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Realms of Fantasy

Page 9

by Mychael Black

  Giving him exactly what he asked for, Nichael began to fuck Nias in a hard, fast rhythm, the slap of their flesh overpowering the sound of the water. Gripping Nias’ hip, he forced the demon back against the brutal motion. His other hand tightened around Nias’ cock, stroking quickly to bring Nias closer to the edge. Nichael bit sharply at the demon’s shoulder, his teeth sinking into Nias, drawing blood. The sweetness flooded Nichael and he came, thrusting deep. Nias roared as heat poured over Nichael’s fist.

  Nichael pulled back and turned Nias around. He drew Nias’ face against his throat. For several long moments, he simply held on, humming softly.

  “Love.” The one word was breathed across Nichael’s skin. Nias followed it with soft kisses. “Mine.”

  In answer, Nichael completely opened himself, the ephemeral energy joining them into one mind. In that, he gave everything of himself to the demon and nothing was withheld. In return, Nichael accepted everything Nias was and all the demon gave to him. Words weren’t necessary. They both understood now.


  Chapter One

  Sprawled in the booth, Talah ignored the others around him. Most were far older and more seasoned than he was. The main headquarters of the Damnation subsect of the Faction of the Disillusioned was no more than a rundown dive of a bar in the worst part of the fourth planet of the universe. An area overrun by the Disillusioned.

  While Talah might be young, he wasn’t stupid by any means. He avoided the notice of the others simply by ignoring them. As long as he stayed out of their way, there’d be no problem. Most of the conversations around him were low-voiced, and Talah made no attempt to listen in.

  With a grunt, an angel settled across from him. The taint covering him nearly made Talah bolt out of the seat. Normally most fallen were extremely proficient at hiding their status. The only thing that revealed them to Talah was their presence here. This one seemed to take pride in the taint surrounding him. “I was told you’re looking for a new Order. The White Light not enough for the likes of you?”

  Talah smirked. “No.”

  “The name’s Oriyas. Ever hear of the Order of the Highest?”

  Nodding, Talah waited for further explanation. The Highest were far more powerful and organized than the Order of White Light. After he’d nearly become a pawn in the internal backstabbing prevalent in the White Light, Talah had sought out the Disillusioned as a far better ideal to be aligned with.

  “Leave the White Light and go there,” Oriyas said.

  When Oriyas didn’t continue, Talah stared at him. Angels didn’t normally leave their own Orders, though it wasn’t abnormal to request to be trained by another Order. Given the White Light’s growing reputation, Talah probably wouldn’t have too much trouble getting away from them. But would a body like the Highest accept him into its Order?

  “Is this the new one?” Another angel placed his hand on Talah’s shoulder and leaned closer to him with a grin.

  “Yeah. Talah, this is Sepha,” Oriyas answered. “You’ll be reporting to him once you’ve gotten into the Highest.”

  “Pretty boy, and young, too.” Turning his head, Sepha licked beneath Talah’s ear, his breath hot. Sepha’s voice lowered to a whisper. “And I taste innocence in you.”

  Talah did his best to still his own disturbing response.

  “Leave him to me, Oriyas. I’ll take care of him.” Sepha ran his hand down Talah’s arm then applied a bruising grip to pull him up. The other angel nodded then stood and abruptly left.

  “I think you’ll remain with me for a short time before you join the Highest.” An implacable note in the voice whispering to him told Talah it wasn’t likely he’d be given much of a choice. Talah freed his arm with a jerk then motioned to Sepha to lead the way.

  One dark brow rose and Sepha eyed him with a cruel smile. “So much spirit. It will be a pleasure taming it.”

  Talah ignored the comment and waited until Sepha started for the door. Following behind, Talah kept his thoughts carefully hidden.

  It was clear Sepha planned on making use of him. The notion didn’t really bother Talah, since he had every intention of doing the same. As he followed Sepha through the dark streets, neither of them said a word. The whole time, Talah remained aware of the nearly overwhelming sense of Sepha’s presence surrounding him.

  Sepha led the way up a narrow flight of stairs and opened the first door at the top of the landing. Entering behind him, Talah was surprised when he stepped into an enormous, luxuriously decorated room. Huge red draperies hung from two-story windows. Through the open drapes, Talah could see the night sky.

  The red, gold and black color scheme fit Sepha. He wore black pants with a red tunic. The material clung to his rugged form, keeping Talah’s gaze on the demon. Though Talah hadn’t seen Sepha’s wings, he had the feeling they would be golden. Probably a darker shade than Sepha’s shoulder-length hair. The fallen angel’s eyes were gold as well, giving him a rather unsettling but undeniably beautiful, appearance.

  “Who are you?” Talah asked.

  “You’ll find out when I want you to, Talah.” Sepha drew Talah up the wide, sweeping staircase. They walked down the narrow hallway at the top. Talah wondered what the hell was going on. Stopping in front of a closed door, Sepha opened it. “This is your room while you are here.”

  After pulling Talah into the room, Sepha turned to face him. He tightened his hand around Talah’s as a darker look crossed Sepha’s features. “It is also my room. Is my meaning clear?”

  Talah knew Sepha wasn’t giving him a choice at all, but it really didn’t matter. Talah had no problem going along with it for as long as it fit his own plans. Releasing Sepha’s hand, he stepped close enough to Sepha to drape his arms around the demon’s neck. “Do I look like I’m going to complain?”

  Without giving him a chance to answer, Talah kissed him, tongue pushing between Sepha’s lips for a taste. A soft growl answered Talah before Sepha’s arms went around his waist and pulled him flush with the hardness of the demon’s body.

  Talah felt an impatient hand tug at the waistband of his pants then the heat of Sepha’s hand gliding over the bare skin of his hip as his pants fell to the floor. Talah stepped out of his pants and, with an equal lack of patience, he started on Sepha’s pants, nearly tearing the material.

  Sepha laughed before he quickly shed his clothing, baring a fine, muscled body. Talah’s shirt joined Sepha’s on the floor then Talah went to his knees in front of the fallen angel. Sepha’s cock was long and thick, nestled in gold curls. Talah grasped the base and drew it to his mouth, licking the head. He didn’t miss the reactive shudder of Sepha’s body and the insistent push of the demon’s cock into his mouth. A quick suction engulfed the hard flesh as Talah took Sepha in fully. A low groan rewarded him, and he looked upward to meet Sepha’s gaze.

  A darker need had replaced the earlier laughter in the gold eyes. Talah could feel its pull on him, yet he refused to give in to it. Sepha grabbed his head, forcing Talah to a quicker pace. Wrapping his mouth fully around Sepha’s cock, Talah came close to the base as he relaxed his throat. A sharp cry erupted from Sepha and several shudders rolled through him as he fucked Talah’s mouth then filled it with the hot spurts of his come. Talah swallowed the thick liquid, cleaned Sepha’s cock then drew back to settle on his feet.

  “What a sweet mouth you have.” A single talon trailed over Talah’s lips. “Now I want to know if your ass is just as sweet.”

  Saying nothing, Talah stood and headed for the bed. As he positioned himself on his hands and knees, Sepha spent a moment preparing. Talah felt Sepha press against his ass a moment later and, with no warning, Sepha buried himself fully inside.

  Ripples of pain accompanied the burning stretch of his ass, but Talah didn’t make a sound. Sepha wrapped his fingers in Talah’s hair and jerked his head back as the demon’s other hand gripped Talah’s hips. Talah’s own need sharpened and he reached for his cock, the sensations spurred by the she
er brutality. Talah pumped his fist in time with Sepha’s thrusts and his body tightened. The pure pain and pleasure assaulted his senses, and finally he gave into them. As he came, he ground tightly back against Sepha.

  Before Talah could come down, Sepha’s hands held his hips, pinning him in place. Contracting inner muscles, Talah pushed hard against Sepha as the demon filled his ass.

  When he finally released Talah, Sepha ran a talon lightly up Talah’s back before burying in his hair. A hard tug brought Talah against Sepha’s body. “You please me, Talah. It’s been too long since I’ve had anyone as young and sweet as you.”

  Careful to keep his smile from showing, Talah turned his head, seeking Sepha’s kiss.

  Sepha proved to be a vicious fighter. For the first time, Talah found an opponent worth learning from. Circling Sepha warily, Talah looked for an opening to get beneath the demon’s defenses. Sepha turned slowly with him, gold eyes narrowed on Talah.

  Talah feinted to the left in an effort to distract his opponent, but Sepha moved in the opposite direction just as Talah rushed him. Drawn up short, Talah abruptly stopped.

  Laughing, Sepha took to the air before he quickly dropped back down behind Talah. A strong pair of arms imprisoned Talah from behind and pinned him against the hard line of Sepha’s body. “You have much to learn, precious. I’m going to take great pleasure in teaching you.”

  A hard backward jerk of Talah’s head connected with Sepha’s chin and the hold instantly loosened on him. Darting away, Talah laughed as he whirled to face Sepha again.

  “Very good.” Sepha laughed and rubbed his chin. “Lesson done for the day.”

  Talah relaxed his stance then approached Sepha. Occasionally the fallen angel could be easily distracted by his lust, and Talah didn’t hesitate to play to it. As Talah stopped in front of Sepha, the demon reached for him, pulling open Talah’s tunic. Then Talah felt the sharpness of Sepha’s talons dragging over his chest.

  “When am I to go on my mission?” Talah asked as he arched toward Sepha. Sepha had kept him in the house for several weeks already, and Talah had no clue as to when the demon planned on releasing him.

  “I will decide that in my own time.” The sharp bite of Sepha’s teeth at Talah’s throat followed his answer.

  Sepha wanted his blood and Talah knew it. The demon had a taste for blood and fed almost nightly from Talah as they fucked. Piercing the skin in a hard bite, Sepha took what he wanted. A sharp burn flooded Talah and the rock of his hips encouraged Sepha. Their cocks rubbed together, restrained only by the thin cloth of their pants.

  Talah couldn’t deny that the demon aroused a great deal of lust in him, but Sepha thought he controlled far more than he actually did. Talah preferred to let him continue believing that. Feeling the hard pull of Sepha’s mouth against his skin, Talah slid his hands beneath Sepha’s shirt and kneaded Sepha’s skin with his nails.

  Insuring Talah constantly felt the lure of power had become Sepha’s way of attempting to possess Talah. Talah allowed a small part inside him to answer, but he refused to give Sepha anymore of himself. In answer, the demon viciously bit at Talah’s throat and his talons slit Talah’s skin open in their descent over his back. Talah had to force back his own reaction to the pain left in the wake of the slashes. He didn’t want to give Sepha the satisfaction.

  “You continue to refuse me, precious. I like the challenge.”

  Without warning, Talah found himself shoved face-first against the wall. One quick motion deprived him of his pants. He knew what was about to happen. A moment later Talah felt a mind-numbing pain as if he were being split in two.

  The more time Talah spent with Sepha, the more obsessed the demon became in wanting to completely possess him. The only peaceful time Talah had was in the early evening. He spent every moment outside, either in the garden or wandering the city streets.

  Leaning against the edge of a fountain, Talah crossed his legs and stretched them out in front of him. Earlier he’d overheard Oriyas telling Sepha that the Low Council had ordered him to release Talah. From the look on Sepha’s face, it was clear the demon had no such intention. A smirk played over Talah’s lips as he felt the warmth of the sun heating the garden. Unsure of exactly why Sepha had become obsessed with him, Talah still encouraged Sepha every way he could. It suited him for the time being to be kept and trained.

  It certainly was a hell of a lot better than his time spent in the White Light. The same political backstabbing and overtones marred the foundations of the Damnation sect. However, Talah wasn’t directly affected by them. The extent the Low Council wanted him to infiltrate the Order of the Highest, and that didn’t truly interfere much with Talah. He didn’t care either way.

  His nights were more than pleasantly occupied by Sepha. The demon tended to occasionally use sex as a punishment, but it was nothing Talah couldn’t handle. All in all, his life was quite comfortable. He had no doubt it would be the same once he went to the Order of the Highest. So either way, he couldn’t lose.

  Content for the most part as long as he continued to ignore the niggling sense inside him of being incomplete, Talah relaxed. He nodded at Oriyas as the angel walked down the path toward him.

  “You’re getting to be entirely too much trouble around here.” Oriyas’ tone conveyed his disgust.

  Talah smirked. “I’m not doing anything, and you know it.”

  “Get to the training room. Sepha is waiting for you.” Clearly disgruntled, Oriyas whirled on his heel and stalked back into the house.

  Talah shook his head. It hadn’t been his fault that Sepha had decided to replace Oriyas. He knew the other demon had shared Sepha’s bed before. No doubt Oriyas hoped with Talah gone, he would enjoy Sepha’s affections again.

  Leaving the garden, Talah headed back into the house. He passed through the opulent sapphire and gold study and walked down the hall to the training room. Talah couldn’t care one way or the other who had prominence in Sepha’s bed. While he greatly enjoyed the sex, he could get that anywhere. It might be a bit harder to find someone who liked it as rough as Sepha, but Talah was pretty damn easygoing in his sexual preferences.

  When he entered the training room, Talah noticed Sepha wasn’t standing by the arms rack like he usually was. Instead, he stood near the window, staring out at the garden. Quietly, Talah approached him then stopped.

  “It seems I must release you.” A grim smile creased Sepha’s lips as he turned to face Talah. “You have been accepted into the Order of the Highest.”

  “It’s the job you wanted me to do, Sepha.” Talah remained where he stood, carefully studying the demon. He could sense Sepha’s rage simmering just beneath the surface.

  Sepha cupped Talah’s chin, the tips of his talons pressing into the skin. “It is, and you are expected to report everything you learn to me. But don’t forget, my precious, I own you. Have whatever fun you want elsewhere, but in the end, you will return to me.” His fingers tightened, pulling Talah’s face closer to his. “Should you forget, I will leave very little of you when I am done.” Blood seeped from the wounds, but Talah didn’t back away. He brought up his hand, fingers curling painfully tight around Sepha’s wrist. “You don’t own me yet, Sepha.”

  Releasing Talah, Sepha stepped back then in a flash of movement his talons slashed the young angel across the face. An enraged snarl escaped Talah as he struck back. His power might not be anywhere near Sepha’s, but he retaliated nonetheless. Following in the wake of his fist, a bolt of energy seared through Sepha.

  The force Sepha unleashed in return sent Talah flying against the wall of the training room. The impact cracked the plaster, leaving pieces on Talah’s clothes as he slid to the floor.

  Talah glared at Sepha before he abruptly disappeared. Wings outspread, Talah took to the air, moving through the layers of the house with ease. Once he was free of the house, Talah flew out over the city. He knew Sepha would catch up with him sooner or later and there’d be hell to pay, but he didn’t care.
  Chapter Two

  Walking along the outer corridor, Talah knew his mentor had probably been watching him ever since he entered the compound. Since he’d only been allowed to see the lower echelon trainers, Talah wasn’t sure who his mentor was.

  After finishing his training exercises, he needed a relaxing shower and a few moments of rest. Dressed only in the loose white pants he’d donned for the training, Talah started for his room. Pushing open the door, Talah saw someone standing in the middle of the room. Talah stepped inside and closed the door behind him then paused, giving the other angel a questioning look.

  “Ah, there you are.” Eyes as fiery red as the angel’s hair pinned a sharp gaze on Talah. “Sit, please.” The angel gestured toward one of the couches.

  Talah did as he was told. “Who are you? One of my new trainers?”

  The angel waited until Talah was comfortable before speaking. “In a sense. My name is Aridas. How has your training progressed?”

  Shrugging slightly, Talah folded his hands in his lap. “I haven’t the same stamina as Ananiel, but I hold my own against him.”

  Aridas nodded. “That will change in time. And your studies, how do they fare?”

  “Other than being bored, I’m doing very well. But you should ask Ipecis and see if she agrees.” Talah had had more than a time or two of butting heads with his instructor.

  One russet eyebrow rose. “I see. She can be…trying at times.” Aridas settled on the corner of the large, polished wood desk, arms crossed over a muscular chest. “Now, tell me how you are doing otherwise.”

  Talah studied the long, lean form resting against his desk. How could he not help noticing the finest angel in the entire compound? Long, wavy red hair spilled down the angel’s shoulders; the sparks lit within it from the light above caught Talah’s gaze momentarily. “I am well taken care of, Aridas, and I lack for nothing.”


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