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Bred by the King

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  If Ashley became pregnant with his child, he needed to create a safe haven for a baby to grow up in. No way would he have his family living in fear.

  His inner thoughts kept nagging him, so he quietly slipped from the bed, careful not to disturb his woman. He walked over to the window and rolled out his shoulders. Draven tugged the sheer curtains to one side, staring down at the courtyard. Despite the raging storm and late hour, he noted a flash of light low in the distance. It bobbed up and down until it disappeared behind a wall.

  Normally someone carrying a flashlight wouldn’t concern him. Things were different now. He tugged on his jeans and a rain jacket as he readied himself to investigate. Draven was careful not to wake Ashley.

  He’d be back before she woke up.

  The echo of the rain filled the stone stairwell as he descended. It was just after three in the morning, so unless there was some kind of emergency, everyone should be asleep.

  He weaved around the obstacles in the courtyard—stacks of storage boxes, a wagon, and the water tower. Rain continually blurred his vision. He wiped his hand across his face as he tried to focus. There was little light, the moon hidden by heavy cloud cover.

  “It’s a little late to be up, no?”

  The dark figure whirled around, rain dripping from her hair.


  She froze, and he half expected her to try to bolt. Instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and stood her ground.

  “What are your plans for us?” she asked.

  He shrugged, narrowing his eyes. “Why are you up this late?”

  “Something’s not right.”

  Draven was cautious of his surroundings every second, always aware and ready for trouble. He’d become increasingly paranoid lately. “You shouldn’t be out here at this hour. If you can’t follow the rules, maybe this isn’t the place for you.”

  “But you’re okay keeping Ashley because she’s a fertile. That’s not why I brought her here.”

  “Then why did you bring her here?”

  Luanna paced, the rain making it difficult to hear her. “I don’t know. Maybe so she didn’t end up like me. I thought this place was a paradise. I tried to find it for the longest time.”

  “And now you’re here. Lurking around in the middle of the night at exactly the same time traitors are stealing my weapons and planning to overthrow my reign. You know anything about that … Luanna?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Draven didn’t answer. He just stared her down, trying to unravel her secrets. Could she be one of the conspirators? Things had only started going to shit after they arrived.

  “Look, I don’t know anything about weapons or overthrowing anything. I was just looking out for my friend. My only friend.”

  He took a breath. “She’s asleep in my bed. Of her own accord. You brought her here to be safe, and I can guarantee it.”

  “When can I see her?”

  There was no reason to humor this woman. He had what he wanted already. But Draven wasn’t a monster. “After breakfast, I’ll let you have a brief visit with her,” he said. “In my room. I’m not risking her safety until I can ensure there’s no threat.”

  “Fine. That’s fair enough.”

  “Good, now how about you get some sleep.”

  She slipped away into the darkness, and he stayed rooted in place.

  He looked around at the high walls, the heavy rain creating a mist that rose up from the courtyard. The damp coldness seeped into his bones, but he needed more answers. He pulled his handgun from the back of his pants and proceeded to the first weapons locker. As soon as he swung open the whiny iron door, deafening silence greeted him. He pulled on the light in the center of the room, the lone bulb swinging back and forth, creating a mix of shadows along the walls.

  He strolled along in front of the rows of guns on the rack, doing a rough count.


  Draven looked up, but didn’t raise his weapon. “What are you doing here, Luke? It’s late to be up.”

  “My night on patrol,” he said.

  He hadn’t even checked to see who was on watch. As much as he’d been focused on his own internal security issues, he had to remember the biggest threat was on the outside of the walls. They always had to be on guard.

  But did he trust Luke? He’d been with him since the early days, but the other man also had nothing to lose. With his wife and child already dead, maybe he was involved with the plan against him. Maybe he was jealous of Draven’s newfound happiness.

  Or Draven was being overly suspicious of everyone.

  “Anything interesting tonight?”

  “That new girl was snooping around, but she does most nights. Have you decided if they’ll be staying on with us permanently?”

  Draven mulled the words in his head. His protective instincts briefly flared. “Ashley isn’t going anywhere. Luanna’s fate is left to be seen.” He continued to walk along the wall of weapons. “Tell me, Luke, have you seen any unusual activity around the castle recently? Anything out of the ordinary?”

  “No, nothing. Is there something going on I should know about?”

  Draven chose his next words carefully because as much as he hoped Luke wasn’t involved, he could be. He didn’t want to raise any red flags. “Just a question.” Draven winked.

  “Well, so far no major damage from the storm,” said Luke.

  He nodded thoughtfully, then pulled the string on the lightbulb overhead, blanketing them in darkness. If Luke wanted to take him out, this would be the perfect chance for him to make a move. Draven was ready for anything. Craved it.

  “You mentioned wanting to cultivate the east fields. It would be a good time with the ground so soft,” said Luke. “I can get a group together in the morning.”

  Draven kept walking until outside of the weapons locker. He closed the heavy door behind him and locked up. “It’s dangerous,” he said. Tending to any of the fields outside of their protective walls was always a risk. Groups of rogue travelers often passed through and wouldn’t think twice about killing any person in their path.

  “It’s always dangerous.”

  Was gathering together an excuse to exact their plan against him? His paranoia was growing wild. Why the sudden need to cultivate the fields? Why Luke?

  “I know you’re capable. If you think it’s a good idea, you have my confidence,” said Draven.

  “It will yield a lot more food for the growing community. We should also consider expanding the walls.”

  “Of course. Have that arranged.”

  Just as he was about to return upstairs, there was a knock on the front gates. He rushed over with Luke, both with weapons drawn. After flicking on the floodlight, he saw two women and a teen boy standing outside, soaking wet.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “We’re looking for shelter from the storm. Just for the night. We’re heading west, looking for family,” said the woman. As she adjusted her hood to see better, he noticed the marking on her wrist.

  Another fertile.

  He nodded to Luke, giving him permission to set them up for the night. They’d be under careful watch until they left in the morning. No one was to be trusted.

  He walked back toward the staircase, feeling more unsettled than when he first woke up. He nearly tripped on something outside his bedroom door, the metallic sound breaking the silence. Draven squat down and picked up the heavy item in both hands. A crowbar. He palmed the cool metal, his mind wandering.

  Draven rushed inside and went straight to the bed, pawing at the mounds in the comforter, finding them all empty.

  “Ashley!” he shouted. “Ashley!”

  He turned his head when a door creaked. Ashley stepped inside from the balcony. “Draven, where were you?”

  “Sorry, baby. Did I wake you? Are you okay?”

  “You weren’t in the bed, and I got scared.” A distant rumble in the sky punctuated her words.

storm’s heading away from us now. Everything will be okay. Nothing to worry about.” He approached her, realizing she was naked when he got close enough. The shadows highlighted her lush curves and also the fear in her eyes. “No need to be afraid.”

  He kept scanning the dim room, wondering who had tried to get in. Were they trying to kill him or steal his woman?

  She rested her head on his chest, and he stroked her hair. It felt right to have someone to be responsible for, someone to love, a person to make life worth living. He wondered how long it would take until she became ripe with his child. She was proven and marked as a fertile, and all his. Before long, she’d be pregnant. That’s if everything was working with him. He began to wonder.

  “Let’s get back to bed,” he said.

  He stripped out of his clothes, and together they crawled back into their nest of blankets. Her little hand ran up his chest as she cuddled up close. “I heard the door close behind you. That’s what woke me,” she said. “The first thing that went to my head was wondering if you had another woman. Stupid I know.”

  Draven shook his head. “There will never be anyone else. I may not be a good man, but I’m loyal. Never doubt that, Ash.”

  She snickered.

  “What is it?”

  “I haven’t heard that name since high school.” Ashley sighed. “It seems like a lifetime ago.”

  “Do you like it? The nickname, I mean.”

  “I do … especially the way you say it.” Her fingers trailed higher until they lingered on his cheek. Her desire sparked in the air, and he couldn’t resist. Draven leaned up on an elbow and kissed her in the quiet hush of his bedroom.

  Just the two of them.

  Just this moment.

  Nothing else was a guarantee.


  Ashley had very little anchoring her in this new, volatile world. Draven had quickly become her rock. He made her feel safe and loved, and any time away from him made her anxiety rise. She knew he’d protect her from anything.

  She’d been worried after he left in the night, her imagination getting the better of her. Having him back, feeling his hot body close to hers, filled her with a unique peace and security. And her hunger for him was difficult to rein in. There was something about him—his rich scent, the hardness of his muscles, the mature scruff on his face, and the fact he was king. She couldn’t pinpoint exactly what made him so irresistible, but she couldn’t keep her hands to herself.

  And she craved him again and again. She wanted to give him everything, to make him feel the same security she felt with him.

  She didn’t regret giving him her virginity.

  Ashley wanted to give him the heir and family she knew he craved. Was it so wrong to want a happily ever after in such a twisted world? Was it selfish to want to raise a child in such uncertain times?

  “Ash…” He kissed down her neck, her body sparking to life. Nothing seemed to matter when he touched her. He brought her out of reality to that perfect place where just the two of them existed. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel of his scruff against her skin. His soft touch made her skin break out in gooseflesh.

  She parted her thighs without being asked, her pussy already wet and aching. Sex was such an easy escape, and Ashley could see how easy it would be to become addicted. “I need you,” she said. Her voice sounded too loud in the silent room. Only the distant sound of the retreating storm broke the hush.

  “I’ll never say no to you, baby.” He ran the backs of his fingers along her soft inner thigh, so close to where she needed him. She was already naked, and for the first time, she felt comfortable in her skin. Draven loved her big tits and every rounded curve. “Tell me what you want.”

  She licked her lips, her heart racing. “I want you to fill me with your seed.”

  He groaned, leaning over to kiss her mound.

  Ashley gasped, squeezing the sheets in a fist.

  “I’m going to give you all of this.” He took her hand, wrapping her fingers around his big dick.

  “It’s so hard.” She gave him a little squeeze, loving how easy it was to get a reaction from him. “And all mine.”

  “Can you take me again?”

  Just then a siren wailed, loud and grating, like the ones she used to hear when the cities were being decimated. Draven bolted up and rushed to the window. Spotlights passed by the glass in slow circles.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, pulling the covers up to her chest as she sat up.

  “There’s trouble. Get dressed, and stay in the room. Understand?”

  He rushed to get clothes on, and she was terrified he would get hurt or worse. She’d only just gotten him, and already couldn’t imagine the rest of her life without him.

  “What about you? It could be dangerous.”

  “I’ll be fine. Don’t open the door for anyone.” Then he was gone.

  Ashley knew how dangerous it was outside the kingdom. It was beyond survival of the fittest. Evil was widespread, and there was no room for decency left. It was so easy to forget living in Draven’s Kingdom, but the sirens brought back bitter memories.

  She got dressed, even putting on her shoes, just in case. It was torture being locked up in the tower, not knowing what was happening. She paced the room, moving from one window to the next. There was life below, men rushing about, weapons in hand. She couldn’t make out what the voices were saying, so she tried to lift open the window.

  That’s when she heard noise from inside the room.

  Ashley took soft steps, listening, her nerves frayed. Someone was trying to get in the bedroom door. Was it Draven? He had the key.

  What would she do if someone broke in and wanted to hurt her? She had nothing to use as a weapon. Maybe she’d try to hide under the bed.

  The door swung open before she could decide what to do next. She held her breath, not moving or speaking.


  She exhaled. It was Luanna.

  “I’m over here,” she said, revealing herself in the dark room.

  Her friend ran over, and they hugged each other. It had been a while since they’d been able to talk.

  “How’d you open the door?”

  “I didn’t survive this long without learning a thing or two,” said Luanna. “Are you okay? Has Draven hurt you?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. Draven’s been taking excellent care of me.”

  “I don’t trust him.”

  “I love him,” she said. As soon as the words left her lips, she realized they were the truth, right from her heart.

  Luanna ran both hands through her damp hair. “There’s no such thing as love. Not anymore.”

  She wouldn’t argue with her friend, not after the life she’d led. It would be cruel to tell her how wonderful her life had transformed in the past months. Ashley believed she’d found her happily ever after with Draven.

  “Luanna, you need to stop this. You wanted paradise? Well, you have it here. We both do. You’ll never be happy if you see everyone as the enemy. This is our new beginning.”

  Her friend stayed quiet, and she knew Luanna was reflecting on her words.

  “What’s happening out there? Do you know?” Ashley asked.

  “No clue. This place is going down. We should get out while we can, Ashley. Maybe we can find someone to remove your fertility band. I’ve heard rumors that some people salvaged some laser technology.”

  Her friend attempted to pull her along, but she fought back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not leaving, Luanna. This is my home now. I can’t go.”

  She threw up her arms. “He’s brainwashed you. Can’t you see that? Any male will promise you the world because of that band. It means nothing.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. She refused to believe it. Draven was different.

  “I could be pregnant already. I can’t leave him. I won’t leave him. If you were smart, you’d see this place for what it really is and give it a chance
. The world outside these walls is a terrible place. You know that, Luanna!”

  Luanna paced back and forth. Ashley noticed the figure in the doorway first.


  Her friend turned, but it was too late. Three men plowed into the room, knocking Luanna to the ground. The first one grabbed Ashley by the arm and tossed her into another man’s arms. He squeezed her so tight, she lost her breath.

  “Get your hands off her!” Luanna shouted from the floor, and one of the men kicked her in the ribs.

  Ashley screamed. “Don’t hurt her!”

  She dropped her weight, trying to get out of the man’s grasp, but he was too strong. Ashley twisted and writhed, fighting with every ounce of strength. The man holding her reeked of body odor, making her stomach roil.

  They dragged her towards the doorway, and she knew she had to fight being taken. The replay of her stint in the government facility came back to her. She refused to be an incubator, a toy for men to use and abuse.

  “Let me go!” she chanted.

  Luanna got to her feet and bolted to the balcony, swinging the doors open. She screamed for help, then turned and looked Ashley right in the eyes. “Oh God, the gates have been breached.”

  Cold dread made her shiver uncontrollably. This was a nightmare in the making. Her adrenaline rush must have given her added strength because a second man had to grab her ankles and they carried her through the room like a used carpet.

  The man in the lead stopped dead.

  A hulking frame blocked the doorway.


  Her nerves tingled as the relief cascaded through her veins. But he was one man against three, and there could be dozens more if the gates had been penetrated.

  “You’re touching my woman,” said Draven, his voice eerily steady. “That was your first mistake.” He grabbed the lead man by the shirt, tugging him under his arm long enough to break his neck. It happened so fast, so proficiently, that she almost missed it. The sickening sound was followed by the heavy body collapsing to the ground. Draven stepped over the dead man, evil dancing in his eyes. He moved forward without hesitation, without fear.

  She’d never seen this side of him, but she knew he had a checkered past that continued to haunt him.


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