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If You Only Knew (And Then Came Love Book 1)

Page 8

by Preston, Sara

  “If I leave now I can be there in twenty five minutes.” Liza let out a sigh.

  “Get on your way ASAP.” Trina hung up the phone.

  Liza rested her head in her hands. “God I hate this job some days. I wish I my finances were stable enough to quit and be all right until I find another one.” She put their dirty dishes in the sink. “I have to go.”

  “I figured.” He didn’t stop his massage. “Are you sure this isn’t a ploy to break up our dinner? I mean after all, Kate called earlier, now Trina?”

  “I don’t know, but I have to go.” She sighed and rolled her shoulders.

  “I can raise hell if you’d like.” He twirled her around the face him.

  “No, it’s not worth the headache.”

  He brushed her hair behind her ear. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch.”


  “We’ll have our lunch, don’t worry.” He hauled her into his arms and gave her a quick kiss.

  She picked up her cell phone off the table, and headed into the living room to collect her laptop. Together they moved toward the door. She handed him the keys to his car.

  “I’ll walk you out,” he said.

  When they arrived at her car, she turned to tell him bye, and he tugged her into his arms. He brought his lips to hers, moving them slowly against hers. He suckled her lower lip and then his tongue tangled with hers. With a groan, he tore them away as he kissed a trail down her cheek and neck.

  “I have to go.” Her voice a breathless whisper.

  “Quit.” He nipped her earlobe.

  “I can’t.” She giggled. His beard tickled her neck.

  Julian pressed a final kiss to her lips before he stepped away from her. “Tomorrow?”


  She waved as he headed toward his own car.

  Her lips burned from his touch. Once in her vehicle, she started it, and drove out of the parking lot.

  Liza smiled. What a guy. Had it been only three days? Her mind ran in circles. She guessed the old saying was true, you’d find someone when you were least expecting it. Julian flew in and swept her off her feet. And they weren’t even dating. He’d hinted about wanting to date. Her face flushed as her mind pictured his sexy dance. One touch and her nerve endings set fire. She wanted him, but she did have respect for herself.

  Her phone chimed. A text message. She stopped at a traffic light and checked the message. One of her clients. Back to work.

  Chapter Five

  March 22nd

  Julian sat in his car outside the restaurant. He should have told her about his diagnosis the night before. First time he went off she’d mark him as crazy and leave his ass. His inner voice chose to speak up. Hard to leave your ass when there’s no relationship. Remember that was your call, stupid.

  He scoffed. Who was he kidding? There was already a relationship there, it just hadn’t been defined as one yet. Maybe he’d do it today. That would change the dynamics. He blew out an exasperated breath. His jealousy would kick in . . . there was no stopping the avalanche of emotions once it happened. It was days like this he despised his disorder.

  Her car pulled into the parking lot. His heartbeat increased. The thought of being near her drove him crazy. Opening the door, he stepped outside to wait for her. Drew would tease the shit out of him if he knew how excited Julian was to see her.

  A smile crossed Liza’s face when she saw him.

  He couldn’t help the grin that spread across his own face. “I like seeing you smile. It makes my day a little brighter.” He hoped she didn’t think it was a line.

  “You have me smiling a lot.” She stopped in front of him.

  He caressed her face, his hand trailing to the back of her neck, before he lowered his lips to hers. She was tentative at first, but when he felt her tongue trace his bottom lip, he didn’t hold back.

  When the kiss ended, he moaned as he leaned against his car. “I’m going to be miserable all day because of one kiss.”


  Julian chuckled as he caught her arm and pulled her against him, flexing his hips against hers.

  She brushed her hair behind her ear and her cheeks tinged with red.

  He couldn’t help himself and whispered in her ear, “I could take you right here in the parking lot.”

  “Julian!” Her mouth dropped open and she slapped her hands over it, as the flush to her face grew even deeper.

  “I’ll be good.” He slipped his arm around her waist and walked toward the restaurant. “How long do you have?”

  She peeked at her watch. “An hour and fifteen minutes then I have to be on the road. Then I get to spend the next four hours with a client.”

  “Sounds exhilarating. And what else in on the agenda for screwing with your day?”

  She laughed as the hostess led them to their table. “The worst part is, I sit there for four hours observing this family interacting with their children. And most of the time they’re watching cartoons. I’ve seen more episodes of Sponge Bob then I ever wanted to see.”

  “How are you supposed to gauge them if the kids are watching TV and the parents are on their best behavior? I mean come on? I’d think that would be the direct opposite of what they want.”

  “Believe me, the parents aren’t always on their best behavior,” Liza said. “Remember the other night?”

  “I guess, but most people are going to be on their best behavior. I would think the repetitive nature would make it difficult.”

  “It does get tedious at times.”

  The waiter appeared and they ordered.

  Julian opened his mouth to say something.

  “Liza?” A woman stepped up to their table. She had light brown hair with a bit of a curl to it. Short, Liza had a good five inches on her, but then Liza was tall.

  Liza grinned and stood to give the woman a hug. “It’s so good to see you. What are you doing here?”

  Julian observed the exchange. He glanced at his watch. They had a time limit and he found he didn’t enjoy sharing her company. He missed the answer to Liza’s question, but her friend leaned forward and lower her voice.

  “Isn’t this place a little out of your price range?”

  Interesting. “She’s not paying.” He crossed his feet at his ankles as her friend twirled around to see him.

  “Oh!” The woman gave him the once over. She dressed like his kindergarten teacher had back in the day. The ankle-length jean jumper, with a white turtleneck underneath, did nothing for her figure.

  Julian smiled.

  “I didn’t realize you were with someone.” She held out her hand. “Kaitlyn – Liza’s my best friend.”

  “Julian – Liza’s boyfriend.” He peered across the table at Liza. Taking advantage of her silence, he added. “We’re dating.”

  “What? When?” Kaitlyn crossed her hands over her heart. “No wonder I haven’t been able to get a hold of you.”

  “Oh shit. I forgot my phone went out on Monday night and I’ve been so busy, I haven’t had two seconds to myself.”

  “I can see why.”

  Julian chuckled when Kaitlyn mouthed “He’s hot,” to Liza. “Would you care to join us?” He wanted no part of Kaitlyn joining them, but he couldn’t be rude to Liza’s friend.

  “Thank you, but I’m on my way out. I need to head to Bryton, but—” She took the paper Liza handed her with the phone number on it. “Maybe you’ll come to the house this weekend and we’ll catch up.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.” Liza smiled at her friend.

  The waiter appeared again with their food.

  “I have to ask.” Liza pushed her food to the side and rested her arms on the table. “When did we start dating?”

  Julian caught her hand in his. “Three days ago.”

  Liza laughed. “Smooth, Julian, smooth.”

  He didn’t let go of her hand as he relaxed in his seat. “What you don’t want to date me?”

  “Of cour
se I do. But you flip the dating/non-dating switch faster than I can keep up.” She shook her head and brought her plate in front of her.

  “So it’s official then?”

  “What is?” She rolled her eyes as she took a bite of her food.

  “We’re a couple.” Julian watched her eat.


  A wave of euphoria washed over him and it was as if they were the only two people in the room.


  “You’re beautiful.”

  “You’re full of it.” Liza reached across the table and he grasped her hand. “But, I have to admit, I’m kind of glad your mother ran into me.”

  “When can we see each other again?”

  Liza pulled out her calendar and began to scan through it. “Sunday. I have appointments until eight on Friday and seven on Saturday.”

  “Were you going to catch up with your friends sometime this weekend?”

  “I was going to try, but I’d rather spend time with you. I guess it will depend on our schedules.”

  Julian smiled when she caught her necklace in her fingers. “Why are you nervous?”

  “I’m not.”

  “You play with your necklace whenever you’re nervous. It’s jade, right? Beautiful.”

  Liza nodded. “For luck. Grandpa picked it up when he was in Japan and sent it home to Grandma. She passed it down to Mom on her sixteenth birthday and Mom did the same with me. I didn’t notice I played with it.”

  “You did it last night when I was complimenting you.”

  Her hand stopped and she dropped it into her lap. “I’m not—”

  He moved into the chair next to hers. His lips brushed her ear and he whispered, “It’s arousing.”

  Liza twisted in her chair. “What is?”

  “Your nervous gestures. Playing with the necklace. Brushing your hair behind your ear. The cute little way you look away from me and blush.” He trailed his fingers down her arm until he reached her hand.

  She turned it over and he interlocked his fingers with hers.

  Grandpa’s ring on his right hand glistened under the tract lighting. He wished he didn’t have two ex-wives screwing with his brain. If only he’d met Liza first.

  “I assume since we’re dating, the touchy feely stuff is okay now, right?” He wanted to make her laugh. He didn’t care how stupid it sounded.

  Liza chuckled as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I’ll let you get away with a little more.”

  “Good.” Julian released her hand and wrapped his arms around her. “Because this feels right and I have a helluva time keeping my hands to myself.”

  She snuggled in close.

  He found himself wishing they were at his house rather than in a restaurant. Shit. He checked the time. “We’re down to less than half an hour.”

  Liza groaned. “I guess we should finish eating then.”

  Julian wasn’t hungry for food. He wanted her. Blowing out a breath, he silently cursed her job and everything that went with it. It would be different if she loved it, but they were downright abusive.

  “Eat your food. You’re making me nervous again.”

  “You know how much I like that.”

  She playfully smacked his arm. “I can’t eat with you staring at me and I have appointments until eight tonight.”

  “All right.” Julian chuckled, stood, and moved to the other side of the table. “I wouldn’t want you to go hungry.”


  March 24th

  By the time Saturday rolled around, Liza was exhausted. She worked until nine on Thursday and eight on Friday. She and Julian had a brief phone conversation the day before, but nothing substantial. It was coming up on four o’clock and she finished a visit when her phone rang. It was Julian. She couldn’t answer. She put her laptop in her bag and placed it on the chair she vacated. She’d come back for her stuff.

  She stood and addressed her clients. “Time to go.”

  Her phone chimed. She knew it was him. Two more in rapid succession.

  “Sounds like someone wants to get a hold of you.”

  “Boyfriend.” She smiled as she said the word. The fact there was a relationship made her giddy. She sent him a text.

  Call you shortly. She sent the message then strolled down the hall with her clients.

  “I’ll see you on Tuesday.” Liza waved as the parents left and the foster parents got baby Malia in her car seat.

  She hurried to the visitation room to get her stuff when her phone rang again. Figuring it was something important she answered the phone. “Well aren’t you persistent this afternoon?” She chuckled.

  “You couldn’t have answered your phone five minutes ago, but you could send me a text saying you’d call me?” His voice sounded strange in her ears.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “What’s wrong is I was trying to get a hold of you and you wouldn’t answer your fucking phone,” he roared.

  “Calm down. I was with a client. I was ending the visit and couldn’t talk right then.”

  “I’m sure you were busy with something.” The connotation in his voice was clear. He thought she was screwing around on him.

  Liza sunk into the nearest chair, floored by his words. “I don’t know what makes you think you have the right to talk to me this way, but I won’t tolerate it. Get your act together or this relationship will be over before it’s even begun.” She clicked off the phone and threw it in her bag. Who the hell did he think he was?

  Her phone rang again. She gathered her stuff and headed out of the building. On her way out, she heard two chimes for text messages. She fished her phone out of the bag and tossed it on the passenger’s seat. She flopped down and began to read.

  I’m sorry. His first text message read.

  I shouldn’t have said what I did. Will you please call me?

  She stared down at the phone. It rang again. She clicked the talk button. “What?”

  “I’m sorry.” His voice back to normal. “I was a total fucking jealous asshole.”

  “Why would you even suggest I was cheating on you when you know how constrictive my job is? Seriously, Julian, grow up.” She put the phone on speaker and rested it in the cup holder before starting the car.

  “I get weird sometimes, Liza.” Julian let out a sigh. “My thoughts get jumbled up inside and there’s times I can’t get a thought out of my head without saying it. I’m rapid-cycling. So one minute I think I’m right about something and the next I’m realizing I’m the biggest moron in the world.”

  “Wait. What? How did I miss it? You’re bipolar aren’t you?” She let it sink in a moment. It all made sense now. The bouncing thoughts, the hot/cold behavior.

  “Uh-yeah. What gave me away?”

  “Rapid-cycling. My undergrad degree is in psychology. My Master’s thesis covered all aspects of bipolar disorder.” She drove onto the highway. “That being said, I have news for you, just because you have the disorder doesn’t mean you get to use it as an excuse.”

  “I’m not.” He paused before continuing. “All I’m saying is sometimes my thoughts are out of whack. I say some stupid things. There I stood in the living room thinking the reason you didn’t answer was because you were in a visitation.”

  “And that’s what happened. I tried to get everything wrapped up so I could call you on my way to my next one.”

  “My logical brain is telling me that. However, the other part of my brain is telling me you weren’t calling me because you had someone’s dick in your mouth. Visions of my ex-wives superimposed on you.”

  “What?” She parked the car into a nearby park. She’d be late for her appointment, but she couldn’t have this conversation while driving. “Julian, we don’t know each other well, but I thought you at least knew me well enough to know I’d never do that to you.”

  “I do, I . . . I’m afraid I’m going to drive you nuts, Liza.”

  She could hear something break in the background. “What wa
s that?”

  “Me being mad at myself.”

  Liza checked the time. “Damn it.” She needed to get to her appointment. “Julian, I have to go. I’m going to be late.”

  “Forgive me?”

  “I will. And I sure as hell wouldn’t want someone to cheat on me, so you can bet I won’t cheat on you.”

  “I know. I do. Will I see you later?”

  Julian sound liked he was begging. “I won’t be home until seven thirty tonight.”

  “Can I stop by?”

  “I’m exhausted, not sure I’ll be much company.”

  “I’ll call you around seven thirty.”

  “All right, I’ll be expecting your call.” Liza clicked the off button on her phone and put it in her bag. Interesting. She thought she’d knew a lot about bipolar. Maybe she should investigate more and find personal accounts of what it was like dealing with someone on a regular basis.

  Liza was a bad employee. At least this visit didn’t require an extreme amount of supervision. She continued taking notes, but also researched bipolar.

  A chime. She had a text message.

  Hope I cheer you up. It was a picture of him, shirtless, in a big doghouse wearing a sign saying, ‘I’m sorry.’

  She covered her mouth and tried to hide her chuckle. Made me laugh. Thank you.

  Wait a few minutes she sent another. And you’re forgiven.

  You’re welcome and thank you.


  Liza dropped her head against the seat as she sat in the parking lot of her building. Her eyes drooped closed. She caught a glimpse of herself in the rearview mirror and groaned. Dark bags formed underneath her eyes and her rims were red and bloodshot. She looked liked she’d been on the losing end of a fight.

  The tap on her window made her jump. A bouquet of flowers appeared. She smiled as she opened her door.

  “Those are pretty.” A definite understatement. The two dozen dark purple tulips were exquisite.

  “It’s the least I can do after being an ass this afternoon.” Julian handed her the flowers, helped her from the car and kiss her cheek. “I brought take out.”

  Liza laughed. “Come on, we’ll go upstairs and talk.” She gripped her bag and locked the door.

  He draped his arm over her shoulder, the flowers and the bag of take out in his other hand, as they headed into the building. “I am sorry.”


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