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Slime Tamer's Chronicles

Page 6

by Nathan Valerio

  Not like it mattered, this little bundle of fluffiness is too cute to be so feral unless I let him. Well even if I say that during the time I was inside idling, I had to study.

  After the paperwork for my adoption into Megumi ’s family was complete, they had me start learning tamer's skills.

  First off was the pet summon and unsummon. This is set by creating a magical zone with magic. This space is kind of like a pocket dimension. It grows bigger the more mana a person has. Also you don’t have to feed animals and monsters that go there because the magic of the space will create monsters to be hunted for food if needed, all mindless and weak. I looked strangely when hearing that but when she said that it uses the monster's own mana to make its food I kind of understood. Put simply it's a one time use spell that will make sure I never have to feed my pets unless I am treating them to a snack. She does say that it's better to feed since it would let me get closer but it wasn’t something overly serious.

  Other things she started to teach me was cooking. How to make different treats as well as baits. Crafting for traps, slings, improvised weapons. Mapping was important for taming because you should always study the surroundings.

  Let's say this. My new big sister was making me learn everything at once.

  Still, it was fun. After the rest period, I would spend time with her getting tips while I just walked about. And no, I didn’t stop using the slime fox milk. The difference was that now I take them in drops.

  Three drops was enough to give just the increased boost to physical growth. They researchers say this is some rather potent stuff. The drops last for 6 hours which is when I take another three drops.

  Because of this, after the three days of rest I spent 2 weeks learning from Megumi while we walked around a lot and my strength and agility rose 2 points.

  I bet it would take a lot longer than regular kids but thanks to the Peach’s milk I've been able to speed it up. My stamina has also been rising up greatly from my walks while my intelligence and wisdom has gone up by learning.

  When I asked what a normal kid and a noble kids stats are by 8 years old I learned that normally it ranges from 15-25 in all stats. Mana isn’t cultivated much unless parents teach them early. Megumi ’s family doesn’t know any magic besides summoning but Rio knows but she told me to focus on my physical strength for now. Simply knowing mana coat is enough for me right now. Still she does show me how to make a mana ball which can be shot as the Spell Mana Bolt.

  This is for me to learn conservation of mana and control. Because of this I was finally able to hunt...which I made sure not to do. Like hell I was going to hunt just because I wanted to get stronger. Especially when I go out there and they come over with eyes begging to be petted.

  I do enough to appease them but not tame but several times went off Megumi in a different direction when some players came over just like now.

  I am sitting with Peach and Glop in slime form on my head while there were two fox behind me and their pups playing on my lap.

  I had taken a liking to this family of fox and was feeding the pups some of Peach’s slime milk. I don’t do this everyday so I think at best an elite fox will appear from them.

  When I was just finishing their feeding a party came up to me but stayed away because the parents started growling.The leader was a mage who was garbed in a long robe and had an old staff in his left hand and a grimoire in his right.

  My eyes slightly shined seeing the book.

  “Hey kid, you know it's dangerous here. What are you doing?” He said with fake worry as he saw me petting the fox pups.

  "It’s only dangerous for idiots who randomly hunt the animals here. They aren’t just mobs for you stupid players to hunt.”

  I could see the veins appear on their heads but the party but the mage was more curious.

  “You said mobs. That's a term we use and not you Natives.” The mage leader said.

  I snorted and sneered his way, “Why wouldn’t we use it. We have adventurers just like you guys and we play video games just like you and have many things that you all use as well.” I replied.

  Yes we are advanced enough to have video games. Dwarf tech supposedly evolved a lot after the players came here. Helped out and trust me the games are epic. I played one with Megumi . It helps stimulate your skills depending on the game. The one we played was for tamers who like to research. It was to set monsters in correct ecosystems so they rank up into something unique.

  Without trying hard, I could out do her though we usually ended up tieing.

  “True enough, still get away from the fox, they are our next targets.” The leader said arrogantly.

  I send an order through our link with my pets which Peach and Glop jump off my head and take their fox form which surprise the men. The mother fox growls to the pups and they run off to their nest which was no more than 4 meters away.

  “Leave them alone.” I warned them.

  Though shocked a bit they started chuckling. “Ok, guess talk is over, don’t kill the girl but the rest wipe the floor with them.” As ordered the warriors ran at us. The party had 1 mage, 2 warriors, 2 archers and 1 thief. It was very balanced.

  I notice the thief sneak off and use a sneak skill. I quickly point my hand in his direction and fire off a spinning mana bolt shot at him and hit his leg making him yelp. He had covered a huge distance and was going for the nest. As soon as the fox saw that they went into a rage and jumped the man. The male fox jumped and bit into the thieves left arm making him drop his dagger and the female clawed at his leg.

  My two slimes took on each of the warriors. Because they are smart and with small tips from me they easily outmaneuver the warriors and stay free of the arrows.

  As for me, I counter the magic of the mage with mana bolts.

  You’re wondering how can mana bolts block him but for two week I already learned how to use it so I can more or less make it stronger or weaker.

  The mage fires at us fireballs, water blades, wind blades, rocks shard but all of them get trashed by my attacks.

  It was rather pathetic how weak the spells were but then again both my intelligence and wisdom are already above 110.

  Eventually the mage pulls out a vial with a blue liquid and I quickly fire another shot at his hand and blow the potion up followed soon by another one that shot his arm and made him throw the grimoire away in pain.

  I smirk at him as he pales. He probably figured out I had a huge capacity but it was too late. The thief was completely bloody as were the fox but his health reached zero first and his body turned into a fog while his dagger and a pouch of money remain.

  My slimes were still fighting and weren’t hit once by the slow warriors. When the thief died they shouted out in shock but it gave a perfect opening and both slimes jumped onto the heads of the warriors.

  One was a female who was caught by Peach and the other was male who was caught by Glop.

  They dropped their swords and tried to pull off the slimes but it only helped to spread the slimes. They held the hands and slowly expanded their bodies after opening up the space around the head to let them breath. It seems they know that the players would vanish so it will be a rapid eating.

  The mage and archers were forced to stop shooting because the slimes were now on top of their comrades.

  The two slimes didn’t care much about the armor so they crawled under and spread over the body.

  The others watched in horror as the two were quickly covered and the head was finally covered. They are suffocated and as just as the last point of HP hits zero the two slimes activate the race skill Absorb.

  The next moment the body of the humans shines brightly as they die but the light stays a bit longer before puffing out.

  Peach has absorbed a human female completely. Two options are available.

  Form: Slime Human (Female)

  Form: Slime Fox Demi Human (Female)

  Glop has absorbed a human female completely. Two options are available.

bsp; Form: Slime Human (Male)

  Form: Slime Fox Demi Human (Male)

  My mouth opened a bit but I put this on standby because of what came next.

  From the city a squad of 10 guards came running our way. In front was the captain who was dressed in full steel plate armor while the rest had plate and scale armor.

  “What is going on here!?” The captain of the squad roared. His tone wasn’t in the least happy.

  “That little brat attacked my party while we were hunting with her tamed slimes.” The mage leader said.

  A vein appeared on my forehead hearing that. The stupid mage was hiding a grin as if he won.

  "Is that true miss?” The captain asked.

  “As if. The stupid players wanted to kill my friends so when I told them to leave, they attacked me. I don’t care if they hunt but do it away from me I like the animals out here and if it wasn’t illegal I would hunt all these stupid players who hunt for fun.” I said.

  With a nod the captain thanked me with a pat on my head before he turned back to what remained of the party. Quickly veins appeared on his forehead.

  “This is why I hate you players. You think this world is yours. Take this trash away. And miss, the drops that fell are yours to keep.”

  I nod and thanked him before I go and pick up the dagger, money and go to Glop and Peach, then I picked up the armor of warriors and the biggest prize, the mages grimoire. With a thought the windows appear again but once again I put them on standby and pick up the now frozen slimes and run to find Megumi . The baby fox was now half grown and was nearly double its original size. It could easily keep up with me even running.

  I found Megumi with a new slime she tamed. She has been gathering a lot recently for experiments at the guild. When I get to her I tell her what happens. I swear that I saw a demon behind her while her hair slowly rose from the pressure. I quickly tell her that my slimes ate a pair of human before the guard captain put the rest in jail.

  “Ahahaha take that idiots.” Megumi laughed almost rolling around.

  “The thing is…” She looked sharply towards me as soon as I said that.


  “Um, well these two absorbed two of the human warriors and now its giving me the option to choose between slime human form or slime fox demi human form.” I explain.

  Her eyes grow very wide and a grin appears on her face. “Choose Demihuman.” She says that with conviction. I just nod before I put the slimes down and open the windows before pressing the demihuman one.

  Instantly the slimes jumped away and began expanding until they were my size. Then the body compresses and forms a 5 year old child's body. One was a girl the other a boy. They were both my height, 105 cm tall. As soon as the body was formed slime was released from the head and formed a kind of hair. Peach looked similar to me and had loose hair down to her waist with two small bunches that stay over my shoulder in braids now.

  Glop had hair but it was short and down to the shoulder. They both formed large eyes, a human like face with nose and mouth as well their arms had proper fingers. After their body stabilized it was then that the fox parts appeared. The fingers grew thin and hard slime claws, fox ears popped up on the head and a small tails appeared on their back just above the butt were the tail bone in humans would end.

  They both looked around and started to play with their new bodies.

  “Um...has anyone ever fed humans to a mimic?” I asked.

  Megumi smiled, “They are called the Limus Morphos, though it will take some time before they grow smart enough to think for themselves but I bet they are the easiest most advanced tamed monster you can get. Just hunt a bandit then train their mimicry and level and the mimic slime is said to eventually they will rank up.” she said.

  Sweat drips down my forehead as I realize what just happened. When I look the blue and pink slime kids were smiling at me and in one bound they hugged me from both sides.

  Like the fox they had that squishing yet furry feeling where it should. Namely the head and tail. AHH~~! It's even fluffier than before, or is is squishy? …I know Squffy!

  Well it's not like I didn’t like this development. Even the baby fox liked it. Maybe with them like this and I will be able to travel further out. Oh and they are unique because they still have the fox form which helps since I can keep gaining slime milk. It would be strange to get it from Peach as a girl now. Yep too weird, not a lolicon so, like hell.

  Anyway I have them both return to slime form and I help Megumi tame a few new slimes. I wanted to try something out with gel slimes. Apparently, unlike Glop and Peach who are mimics that copy living creatures, gel slimes have capabilities closer to normal slimes and can absorb inanimate objects. It was tested and confirmed that gel slimes are what give birth to mimics like Mimic chests.

  Because of this and reinforced by the fact that the slimes now have a human form, I tame 10 slimes and gather enough nuclei to make them all gel slimes.

  I store them all as well as the fox in my newly made space which is a magic that holds tamed monsters and we return to the tamer guild. There we rank all the collected slimes into gel slimes. There was a room in the basement floors just for this so we had no worries.

  I didn’t try adding mana since it would be a waste for now. Still once it was done Megumi pulls out several items and I take out the players items.

  I drop it in front of one slime and tell it to absorb that.

  It follows through but it seems it didn’t complete the requirements so I pulled out the warriors swords that was dropped and stayed behind along with the armor. Really what a scary absorbing skill.

  Anyway, the gel slime eats the long sword and the condition is met.

  Your gel slime has reached conditions to rank up to Blade Mimic Slime. Do you wish to proceed?

  I obviously accept. Anyway the slime who already looked like the little bubble similar to mimics gained a greyish color to it and the skill called Weapon Morph.

  This specific slime can eat any bladed weapon and copy those.

  I have it change into the long sword and it easily follows the order and becomes the sword I fed it. I then told it to become the dagger and just like that the sword shrank and became a darker grey.

  I picked it up and it was just as heavy. The weight of each form was exactly the same.

  It was quite interesting how it could compress itself like this. The slimes hp worked as the durability so blocking would hurt the slime.

  Still the sword mimic gains a base HP equal to its strongest swords durability and it can recover if you give it potions like any living creature.

  It was rather interesting to say the least how the slimes worked. They are a really strange creature. Well on to the next bit of business. I pull out the grimoire I gained from the party and started to look through it.

  It was rather interesting. It talked about all the magic systems and how they worked.

  It goes like this. The world has Six main elemental systems which branch off. They are Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Light and Dark. Following that there are subcategories for each system. Water has Ice, Air has Sound, Earth is Metal and Fire has Lightning. Light and Darkness doesn’t have its own subcategory. After that there are mixed category. This type of of magic is the combination of any of the above. It would be like combining light with fire to get a holy flame to hurt undead while healing allies. Another example is Fire and earth which would make magma.

  There are many combos and with more categories you discover your options for combining them increase as well.

  After reading about this I move on to the basic systems and learn about each on. I start with fire magic and after making a mana ball I do as the book says and imagine the ball of fire. Magic is all about imagination. So if someone has a creative mind and can manipulate mana then they can do the rare voiceless incantation.

  Anyway, the ball of fire appears in place of the mana ball. It looked more like the sun from TV documentaries that I saw once.

; In my mind, I added the physical knowledge of fire that I knew. Mainly that its vibrations in the air but that was enough.

  You have learned Fire Magic Manipulation

  It wasn’t even mastery it was manipulation. It must be because of how I learned it. Still its basic level so at best I will be able to change the property of my mana.

  I shrug and do the same to the other six systems. I found that by myself I couldn’t do light or dark magic so I simply ignored it.

  I return to the slimes and start the next experiment. Like I said before I gained manipulation and not mastery so I can somewhat change to property of my mana.

  I do so and spread my mana to each slime. I change between the four kinds of mana and find a few that take a liking to water mana. I pull the 2 of them aside and start feeding them water type mana. Yep mana manipulation is such a cheat. Obviously Megumi said only the best mages can use it since they are almost always born with it.

  It takes 2 hours and all my mana plus a bit more I recovered from potions until the rank up. They become water gel slimes. They now know basic level of water magic. With this I stick my finger into their bodies which they don’t resist and simply let it pass and in one quick pull I remove the nucleus from both. The small slime skin holding it together closes and leaves a simple slime drop there.

  I call my two slimes and tell them to merge the a nucleus each and like I had guessed. They gain 2 INT and they learn water magic. Slimes, such a cheat race if I ever saw any. Weak at the start but under proper hands they become deadly. The other researchers were completely shocked to learn what I did and Megumi was on the ball of whether to compliment me or discipline me. She ended up compliment me since we have killed many slimes already the same way. The gel slimes have intelligence but not wisdom so it didn’t matter since they weren’t smart enough to know what happened.


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