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Surviving Eden (Surviving Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Virginia Wine

  It takes everything I have not to punch that smug smile right off his face. My hope is that Steel will do it for me. I see Vince’s eyes dart to everyone in the room, suspicious, yet he remains silent as he takes a seat.

  “So, we’re all here,” Steel starts. “My name is Steel Archer.”

  Vince starts to introduce himself but is quickly cut off.

  “I know who you are, Mr. Barnet. You’re Vincent Daniel Barnet.”

  Steel’s glare rises to meet Vince’s for confirmation, and Vince nods. The spokes in his brain must be spinning out of control.

  As Steel slowly withdraws documents, one at a time, a rush of power manifesting in fear hangs in the air. I’m not immune to his effect, either.

  “So, we have the blackmail issue to discuss first.”

  His blatant, to-the-point question throws us all off guard.

  “A move calculated out of greed, and all the complicated pain you’ve brought on yourself.”

  We all watch as he pushes the document toward Vince, sliding it slowly across the table until it sits right in front of him.

  “Recognize that?”

  Steel steeples his hands and sits back.

  “They aren’t my secrets to tell,” he says, with color burning in his cheeks. “I’m not the bad guy here.”

  “Oh, but you are. Would you consider this document sufficient evidence to drop the blackmail scheme you have initiated?”

  Vince doesn’t take his eyes off Steel as he crushes the paper in his fist.

  “I’ve hidden this secret well. My name is nowhere on it.”

  “But you arranged it, didn’t you Vince?”

  His body stiffens at the remark.

  I meet Alex’s confused look with one of my own and rest my arm over Eden’s shoulder, bracing what’s to come.

  “Your brother, Eden’s father, could never be sure of your motives. He had an insurance policy, so to speak, in case you ever doubled-crossed him, or Eden.”

  Steel nods in her direction, and I feel waves of panic roll deep in my gut.

  “And there was an extra cut for you, too, a finder’s fee.”

  Vince doesn’t answer right away, so Steel takes the opportunity to address Eden directly, who has remained silent the entire time.

  “Eden.” His voice softens. “This is going to be difficult to hear. I had hopes that Vince would do the right thing, but he’s forcing my hand.”

  He reaches for a copy of the same document that Vince has just destroyed.

  “You were adopted, yes, but there was also a price on your head—twenty-five thousand dollars.

  My heart stops.

  “You mean my birth parents sold me?” she asks in disbelief.

  I watch as disappointment crashes around her. It’s as if something jagged and sharp has just sliced through her, and now it’s also sliced into my heart with the force of a bayonet.

  “It was an illegal adoption, to start, and Vince arranged it.” Steel lays his hand over Eden’s. “There’s more.”

  “No, stop. These are all lies!” Vince shouts suddenly, standing. He slams his hand against the wall.

  Steel is on him faster than my eyes can follow. Then he has Vince pinned his chest, pressed hard against the wall. He’s twisted his arm in a foreign position behind his back.

  “Fuck! Let me go!” Vince cries out.

  “You’re a disgrace to humanity!” I shout.

  Then I turn toward Steel. “Tell us the rest.”

  I pull Eden in closer to me deeper, trying to cocoon her body.

  I watch as Steel backs away slowly, never taking his eyes off Vince.

  “Eden, your birth mother had second thoughts and reached out to Vince to get you back.”

  His voice cuts like a knife, and I can see the truth slice through her—and us, deeper than we were prepared for.

  “Do you want to tell them?”

  Steel directs the question to Vince, who is now frantic, and ready to bolt.

  “The following day, there was a fire in the small apartment where both of your parents lived, and they were killed. The investigation concluded with an undetermined cause.”

  I take this all in and wonder how she will ever survive the betrayal and loss.

  “There’s no evidence, only circumstantial stuff, so we can’t go to the authorities on this. We can go public, of course, but my hope is that this bully here, Vince, will walk away from his threats, and we can keep this information private.”

  “Before you go, answer me one thing,” Eden finally speaks. “Why did my parents do this?”

  I didn’t trust Vince to tell the truth, and I’m prepared to strangle the motherfucker if I have to.

  “Your mother, Amanda, couldn’t have children. And Matt would have done just about anything to make her happy. Even this.”

  This small slice of truth that’s just escaped Vince sounds strangely sincere.

  I look at Eden and kiss away her salty tears. We all watch as Vince walks out of our lives. He won’t be back. Steel will make certain of it.

  I speak softly in her ear “Eden, revisiting the past is often a gamble. Take refuge in the fact that you were wanted by both your birth parents, and your adopted parents.”

  Our eyes meet, and we’re both still shocked and scared by the truth that’s been exposed here today. We have each other, though, and the promises we’ve made in love.


  The next morning, I think back to the previous night and realize it was a disaster in many ways. God, she’d been gutted afterward, but it was the price she’d chosen to pay to find answers to the questions that had haunted her her entire life.

  “Were those her favorite, Eden?”

  I glance at the white calla lilies resting in her lap. She’s running her fingers over the delicate petals.

  “Yes, but they aren’t mine.”

  “Not your favorites?”

  “No.” She glances out her window as we drive. “I prefer lilacs. I would pick them as a child, present them to my mother, and she would display them proudly. The aroma was always spectacular. We would take turns inhaling them, and it would tickle our nose.”

  “Ah. Sounds like a lovely memory. Thank you for sharing it with me, angel.”

  She assures me that everything is alright, even though it isn’t, and won’t be for some time. But I’m here to help her find peace, and I will.

  Turning into the cemetery, the gravel crunches below my tires. The tall oak trees with their arching branches provide shade across the pathway. When we approach the marker, I know where to turn. Then I stop.

  We share a poignant moment standing in the graveyard together, our presence casting long shadows over her parents’ shared gravestone. Designed by Eden, it’s two hands engraved reaching for each other, their fingers barely connecting.

  Knowing there is a good chance that her feelings will erupt without warning, I’m ready for her unexpected pain. All I want to do is soothe.

  “I remember the nights I crawled into their bed after a bad dream.”

  She swipes the tears away.

  “That’s what I’m here for now. Maybe they sent me to you, Eden. To comfort you from all your nightmares.”

  I’ll be here for her always, during the silence, the pain, the anger, and yes, the grief.

  We will survive.

  The End… For now.

  About the Author

  Midwestern born, Virginia Wine is a longtime lover of romance and well told stories. It was only natural to turn that passion into writing a love story of her own.

  Married to a real-life Iron Man with legendary stamina, they have two children who keep them on their toes.

  Always up for a challenge, Virginia loves bike riding, kayaking, tennis, and boating. She's a self-proclaimed zip-line junkie and will try any adventure that gets her out of the writing cave and into an adrenaline high.

  For more information, including upcoming books and discounts visit Virginia:



  You have just finished reading Forgotten Truth by Author Virginia Wine. If you would like to support this author, you are encouraged to do so by letting others know how much you enjoyed this book.

  Books written by Author Virginia Wine:

  Forgotten Series

  Forgotten Truth

  Forgotten Promise

  Surviving Series

  Surviving Eden

  Surviving the Storm

  Surviving Jordon

  Take a look at sample of the Forgotten Series by Virginia Wine

  Forgotten Truth, book 1 in the Forgotten Series – get your copy today on Amazon



  The blinding lights of the Vegas strip seem to touch the sky. The warmth takes my breath, as the heat soars into the cab, making the ride almost unbearable.

  I pull up to the hotel. Luggage in tow, I head for the penthouse suite. Cash doesn’t know I’m coming but fiancée status has its perks with the front desk. Holding the key in my hand, an unknown apprehension lies in the midst, corrupting my thoughts, but I discard it.

  The papers, the ones I know he’ll need for tomorrow, give me the perfect reason to surprise him. I flash the key over the sensor, the door opens quietly. I slip inside and my pulse quickens.

  As I walk through the enormous living area filled with luxurious furniture, a complete kitchen and an immense entertainment center, I wonder why Cash needs this suite, because it’s Cash. I leave everything behind in search for the man I’ll be standing beside and exchanging vows with in just a few short months.

  Or will I?

  Frozen in my tracks, panic starts to rush in. My vision is blurred by sudden tears, but I can still make out two writhing bodies on the bed. Black is all around me, and I feel faint. I must be turning pale, because I feel like I’m about to be sick. The papers I brought for him flutter to my feet.


  I hate my name on his lips.


  I wish I never knew what his touch felt like. Hot searing rage throbs painfully through my body.

  “Don’t - just don’t.” I manage to grit out as tears run down my face. I can feel myself shutting down, and my walls going up.

  The shock disables me, but I still manage to choose restraint where violence would be perfectly acceptable. I run from the suite, throwing my ring on the floor, leaving it behind just like my heart. I fumble to hit the button for the elevator. The only thing I know is that this is when my dream was destroyed. When I was destroyed.

  I’m consumed by this memory I thought I’d never revisit. He’s dangerous as hell. He’s the only man who’s ever hurt me.

  Chapter One


  My nightgown is drenched in sweat as I remember the dream. A storm of emotions hit me. Why would I dream of him? A chill runs down my spine. He was fucking napalm.

  Blocking him out is my only defense.

  Hearing wind chimes, I recognize my new ringtone I chose for mornings like this, when I’d need a gentle wake-up call. Thank you, Jesus.

  I stumble to reach the phone, but it falls and hits the floor. Groaning, I step over it and head to the kitchen for coffee. On my way back, I make a pit stop in the bathroom. I’m startled by what’s staring back at me.

  What’s wrong with this picture? I ask myself, evaluating the damage from last night with Gen.

  We had fun, as usual. I snicker when I remember Gen’s face-plant into the bushes. Inspiring my new nickname for her—Tumbleina. How she made it into the cab, I’ll never know. I didn’t drink that much, but I’ve always been a lightweight. Well, compared to Gen.

  Red, puffy eyes stare back at me from the mirror, where yesterday I saw light green ones. Alcohol has never been my friend.

  My blotchy skin is a sharp contrast to the pale creamy tones that came from my mother, and my long blonde waves look like something a stray mangy cat might wear. This will require some work.

  After what feels like the longest six minutes of my life, my coffee is brewed. I pour a cup, adding cream and sugar, and hightail it to the shower—my cure-all. A blinding wave of hot water stings me as it hits like jets and pulses over every angle of my body. Savoring the smell of lavender body wash, I’m starting to feel alive again.

  Saturday. The only thing on the agenda is a training appointment with Nathan. A nice ass-kicking should get me back to my old self again.

  I love how he hovers behind me, his hands holding me in place. He’s wildly handsome and oh so tempting. I’ve had a fierce crush on him from day one. Strike that. Everyone has a crush on him and fantasizes about getting him horizontal. I’m pretty sure some have succeeded.

  I put on my workout clothes, my hair in a standard ponytail, and wear not a stitch of makeup. Even though I know I have hours before my appointment, I’m already preparing.

  Still drinking coffee, I hear my wind chimes from my bedroom. I retrieve the phone from my floor to find a text from Genevieve. I grin to myself when I see her new screen name--Tumbleina.

  Thank you for reading the sample for Forgotten Truth now available on Amazon

  Take a look at a sample of the next book in the Forgotten Series by Virginia Wine.

  Forgotten Promise book 2 in the Forgotten Series get your copy today on Amazon



  I admire the twinkling lights, the banner displayed across the office, hearing the laughter while holding a glass of champagne. “Happy New Year, Bryer,” one of the partners says. I nod in response as I walk to the corner office, admiring the floor-to-ceiling windows and the magical skyline of downtown Austin.

  Through the darkness, I sense him, as I slowly turn, leaning against his desk, watching him approach as if in slow motion. His swagger, his confidence, his strength. All of it, so appealing.

  My gaze travels down his body, the expensive gray suit, his crisp white shirt and black tie. His beauty blinds me. It takes my breath away. I notice his clean-cut blond hair styled to perfection. He’s Brad Pitt handsome, the early years.

  “Eye’s up here, darlin’.” Cash raised a brow. I obey, seeing fire in his. He leans into my body and touches his lips to mine. “See something you like?” he whispers in his casual drawl. “Always, whenever I look at you.” taking what’s his.

  “10…9…8…” the countdown approaching, “Happy New Year” he proclaims.

  Liar…if I only knew.

  Chapter One


  “So you’re just ignoring it, Bryer?” I know I sound like an asshole, but I continue as she watches me.

  “Ignoring it won’t make it go away. How’d he find you?” I continue, unable to stop myself knowing I’m making it worse.

  “Let me handle it. I’ll make it go away, fast.”

  As I watch, her gaze follows me pacing back and forth.

  “Nathan, you seriously want me to face the man who destroyed me?” she says for the tenth time.

  “Just tell him to fuck off, and put an end to it.” I plead.

  “I won’t,” she warned.

  “What are you waiting for?” I ask, again. Now crossing my arms over my chest, foolishly thinking I’m putting my foot down.

  “I won’t give him that, or any part of me.”

  If I was honest with myself, I’d admit it’s fear. The last thing I want is for her to have anything to do with that prick. It’s a logical response to this fucked-up situation. Protect what’s mine.

  “Nathan, try to focus on us. Once he realizes I won’t respond, he’ll leave us alone
. Trust me, you don’t want to get caught in his evil clutches.”

  Scoffing. “Could’ve fooled me, seems the loser is relentless, but then again, he’s a fucking lawyer.” Everything about this tells me there’s a storm brewing and I want to stop it before it hits.

  “Work with me, woman.” That look just told me to zip it.

  “You done?” she scolds.

  “Sorry, babe, my frustration is getting the best of me.” Irritation clearly written on my face.

  “Our house.” She smiles, slowly walking towards me.

  “Our house, our life, our love.” Reaching up to kiss me, she presses her body against the entire length of me.

  “I want to protect you,” I say as her body is humming in silent need.

  “You are.”

  Am I supposed to pretend he’s not a threat? Impossible. I’ll beef up security if I have to. If I’m not there, someone else will be.

  “Don’t you have to work?’ she asks, evidently putting an end to this, once again.

  “I have a meeting with Clayton today. I’ll drive you in.”

  “That won’t be necessary,” she insists.

  “Bryer, allow me some fucking peace, will you?” I beg.

  “By all means, if that’s what you need, drive.”

  The drive is silent.

  “Well, this just keeps getting better,” I say, walking in the office, noticing Clayton pushing his Chinese food around in the Styrofoam container while staring off into space, obviously forgetting I was coming.

  “What?” He finally comes back to earth.

  “A woman?” I question. “It’s always a woman,” I say again, hoping for acknowledgment.


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