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Realms of Fantasy

Page 10

by Mychael Black

  “As your mentor, it is my duty to ensure that,” Aridas said simply. “I will also be taking over your combat training, specifically archery, though I do teach hand-to-hand.”

  Looking directly into the red eyes, Talah smiled, a faint hint of suggestiveness in the gesture. “I look forward to that. I wondered when I would meet you.”

  Aridas seemed unmoved. “You will now occupy the room across from my chambers. My private office is just down the hall, and you are welcome there at any time. Our first order of business…” He looked Talah up and down. “Yes, I think that will work. You need to build your upper strength. I expect you in the lower courtyard in fifteen minutes.” With that, Aridas left.

  Talah grabbed a towel and another pair of pants from his dresser then headed to the shower down the hall. After a quick wash, he dressed and made it down to the courtyard in under fifteen minutes. Not seeing Aridas, he stretched his wings restlessly.

  A blur of motion was the only warning he had before the silver tip of an arrow touched Talah’s right temple.

  “Never let your guard down. That is your first lesson with me.”

  Snarling in surprise, Talah brought his hand up and hit Aridas’ arm. Half twisting, he punched Aridas in the stomach, holding back none of his strength.

  Aridas grunted but didn’t show any reaction otherwise. “Very good,” he said. “But you’ll have to be quicker than that.” In a flash of red light, he was gone. “Come on, Talah.” The voice came from the rooftop of a storehouse across the courtyard. “You can do better than this. I’ve seen you.”

  Talah moved after him with a flex of his wings. No more than a split second later, he hovered over the roof, growling at Aridas before he swooped toward his mentor. Aridas dodged quickly. A hand shot out and caught Talah’s right ankle, and Aridas tugged him down. Talah landed on his back, Aridas’ arrow pointed at his throat.

  “You are reckless.”

  Talah vowed to break that fucking arrow. He reached up and grabbed hold of Aridas’ hand, but instead of trying to knock the arrow away as would be expected, Talah twisted the hand until the arrow pointed at Aridas.

  “Interesting.” Aridas smiled. He stepped back and offered Talah a hand up. “Time for you to learn how to shoot.”

  Talah got up and deliberately made sure he was close enough to Aridas to brush against him. “I try to be as interesting as I can.”

  Aridas didn’t move away, nor did he let go of Talah’s hand right away. “I imagine you do,” he said quietly.

  “And I can be even more interesting if you ever give me a chance.”

  “Can you, now?” Aridas’ smile took on a different edge than that of a teacher.

  Always one to take advantage wherever he could, Talah raised his face to his mentor. A second later, the warm brush of his lips touched Aridas’ mouth. He really didn’t care where they were or who saw them.

  In the space of a breath, Talah found himself pinned against a wall, hidden in shadows as Aridas’ tongue thrust between his lips. The angel’s wings shielded them further, blocking all light. The kiss was hard, almost bruising. Talah found himself suddenly drowning in the unexpected hunger that sought to devour him.

  Aridas was relentless. His body pressed tightly to Talah’s, letting Talah feel every inch. Straining against Aridas, Talah was already aroused and could do nothing about it. Before he could stop it, Talah dropped his guard and answered the other angel far more openly than even he realized.

  “I know you,” Aridas whispered on Talah’s lips. A steel grip seized Talah’s wrists, pinning them to the wall above his head. “I see your dreams, Talah. I know you better than you know yourself.”

  Never having been in this position, Talah wasn’t immediately sure how to react. Aridas made it nearly impossible for him to think. How had things switched and gotten out of his control? “You don’t know me at all.”

  “Who is it you dream of in the dead of night?” Aridas’ lips moved lower, sliding over the hollow of Talah’s throat. “You long to meet your match.”

  Drawing in a quick, surprised breath, Talah couldn’t answer right away. His hands flattened against Aridas and the first thing out of his mouth was denial. “I dream of no such thing.”

  Aridas’ chuckle was deep. “Oh…” He slipped his hand between them, cupping the hard ridge of Talah’s cock through his pants. “I think you do.”

  Talah growled softly in agitation and jerked one hand free. He covered Aridas’ hand with his, but instead of pulling it away, he pressed it tighter to himself. Sensation shot straight through him and the growl became a soft groan. “You are playing me.”

  “And if I am?” Aridas’ thumb ran along the length then back up to the tip, pressing hard.

  “Just fuck me, Aridas.”

  Aridas licked his way up Talah’s neck to his mouth. “As you wish.” In a spark of red light they were indoors, and Aridas started backing Talah toward a bed. “I’ve watched you far too long to wait anymore for this.” He pulled the tie on Talah’s pants, letting them fall open.

  With a tug of Talah’s hand, Aridas’ pants fell just as quickly. Stumbling back onto the bed, Talah pulled Aridas with him then stretched against the weight pinning him to the bed. Later he would ask for an explanation of Aridas’ meaning, but right now he didn’t care.

  “Get yourself ready for me.” Aridas placed a bottle of gold oil to Talah’s palm.

  Talah poured some of the oil onto his fingers and when Aridas rose, Talah rolled to his stomach then got onto his knees. He reached between his legs and pushed the slick fingers into himself. He knew Aridas watched him, and he made sure he put on quite a show.

  “That’s it,” Aridas murmured, two fingers circling Talah’s hole before entering alongside Talah’s. “Show me you want it.”

  With a soft cry, Talah backed into the push of their fingers. A deep shudder rolled through him and his cock ached. “Inside me. Please, Aridas. I need it now.”

  Aridas withdrew his fingers then pulled Talah’s hand away. He took only a brief moment to slick himself then he caught Talah’s hips, tugging Talah back as he thrust deep in one swift movement. Talah cried out sharply and threw back his head, nails clawing into the covers beneath him.

  Aridas wrapped a hand in Talah’s hair and pulled him up. His chest to Talah’s back and his cock buried deep, Aridas licked the curve of Talah’s neck. “I know who you are,” he whispered as he began rocking his hips slowly.

  Talah didn’t believe Aridas knew the full truth about him, otherwise he wouldn’t be here in bed with the angel. Talah gripped Aridas’ hip, grinding against the movement, so lost in the sensations he could barely gasp out, “You probably do.”

  A deep chuckle was Aridas’ only answer. He released Talah’s hair and cupped the front of Talah’s neck. “So beautiful,” he purred softly. The words were followed by a slow grind of his hips, his cock grazing over Talah’s gland. “So certain.”

  “I knew I wanted you the moment I saw you,” Talah groaned, using his other hand to stroke himself.

  Aridas withdrew and stretched out on his back. He held out his hand to Talah. “Ride me. I want everything, Talah.”

  Talah twisted around and straddled Aridas. His wings unfurled to their full glory as he lowered himself back onto Arida’s cock. The light shimmered within the violet depths of the feathers with his movements. He didn’t have much other than his body to give Aridas, but he was very willing to do that.

  Aridas traced the bottom edge of Talah’s left wing. “Perfection…”

  A low sound rose in Talah’s throat, betraying the effect Aridas had on him. Slowly, he ground his hips against Aridas. One hand fisted over his own cock as the other kneaded into Aridas’ chest. Talah badly wanted a kiss and leaned down to take it. The soft touch of his lips covered the angel’s, and his tongue parted Aridas’ lips.

  Aridas opened, sucking Talah’s tongue into his mouth. He drew up his feet and rolled his hips, pushing as he pulled Talah down. Moaning in
to the kiss, he slid his other hand along the back of Talah’s right wing, fingers stroking the feathers.

  Several shudders rolled through Talah with Aridas’ caress. Unable to keep to the slower pace, Talah rode Aridas harder and faster. The need for release overwhelmed Talah, and the motion of his hand quickened. The bruising kiss muffled his cry as he came, spilling onto Aridas’ stomach.

  With a deep groan, Aridas thrust up hard, hips slamming against Talah as he filled Talah with his release. He nipped Talah’s bottom lip as he slowly ended the kiss. “Why are you really here?”

  Talah collapsed against Aridas, his senses scattered. “I am here to learn from the Order, to train.”

  Aridas hummed his agreement, though there was a touch of disbelief in it. “I see.” He rolled them, putting Talah beneath him. “I requested you the moment I knew of your impending arrival. Did you know that?”


  “Let us just say…” Aridas drew Talah’s arms above Talah’s head, pressing them to the pillow. “…that I’ve been watching you for quite some time. Long before you came here.”

  “Watching me?” Talah tensed before he realized that Aridas’ couldn’t have caught him doing anything serious. “I can’t imagine why you would.”

  “You’re quite out of place here. Or have you not noticed?” Aridas stroked his fingers over Talah’s palm, stopping only when he reached the pulse point of Talah’s wrist.

  “I’m out of place everywhere. Of course, I’ve noticed. But I need to be trained, so it doesn’t matter.”

  One eyebrow rose, but Aridas didn’t release him. “Why bring the wars here?”

  Startled, Talah frowned at him. “I have done no such thing. What are you accusing me of?”

  “I am not accusing. I am questioning.” Aridas’ hand returned to pin Talah’s wrist down. “Leaving the Order of White Light is no small feat. No one just leaves. Who sent you here?”

  “It is when the internal problems within the order interfere in my training. I have every right to request additional training from another order, Aridas. If you are suspicious of me, why have you allowed me into your bed?”

  “I will not refuse you training,” Aridas said sternly, “but I will do it under my own discretions. This is my institute, my Order. I make the rules. As for why you are here…” He smirked and rocked his hips, his newly hardened cock sliding in and out of Talah. “I take what I want.”

  Closing his eyes, Talah rocked against the motion. Aridas proved to be a huge distraction. Something Talah wasn’t sure if he could afford or not. But the thought couldn’t take hold with the need already filling him. “I just want you to fuck me.”

  Bracing his knees on the bed, Aridas thrust forward, pinning Talah’s hands down as he kissed Talah hard. Legs encircling Aridas, Talah writhed beneath the forceful fucking. He was being thoroughly used and enjoyed every minute of it. His fingers curled tightly around Aridas’ hand as his mouth tightened around the angel’s tongue.

  Aridas broke the kiss and descended on Talah’s neck, sucking hard. He slammed his hips into Talah, biting down on his throat as the thrusts grew in strength. “Come.”

  The one word command took over Talah’s mind, and his body strained from the bed before a violent shaking overtook him. Something seemed to fill him from Aridas, but Talah couldn’t comprehend exactly what had happened as he fell over the edge, yelling incoherently.

  Aridas smiled against Talah’s neck, and with one last stroke, he came, pumping heat deep inside Talah’s body. “Let the Disillusioned break that one.”

  Half sobbing, Talah was completely overwhelmed. He had no idea what happened, his wits too scattered for once to form anything coherent.

  “Shh, I’ve got you.” Aridas eased out and rolled to the side. One wing came up and covered them. Aridas drew Talah close.

  “I’ve never experienced…”

  “I know,” Aridas whispered.

  Chapter Three

  Though he tried to keep his attention on the monotonous drone of the meeting, Aridas found his thoughts drifting away, back to Talah as they tended to lately. Despite knowing Talah was a fallen angel, Aridas couldn’t help the need that filled him whenever Talah was near. He’d felt the undeniable pull on his soul the moment Talah had entered his domain. The question now was, who was the young, impressionable demon working for?

  “The Order of the Lowest Creation has requested additional training at our facility for two of their novices. Are our trainers equipped to handle two more trainees?” Enael read over the report in his hand then glanced up at the others.

  “I wouldn’t see a problem taking on one of them, Enael. As long as their level is sufficiently high enough. Both Talah and Ephias are proving to be quick at their studies, but the other three are a little more slow-going.” Tern set down his cup as he checked through his list. “I don’t see a way to fit in the other one. At least for me.”

  “Kalios is free,” Aridas said, half-surprised that he’d managed to keep up with the topic at all. “Send the other to her.”

  Nodding, Enael made a note on the report. “How is Talah working out?” He glanced up, pinning Aridas with a knowing—and slightly amused—look.

  “He is doing very well,” Aridas answered dryly.

  Ignoring the undertone, Tern continued looking over his list. “Zalon and Btakit can handle their physical training.”

  Enael eyed Aridas for a moment longer before he spoke, “We have seven more requests coming in soon. I’d like to have everything prepared to handle them, Tern. Check with the trainers and see which ones will be available.”

  Aridas returned his old friend’s gaze. “If that is all, gentlemen?”

  Both Tern and Enael nodded.

  “Very good. Let me know when the new arrivals are situated so that I can update my records. In the meantime, have a good day.” With that, Aridas stood and left the room. He had work to be done, but the urge to find Talah remained strong. So strong, in fact, that Aridas bypassed his chamber door without fully realizing it.

  Stepping out into the bright day, he ignored the others training in various skills throughout the yard. Aridas closed his eyes and let his mind settle. Though it was still weak, he found the thread connecting him to Talah. His mind followed it, the landscape sliding by in perfect clarity. When he realized where Talah was, Aridas barely bit back the possessive growl. His wings unfurled and he took to the sky, heading for the small town of Ethelene, and its less-than-reputable districts.

  Talah sprawled easily in the booth, finding quite a few of the others around him to be very entertaining. Though most liquors didn’t affect him, he’d treated himself to a special bottle of an extremely potent mixture that would.

  A young man approached him and motioned to the dance floor. In the mood for a bit of gaiety, Talah nodded and stood. As the music started, a pair of arms wrapped around him and a warm body pressed lightly up against his.

  “Haven’t seen you here before,” the man said with a seductive smile. “What’s your name?”

  “Talah. And yours?”

  “Relai.” Hardness pressed against Talah’s thigh as Relai swayed to the music, never breaking contact between them. “What do you want tonight? I’m skilled in many forms of pleasure.”

  “I can’t say that I’m looking for anything in particular, Relai.” Draping one arm over Relai’s shoulder, Talah encircled the young man’s waist with the other. “What are you looking for? Besides money?”

  Relai’s wicked grin spread slowly. “To give you the best night of your life.”

  Feeling an odd sort of tingling across his senses, Talah scanned the room. His startled gaze met a very unhappy pair of blazing red eyes staring right at him. Leaning toward Relai, he whispered, “You might want to leave now.”

  With a surprised look, Relai stepped back then seemed to take Talah at his word as he retreated to the bar.

  Without saying a word, Aridas reached out and seized Talah’s wrist, jerking Talah hard ag
ainst him. “I don’t share.”

  The hard feel of Aridas’ body set off an instant chain reaction within Talah, though Talah struggled against it. “I didn’t realize I belonged to you, Aridas.”

  “I’m sure you didn’t.” A soft growl followed, Aridas’ mouth crashing down on Talah’s without warning.

  Talah gave up the fight and snaked his arms around Aridas as the angel demanded entry. Aridas thrust his tongue into Talah’s mouth, the kiss hard and insistent. Aridas slid one hand down to grip Talah’s hip, while his other hand cupped the back of Talah’s head. Fingers tangled in his hair as Aridas deepened the kiss.

  Light flashed and surrounded them and, seconds later, Talah’s back hit a wall. Aridas pinned him tight, breathing “Say it” on Talah’s lips.

  Bemused, Talah could only gasp in answer. He’d been so lost in what had risen in him, he had no clue what Aridas wanted. “Don’t let me go. Please, Aridas.”

  “If you think I intend to…” Aridas tore Talah’s pants down the front. “…you are sadly mistaken.”

  Unknowing and uncaring of where they were, Talah pulled off his tunic then tried to press closer to Aridas. He could feel the hard line of the angel’s cock encased in his pants, and the grinding of his hips trapped their cocks together. “Need you in me.”

  Spinning Talah around, Aridas shoved him toward a set of stairs. They were back home, in a deserted, familiar hallway. “Up. I expect you to be ready for me.”

  Talah unfurled his wings and climbed the stairs. He’d already been in Aridas’ private chambers once, so he knew where the bedroom was. Picking up a small jar from the stand near the bed, Talah opened it as he slid onto the bed. He remained on his hands and knees and parted his legs for Aridas.

  After he slicked two of his fingers, he lowered his hand between his legs then pushed into his hole. Slowly he fucked himself and when he looked over his shoulder, he saw the angel standing in the doorway, staring unblinkingly at him.

  “It feels so fucking good to have something inside me,” Talah moaned. “Want it to be you.”


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