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Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Virginia Wine

  An act in violation of unprofessional conduct carries a penalty of suspension of medical license for a determined time period.

  The Court of Appeal has set aside the decision of the MBC and has remanded the case for further findings to determine whether the physician took advantage of his status as the patient’s physician to induce her into the relationship, and whether his failure to refer the patient for counseling was related to a sexual relationship with her.

  All the air leaves the room, and after a moment, a harsh new sort of reality settles in. I want to pretend that I don’t care, but I know enough to respect the seriousness of it. These are the consequences. Logically, I always knew this day would arrive. Vince threatened that it would, and I still want to rip his throat out for that. But that’s the man in me thinking, not the doctor.

  I decide to call Alex. He is a lawyer after all.


  His groggy voice answers, and for a brief moment I don’t know where to begin. After all, he did warn me that this would be the result of my actions.

  “Something’s happened.”

  My cautious tone and serious manner catches Alex’s attention immediately.

  “Tell me, Theo.”

  I can hear him stirring, as if he’s just getting dressed, intuitively realizing that he’s needed here.

  “There’s been a formal complaint filed. I have a letter. I need your eyes on it.”

  “You can’t be serious.” His keys rattle in the background. “I’m on my way. I’ll call Steel, see if he’s available. He might be able to shed some light on the situation, too.”

  With that, he disconnects the call.

  I stand out on the balcony, letter still in hand. Black clouds appear out of nowhere, followed by a crash of thunder. I wish this would all vanish in the rain. After a time, the doorman buzzes, alerting me that Alex is on his way up.

  When I open the door, Alex stops in his tracks. Concern flashes in his eyes. I’m simply thankful that the impending I told you so never comes.

  “Hey.” He offers the standard guy handshake-hug. “We’ll figure it out, buddy. Steel’s on his way, too.”

  “I should have been ready. It shouldn’t have surprised me that he would make good on his threats.”

  “He threatened you?”

  I hand Alex the papers. I watch him read over the same documents that brought me to my knees.

  “What does he gain out of this?” Alex demands.

  “He put the pieces together at her graduation, and confronted me then.”

  Alex nods as he reads the last of it. Then he sits it on the island.

  “Does Eden know?”

  I know I haven’t been completely forthcoming with her, but I was protecting her, or so I told myself. The possible threat of her walking away on the grounds that it was in my best interest certainly played a role in my silence.

  “No,” I answer. “I have no excuse.”

  Therapists who have sex with their patients lose their licenses. There is no gray area. Was I in denial when I did this? No, I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted her more, and I knew the kind of danger I was toying with. I still chose her.

  “Steel’s here.”

  Alex rushes to the door, and in walks all muscle, covered in Special Ops Woodland camo, this isn’t just a role he plays. It’s who he is.

  “Get me up to speed, gentlemen.”

  His voice is rich and powerful, there’s something comforting in that. The way he looks at me without judgment. I like his no-bullshit attitude as he listens intently to Alex as he states the facts.

  “I feel it’s time to shift my investigation toward the one remaining Barnett, the one with an axe to grind.”

  The thought of Vince makes my skin crawl. I know he has well-guarded secrets. Steel is obviously the man to uncover them. I feel like my very future depends on it. Still, I’d be foolish not to be nervous.

  “In a legal sense,” Alex continues, “until the Medical Disciplinary Board decides to proceed, we sit tight.” He places a hand on my shoulder. “You’re not up for review quite yet.”

  His words are calming and reassuring at this point.

  “Tell Eden, though. She shouldn’t be blindsided. It needs to come from you.”

  “I agree,” Steel adds. “Has Vince contacted you since the day of Eden’s graduation?”

  “No. Why?” I ask

  “Just curious about his motives,” Steel says, but there’s something more here that he isn’t telling me. I can read him, though. He suspects something more sinister.

  “I’ll be handling this personally, Theo. I’m hoping to have some answers quickly,” he reassures me.

  Both men leave, and take my sanctuary with them. I know what I have to do next. I vow to myself that if we are to be together, I have to recognize she is my equal, not the frail bird I once thought needed protection. Keeping any more secrets on the grounds of protecting her would only tear us apart.


  When I turn the car into her driveway, I take a moment to gather my thoughts. The quiet picturesque neighborhood surrounded by trees shading her beautiful home soothes me. The recent storm has left puddles outside. I step into each one before reaching her door.

  Regret over the choices I’ve made is consuming me. I had built up walls guarding my heart over the years, allowing fear to take hold and control my entire life. I can admit it now: my life was not my own. It never was. The past just distracted the future. Well, all that is about to change.

  Knock, knock.


  My voice betrays me. It sounds weak and filled with worry.

  As if reading my troubled thoughts, her brows furrow.


  She mechanically moves to allow me to enter.

  I place a small gentle kiss on her lips and head straight for the bar area. After pouring us each a glass of white wine, I walk over to her. “Please, sit with me.”

  The scent—her scent—a spicy floral that always makes me restless, now causes me to give into temptation as I breathe it in. I reach for her hands and place them in mine.

  “You’re scaring me, Theo.”

  I nod, not denying her suspicions.

  “There’s been something I’ve been meaning to discuss with you. Several things, actually.”

  As she aims those blazing violet eye at mine, I find it difficult not to look away.

  “If there were a choice to be made whether to move forward in our personal life or professional relationship, Eden, obviously you know where my heart lies.”

  “I think I do.”

  “I take protecting you seriously, and it’s because of that your I’ve intentionally kept you in the dark about something.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Your Uncle Vince has initiated a complaint against me. It’s been filed with the Medical Disciplinary Board. I’m up for review”

  “So you’re dangerously close to losing your license? Over me?”

  She pulls away and starts to pace the floor, her arms wrapped around herself.

  “Because of me, not you.”

  I stay frozen in place, waiting. I can’t bear to give her up. Not now. I feel it, every minute of every hour of every day.

  “Eden, please forgive me.”

  All my careful plans vanish as I beg for her forgiveness.

  “How can you say that? It’s my uncle who’s doing this. If you had let me know, I would have gone to him and convinced him that I was no longer your patient.”

  “Eden, I won’t lie.”

  I want to kiss away the frown I’m causing.

  “So, you’ll give up your license, your entire profession?” Her hands are on her hips. “I won’t let you do that, Theo. I just won’t.”

  She reaches for her glass of wine and takes several gulps.

  “It might not come to that.”

  She stills, letting her mind wonder, hesitant but wanting desperately to believe my words.
  I reach for her, and she comes to me willingly.

  “Eden.” I cup her face with my hands, realizing these words are far overdue. “I’ve been able to live my life freely, absent of any responsibility, absent of feelings, absent of love, but it hasn’t been enough. I know that now.”

  Her eyes are searching mine, and I understand that the quick subject change has caught her attention.

  “There’d be times when the loneliness hid in so many dark corners, I couldn’t allow myself to feel at all. How I managed to get by is a mystery to me.”

  My thumb runs softly over her sweet lips, wanting desperately to own them.

  “I love you so much, I can’t imagine my world without you in it.”

  Her pulse pounds in her throat. Her breath catches on my declaration. These are the words that needed to be said all along, yet they’ve been held back by fear.

  “Theo.” Her warm lips find mine. “I loved you the moment our eyes met, then crashed, and when you looked away, unable to maintain the connection. It was too potent to ignore. The way we fit together, as if we’d just found our missing puzzle piece.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut, recalling the memory, fighting for control. My emotions surface quicker than I can stomp them down.


  The primal male in me had just been stroked.

  “How fucking beautiful you are, Eden.” Then I kiss her slowly, my mouth on hers, marking this woman as mine. “Come with me.”

  Leading her to her bedroom, I notice that her unmade bed is in shambles, her sheets twisted from a restless night. I grab them all and toss everything on the floor.

  Her eyes narrow.

  I shrug off my shirt as her fingers trail down my chest to my jeans, where my cock swells beneath her touch. A moan escapes me, and I close my eyes as the powerful pulse throbs below my jeans. Then the snap is released and her fingers gently pull the zipper down. She drops to her knees.

  “Oh fuck.”

  She exposes how hard I am, ready for anything she asks of me. Then her wicked mouth is on me.

  My whole body was shaking in need, I hang my head, watching the scene play out in front of me.

  “Oh, angel. My cock between your lips will be my undoing.”

  I pull out. God, I wanted that, but I want so much more of her. I lift her, arms up. Then I pull her pink tank over her head. Her tits bounce gently back into place. I coax her nipples to harden beneath my touch. I press her body down on the bed, taking the beaded pebbles in my mouth.

  “Ah, Theo. Yes, like that.”

  I lick across her flesh with feverish abandon. I don’t know if I can slow the pace. This potent mixture of sex and expressed love is unexpected.

  The passion about to win, I kiss her hungry mouth and make my way back to her pajama shorts, which easily slide from her body. I stand over her, a low growl pulling from my belly. I discard my jeans and polo briefs as she spread her legs, her beautiful landscape exposed.

  I want my mouth on her, drowning in her wetness.

  “More, baby. Wider. Yes, just like that.” My lips kiss her clit, feathering it with my tongue. “You taste so good.”

  As I tease her bundle of nerves, she melts under my touch, her body begging, squirming for more.

  “Stop rushing me,” I playfully say, and I’m rewarded with a small giggle.

  I explore all the textures and the sweet softness of her feminine body as my tongue gives her what her body is begging for. Her fingers are at the back of my head gripping my hair as her orgasm takes her.

  God, I love watching her come apart.


  I bring my body down over hers, finally sliding home, driving my cock into her.

  She cries out as I pause, taking a deep breath. “So tight.”

  I devour her wet heat as I attempt to drive her wild, relentlessly taking each breath as I drive it out and pound it back into her pussy, my hips flexing hard.

  “You feel so fucking perfect.”

  “What I want is to hear the words,” she begs, and there’s no misunderstanding what she means.

  I drop a kiss onto her lips. “I love you, Eden, with all my heart.”

  Her smile is brief, blinding, and beautiful. “I love you too.”

  As I drag her orgasm from her body, she whispers in my ear. “I love you too, Theo.”

  Waves of release fall around me as I find my own.

  “Ah fuck.”

  Christ, this woman, she owns me now.

  We fall asleep wrapped around each other, limbs tangled, stealing each other’s warmth. Her dark curls spread upon my pillow. I shut my eyes, hoping for a few more moments in paradise.

  Suddenly there’s loud banging at the door. Someone is persistent.

  What the fuck?

  I notice Eden’s eyes wide awake and filled with curiosity.

  “Is it Alex?” she asks.

  “If it is, I’m going to kick the shit out of him.”

  I slide on my jeans, reach for Eden’s PJ-set from the floor, and toss them over to her. Then I make my way through the hallway, approaching the door. I can’t make out who it is until I look through the peephole.

  I feel the air leave me instantly, and I know I have only moments to pull myself together. I turn to see Eden behind me, a confused look on her face.

  Every masculine protective instinct within me roars to life.


  I stand in the doorway shirtless, both hands braced on the framework, not allowing anyone entry. Eden’s small frame is blocked from view, but I feel her behind me.

  “Look who’s arrived unexpectedly.”

  He arches a sly brow in response.

  “It’s your Uncle Vince, Eden.”

  I hear a small gasp. I look over my shoulder, and her hand is frozen in midair, as if to cover her mouth.

  “I came to strike a bargain.”

  He’s looking quite pleased with himself.

  I move the slightest amount, deliberately knowing he will rub against me. My chest puffs out like an alpha male, wild in the jungle, ready to plummet his prey.

  “Obviously, you have it all worked out,” I sarcastically answer, searching Eden’s eyes, calculating how she’s handling this. She’s wrapped tightly in a long flannel robe, fidgeting with the belt. I seek eye contact with her, but her gaze is glued to Vince.

  “What do you want?” she asks, edging closer with an unrelenting stare. It’s obvious that she’s not backing down. “Haven’t you done enough damage?”

  “Like I said, with my solution, we can all walk away with exactly what we want.”

  He takes a seat and crosses one leg over the other. He’s relaxed, confident he holds all the cards.

  “By all accounts, I’ve estimated your newly found net worth to be in the millions.”

  I glance at Eden, quickly putting the pieces together.

  “He’s blackmailing us, Eden.”

  Vince cocks his head a little. The way he smiles is pure evil.

  “Now, now, you haven’t heard me out.”

  No, I didn’t like this at all. My jaw clenches tight and I can feel my blood boiling. I know what’s coming, too.

  “It’s a golden opportunity. I get what’s rightfully mine, and all charges of inappropriate behavior will be dropped.”

  “Not a chance in hell.” I manage to keep my voice even. “It’s not up to you, Vince. It’s too late now, out of your hands.”

  “And let me tell you how this is going down…” I fold my arms across my chest.

  “Wait.” Eden expels a breath. “Just wait. You want my inheritance to make all of this go away?”

  “That’s just so fucking wrong,” I slip in, unable to remain quiet. This guy must have snake in his DNA.

  “I don’t care about the money. I never did. What I do care about is Theo. His career, what we have together. Family…or so I thought.”

  The look of sudden surprise on Vince’s face would almost be comical if not for the serious nature of his th

  “Eden, you know I’m not letting you do that.”

  Let is the wrong word, buddy, but before I can make him take it back…

  “Oh, but I am.” She looks back at Vince. “I want my parents’ home. I want the house.”

  He nods in a I-ate-the-canary kind of way.

  Goddamn him.

  Fierce anger is running through my veins like fire. I’m trying to hold back my opinion until the scum leaves us. Then I just stand at the door with it wide open, and he eventually gets the message.

  I can sense his feeling of triumph as he passes me.

  “This is far from over,” I whisper as he leaves.

  “You okay?” Eden asks when I’ve shut the door.

  “No, but I have you, and that’s all that matters.”


  I’m instructed by Steel to invite Vince over on the pretense that we want to finalize Eden’s inheritance transfer. That my lawyer, Alex, will also be here. Steel has found information that may put an end to all this. He suggests I prepare Eden, but he hasn’t shared any of the details with me.

  So here we were, waiting. I hear a knock, knowing Alex will probably make it here first. I get out of my chair to greet him.

  “What did Steel tell you?” I ask.

  “Nothing, really, only that this would close the case.”

  He stuffs his hands in his pockets, feeling about as useless as I do. I watch him lean over and kiss Eden’s cheek. She seems calm. Too calm.

  “Coffee?” Alex asks automatically, moving to the kitchen.

  “You may have to make more,” I say, looking over my shoulder when I hear the knock.

  “Good morning, everyone,” Steel says as he comes in.

  But there is nothing good about it. I offer a sweaty handshake, but Steel doesn’t seem to notice.

  “Let’s move to the dining room.”

  He carries his folder under his arm and sits at the head of the eight-seater table. Eden sits by my side, and Alex is at the other end. The third knock on the door means that the vulture is finally here. He’s the final piece of the puzzle.


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