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Blyssful Lies

Page 5

by J. C. Cliff

  My confidence begins to dwindle from her statement, but I refuse to let it show. “Really, because from where I’m standing, it looks as if you’re the one who doesn’t cut it.” I take her in with a hard glare then continue, “I’m the one he handpicked across a crowded room.” Clearly, I can’t let her get to me, so I try my hand at reverse psychology as my lips curve upward into a self-satisfied smile. “Tell me this; has he ever called you Princess?” I arch my finely-plucked brow. “Has he offered you the world and talked of a future together, saying you’re his forever?” She looks at me with a stunned, blank expression. Yeah, that’s right. Suck on that, bitch.

  I turn my back on her to leave, but this time, she grabs my arm with both of her hands, wrapping them tightly around my forearm and yanking me around, forcing me to face her. “He likes to watch, you know,” she discloses in a last ditch effort to get a final dig at me, “and having threesomes is his thing, but just wait until he shares you with one of the bodyguards. He’s huge, really huge, and he loves giving it up the ass…hard.” She emphasizes the word with a sneer, and I desperately try to keep a grip on my emotions.

  That’s the second time she’s mentioned Nick being into threesomes, and there is no way in hell I will ever let my body be used as a fudge packing factory.

  “And when your sweet, little princess ass can’t handle that, or any other kink he decides to throw your way,” she pauses for effect, “well then...that’s when you’ll wind up being sold.” She makes fists in front of my face, then simultaneously her fists burst open and she splays her fingers out wide as she speaks. “Poof...gone into the underground world of slavery.”

  I sober up quickly. A revolting shiver trembles through my body as I stand here frozen in horrified shock, because he did say he’d sell me if I didn’t comply or bend to all of his demands. I close my eyes tightly, wishing I could be transported away into the next solar system.

  “Tara, enough!” a deep, rumbling voice bellows out from behind me, causing us both to jolt back with wide, startled eyes. It’s Nick, and apparently she didn’t see him approaching, because it looks as if she just swallowed a rotten egg whole. My body trembles as Nick snakes both of his arms protectively around me, encasing me from behind as he provides me refuge from this evil bitch.

  I’m relieved Nick showed up when he did. I’m not sure which path I was going to take with her. I’d been debating between beating her to a pulp or…or…ah hell, I’m so frazzled I don’t know what I would’ve done, but being the new kid on the block, it couldn’t bode well for me.

  “You are so far out of line,” he drawls slowly, his voice deep and full of anger. “Once your master finds out you’ve been causing my woman mayhem, I’m sure he will be highly displeased with you.” Her eyes go as wide as saucers from his statement. Nick snaps his fingers with a loud pop, which in turn startles me, but the gesture is meant for her. She immediately bows her head as if he just hypnotized her, and then she begins to kneel on the floor before us on shaky limbs. “You disgust me.” His loathsome words drip over the top of my head as pure contempt pours from his voice. The man scares me with his show of domination and power.

  I’ve had enough of the dog and pony show; my nerves are a mess, and my stomach twists with thoughts of being sold if I can’t handle his kink. I feel bile threatening its way up past my esophagus, and I swallow hard, trying to tamp it back down. There is no place to run and hide. I have nowhere to turn to, except into the arms holding me hostage. If there is an inkling of truth to what Tara has just said, I know I’m doomed, and I don’t want to be sold. If I have to choose the better of the two evils, then, of course, it would here, with Nick.

  Nick’s display of solicitude unexpectedly overtakes me and begins to simmer down my insecurities. I find myself twisting my entire body around within his arms of steel, snuggling inside his fortress, seeking out comfort and reassurance. Once I do this, I still don’t feel as if I’ve accomplished my task, so I wrap my arms around his trim waist and gently lay my head against the hard contours of his chest. Please, don’t sell me.

  As if I’m not dealing with enough already, I have to contend with some psychopathic female who wants to dig her long talons into me and draw blood. The emotional aftermath of this woman’s declarations have my eyes misting with tears. I tense, willing myself to hold it together. The feelings of fear and frustration snake their way through my mind as I grab onto the back of Nick’s dress shirt and begin clutching and twisting the fabric in my hands. Nick picks up on my distressed body language, and he responds in kind by tightening his broad arms around me and pressing his lips to the top of my head in a loving gesture.

  “Shh, my love, I promise no one is going to hurt you or sell you.”

  Despite the fact it’s Nick, I somehow believe him. It’s the way he’s been treating me all evening, and now by running to my rescue to protect me, his chivalry has strangely put me at ease. However, I’m sure he won’t stay this way when he sees for himself I won’t ever be able to comply with his sexual proclivities; then I’m positive I will wind up being sold. Either that or I will do something to piss him off so bad he sees red and won’t be able to stand the sight of me.

  Another man’s voice approaches from behind. He sounds strong and authoritative as he asks, “Nick? What’s going on here?” Both men converse over me, but I’m so stressed I pay no attention to what they’re saying and shut everything around me out. I feel sick to my stomach, and I just want to curl up in a corner and hide somewhere safe. I feel Nick’s strong pectoral muscles flexing against my cheek as he speaks to the other gentleman, his deep voice reverberating from his chest and into my ear.

  I inhale his masculine musk and close my eyes. Nick carries such power he is able to make me feel safe, treasured, protected, and cared for. As the men talk, I take the time out and think to myself, I have to find a happy medium with Nick. I just have to, or I won’t survive to see twenty-two. I wonder if I have enough resourceful creativity left in me to pretend Nick is the good guy, just so I can keep myself subordinate, and keep myself from winding up on the selling block, front and center. Can I put up enough of a false front and pretend I’m falling head-over-heels for this man?

  As their voices die down, my surroundings grow quiet. The background music begins to filter back into my ears as Nick leans down to whisper in my ear, “Are you okay, love? They’re gone now.” His warm breath on my skin gives me goose bumps. I tilt my head back as he meets my eyes, looking down on me with concern. His behavior has been without fault all evening, and his emotions steady and anchored, but in the same breath, I feel as if I’m playing a game of Russian roulette with him. There is no way to know which chamber is holding the bullet when the trigger is pulled, which in turn may lead to my final demise, and I’ve never been a good gambler.

  “I’ll be fine, thank you.” Nick kisses my forehead then pulls my head gently back into his chest, tucking the top of my head underneath his chin. He begins to gently rock me side to side in a soothing motion, trying to calm me.

  “I heard most of the conversation. Do you want to talk about it?”

  I swallow hard and shake my head. Things between us this evening have been tranquil, altruistic, and compassionate, and I just want to suspend time, keeping us here as long as possible. When I don’t answer, Nick peels his upper body away from mine, separating me from his chest, and I immediately feel bereft. He peers down into my eyes, studying me for a moment before his lips slip into a tender smile. “You’ve always been too curious a kitten not to have any questions, love. You’re the type of person who would burst at the seams if you didn’t continually have your curiosity stoked.”

  He’s right; I’ve got a big question, and I may as well go ahead and let the cat out of the bag. Ever since Tara said there would be others, it’s been gnawing at my conscience, so I ask, “Am I going to be expected to have sex with other men?”

  Nick’s lips form into a hard line; he doesn’t look happy. “No, baby, I can’t
believe that bitch made you think otherwise.” Nick’s eyes soften as he leans down and kisses my lips with a tenderness I didn’t know he possessed. “I will never share you, nor sell you; you are solely mine. I was serious when I told you I would be faithful to you; plus, I’m a very jealous man when it comes to you. I would kill anyone who takes what is mine. He shakes his head, affection swirling behind his brown and gold-flecked eyes. “You’re a once in a lifetime, a rarity, and I still can’t believe I have you here in my arms.” He tilts his head and flashes me his perfect smile. “I will be your first, your last, and your forever.”


  As we sit back at our table, I feel my phone buzzing inside the breast pocket of my suit for the third time in the span of five minutes, and I internally curse. Someone must want to get in touch with me in a bad way. I gave explicit instructions not to disturb me this evening, and I even went so far as to tell those who had my direct line I didn’t care if the world was coming to an end, not to call me.

  I wanted our entire evening together to go smoothly and have no outside interruptions, because I felt this evening was paramount for getting Julianna to start opening up to me and begin putting her trust in me.

  I give up trying to ignore the phone call and give a soft curse as I reach inside my suit jacket. Pulling out my cell phone, I glance down to check the caller ID and give a grunt. It’s Jared, and he knows better than to interrupt me. It’s amazing; he’s so smart, yet he can’t think his way out of a paper bag. I wonder what he can’t handle this time, or what can’t just wait until tomorrow. I swipe the screen with my fingertip, answering it with irritation. “Yeah? Better be important.”

  “Nick, I need to talk to you for a minute.”

  “Your minute’s ticking. I’m a little busy right now; you knew this,” I say impatiently.

  “This is really important, and God knows I wouldn’t disturb you otherwise,” he continues, “but I have some information pertinent to you specifically.”

  Well, now he’s piqued my curiosity. “Spill it. I’m busy.”

  “Nick, is there any way possible we could discuss this matter in private, and not over the phone?”

  “Don’t piss me off, Jared. I’ve been enjoying my evening up until now, and this moment with Julianna has been a long time coming. Speak now or don’t; I don’t care.” Jared hesitates over the line, and I’m about to hang up.

  “Sir, I have every reason to believe Julianna is somehow skirting her doses of Blyss.”

  “Excuse me?” I can feel surprise and indignation flash over my facial features, and hear them line my voice. I lift my gaze to Julianna’s, only to see her avert her eyes from mine, looking to her lap while she nervously begins to twist her fingers together.

  “The biosensor data reports were revealing an irregular pattern with her Blyss levels over the past few days. So, I used the computer to generate a graphed report, beginning from two weeks ago and ending it with today’s readings. The results displayed a significant discrepancy in her blood levels. It’s truly humanly impossible to obtain those peak levels, Nick, not unless the capsule disintegrated all at once in her system. If that were the case, the other women’s blood levels would be fluctuating too, but they’re not.”

  “Now say that in English, Jared,” I demand coldly. Damn scientists. Why the hell can’t they just speak in simple terms?

  “Something isn’t adding up; she’s either taking a partial dose, or not taking the dose at all. If she’s not taking it, I think she’s finding a way to dissolve it in something and somehow trick the computer system. Those are my only two guesses, Nick. Otherwise, I’ve never seen this phenomenon. The fluctuation levels are spread too far apart with serious inconsistencies.”

  “How in the hell could that be possible?” My voice is growing thick with agitation. Cameras are everywhere, and my men would have caught that bullshit. My eyes narrow with suspicion as I stare at Julianna with accusation; she still won’t look at me, but she should at least be feeling the heat of my stare as it bores a hole in the side of her head. I watch as she shifts nervously in her seat, and then averts her eyes to the dance floor.

  “Hold on a minute, Jared.” I put the phone down and reach across the table, grabbing her chin. As I raise her eyes to mine, I see guilt written all over her face; this young woman cannot hide a lie to save her soul. I raise both my eyebrows in question. “I hear you’ve been finding ways to avoid taking your Blyss. Would this be a correct theory, Princess?” I ask while watching her face as it turns a hot shade of pink, flushing upward toward the tips of her ears, and I immediately know my answer. “I asked you a question, and I expect an answer,” I warn. Her breathing escalates, and if that’s an indication of her building up the nerve to tell me a lie, I nip it in the bud. “And let me tell you right now…if you decide to lie, your punishment will be that much more severe.”

  Her eyes have nowhere to go as I still hold her chin captive in my tight grip. I witness the beginning of tears as they well up in those baby blues, and they scream, ‘She’s guilty as charged!’ She whispers, “Yes, Sir.”

  I promptly release her chin and pick the phone up off the table to ask Jared a question I most likely know the answer to, but I’m too pissed to remember it. “When you give an injectable, how long before it hits peak performance?” Jared hesitates; he knows where I’m going with this. He hates people dictating dosages, Tough shit.

  “Injections reach their peak performance within ten minutes.”

  “I want an injectable waiting in her room stat, and double the dose.”

  Jared interjects, “Sir, I don’t recommend doing that. Doubling the—”

  I growl into the phone, cutting him off, “She’s going to need it by the time I’m done with her. Her adrenaline will be running so high by the ten-minute mark; her body will have sucked up the first half of the drug. Get the dosage together and have it waiting in her room with Justin.” I hang up before he can argue with me any further. He knows better than to debate with me.

  I look back at my princess, whose mouth is gaping wide open, shocked at my side of the conversation she just overheard. Cocking my head, I smirk. “Sweetheart, you’re about to have the ride of your life, and the way your mouth is gaping open, I’m thinking I’m going to have one too.” She quickly snaps her mouth shut, and I chuckle.

  She’s going to be harder to break than a wild mustang, and I can tell she’s always going to keep me on my toes, but it’s just another reason why I fell for Julianna. Her unpredictability and spontaneity will always keep me guessing, never growing old. Unfortunately for her, however, she doesn’t always think things through, and in the end, the shit always comes to the surface, and it always stinks. I’m too controlling and analytical for her to slip one past me and get away with it. What the hell was she thinking anyway? She already had a taste of my wrath the very first day we met. Why would she gamble on a losing game? I shake my head at her.

  Despite the wonderful evening, her blatant defiance has pissed me off, and she knows it. She also knows what’s coming if she doesn’t comply with my every demand from this point forward. I can feel my emotions precariously teetering on edge, and I wonder if she will push the wrong sequence of buttons, aggravating my anger just enough to set me off. I can see her eventually being able to piece together the correct codes, and when that happens, she will be launching a nuclear missile, and the explosion won’t be pretty.

  I hold out my hand with an open palm and nod at her to take my hand. “Come over here so we can have a little chat.” She places her trembling hand in mine as I gently pull her into my lap, having her sit sideways so I can look into her eyes, because I won’t allow her to hide from me.

  I reach up and take ahold of the hair clip, which holds mounds of her soft golden hair. As I unclip it, it’s like watching a fucking shampoo commercial. Long blonde curls fall to her shoulders in slow motion as it shimmers and shines, reflecting the chandelier lights above. Dropping the clip onto the table, my fingers
are free to roam, and I automatically rake them through her silky strands. The sight and feel sets my blood on fire.

  Gruffly, I whisper, “Put your arms around my neck and look at me.” She complies without hesitation. I give her a quizzical look as I pin her down with a hard stare and ask, “Do you have something you wish to tell me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh, Princess, I think you know exactly what I mean.” A sardonic smile plays across my lips. “I’m giving you an opportunity to come clean with me. I’d take advantage of that if I were you.” She begins to worry her lower lip between her teeth. My thumb skates along her lip before I disengage it from further torment. “I want the truth,” I demand seriously.

  “I don’t think it will matter what I say at this point. Either way, I’m damned.”

  With her arms around my neck, I snake my hands around her tiny ballerina waist and pull her in close, so I’m only inches away from those full, heart-shaped lips. I breathe in her scent and close my eyes, stifling a groan. “That’s strike one, Princess,” I whisper across her lips.

  “I’m sorry...”

  “That’s strike two, Princess,” I interrupt calmly. She lets out an audible sigh and closes her eyes for a brief moment. When she opens them, she has a look of determination and resolve. Yes, I think I’m getting somewhere now. I can see her wheels turning, contemplating how she should proceed.

  “Sir, I’m sorry I disobeyed you. I did not take the drugs, but I have good reasons for not taking them,” she insists. Women and their “buts;” I think women are born with at least a thousand excuses stored in their brain, like a built-in file. “I didn’t like the way they made me feel,” she says, “and it had horrible side effects on my mind and body. I felt half out of my mind all the time. The dosage Jared put me on was too potent, and the way everyone was always so eager to increase my dosage...I was losing my sanity,” she whines.


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