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Rose and Jacob

Page 8

by Lexi Buchanan

  After about ten minutes, she found a telephone number and address for him in Brookline, Boston. She wasn’t sure whether to get in touch or not as he seemed to get married, just a week after Rose died. He didn’t know that though. After all, he’d thought she was alive and married. He’d believed that she hadn’t loved him so perhaps he got married in anger. But a week after—why?

  He also phoned Degan House a month later asking for Rose. Surely, he wouldn’t have done that if he’d married, unless, of course, the wrong year had been entered on the website? She would have to purchase some credits to view the marriage license for a correct date. For now, she would act as though this was the correct Jacob Evans. She had nothing to lose if he wasn’t, and everything to gain if he was the correct Jacob.

  With a deep breath, Mack picked her cell up and dialed the number, which was answered on the second ring.

  “Evans’ residence,” a feminine voice answered.

  “Oh, hello. My name is Mackenzie Harper, and I was wondering if Mr. Jacob Evans lived there?”

  “What’s the reason for the enquiry?”

  “Whom I speaking to, please?” Mack asked in reply. She needed to be a bit cautious in case she was talking to his wife.

  “I’m Martha, Mr. Evans’s housekeeper.” Then she was silent, having realized she’d just practically admitted to Mack that she’d found the correct person.

  “All right, Martha, this is going to sound strange, but I’ve come across a diary dated March and April 1947. It contains information about a Jacob Evans. If your employer is the same Jacob Evans who lived in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, during that time, then I really need to speak to him. I’m concerned he’s been living all this time thinking something happened that didn’t. If that makes any sense?”

  “That’s some story, Miss Harper. I’ll have to find out for you. Can I take your number and your address?”

  Mack gave her the phone number and address for Rose Cottage, and expressed again, how urgent the matter was. She really hoped Martha would pass the message on. Otherwise, she’d have to visit once Lucas had gone home to his parents.

  “Okay, I have that. Thank you.” Then Martha put the phone down on her.

  “Who was that, Martha?”

  She was surprised. “Oh, Mr. Dean! I didn’t know you were home. It was a young lady asking about your grandfather.”

  Dean placed his motorcycle helmet on top of the side table. “What about my grandfather?”

  Martha was all flustered. “She said she’d found a diary from 1947, and wanted to know if the Jacob mentioned was your grandfather. It can’t be, really, because apart from the war, I don’t think he lived anywhere other than here, and certainly not Maine.”

  “Hmm, did you take her contact details?”

  He walked over to Martha and took the information from her. “Please don’t mention anything until I’ve had time to check this out, okay?”

  “If you’re sure, Mr. Dean?”

  “I am.”

  Dean had been thinking about escaping for a while now. He glanced down at the information on the piece of paper and rubbed his fingers over the address. He needed to get away from his mother, who kept throwing Cynthia at him and going on and on about getting married. All because she wanted grandchildren. She really was driving him nuts, so he’d just been given the perfect excuse to escape.

  Once in his room, he tossed his things onto his bed and walked over to his desk, pulled out the chair and sat down. Opening the lid to his laptop, Dean brought up a search engine and had a look at available summer rentals near Cape Elizabeth. He smiled when he saw his luck was holding—there was a cottage right next door to the mystery caller’s address and it appeared to be available for the next few weeks.

  After he’d debated with himself about whether this really was a good idea, he picked up his cell and dialed the contact number before he could change his mind.

  His last contract had just ended, and the new graphic work he had scheduled didn’t start for another two months so it was the perfect time to head out on vacation.

  He paid the deposit with his credit card and arranged to pay the rest in cash when he collected the keys from his new landlady.

  On his way out of the house, Dean left a message with Martha for his mother, saying he had gone away for a few weeks, much to Martha’s amusement. She knew he would do anything to avoid his mother and her matchmaking.

  Dean climbed on his Harley and headed north up the coast, thinking about the mysterious Miss Mackenzie Harper.

  It was mid-afternoon when Mack heard her cell ring and dashed to answer it, only to find her sister Melinda on the other end.

  “Hi sis, how’s everything? Is Lucas okay? Any gorgeous guys? Bored yet?”

  Mack sighed in relief when Melinda finally shut up; she probably had to catch her breath. For some reason, when Melinda was on the phone, Mack could hardly shut her up, but when you talked to her in person, she could hold a perfect conversation. “Everything’s okay. Lucas is great. No gorgeous guys, unless you count a charming eighty-year-old named Thomas, and no, we aren’t bored yet.”

  “Sorry, Mack.” Melinda laughed down the phone as she realized she hadn’t shut up long enough for Mack to answer her questions.

  “It’s all right. I’m used to you by now.”

  While she was still listening to her sister chat away, Mack heard a motorcycle outside. She plastered her nose up against the kitchen window just in time to see a jean-and-leather clad guy pull up next door. Wow, he looked hot, even from here. Tall, dark and mysterious.

  She grabbed a magazine off the counter and used it to fan herself because she’d started to get all hot and bothered. He looked delicious, and Mack really hoped that when he removed his helmet, his face matched the rest of him.

  “Mack, are you listening to me?” Melinda asked.


  “No, you’re not. And did I hear a motorcycle?”

  “Yes you did, and a very hot guy with a gorgeous butt, which I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on, has just pulled up outside next door. Hope he’s moving in. He looks sinful . . . Mmm!” Mack laughed at her sister. For once, she’d managed to shut her up. She turned around to find Lucas standing behind her with a big grin on his face. “Here, talk to your mother.” She passed him the phone.

  Mack was still gazing at the guy next door and had tuned out the conversation Lucas was having with his mother about Thomas.

  The hot guy had removed his helmet. He was tanned, had plenty of muscles, and cropped dark hair. Mouthwatering!

  Mmm, she wouldn’t mind getting to know him. Things were looking up for this vacation!

  After hiding her disappointment from Thomas, because the new neighbor who they’d heard rustling around next door, hadn’t stopped by, Mack baked a pound cake. She’d planned to take it around, once Lucas had left with Thomas to go fishing again before dinner, but the new neighbor had climbed back onto his bike and disappeared.

  Sighing, Mack made a cup of coffee, retrieved Rose’s diary from her purse, curled up in the living room and settled down to read more about Rose and Jacob.

  Chapter 13

  March 27, 1947

  We embrace in the library…

  When I woke up this morning, I felt sore and achy between my legs, even after having a bath last night. It was early so I filled the bath with just enough warm water to cover my hips and soaked for about ten minutes. I felt wonderful after that and so much in love with Jacob. He said he would call in at the library to see me. I really hoped he would.

  Jacob wanted to become an engineer and there were opportunities in Boston he told me. I really hoped he would take me with him when he left. He said he would take me anywhere I wanted to go but the only place I wanted to be was with him. He also told me that he really loved me. He made me feel so special.

  I walked to work and bumped into Jayne, who was dashing to the office where she worked. Late again. “Jayne, if you didn’t spend so much time getting rea
dy, you wouldn’t be late so much,” I pointed out.

  “I have to look perfect, Rose. It takes a while dealing with perfection.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed at her.

  “Come on. If you’re going to walk with me, you need to speed up some.”

  Well, there went my leisurely walk.

  We dashed through town when Jayne started giving me odd looks. I had to know why so I pulled her to a stop. “What’s wrong?” Was she blushing? “Jayne?”

  “Richard has asked me out to dinner,” she blurted out.

  For a second, I just stared at her, and then started to laugh in relief. “Thank God for that.” She didn’t seem too impressed with my giggling. “I’m glad he’s moving on. He’s a nice guy, but not for me.”

  She stood with her hands on her hips. “Are you seeing that man from the tea room?”

  Heck. “You do realize you’re close to being very late for work.”

  “Oh, no. I’ll see you later.”

  Lucky escape.

  I finally arrived at work and was greeted by Mr. Young. He was in a tizzy because two of the staff hadn’t shown up for work. There were about six people already in the library, which was unusual so early in the morning so I could understand why he was so upset.

  I followed him to the staff room and stashed my jacket and purse, then turned around and practically bumped into him. “Mr. Young, please calm down,” I told him, safe in the fact that he wouldn’t fire me today since I was the only one there.

  “Rose, there are a lot of people out there this morning and only you here to help them. What are we going to do?”

  What an idiot. “Mr. Young. I’m quite capable of helping whoever needs help. There aren’t that many people in there.”

  We walked out to the main library floor, and I headed over to the front desk to check some books out for four of the people. “Mr. Young, I’m just going to place these books back on the shelves. Are you capable of looking after the remaining two?” I asked, getting the evil look from him.

  He ushered me away with his hands. I quickly grabbed the books that needed to be returned to the shelves and headed to the geography section first, then, with the last remaining book, the history section.

  I’d placed the last book on the shelf when I heard a throat being cleared behind me. I turned and, to my delight, I discovered it was Jacob. I quickly glanced around to make sure there was no one close before I took his hand and pulled him into the storage closet next to where he was standing.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, caressing my face.

  I smiled up at him. “Oh, Jacob. I am more than all right. Please kiss me.”

  He placed small kisses over my eyes, nose, and cheeks before sealing his mouth to mine in a beautiful kiss.

  “I really want to go to Boston with you.” He frowned down at me. “I love you and want to be with you all the time.”

  “Your parents wouldn’t let you come away with me, and you know that.”

  I grinned at him. “I’m not planning on telling them. I’m going to sneak away with you.”

  “Now, Rose. I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Don’t worry, it will be fine, and probably after a week or two, they’ll forget all about me.” I realized what I’d said was more likely the truth. It caused me to frown sadly for a moment, but that sadness was chased away when I took in Jacob’s beautiful face.

  “I’ll try and pop in again one day. I’m on nights for now and won’t be able to meet you, but I had better go before I get you into trouble. This conversation isn’t over.” He kissed me quickly before I could argue with him.

  We both slipped out of the closet, and I stood watching Jacob walk away just as Mr. Young walked around the corner heading in my direction.

  “Rose, I’ve been looking for you. Where have you been?” he asked, looking back and forth between me and Jacob’s departing form.

  “I’ve been placing books back on the shelves like I said.” I walked toward the desk again and tried not to laugh at Mr. Young, who was huffing and puffing behind me.

  March 28, 1947

  Why me…

  I was walking along the cliffs with Richard, who seemed to have developed a nervous twitch. “Richard, is something wrong?”

  He took a deep breath. “Rose, I have to ask your father’s permission to marry you.”

  I was stunned and just stared at him. Not this again. I really thought this had all ended.

  “My father has been talking to yours, which has set this whole thing off again.” He paused and stared at me. “Rose? You know I’m awfully fond of you and I know that you are fond of me. We could grow to love each other.” He offered me a wry smile.

  I sat down rather heavily on a large rock and just looked at him, not knowing what to say. Richard crouched down in front of me and took my hands into his. I was still in shock and just left them there.

  “Richard, I can’t marry you. I’m sorry our parents are putting you in this position, but please, don’t ask my father for my hand. My life will be unbearable at home if you do.”

  He sighed heavily. “I’ll tell my father something to put him off for a short while, but Rose, you’re actually the only woman I would consider marrying.”

  I looked quickly into his eyes. “I don’t know what to say. I thought you were all right with us just being friends?”

  “I am, but for my father pushing me, I wouldn’t be here talking to you about this.” He let go of my hands and sat beside me. “Being friends makes the decision easier for me . . . at least we would have that friendship in our marriage—many don’t even have that. I will have to ask your father eventually, Rose. I have to.”

  “I need to go back.” I turned and started walking back to the house rather quickly with tears pouring down my face.

  It wasn’t as though I could admit that I was in love with Jacob. My father would hit the roof, especially now that he wanted me to marry Richard. What the heck was wrong with Father?

  April 1, 1947

  I really miss Jacob…

  I really missed talking to Jacob and being with him so imagine my delight when I spotted him walking into the library. I looked around to make sure Mr. Young wasn’t present. Then I followed him to the history section.

  He looked really tired. I took one look at him, grasped his hand, and pulled him to a dark corner. I took his weary face into my hands and pulled him down to meet my lips. “I love you.”

  “I’ve missed you so much.” He rested his forehead against mine and just looked into my eyes. “Oh, Rose, I love you.”

  Still holding his face, I used my fingers to brush the hair out of his eyes. He turned his head and kissed my palm.

  “I still don’t know when I’m free to meet you, but I’ll let you know as soon as I have a free night.” He ran his hand over his face. “I’m so tired. I need to catch up on some sleep.” He quickly kissed me and with one long, lingering look, he walked out of the library.

  April 4, 1947

  Finally, I get to meet Jacob again…

  I’d just had dinner with my parents. I was up in my room brushing my hair, ready to go and meet Jacob. He’d come into the library last night, just before it closed, and after a rather hot embrace in the store cupboard, he’d asked me to meet him behind the library tonight. My mind was whirring with thoughts of him, thoughts of leaving with Jacob for Boston.

  “Rose!” my father shouted from downstairs.

  I threw my brush back onto the dressing table and ran out of my room. I hurried down the stairs, wondering what Father wanted. It was very rare for him to call me down as he didn’t really take any interest in me, unless, it concerned marrying me off to Richard.

  When I walked into the front parlor, Richard was sitting there with an odd smile on his face.

  Upon seeing me, he stood and walked over to me, taking my hand into his. I had a really bad feeling about this. I tried to pull my hand free, but he tightened his hold so I stamped
on his foot.

  “Rose,” my father roared, “that is not the behavior of a young lady, especially toward her fiancé.”

  I froze. What did he say?

  My father saw the shock on my face. “Richard has asked for your hand in marriage, and I have agreed.”

  I looked at my mother, who refused to meet my gaze. Richard looked as though he wanted to be elsewhere and Father looked . . . relieved.

  My tears were ready to fall. “So you finally found a way to get rid of me.” Anger flared in my eyes and matched the anger in my fathers. “There is no way I am going to marry Richard.” I turned to him. “I’m sorry Richard, but I can’t.” I whirled toward Father. “I will only marry for love and Richard is a friend, and that is all he ever will be.”

  I turned and ran out of the house in tears. Richard called out to me. I ignored him.

  With tears running down my face, I ran to the library and hoped Jacob was already waiting for me. I really needed his arms around me.

  Jacob saw me coming from around the corner and started to walk toward me. I ran straight into his arms and held on tightly as I cried all over him.

  “Rose. Oh God, what’s wrong? What’s happened?”

  “Richard asked my father if he could marry me, and Father said yes.” Jacob stilled at my announcement. “I told Father there was no way I was marrying him or anyone that I don’t love. I had to get away so I ran here . . . to you.”

  Jacob placed a tender kiss to my lips, before he asked, “Do you want to go to my apartment?”

  I just nodded my head, and by the time we arrived at his apartment, my tears had dried up, but I was left feeling angry that my parents would do what they had done. Leading the way inside, Jacob glanced around. Probably checking to make sure it was tidy.


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