping my legs around his waist, I pressed myself against him. Our kiss was so hot I was surprised it didn’t set off the fire sprinkler system.

  His hands came up, cradling and squeezing my ass. One hand slid higher and raced up my back before he pulled back from our kiss. “Did you miss me?” His fingers toyed with the hair at the nape of my neck.

  I put on my best look of nonchalance. “Not really.” Shrugging my shoulder, I pressed my lips together to hide my smile.

  “I can see you’re busy, so why don’t we just take those off your hands?” A pink-haired head popped into the doorway and reached over to the table beside the door, snatching up the cookie-filled plate.

  “Be sure to share with Ethan.” I called after her.

  “He’ll have to catch me first.”

  “I can hear you, Autumn.” Ethan’s voice rang out in the hallway.

  She rolled her eyes and shoved a cookie into her mouth.

  “One of these days those two will stop with the snark and just bang already.” Emmett’s gaze filled with a sizzling heat.

  “Speaking of banging…” I unwrapped my legs from around his waist and planted them on the floor. “It’s been nearly a month.”

  He closed the door behind him and loosened his tie. “We can’t have you going through that kind of deprivation, now can we?” Lifting the strap of his bag over his shoulder, he dropped it on the floor and kicked off his shoes, stalking me like a predator on the Serengeti.

  I rushed into the kitchen and turned off the oven. One scrapped batch was totally worth it.

  Emmett gave chase, his steps a split second behind mine.

  I raced down the hall, laugher bubbling up as I slipped into the bedroom. Everything turned sideways as his arms wrapped around me and cushioned my fall onto the bed.

  His body settled between my open thighs, his weight pinning me in place as he stared down at me. My smile widened at the hard nudge against my thigh.

  “Is that a phone in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

  His gaze sobered and he pushed up off me, the air in the room shifting from carefree electricity to something more as he slid off the edge of the bed onto the floor.

  I sat up. “What’s wrong?”

  Anything else I wanted to say caught in my throat as he got down on one knee with the velvet box in his hand.

  “Avery Elizabeth Davis, since the moment I met you, I knew you were it for me. I’ve never met someone more beautiful, loving, and kind. Would you do me the honor of being my wife?” He opened the ring box, but I had no idea what it looked like because tears filled my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  This time, there wasn’t a single doubt in my mind, not a moment of hesitation.

  “Yes!” My watery laugh joined with his. I let him go and he slid the ring onto my finger. My breath stalled in my throat. I’d never seen a more perfect ring.

  “I didn’t think you could look any fucking better, but with my ring on your finger, I’m not letting you out of this apartment until I’ve had my fill.” He unbuttoned his shirt, my stomach flipping with each button pop.

  “How long’s that going to be?” I shoved my sweats down and threw my t-shirt up and over my head.

  “We’re going to need to order takeout…for the next week. I’ll never get tired of looking at you.” He shoved his jeans and boxers down. His cock sprung up to attention, the thick crown leaking pre-cum from the tip.

  “You’d better not—you’re stuck with me now.” I curled my finger, beckoning him forward.

  He climbed into the bed, bracketing me beneath him. Lining up his cock with my aching pussy, he slid into me in a smooth, steady thrust.

  “Fuck, Ave. You feel too good, too damn sweet. It’s been too long.”

  If I could have formed words, I’d have attempted a witty comeback. As it was, I just clawed at the blankets beneath me as he stretched and filled me in all the best ways. Hooking my legs around his waist, I bucked my hips, urging him to move.

  He rewarded my wantonness by rolling and grinding his body against mine. His hands roamed, teasing those points he’d long since discovered and used to wring out every ounce of pleasure. Canting his hips, my clit received the perfect amount of pressure to set me off.

  My back arched off the bed. I screamed his name—at least I thought it was his name, though it might have been a garbled mess of gibberish. Every move he made sent another spark pulsing through my body. I held on, afraid I might rocket into space if I didn’t have him to anchor me.

  He thickened inside me, stretching me the slightest bit more. I let out a groan. He filled me, his hips jerking erratically, milking the last bits of ecstasy from our connection. My thighs were coated in the evidence of how much we both needed it.

  Rolling onto his side, he stroked his hand along my back, our hearts thudding together.

  I peered up at him. “I missed you so much.”

  “I missed you too, and I have another surprise for you.”

  Propping my head up on my hand, my heart pounded. What the hell could top his proposal? Shoving my hands against his chest, I demanded an answer. “Tell me!”

  “I got traded.”

  “What?” Is that a good thing? It was hard to get any farther away than LA.


  * * *

  One Year Later


  She looked stunning as usual, even more so with my ring on her finger. Finally! It had nearly killed me to not put that ring on her finger
, but waiting another year of being unable to spoil her like I’d always wanted was even worse. Maybe that was part of the reason she was so open to me doing things for her, buying things for her. Our year living apart had ended with my trade to Philly. But the whole budget thing had still been a necessity. There was no option to go overboard. That sure as hell wasn’t the case anymore.

  After my dad’s satisfyingly humiliating defeat in the governor’s race, he and my mom had slunk back under the rocks from which I hoped they never emerged. The YouTube video of his reaction to hearing he’d lost after the insane amounts of money they’d spent on the campaign still popped up every so often.

  Without my dad’s presumed power in the mix, Randolph and Franklin had been able to get me access to my trust a full six months ago.

  I still hadn’t told Avery.

  She would put those old shields back up if she knew, but I finally needed to tell her.

  I’d been playing with Heath, Declan, and Ford for almost a year now. It was like old times, and things had never been better. Colm had been traded to Philly, but banged up his knee during his first game. After his rehab stint in LA, the Kings would be reunited.

  “Coming up on your one year anniversary soon.” I smacked Declan’s shoulder.

  “Crazy, huh?” Declan ran his thumb over the shiny, platinum band on his finger.

  Their wedding last summer had me chomping at the bit to finally slip that second ring onto Avery’s finger. Soon. Very soon.

  “Is Olivia coming or what?” Heath’s eyes scanned the crowd.

  “She said she was going out with friends and meeting us here.” I gulped down some of my drink, my eyes riveted to Avery on the dance floor with Kara and Mak. The attention they were getting meant we all kept a close eye on them.

  “Colm’s already texted me twenty times asking me to look out for her tonight.” Heath laughed.

  “I know, I think we all got them.” Colm had been texting non-stop while he was doing rehab in LA after a small injury.

  “Holy shit! It’s Ford!” Declan held out his phone, thrusting it into my face. He had a social media app up, and someone had recorded Ford out at a bar. He’d told us he couldn’t make it out and was staying in for the night.


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