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Blyssful Lies

Page 6

by J. C. Cliff

  The way she rattled those excuses off, one would’ve thought she kept a reference book of how to absolve oneself of liability in her back pocket. She didn’t even stop for a breath. A look of worry and discomfort is written all over her face, and for some reason, it entertains me. Feeling her pert round ass as she shifts nervously over my cock is beginning to arouse me. Even though she’s come clean, my sadistic side still wants to punish her. Honesty should be rewarded, but her actions do require a consequence; otherwise she will always try to run roughshod over me every chance she gets.

  “And whose decision is that supposed to be, you know...about your welfare and your body?” I ask condescendingly.

  She swallows hard and her eyes shift downward as she hesitates to answer me. “Yours, Sir.” At this point, it’s becoming painfully clear; she’s trying her hand at placating me. She doesn’t believe one iota of what she’s telling me.

  “You do realize I don’t believe for a second you’re being sincere with me, right?” The palm of my hand cups her precious cheek as I graze my thumb over her cheekbone. I love holding her face so close to mine. I could get lost in her animated deep blues forever. “I plan on fixing your indiscretions, starting tonight,” dusting my lips across hers, I whisper, “and every night hereafter.” I slip my tongue into her open mouth, touching the tip of it with hers, and immediately an electrical current races through me.

  Just as I go to deepen the kiss, she interrupts me, asking, “Wh-what are you going to do?” She breathes nervously over my lips, the smell of her wine cascading over my senses.

  “Mmm, I think we will start off with a double dose of reality this evening,” I seductively whisper as I tighten my grip on her hips, shifting her ass so her hips move in minuscule movements back and forth over my cock. As her ass rubs me, the friction causes me to grow harder. The beast is awake, and I’m so ready to fuck her.

  “Why can’t we just enjoy the evening like we have been? What makes you think I even need the Blyss? Do you think it’s impossible for what I’m feeling to be real, Nick?” she questions nervously. She’s grasping at straws, wanting to avoid the Blyss but too damn bad; she’s not talking me out of it.

  I drop my voice an octave. “Because I know you, Princess, I know all too well your fight, your drive, and your determination. I remember your words from the first day I had you in my facility. You told me…” I arch my brow thoughtfully. “You’ve played me for a fool, and that’s why you’ve been nervous the entire evening. I must give you credit, however; you had me believing...while it lasted anyway.” A cold snicker escapes me, and I shake my head in disbelief. “You should have been an actress, sweetheart. What a damn stellar performance the entire evening has been.”

  “I...I wasn’t acting, Nick. acquiring feelings for you,” she stutters.

  “Now see that? That is exactly what gets me all fired up. You may be a dynamic actress, but you’re a bad liar.” I can hear the indignation in my voice. “If there’s one thing I despise from you, it’s lying. I won’t be played a fool.” My jaw clenches and my eyes narrow, but I choose to speak softly, my anger belying my tone. “I know what you’re thinking—how can I be so perceptive? Allow me to let you in on a little secret; I didn’t get to be where I am today without my intuition and visceral perceptions of the human mind.”

  “No, Nick, you’re wrong,” she rebukes.

  “Oh?” Both brows rise in surprise at her sheer audacity. “I’m wrong? Well then, do enlighten me. Tell me another lie; it will only serve to increase the punishment I have for you. I’m keeping score, by the way, but if you feel you have enough balls to further play the game, by all means, go ahead.” My voice grows colder by the minute, and I wonder just how far she’s going to push me before I snap. I’m beginning to think she likes getting a rise out of me, pushing me to the brink.

  “Please, I don’t want the Blyss. I will do whatever you want; just don’t give me those drugs, especially not twice the dose. Please,” she begs.

  “Interesting observation I’ve just had, Julianna. Tell me something. I would like to know how you just went from arguing about your feelings for me, to bartering over the Blyss, all in the same breath.” She opens her mouth to argue, but I cut her off. “Nice try, but you don’t get to control the shots here.” I’ve heard enough excuses. Cocking my head to the side, I grind out through clenched teeth, “I thought we established the rules from day one, or did you forget I own you?”

  She seems to melt in my lap before me as she grovels for mercy. “Please, Sir, no.” She shakes her head. “I promise I will be the best submissive you’ve ever had. I promise to do anything you say without hesitation.” Lowering her voice to a whisper, she croaks out, “Please, just don’t put those drugs in me.”

  Her begging seriously turns me on. I close the distance as I move my lips over hers. “Kiss me then, Princess, and don’t hold back. Show me how much you want me.” Her lips nervously brush mine, and I feel my cock pulsate. At the feel of my erection pressed into her sweet ass, and her tempting kiss, I groan into her mouth. “You’re a tease. Give me all of you.”

  Breathing hard, she places her forehead against mine and pleads, “Please, I can’t…not like this. I can’t.”

  “Oh? Is that right? What happened to, ‘I will do anything, Nick’?”

  She tries to pull back, but I won’t let her. She’s a little fighter, a hellcat. She struggles against my hold, and a tinge of anger crosses her features as her tiny hands push against my chest. For what purpose, I don’t know; she’s not going anywhere.

  “Do you have somewhere to be, darling? Are you that excited to get the party started,” I pull my head back, looking down on her, “or are you proving yourself to be the little liar after all?”

  “Stop it. Let me go, you sick...twisted...” She stops struggling immediately when she sees the look of rage building inside my eyes. She knows she just ran a red light. Blue lights are flashing and sirens are wailing as her mouth comes to a screeching halt.

  “Go on, sweetheart. You were saying...sick...what?” I threateningly sneer. Her throat clears to perhaps offer clarification or fix her faux pas. This ought to be a good one.

  Stormy and turbulent blue eyes suddenly accost me. “I won’t allow you to drug me and then rape me!” she hisses in my face.

  Instantly, I cup the back of her neck, pulling her forward to hiss back, “I will do whatever the fuck I want!”

  She cringes in response to the sharpness of my tone, but it doesn’t stop her mouth from running on. Her mouth is her own worst enemy. “You may try to do whatever the fuck you want, but you will never own my mind!”

  I exhale slowly, schooling my anger, not wanting to make a scene in public. I will be damned if she wins by making a fool of me here, especially in front of my colleagues and employees. Travis called this one from the beginning; he was spot on when he said she would try and make a mockery of me. She is a wild and insolent instigator, always pushing the boundaries, just like a damn two-year-old. There is only one way to handle the terrible twos, and I’m only too eager to dole out her punishment, when my hand will meet her ass. She played my game, up until the very point she found out she wasn’t getting her way. Then she showed me her true colors.

  A sense of excitement begins coursing through my body from anticipating the punishment that awaits her. Oh, how I’m looking forward to watching her eat those very words tonight, because mark my words—she will eat them. I would never rape her, but after ten minutes of Blyss rolling through her system, she’ll be begging for my cock.

  Schooling my features, I diplomatically take control of the situation. Very calmly, I state, “I apologize, but you will not be receiving your finely prepared dinner this evening. The more your mouth runs like an overflowing septic tank, the worse your punishment will be. Just keep that in mind.” I lift her off my lap and stand, holding both of her wrists behind her back with one of mine. “Come, we have a date with destiny.” I can see those sweet lips trembling, a
nd I can imagine them being wrapped around my cock. I growl, nipping at her bottom lip. “The menu has officially changed from cocktails to cattails.”

  “Sir, is everything all right?” Our waiter stops me, concern evident in his expression.

  “It couldn’t be more perfect, thank you.” I glance at Julianna, and then speak to the waiter again. “My apologies, but we’ve had a change of plans. We will be unable to stay for dinner, but please give Rick my thanks.”

  “Yes sir, no problem. I hope you have a wonderful evening.” If he knows what’s going on, he doesn’t let on, Smart boy. I give him a curt nod and continue on our path to see what’s behind the curtains in room seven.

  I adjust my cock with my free hand as we begin walking through the ballroom toward the exit. Julianna looks white as a ghost, and I want to laugh, but refrain. She looks as if she’s walking the plank on a pirate ship. When I hear whispering all around, my lips lift in a cocky smile.

  “Let me go. You’re causing a scene,” she demands in a harsh whisper.

  “Is it the scene itself, or am I humiliating you, Princess? Which one is it?”

  My conversation with Julianna gets sidetracked on our way out of the ballroom as a good friend of mine catches my attention. He holds his hand out to stop me, and I decide to take a moment to pause at his table to say hello. Taking his hand, we give each other a gentleman’s handshake while I still hold Julianna’s wrists in a death grip behind her back.

  “Mitchell, good to see you, glad you could make it.”

  Mitchell nods his head. “Nick, good to see you, sir.” He shifts his gaze to my date, and then gives me a knowing grin. “Ravishing dinner this evening.”

  “Yes, ravishing indeed.” I turn my gaze to rest it upon his newly purchased pet. Lingering on her features, I remember how sweet and eager she was to please me in bed. Apparently, she remembers something wonderful from her past training experience with me too, because her ears turn a shade of red at the tips and she looks down in embarrassment. Turning back to Mitchell, I ask, “Everything going well?”

  “Beyond my wildest dreams, Nick.”

  I grin at him. After a year of unrelenting persistence, he’s recently been allowed to become a silent investor. We don’t need investors, but somehow, he must have made an impression on the big boss, positioning himself to be an asset for the company in some way. The only thing he asks is for Travis to not know of his involvement. I shrug at the request; I won’t hide the information from Travis, but I won’t volunteer it either.

  Mitchell and his girl look genuinely happy this evening, and I can’t help but think about how Julianna will have the same look soon, especially since I will be the one controlling her Blyss from now on. I shake the thought out of my head, ready to be downstairs. “Mitchell, enjoy the rest of your evening. I’d love to stay and chat, but I have other obligations waiting for me. It was good to see you again.”

  “You too, Nick. Call me; I’d love a round of golf.”

  I smile and nod. “You got it.”

  Without haste, I guide Julianna out of the ballroom and to the set of elevators. Each step we take toward her room is one giant leap closer to making her mine. She will receive her first lesson in true submission, and by the end of the evening, she will come to understand her place, viewing her new role in my life in a brand new light. I will take nothing less than her obeying me as her master. I lean over, whispering into her ear, “You can thank me when it’s over,” and I watch with pleasure as a delicious shiver of fear trails down her body.

  Upon returning to her room, I open the door to find Justin, one of our bodyguards, standing at attention, ready to do my bidding. He’s drawn the curtains wide open, the inconspicuous spotlights exposing and highlighting the implements on the wall. His arms are crossed over his broad chest, and I give him a curt nod of acknowledgement. It’s show time.

  “Do you want me to inject her with the dose now, sir?”

  I hear Julianna gasp, but I ignore her. “Yes, that will be fine, but first,” I nod toward the intended destination, speaking sternly, “the St. Andrew’s Cross.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Julianna begins to struggle, so I let go of her wrists and wrap my arm tightly around her shoulders, pulling her against me. “Uh-uh, Princess, don’t make this worse than it already is.” Truthfully, her struggling is a turn-on, and I already feel my dick beginning to throb from the excitement.

  I’ve heard her call these curtains, the “Let’s Make a Deal curtains,” when she didn’t know the cameras and recorders were placed in every nook and cranny of the room. Justin knows the drill. He knows what I like, and he’s set the stage for me by increasing the fear factor. I know right now her heart is beating a mile a minute. Mine is too, but for other reasons.

  Guiding her to the cross, I place her backside against the frame and hold her firmly in place. My eyes narrow as she tries to break free from my grasp. Justin immediately begins strapping in her wrists with the thick Velcro straps. “Welcome to my playground, Princess,” I say, and I can see the panic emanating behind her eyes as her body begins to slightly tremble with nervousness, her breath coming out in quick, short pants.

  Her fear is like a balm to my twisted soul. I do love a naughty girl, the sadistic side of me enjoying any excuse to tie her up. “I know you’re excited, but we’ll have ample opportunity to explore each and every one of these play items another time, my sweet.” I give her a chaste kiss and take a few steps back, allowing Justin the space he needs to strap in her other wrist. I wonder what’s racing through her curious little mind right now. I want to know what she’s feeling as the thick restraints are fastened around her limbs for the first time. I don’t have to wait long for my answer, however, because in a final act of desperation, she tugs and pulls to get loose.

  “Let me go!” she hisses as an intense burst of anger bubbles up from her lungs in one last ditch effort to get free. Even though the restraints are soft and pliable, she pulls so hard I think her wrists may bruise. I won’t have to be concerned for long, because in ten short minutes, she’ll be clawing at the cross, begging for some serious kink.

  “Tsk, tsk,” I shake my head, speaking in a mocking tone, “you have nowhere to go, love. This is where you belong. This right here is what you were made for...for me.” I watch as Justin quickly gets down on his knees, restraining both of her ankles before she can work her ninja skills on him.

  Taking off my suit jacket, I lay it over the back of the sofa and begin methodically rolling up the sleeves of my dress shirt. My eyes zone in on hers as I ask, “Do you remember when we first met, Princess? Remember how I told you I own you? Did you think I was joking when I said I get off on punishing bad girls?” She shakes her head as I pause, scratching the back of my neck in thought. “Either you’re a glutton for punishment or you’re just stupidly brave. I can’t seem to figure out which one it is, but regardless, I’m going to give you a lesson that’ll be made crystal clear by the end of this evening. There will be no doubt left in that pretty little head of yours who your master is and what’s expected of you.”

  As soon as Justin has all of her limbs strapped to the cross, he picks up the injectable form of Blyss Jared prepared for me. He walks back to her, then looks to me for further instruction. I nod once at Julianna before commanding, “Left arm, all of it.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Julianna shakes her head adamantly as she tries to catch her breath. When Justin approaches her with the Blyss, she squeals, “No! No, please, don’t do this!” and as the needle pierces her skin, she screams at the top of her lungs, “God! No...I’ll be good! I’ll do!” But it’s too late for her; all of her pleading falls on deaf ears.

  She thought I was just trying to scare her when I said I get off on this shit, but now she knows I was telling her the truth. I reach up and begin loosening my silk tie, excitement coursing through my veins. I really didn’t want our first evening to go this way, but she asked for it. I wanted our
first outing to go smoothly, calm as a scenic lake on a placid day. I wanted the first time we made love to be slow, seductive, and passionate as hell. Well, it will still be passionate as hell, but I won’t get to savor her the way I planned. By the time I get done with her, I will be too pent up with sexual tension to take my time; it will be quick and dirty. I shake my head in disappointment. Perhaps with a little more time, she will come to realize how much I truly do love her.

  I shake myself out of my stupor and refocus on the task at hand. With her injection of Blyss complete, her eyes full of scorn now glare into mine, and my lips curve up in a lazy smile. Casually, I saunter toward her, exuding supremacy and power as I study her. I halt directly in front of her, only inches away from her angered yet trembling form.

  Her eyes well with crocodile tears, and they glisten under the spotlights above. “Why so many tears, love?” I reach my hand out, cupping her cheek while my thumb tenderly wipes away a shimmering teardrop from the corner of her eye. False concern skates across my features. “What are you afraid of?” I remove my hand from her face and reach for a stray hair, gently brushing it aside. “All of this was you’re doing, not mine. I hadn’t planned on our evening turning to shit. You’re the one who keeps choosing to buck my authority at every turn.”

  She shifts her gaze to the collar of my shirt and fixates on it. She’s trapped with nowhere to go, and I watch as this frightened little kitten tries to shrink back into the cross, escaping the reality of the situation. She’s trying to shut down, but I’m not going to let it happen. As I contemplate how I’m going to proceed, I brush her thick, tousled hair over to one side and begin tenderly massaging the back of her neck with my fingertips. The motion stirs a sweet scent from her hair, the fragrance tempering my anger momentarily. I work out the tense muscles of her neck, until she moans. “Does that feel good, love?”


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