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If You Only Knew (And Then Came Love Book 1)

Page 9

by Preston, Sara

  “And I already told you were forgiven.”

  “I still feel like shit.” He slumped against the wall of the elevator staring at his shoes.

  She rested her head on his chest. “If you give me a chance, you may find I understand you better than you think.”

  His hand moved to her waist, but didn’t say anything. The elevator doors opened, she caught his hand, and drew him toward her apartment.

  “Besides apologizing, what made you come over?” She stood in the kitchen unwrapping the flowers from the plastic covering.

  Julian handed her a vase.

  She raised her eyebrow at him.

  “It came with the flowers.”

  “Where’d you pull that from?”

  He chuckled. “It was in the bag with the food.

  She filled the vase with water and placed the flowers in it. As she stood admiring them, he caught her hand and hauled her into his arms.

  “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.” She circled her arms around his neck. She licked her lips and his eyes followed the movement.

  He swallowed hard. “We should eat.” He unclasped her hands and shifted away from her.

  She tucked her chin. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” He shoved his hands in his pockets before heading out into the other room.

  She picked up paper plates and silverware before following him to the table. He placed the take out containers on the table and slipped into the chair.

  “Why so late on a Saturday?”

  “I’m done earlier today than I do my normal days.” She took a bite of her food and met his gaze across the table. How rude would it be to ask him about his disorder?

  “That will play hell with my disorder.” He smiled, but shifted in his chair. Then he let out an exaggerated sniff and rocked back in his chair. “Now that we’re dating, I guess I should fill you in on the whole spectrum of my disorder.”

  “It’s not going to change anything.” She smiled. “My feelings don’t change because you have a disorder. It may have been nice to know before your episode today, but you’ll find I’m pretty well versed in a variety of health issues.”

  “Good then it shouldn’t scare you off.” Julian moved his chair to sit next to her. “I’m a little off my rocker. My bipolar manifests with psychotic features. And then if that wasn’t enough, I’m a bit ADHD.”

  She watched his eyes as he watched hers. “What’s it like in your head?”

  “You don’t want to be in my head. It’s a crazy circus with five hundred thoughts running around at once. Then bam in runs a squirrel and I’m off on a different tangent all together.”

  Liza bit her lip to stop from laughing.

  “You can laugh.” Julian rubbed his fingers over the back of her hand.

  “It’s not a laughing matter.” She wove her fingers between his.

  “My description was meant to be funny. Pretty accurate, but funny.” He brushed her hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek.

  She pressed a kiss to his palm. “I think we’ve surpassed your two-date rule.”

  Julian winked. “What two-date rule?”


  Liza snuggled into his arms after dinner.

  He picked up a book off the end table. “You’re a fan of romance novels?”

  Her face reddened and she tried to catch it from him.

  He held it out of her grasp as he opened the book and flipped through the pages. “Ha.” He found a page and shook his head. Holding it out to Liza he pointed to a passage. “So beside the whole ‘quivering member’ we could act out this scene out. Why is it quivering anyway? Is it scared?”

  Liza seized the book and tossed it on the other end of the couch. Her face as red as her hair.

  Julian played with the neckline of her shirt. “So how far does that blush go?”

  She smacked his arm. “You’re an ass.”

  Julian chuckled and tickled her neck with his fingers. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

  “Stop.” She shrugged her shoulder, catching his hand.

  He rested his hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m meeting Kaitlyn and two other friends for brunch around ten. She’s been telling them I met someone and they’re all dying to hear about you.”

  “And after brunch?”

  “Well, I was kind of hoping a certain man would be available for a cup of coffee with me.”

  “Does this certain man have a name or should I start beating random dudes outside your building?”

  Liza laughed and smacked his arm again. “I’m talking about you, you big idiot.”

  “I know.” He stroked her neck. “How would you feel about spending an hour with my sister and sister-in-law tomorrow?”


  “Something came up. I was hoping to wine and dine you. There’s a charity event. I tend to send money and skip out, but I thought maybe you might like to attend.”

  “I don’t have anything to wear.” She brought her leg up on the couch and looked at him.

  “Hence spending an hour with Terra and Audrey? They said they’d take you shopping and then you could meet me at the event?”

  A sly grin spread across Liza’s face. “Only, if you meet me for brunch.”

  “I suppose I could meet your friends. I may be a little late, about ten thirty?”

  “That’s fine.” Liza leaned back and let her gaze rake over his body. He was so hot. Her hormones got the best of her and she squeezed his upper thigh.

  Julian cleared his throat, lifting his hips off the couch, and shifting positions. “Keep that up and I’m going to take you right here on the couch.”

  She straddled his lap and slid her hands up his chest. “What if I want you to?”

  He closed his eyes and she could tell he was fighting for control. Her fingers trembled as she unbuttoned the first button of his shirt. Her body ached with need as she undid the second button.

  His hand closed over both of hers, stopping her from getting any farther. “No.”

  She bolted up. Had he said what she thought he said? “You’ve been trying to get in my pants since we met and when I offer you’re not interested?” She raised her chin and straightened her back.

  Julian smiled. His eyes crinkled with mirth. “Your nostrils flare when you’re angry.”

  She stumbled as she scrambled to get off his lap.

  He caught her and before she knew what happened she found herself on her back, his body pinning her to the couch. His erection pressed against her hips. “I want you, Liza. Don’t ever think I don’t, but I can also see how exhausted you are.”

  Liza let out a sigh and with it all the built up anger. “I thought . . .”

  He stood, held out his hand, and pulled her to her feet. “Normally, I would have jumped on your offer. In a heartbeat. But I have developed these pesky things that keep me from taking advantage of you.”

  “Could it be feelings you’re having?”

  “Maybe.” He wrapped his arms around her. “I should bid you good night before I question my resolve.”

  Liza laughed. “I think your parents managed to raise a real gentleman. Only right now, I’m not so sure I approve. Thanks for sending me to a cold shower.”

  “They’d never believe you.” He dipped his head for a kiss. “Get some sleep. I don’t think I can hold out much longer.”

  “Good night.”

  Julian released her. He left her with one last kiss before heading out the door.


  The chirping of her phone woke Liza. The time read four thirty. Who would be texting her at this time of morning. She picked up her phone. Julian?

  Sorry if I woke you and I realize it’s 4:30, but I can’t get you off my mind.

  Liza’s heart jumped as she read the message. It took everything she had not to type ‘I love you.’

  Awww! Super sweet. Go to sleep knowing I’m thinking about you, too.

  She rested her head o
n her pillow a smile across her face. Yeah – she was definitely falling in love with this man.

  Chapter Six

  March 25th

  Julian strolled into his parent’s house the next morning and waved at the family in the living room. He headed to the kitchen to find his mother.

  Jackie caught sight of him from the stove. “Aren’t you handsome?” He wore a blue striped button up shirt, and charcoal gray dress pants.

  “I’ve got a date later. I’m probably going to cut out of here around 10:00.”

  “I don’t think it will take you that long to get ready for the charity event, darling.” Jackie smiled.

  Julian chuckled. “I’m meeting Liza and her friends first.”

  “Oh . . . meeting her friends?” Jackie went back to cooking. “What happened to two dates and done?”

  “Mom!” He felt his cheeks redden. Nothing like being called out by your mother. “I’m going to kill Drew.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes. “Honey, in the three years since your last divorce your two-date rule has been in effect. This is the first time you’ve thrown caution to the wind and ignored it. It’s not like you kept it a secret. Besides, the only person who doesn’t know it yet is you.”

  “Doesn’t know what?” Julian pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Liza seems like a sweet girl.”

  “I’ve never felt this way about anyone else.” Julian found his mother watching him. “What?”

  “The look in your eyes say it all.” Jackie patted Julian on the hand

  “What look?”

  “Darling, if you don’t know, then it’s not my place to tell you.”

  His father came through the door. “How’s the girlfriend?”

  “She’s good.”

  “So it’s official then? You two are an item?”

  “An item?” Julian sniffed. His dad was so bad at subtleties. “What do you think this is? That 70’s Show?”

  “Sit on it, Richie.” Everett responded.

  Julian laughed. “Come on. That was even before my time.”

  “Well, fuck you, didn’t sound as appropriate.” Everett shrugged.

  “You’re a riot.” Julian shook his head and headed out into the living room.


  Liza jumped out of the car and raced to the door of Kaitlyn, Monica, and Shana’s shared house. She, Kaitlyn, and Monica had been best friends since kindergarten. They met Shana in college and she fell in step with their group. Liza was excited to see her friends, but even more thrilled Julian would join them in a little while. She couldn’t wait to introduce them to him.

  She thrust open the door and waved. “Hi!”

  “Don’t you look happy?” Shana jumped up from her spot on the couch and hurried over to give her a hug.

  “I met the most incredible man ever.” Liza opened the text message from the night before. “Look what he sent me this morning.”

  “Sorry if I woke you and I realize it’s 4:30, but I can’t to get you off my mind.” Kaitlyn read and then passed the phone to Liza

  Shana put her hand over her heart. “That’s so sweet.”

  “So what’s wrong with him?” Monica tended to have a general snarky attitude about men in general. She pulled at her messy braid. That was Monica’s style, if you could call it a style. She always wore a braid.

  “And you should see the beautiful bouquet of purple tulips he brought me yesterday. I have never met anyone quite like him.”

  “How did you two meet?” Shana grabbed her purse off the end table. Her tight blonde curls bounced as she walked.

  Liza envied Shana’s hair, it didn’t matter if she just woke up or not, her curls always did what they were supposed to.

  “I’ll tell you when we get there. He’s supposed to meet us there at ten thirty. I couldn’t wait to introduce you all.” Liza felt her cheeks flush. Inviting him to their brunch without asking wasn’t the right thing to do, but she wanted to spend as much time with him as she could.

  “We get to meet him?” Shana squealed and clapped in excitement. Her jeans hugged her curves and she topped it off with a fashionable, soft, light blue sweater. “I can’t wait.”

  “I met him the other day and he seems like a nice guy.” Kaitlyn wore another jumper and a turtleneck. It was her go to outfit. She plucked at her shirt quickly. “And talk about good looking — girls, he’s so hot.”

  Monica stood. “Down girl, he’s a man.” Men’s jeans and an oversized t-shirt hid her skinny frame. “I guess we should go if we’re going to meet him.” She rolled her eyes and appeared bored.

  Kaitlyn slumped her shoulders as if she had been scolded. “Let’s go.”

  Liza bit her lower lip. “You want to see a picture?” She showed the text he’d sent the day before.

  Monica waved a dismissive hand and stalked past her. “I’ll see him at brunch. If he arrives.”

  Liza was hurt by Monica’s attitude. It had only been in the last couple years she starting acting this way. It all started happening around the time she got involved with Byron, her first ‘real boyfriend’. Was Monica jealous of her relationships?

  She handed her phone to Shana whose eyes got wide. “Whoa! Kaitlyn’s right – he’s hot. What was he sorry for though?”

  “We had a misunderstanding and he felt bad about it.” Liza didn’t want to get into his disorder with her friends. It wasn’t her place to tell them and with the mood Monica was in, she’d find a way to take it wrong.

  “Aww — sweet. He cares enough to do that. I can’t wait to meet him, what do you think Monica?” Shana held the phone in front of Monica’s face.

  Monica shrugged. “I’m sure he has his problems. They all do.”

  “Fine. If he’s not welcome we’ll hang out another time.” Liza stormed toward the door. She was done with Monica’s attitude.

  “No, please don’t.” Shana smacked Monica’s arm. “Be nice. I want to meet him.”

  Monica rolled her eyes. “Fine. Let’s go meet this, sweetheart.”

  Liza sneered. “Well aren’t you Little Miss Sunshine today.” She squeezed her purse strap and spun on her heels to head out the door.

  “What’s with the new car? Is your old car in the shop?” Kaitlyn perused the car and nodded.

  “Nope, this is my new car.” Liza motioned to the car.

  “A new car, how are you able to afford a new car?” Monica inspected the car and peered in the window. “What’s the model year on this thing? It can’t be more than a year old.”

  “I’ll tell you everything when we get there, promise.” Liza smiled as she got in her car.


  Liza waited for her friends at the restaurant then headed inside.

  “Okay, fill us all in. What happened? How did you meet Julian? And what happened to your car?” Kaitlyn sat down at the table with the rest of them.

  “I was on my way to an appointment Monday night when I had a car accident.” She thought about the night and meeting Julian for the first time.

  “What and didn’t tell us? Are you okay, is everything all right?” Shana touched her arm.

  Liza shook her head when the waitress appeared with a pot of coffee. She told them about the car accident. “Julian and I have been hanging out ever since.”

  “And what about the new car?” Kaitlyn asked.

  “Wednesday he took me car shopping with him. The insurance company came through and I was surprised how quick the process was,” Liza said. “Julian’s been great, he even let me sleep on his couch after the accident.”

  Monica exchanged glances with Kaitlyn and Shana. “Insurance companies don’t work fast. You’ve dealt with getting things fixed with the insurance company.”

  “It didn’t take me long to get my car fixed when I was in the accident a couple years ago. When I was in college my dad had a new car soon after the accident.”

  “Yeah, but your dad was making payments on the car, not getting a new car . . . for free . . . from an ins
urance company,” Kaitlyn stated. “The only accident you had involving other people you were at fault for, maybe it works different.”

  “I don’t know.” Liza shrugged. “I have a new car and between my gap insurance and their insurance my old car was paid in full.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t sleep with him on his couch?” Monica chuckled.

  “Excuse me?” Ugh! What was up with Monica today? She was being a total bitch. Liza knew her friend was blunt and believed all men did things for one reason, but she went too far today. “No, I did not sleep with him. We’ve hung out quite a bit this week. We went out Tuesday night, then Wednesday we did the car shopping and I made him dinner. Thursday we had lunch and ran into Kaitlyn.”

  “From everything you’ve told us, I’d say he’s pretty nice.” Shana did a little dance in her chair. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “He’s wonderful.” Her phone chimed and her body tingled. She wasn’t from him, but one of her clients cancelling for the next day. Damn it! Now she’d need to find a way to add an extra hour to her schedule to make sure her numbers were right. Why did work always have to come up? She sent a quick message to her client and turned to her friends.

  “Are you sure you’re not exaggerating a bit? There has to be something wrong with him?” Kaitlyn turned to Monica. “I mean he’s gorgeous. Short black hair, blue eyes, dressed to kill. I thought he was a model.”

  “Are you sure you didn’t hire him to play your boyfriend?” Monica laughed.

  Liza was about to say something, when her phone rang. “It’s him.” She held up the phone before answering it. “Hi, Julian.”

  “I’ll believe it when I see him.” Monica tilted her head to the side, gave Kaitlyn a pointed look then raised an eyebrow.

  “What you don’t believe me?” Kaitlyn pouted. “I did meet him the other day?”

  “No, I believe you met him or at least you met someone she wanted you to believe was this guy.” Monica sipped at her coffee.

  “I just left my parent’s house. I’ll be there in about ten minutes,” Julian said.

  “Good, because my friends think I hired a model the other day.”

  Monica scoffed at the comment and twirled the glass of water on the table.


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