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Slime Tamer's Chronicles

Page 5

by Nathan Valerio

  If the slimes gained wisdom then for sure a slime with 100 INT would be smarter than a human with 10.

  Anyway the first attack I have Peach charge the rabbit from the left and surprisingly the rabbit reacts by jumping to the right. I would have thought that at least that attack would hit but it wasn’t like I thought it would work completely. Still it was planned for and because it was, Glop jumped out as well slamming right into the right flank of the rabbit and being knocked down and grabbed by the slime.

  Very quickly he started to spread himself over the rabbit and quickly covered its head cutting its air supply. It hopped, jumped and rolled trying to get rid of the slime but eventually it succumbed to the lack of air and fell over dead. At the same time the body was quickly eaten by Glop.

  “Wha! He ate it so fast!” Megumi exclaimed.

  “Didn’t we come here for this? You know he gets the form so they can fight better.” I said.

  She pouted, "I know but I was surprised at the speed. Normal slimes take at least ten minutes to digest a full rabbit. His processing speed must be huge.” She said.

  “Must be because he is rare and needs to grow fast.”

  She nods agreeing. Moments later a window appears.

  The slime Glop has successfully absorbed a Wild Rabbit. By eating the complete corpse it has learned all it needs to take the form.

  Slimes can only memorize one form at a time, note if the form has greater stats than the slimes original body, the original stats will grow to match the new form. Of the forms he owns the highest stats will always be shown on the stats window.

  Current mimic form: ‘Slime rabbit’

  “Hey did you know mimics could only have one form?” I asked.

  “Yep, it’s well know but since this is a newbie area it doesn’t really matter if we change them a few times testing the water with some basic monster forms. Oh and I think with it having a new form we can fight a fox now. Did they gain any levels?” She asked.

  I check the stats and Peach did level up once. “Peach did, she is level 2 now.” I replied

  Megumi nodded approvingly, “Good, they can definitely fight an adolescent fox if they fight right. We need to be careful it doesn't run away or calls out to grownups. I can fight them but it's a pain having them swarm us. They live as packs so having to fight and protect at the same time is kind of a hassle.” She said.

  I agree but none the less we go. She takes me near the edge of the forest and look around a bit.

  We spot several burrows being used as nests but all were heavily guarded but the adults.

  We look more until we spotted something rather sad. Walking around while whining was a small baby fox. Though it was an easy target I would never attack it and I stared daggers at Megumi just as she was about to suggest it.

  Instead I pulled out some food and walked over. The pup looked at me in fear and feebly tried to run but I picked it up easily. The other fox mothers were watching with narrowed eyes and were growling but when I put the fox's snout to the provisions which were sandwiches that I took apart and fed the meat it devoured it quickly before looking up. Its eyes clearly showed it was begging for more so I pulled out another sandwich and held the meat to it. After I put the open sandwich close and let it sniff. It pulled the lettuce and other greens chewing on it.

  After it was full it just curled up in my arms and the window showing I tamed it popped up.

  I looked at Megumi and she sighed knowing what happened.

  I stood up with the baby fox and we leave the area. The other fox ignored us and the tamed fox.

  The stats were all set but there was a reduction from being a baby.










  Hp regen

  0.8 per/m



  Mana Regen

  0 per/m



  Stamina Regen

  0.64 per/m















  Status Condition

  Starved (Heals with 3 more meal)

  Weakened (-30% stats)

  Infant (-60% stats until adolescents)

  The stats are set to what they are as an adolescent but with starving and weakened it gets lowered even more. I bet that was the result of player hunting.

  Looking at the burrows of many fox you could see then filled with much more babies than normal. It was actually very irritating seeing this. Guess the real world humans won't change much.

  “Hey, how do the players act in this world. I heard one of them talking about more worlds?” I asked.

  “Oh that, well the gods have already told us that our world exists in the virtual plane but that doesn't change our lives. As for how they act, well I would guess like in any of the other worlds, an apocalypse waiting to happen.” Megumi said with a glum expression.

  I sigh hearing that. In the real world two factions rose up after the incidents of VR games coming to life. The first faction are fanatic who believe new gods are descending and in the form of AI and those who can obtain the god race in games.

  They are extremist and in both the games and real life. As they get more powerful in games they get cocky thinking their power will come to this world.

  The other faction are religious factions. As you can already guess using the AI to work for us they create new worlds and life which in turn made several churches try and destroy game companies but to no avail because as soon as a new game is complete. The game is uploaded to the internet and the AI that made the game watches over ONLY the one it created.

  Still this group causes huge problems because they commit mass murders and bombings around the world. Thankfully they are small in number and are constantly being caught and made to suffer a punishment they would hate the most.

  It's been called the VR death. You are hooked up to the internet and you are forced to choose a game. If you don't it chooses the worse one and spawns you in the middle of war.

  If you choose, you are spawned as a rare breed of some weak monster to be hunted by the players and NPC.

  To make it worse they even found a way to sever the mind from the body so the mind lives on in the game always monitored by the AI who keeps a short leash on them.

  Still, with all this and after nearly 80 years, the ruler of Aurora online, there is little progress in the attempt to make real world humans see the virtual worlds as nothing more than a game.

  I would say make all schools be in the vr world from a young age that way the kids grow up with the npcs. Still I can't do anything about it now.

  Oops I got distracted. Well still, looking at the baby fox it did irritate me. But it didn't stop me from slowly and painfully carry the fox while we look for a target.

  We find one after some time and attack. This time though, Glop attacks first hitting the right flank and distracting the fox and Peach jumps up high and lands on the foxes back which startled it leaving an opening for Glop in his rabbit form to attack with his new small buck teeth.

  While the fox struggled Peach climbs up the back until finally it's close enough to encase the head of the fox. After that it was over. It struggled but quickly Glop turned back into a slime and grabbed its legs on my orders and sealing its movements.

  After that it took only another minute for the fox to die. Like Glop, Peach spread itself over the entire fox and quickly ate it.

  Like before a window appeared and showed that she could turn into a slime fox. Oh and yes the are slimes in the shape of animals and not a magical mimic that had fur and skin but if you touch
them you can feel as if you are touching something furry but squishy at the same time.

  One thing surprising was the Peach developed wisdom in this form and she stays in her fox form. First off she leveled up 2 times while Glop gained 1 level and both of them were at level 4

  “Hey, is it ok that my tamed monsters are higher level than me?” I asked.

  “No problem really, as long as your tamed creatures like you, it won’t be aggressive and run away unless you treat it poorly.” She said dispersing my worry.

  I understood and walked over to the fox slime. It was the same shape as a full grown fox, about a half a meter long with all the shapes and muscles drawn out. Looking close as it lay down sideways I saw that there were female parts. So does that mean Peach was officially female. I try identifying which didn’t work and then checked the stats and found it. The female sign was right at the top next to the race. The body itself was still the semi transparent pink color.

  At that moment the little baby fox woke up and Peach sat up and sniffed the fox. It did the same and it tilted its head towards Peach. Then it squirmed around wanting to get down so I put it down and it stumbled around while trying to walk over to Peach.

  When it got to her legs it rubbed up against her. She in turn looked at the baby a bit before opening a pair of jaws with slime fangs there. She grabbed the baby and took it into the shade of a nearby tree and it laid down before letting the little baby down on her belly.

  The baby looked around a bit and finally found the mimicked breast and started to bite at it.

  Megumi and I just looked with our jaws dropped. What was happening was far more than anyone could expect but Megumi started to laugh.

  "Is there something funny?” I asked.

  “Oh sorry. There was talk that Mimic slimes copied habits of the creature they are copying but I never thought it went this far.” Megumi laughed.

  "Is it safe to let it breastfeed from a slime.” I asked.

  “We will see in a bit. Let it drink then we can extract some of the milk to examine it.” She said wiping away the tears that formed from the laughing.

  I nod and watch the strange yet strangely cute scene before me.

  Soon the baby finished and it curled up to sleep but I picked it up and let it curl up in my arms.

  Megumi pulls out a small glass vial and I order Peach to make the milk which is then extracted. This is what came out.

  Slime Fox Milk

  A mimic slimes milk after taking the form of a fox. This unique slime mixture mimics a real foxes milk but is greatly more nutritious than a normal foxes milk. The mineral content is enough to reinvigorate even a starved baby faster and make it grow stronger than normal.

  My jaw dropped instantly. Seriously, this is like a supplementary drink for athletes. Did it appear because it's a pink slime or because it's a mimic slime?

  Megumi quickly saw what I wanted to do just by watching my trembling hand. She took the baby fox before looking at me.

  “You can try it. You want to get stronger right?” She asked smiling and I nodded before downing the full vial of slime fox milk.

  When I finished I waited for something but nothing happened. Nothing appears, no window or anything.

  “Maybe it works only for fox's!” I said. A moment later I instantly grab my stomach and Megumi calls my name worried.

  You drank Fox Slime milk. Effects to humans, Increases metabolism for 1 hour, burst of energy for 1 hour, speed at which strength and agility rises has grow for undetermined time.

  At that moment I started laughing and twirling like a free willed kid.

  “Kuroko! Are you ok?!” Megumi asked worried reaching a hand out.

  "I’m GREAT!” I shout and jump up while laughing, "I WANT TO PLAY SO MUCH!”

  Without a second thought I ran off without a care for the world. If someone saw me I would look like a free willed kid but then again after I ran a few meters my covered my body with mana and ran at least five times faster.

  And that is what happened for me to be crying out in pain.

  As soon as the side effects of the slime milk ran out all the fatigue my all to fragile body built up hit me… Hard!

  So at this moment I was on the tamer guilds headmaster's office laying down on his sofa unable to move. The elf maid was performing several series of healing spells on my body to repair the muscle damage I suffered from the backlash.

  Megumi had just finished explaining what had happened. Then I told him the effects I saw pop up for me. Besides the metabolism and burst of energy what was most interesting was the physical stats growth increase.

  “There are few things that can increase a person’s physical growth potential. Still considering the side effects I would think that if you will use this slime milk I would use in small drops to the point of almost being medicine. I will have some alchemists examine this thoroughly. If you want to sell us the way to make mimic slimes it would help advance many things.” Dalton said while holding the glass veil of slime milk.

  “URG! Sell it?” I said while groaning in pain as I move my head to look his way confused.

  "If anyone figures out the conditions to a certain evolution of a monster then the guild buys it depending what the form is. Because Mimic slime is a race that is searched world wide because of its convenience. This conditions would cost the guild easily 500 gold coins or more. Considering you also know how to make variant colors that price can go as high as 2000 gold coins since we can make large numbers of pink mimic slimes now.” Megumi explained.

  Even hearing those numbers the old man's eyes were fixed and determined.

  “Ouch! If you will still sponsor me for school, but at 2000 coins and one other thing I will accept.” I said.

  “Sure but what is condition three?” Dalton said quickly.

  “Adopt me.” I said serious, "I want to be in the same family as Megumi even if I don’t use the same last name.”

  She looks shocked as those the old man and the maid but soon they smile.

  “That can be easily taken care of. Rio, please take care of preparations once you are done with her treatment.” Dalton said.

  “Yes sir. It would be my utmost pleasure to gain a new mistress to serve.” She smiled warmly like a gentle mother like my old mother. The thought of her made tears appear in my eyes.

  Everyone looked worried at me.

  “Miss why are you crying?”

  "I... just remembered... my moms face. I... loved her but… but I can’t see her now.” I cried.

  No one could say anything but Rio stood up and sat me up even through the pain and hugged me.

  It was warm and gentle like a mother's. A hug that I was denied for so long. It felt like when I was a little kid again. In my moms arms I slowly fell asleep and breathed gently to the warm hug and the very quiet humming of a lullaby.

  My childhood, the one I never had, I was given again by god. I wish I could thank him but I guess living is one way of doing that. Living with my new family, that sounds nice.

  Chapter 5 Human Form

  After my childish outburst from the effect of Peach’s milk. I had to stay in bed for nearly 3 days. I wasn’t idle though. Megumi told me that if I give the command, I can leave a pet with someone. With that I left Glop with her and asked her to find a male fox and have him change his race to that.

  The idea was to make a couple for the baby fox. It didn’t take more than a half hour for that to be done and Glop returned as a fox.

  Oh if you are wondering about it, their stats are all similar to the baby foxes stats as an adult. But here is a recap since the slimes have their own stats at max that augments it.





  Blue Mimic Slime





  Hp Regen:

  0.94 per/m



  Mana Regen:
/>   1.66 per/m



  Stamina Regen:

  0.78 per/m























  Pink Mimic Slime





  Hp Regen:

  0.5 per/m



  Mana Regen:

  1.2 per/m



  Stamina Regen:

  0.4 per/m



















  Well they were a bit better then regular fox but it not like the baby was staying still. Drinking every few hours its body has been growing tremendously. Megumi says that when it reaches adult hood I might even be an Elite or Boss monster. As everyone might know, a monsters is anything abnormal compared with an animal. For regular animals, any rank up makes it a monster or being Elite or boss will make it be considered a monsters.


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