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Rose and Jacob

Page 7

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Richard, who are they?” It looked like he was trying to avoid the three guys seated by one of the windows.

  “I don’t know.”

  He was grumpy now and I hesitated to say that he looked troubled. “Richard . . . ”

  “Please don’t ask again, Rose.”

  “Okay.” Well, that was odd.

  We ate in silence, but by the time we had finished and he was driving me home, he seemed to be back to normal.

  “Thank you for this evening, Rose. Perhaps we could do this again sometime?”

  I tried to hide a yawn. “Maybe,” I mumbled behind my hand as he walked me to the front door. He made me nervous incase he expected a goodnight kiss, but luckily, JT opened the door and saved the day.

  I quickly said goodnight and dragged JT inside, closing the door behind us.

  March 24, 1947

  Richard doesn’t have to marry me...

  It has been two days since I last saw Jacob. I missed him terribly. I was sitting on the porch, daydreaming about the night on the beach, when Richard appeared in his father’s car.

  He climbed out and came running over to me. “Rose, will you come for a drive with me?”

  I hesitated.

  “Please?” he begged.

  Oh, what the heck. I wasn’t exactly doing anything. “All right. Let me just grab a jacket and my purse.”

  I ran inside to quickly grab what I needed and ran back outside. Richard opened the door for me. I climbed into his father’s luxurious car and admired the cream leather interior with a dark mahogany wooden dashboard while Richard shut the door and ran around to the other side.

  “Richard, what’s going on?” I was both nervous and curious.

  “My father has agreed I don’t have to marry you. So I thought we could celebrate with pie and chocolate milk,” he replied, grinning at me like a little boy.

  I laughed. “Well, let’s celebrate then.”

  He drove to town and parked at the crowded diner. We walked inside and I spotted Jayne sitting by herself and just finishing her meal. I walked over and sat down beside her. “What are you doing here?”

  “Richard wants to celebrate not being forced to marry me.”

  Her eyes nearly popped out of her head, which made me laugh.

  “Rose, Sandy is going to bring our favorite pie and milk over. Hello, Jayne. Would you like anything?”

  “No, I’ve just finished eating. Thank you, though.”

  Richard sat opposite me and engaged Jayne in conversation. As they talked, I longed for a few quiet moments alone with Jayne. I wanted to confess to Jayne about Jacob, but I was afraid she would say something to someone else. She may be my best friend, but she had trouble, big trouble actually, with keeping things to herself.

  I had just finished my pie when I noticed JT sitting with Levi, Walt, and some girls at the back of the diner.

  Excusing myself, I walked over to their table. When JT saw me, he went bright red and stood up. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from his friends so they were out of hearing range.

  “What are you doing here, sis?”

  “I’m with Jayne and Richard. What about you? You know you’re not allowed in here.”

  “I’m with Walt and Levi.” He glanced in their direction.

  “I have eyes, JT. I’ll walk back with you so you don’t get into any trouble with Father. I also don’t want Richard getting any ideas.”

  He laughed. “Wouldn’t want that, sis.” He strolled back to his friends and said his goodbyes, then walked back to me.

  “Let me just tell Jayne and Richard I’m leaving,” I said, quickly walking over to where they were sitting.

  “Sorry, but I’m going to walk back to the house with JT before Father gets home.”

  “Rose, please don’t leave. Can’t JT walk back on his own?” Richard asked, frowning at JT, who had stuck his tongue out at him.

  I gave him a shove. “Stop that.” I turned back to Jayne and Richard. “I really need to make sure he gets there without causing any more trouble. I’ll see you both later.” I turned quickly and grabbed hold of JT’s arm before I dragged him out of the diner.

  March 26, 1947

  The night I became a woman…

  Sneaking out of the house had JT catching me, again. I owed him an Our Gang comic. He sure was getting a lot out of me.

  Jacob was waiting for me at the bottom of the drive. I ran straight into his arms, and we kissed and kissed while he spun me around. “I’ve missed you so much,” he caressed my face, “my Rose.”


  “Let’s go, before we miss the bus.” He took my hand as we walked to the bus stop. We should be more careful because I didn’t want Father getting wind of me going out with someone other than Richard. But when Jacob was holding on to me, I really didn’t care.

  We were going to see The Shocking Miss Pilgrim with Betty Grable. I loved her movies so I was really looking forward to watching it. Going with Jacob only made it better.

  Jacob held my hand all the way there, and during the movie, I cuddled into him, moving slightly to give him a quick kiss.

  After the movie ended, we only had time to catch the bus home, but we jumped off a stop early. We walked along the cliffs toward my house so we could spend a few extra moments together. Jacob had his arm wrapped around my shoulders with my arm holding him tight around his waist. He felt so amazing. I never wanted to let go.

  Suddenly stopping, Jacob turned me to face him and held my face in his hands, caressing me with his thumbs. “Rose, I love you,” he whispered.

  I reached out to him with my hand and tangled my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. He shivered and covered my mouth with his. I moaned as I searched out his tongue and slid mine along his in a dance as old as time. Our breathing started to grow heavy. I moved in closer to him. He placed his hands on my hips and guided me in even closer while he continued his assault on my senses.

  “Make love to me, Jacob.” He looked startled but seemed to recover quickly.

  “Are you sure?” he asked me in a whisper as he moved my hair behind my ears with an unsteady hand.

  “More than ever.” I kissed his palm.

  “We’re too far from my apartment.” He looked distressed.

  “Then let’s go to our place on the beach. It’s late and there won’t be anyone around. Plus, it’s dark and secluded.”

  He groaned. “Rose.” I took his hand and led him toward the beach. We had only taken a few steps when he picked me up and carried me the rest of the way. He retrieved the blankets he’d hidden there the other night.

  He laid the blankets on the sand, and then looked up at me and took my hand.

  We stood facing each other as he started removing his clothes. First his blazer, followed by his shirt and tie. I unfastened the buttons on the front of my dress and let it slide down my body, kicking it to the side. I followed that with my slip. Standing in our underwear, I couldn’t help but stare at him. He had broad shoulders, a muscular chest, and a trim waist with only a sprinkling of hair on his stomach, which disappeared into his shorts. I licked my lips when I saw the rather large bulge growing in them.

  Taking my hand into his unsteady one, he pulled me close. I placed my hand on his naked chest and smoothed my hands over his skin. He was gorgeous. I glanced up at him, seeking his eyes in the starlight as I came to terms with the riot of emotions in me. I felt brave and started kissing his chest, and then his nipples, only to hear him groan.

  He stopped me and moved us both onto the blanket. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me with such passion, I was breathless.

  He unhooked my brassiere and removed it, inhaling sharply in delight as he leaned over me. Placing kisses all around my breasts, he gently suckled my nipple into his mouth. I shivered. He moved his mouth lower and took hold of my underwear with his fingers before he looked up at me, as though he was asking permission.


  He pulled them down
my legs before he quickly removed his own. Kneeling between my thighs, he just stared at me as though he was drinking me in. “You’re beautiful, Rose.” His voice sounded hoarse.

  I couldn’t believe how I felt, all tingly and overheated. I still didn’t feel nervous, only excited.

  He moved back up my body and stroked along my collarbone lightly before his fingers traced their way to my breasts. He bent his head and suckled one of my nipples into his mouth, alternating between each nipple as he licked and sucked. I couldn’t stop moving. Every part of me felt alive at his touch, and I couldn’t believe the incredible warmth between my thighs.

  Opening my legs, he placed a kiss between, which embarrassed me slightly.

  He moved between my legs and lay on top of me while he caressed my face. I could feel his penis on my thigh—hot and pulsing with his need for me.

  He stroked my curls with his fingers and his breath was even more ragged when he dipped his finger inside me. He moved slightly and nudged my legs open wider. His penis pressed against the space between them. “Rose, I need you.”

  “Love me, Jacob.” His eyes blazed down into me.

  I watched him take hold of his shaft and put it to my entrance, and then he started to slowly push into me. It felt good at first then started to hurt. He stopped moving.

  “Rose, try to relax, and I’ll do this quickly,” he panted.

  He placed his mouth to mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. Fireworks shot through me starting at where I was joined to him. I moved my hips to get closer, just as he did one powerful thrust and was inside me. I tensed.

  “Don’t move,” he panted, “let your body get used to me first.”

  As I started to relax the pleasure started to return, but more intense than I thought possible.

  His face was twisted in pain so I reached up and traced his lips with my finger. I moved down toward his chest and rubbed his hardened nipples.

  He shuddered. “I need to move.”


  He started to slide in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He started to move even faster. My body felt hot and tight. It got hotter the faster Jacob moved inside me.

  He leaned down and took one of my breasts into his mouth. I arched up from the sand as the pleasure burst inside me. I shook all over in uncontrollable ecstasy. It went on and on. Jacob swelled inside me. I felt his penis twitch. He groaned, moaning my name.

  He breathed heavily and slipped out of my body. I felt so relaxed and sated as he pulled me into his arms—the cold air kissing my burning skin.

  “Are you all right, Rose?”

  “Oh, yes.” I smiled at him, and after placing a gentle kiss to his lips, I sat up.

  Jacob grabbed his shorts and wiped the traces of blood from himself, before turning to me. “Lie down, Rose. Let me look after you.”

  I did what he asked, as he opened my legs and cleaned me. I knew the blood was due to it being my first time with a man. I had a slight discomfort, but it was certainly worth it.

  Jacob tossed his shorts to the side and lay down beside me, but I was feeling brave and wanted to look at him, having never seen a naked man before. Sitting up, I started to caress him with my eyes. My gaze moved from his face down to his chest to his hips . . . Oh, my! He was so . . . big. I blushed and quickly looked up at him. His eyes were narrowed as he watched me, his breathing sounded labored.

  I looked at him again and his penis was twitching and growing.

  “Rose, you need to stop looking at me. We can’t do this again tonight. It will hurt you too much.”

  I didn’t listen and reached out to touch him. I slowly smoothed my hand up and down the length of him. He twitched even more and leaked at the tip.

  I looked into his eyes and rubbed the tip. He arched up from the sand.

  “Jacob, please make love to me once more before I have to go home. I’ll bathe later to ease any discomfort. Please.”

  Groaning, he pulled me down under him and slid inside me, telling me how much he loved me. He placed a gentle kiss to my lips and made love to me again.

  Both of us were sated as we cuddled together.

  “I need to get you home,” he said, not making any move to dress.

  I kissed his chest and pulled away from him to find my clothes.

  It was time for me to head home. I didn’t want to leave, I was so much in love with Jacob that I just wanted to go with him and never leave.

  Jacob walked me halfway back to the house. “I love you, Rose. I’ll come into the library to see you and to arrange to see you again. Is that all right?”

  “Yes. I love you. Goodnight.” I turned away and ran to the house. I sneaked up to my room through the kitchen.

  Tonight was perfect. I had a smile on my face all through my nightly ritual as thoughts of Jacob filled my mind.

  Chapter 12

  Mack was in the kitchen cooking breakfast when Thomas arrived bearing a gift of daisies. He shoved the flowers at her with a slight blush. “Picked you these on the way.”

  Smiling at him, she reached out and took the flowers, then gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, Thomas. I don’t ever remember being given flowers by a gentleman before.” She stretched up to the top shelf of the cupboard for a vase.

  “That guy in that fancy suit at your apartment gave you flowers,” Lucas stated.

  “Yes, but he wasn’t a gentleman. Now go wash up and stop listening to adult conversations.” She tried to hide her embarrassment by setting the table for breakfast.

  Sometimes she really wished she could gag Lucas. He was her nephew and she loved him, but sometimes . . . Ugh!

  She turned back toward Thomas, who appeared to still be chuckling at Lucas’s comment. “Are you all right, Thomas?” she asked. She took in his appearance and he seemed better this morning but that hadn’t stopped her from worrying about him last night.

  “I’m fine. Don’t be worrying about me.”

  She gave him a long look. “Okay, I won’t . . . for now.”

  “I was wondering if Lucas would like to come back with me to look through some more comics.”

  “That would be fine. What comics are they?”

  No sooner had Thomas sat at the table, she put his breakfast in front of him. “Thanks, Mack. Our Gang. I have every issue as well.”

  She was sitting at the table, now that Lucas had joined them. “You know I’ve heard of them. They’re the ‘Little Rascals’ characters, right?”

  “That’s right. I have the first issue in October 1942, to the last one before they added Tom and Jerry, which would be issue thirty-eight in November 1947. Didn’t much care for the Tom and Jerry stories,” he said, enjoying his breakfast.

  “Wow, that’s some collection you must have.”

  “I know.”

  They finished the rest of their breakfast in silence, apart from Lucas, who kept slurping his milk.

  The rest of the morning was spent with Lucas and Thomas bent over the atlas, trying to find where his parents were now.

  Not long after, the two headed out for some fun, hand in hand. Mack was really surprised with how quickly they had become friends. Lucas was used to spending time with older people, because of his grandparents and where they lived, but it usually took a lot longer for him to warm up to someone new. Then again, Thomas wasn’t like the people at her parents’ village. He was, different; all grumpy on the outside, and like a mischievous little boy on the inside, so perfect for Lucas.

  “Thomas?” Lucas said with a quizzical look on his face. “Why don’t you like Tom and Jerry?”

  Thomas hadn’t expected that question and burst out laughing. “I preferred the Our Gang kids. They used to get into trouble like I did as a child.” He grinned. “Used to give me some good ideas, too!”

  As they walked hand in hand to Thomas’s cottage, it brought back memories of another time. Except he was the child, and his sister, Rose, was the one holding his hand. She had been ta
king him to the beach, probably close to seventy-five years ago now, when he was five or six.

  With his cottage door open, Lucas ran inside, straight to the living room where Thomas kept the comics for him to read. Thomas followed behind him with his mind still on Rose. He hadn’t thought about her in a long time. He’d loved his sister, and always thought she’d died hating him until Mack had started to read the diary.

  He’d lived with regret about that final night, and in sixty-eight years, he hadn’t spoken about it. If only he’d told his father, perhaps Rose would have lived her life with the man she’d obviously loved. It wouldn’t have been easy at first because of their father, but if their love were true, they would have made it work.

  An excited Lucas brought him back to the present. “Can I look at this one, Thomas, please?”

  He glanced down. “Not that one.” He removed it from Lucas’s excited fingers as he pulled out the next issue and offered it to him. “Try this one.”

  Thomas moved away from Lucas and walked the short distance to his bedroom. He felt so old, but the comic in his hands, as he glanced down at it, brought back the memories as though they had happened only yesterday and not sixty-eight years ago. Sitting on the side of his bed, he placed the comic on his night table to read later, when he was alone.

  It was dated April 1, 1947, the comic his sister had bought him as a surprise. She’d left it on his bed the night she’d died. He’d placed it into the box with the other issues, having never opened it.

  Perhaps it was time to lay old ghosts to rest and read it.

  Mack, who had the morning alone, decided to retrieve her laptop so she could start doing some very important research. She really needed to try to find Jacob. Hell, she was half in love with him herself.

  Okay, she knew his name back then was Jacob Evans, and going with his age, he was born around 1924 or 1925. She decided to check New York first and started to get all excited when only one result appeared for a man named Jacob Evans in 1924. As she looked at the information, Mack was delighted there was no death certificate, but there was a marriage license for a Jacob Evans dated April 19, 1947. Mack paused and tapped her lip in thought as she pondered the date. Would this be the same man that Rose loved? Why would he get married so quickly? Still, she had no other leads so she continued following the trail of this Jacob Evans.


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