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Bred by the King

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you know who I am?” he asked. Draven held out both his arms to the side. “This is my kingdom, and I’m sure you’ve heard that I don’t tolerate trespassers.”

  “We don’t want trouble. Just the girl,” said the man holding her legs.

  Draven tutted, his stance dripping of a man with confidence. “Can’t have that now, can I?”

  Chapter Seven

  Draven stared down at the cages in the basement. Ten men in total had been captured, five of his own men and five from the outside.

  The small group with the fertile woman left at first light, probably glad to get away from his kingdom after the chaos last night. Draven couldn’t provide the safe haven they probably expected, which pissed him off more.

  Luke stood next to him, not saying a word. They had lost three more men because of Ashley. He knew there was fear growing within the camp. Running a hand down his face, he felt the night’s stubble that had grown. He was so fucking tired, and his body ached.

  The men were unconscious for the time being. Turning off the single light, Draven made his way up out of the basement, locking the door behind him.

  Luanna sat at the kitchen table, holding a drink of honey and lemon. The lemons weren’t fresh, but they’d salvaged those cheap-ass bottles from the supermarket. They had raided one a few weeks ago and gotten as much food and medical supplies as they could.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “If you want to leave, you can. You’re not taking Ashley with you.”

  “You still think this is safe? They were your men as well. How can you even think of keeping her here?” Luanna got to her feet, glaring at him.

  “Have you been touched?”


  “It’s a pretty simple fucking question. Have you been touched?”






  “Abused in any way?” His voice grew louder as he demanded answers.

  “No!” She screamed the last one.

  “So you want to leave the safety of this house for the outside world? Luke, do me a favor, tell Luanna how often occurrences like last night happen?”

  “That was the first one, sir.”

  “The first one. I run a tight ship here, Luanna. Tonight was a mistake on my part. I will never let it happen again. I’m sorry if you feel I’m not taking care of you or Ashley. I care about everyone’s safety.”

  “If Ashley wanted to leave, would you let her go?” Luanna asked.

  Draven paused. He didn’t like that question or the way it made him feel.

  Staring at her, he wondered if she had asked him that on purpose to make him feel so fucking crazy. There was no way he could let Ashley go, not now, not ever. The world was not what it used to be. Women couldn’t just walk down the street, especially fertile women. Men would hurt her. They’d tear her apart for the need to breed her. She’d be nothing more than a vessel.

  She’d never smile again or laugh.

  She’d be completely broken.

  The thought of her broken filled him with deep sorrow.

  “You’d be signing her death slip,” he said.

  “But you’d let her go?”

  “If Ashley couldn’t stand to be with me, and I was one hundred percent sure that she wasn’t pregnant with my child, I’d let her go.” Was that the first lie he’d ever told? No, he’d been a master manipulator.

  “She doesn’t want to leave,” Luanna said. “You have nothing to fear.”


  “I wanted to leave last night when I realized how dangerous it was. I feel responsible for her. She helped me when she didn’t have to. That stupid fucking band, it’ll get her killed.”

  “Not while she remains in my protection.”

  Luanna snorted. “Your protection. Your own men wanted her.”

  “That is not going to happen again,” Luke said. “Most are loyal to him. He’s helped us all to survive. Those men down there, they are ungrateful for the life Draven has given them. We have a chance here. Out there, you’re nothing.”

  He saw the tears in Luanna’s eyes. Draven grabbed Luke’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

  “I would never choose out there, Draven. I’m loyal to you and you alone. One day, I hope one of the women would … grant me their hand and allow me to make a good husband to them. I have no desire to go out there to be killed. I will die here, protecting our lands and our future.” Luke nodded at him, then at Luanna before moving away, leaving them alone.

  Luanna dropped back into her seat. She let out a little cough and took a drink of the lemon and honey.

  “You’re sick.”

  “I’ve been checking out the perimeter at night. A couple of nights ago, I fell asleep outside. Woke up soaking wet and cold. It’s my own fault.”

  “Why do you not trust me?” Draven asked, staring at her.

  “I don’t trust any men.”

  “You’re going to have to learn to trust the men here, Luanna. We won’t hurt you.”

  She took a sip of the drink. It smelled disgusting, but then he didn’t like lemon, hated the taste.

  “Do you think it’s ever possible for the world to go back to the way it was before all of this?” she asked.

  He shrugged. “No.”

  “You don’t even have hope?” she asked.

  He ran fingers through his hair. Ashley cared about this woman, even though from what he knew, they had only actually met each other days before coming here. How could two women have a bond that close already? He didn’t get it. Still, to keep Ashley happy, he needed to try to … build bridges with this woman. To maybe have a friendship with her and that way, it would help Ashley feel more comforted by him.

  “It’s good to have hope, so I can’t tell you to not have it. It’ll be good for all of us to have someone around here forever hopeful that the future will be a lot better than the past we’ve all experienced.”

  “You don’t believe in hope?”

  “All the shit I’ve seen, I don’t have hope, no. What I have is a desire to survive. I don’t want to die. I know many of you want things to go back to the way they were, and maybe if we continue to build this fort, or this paradise, we can find some semblance of that past here. The world has changed. Even if it was to go back, there has been too much death and murder. Could you live next to a man who killed and raped a woman who wasn’t fertile? Or butchered men for his chance at a woman?”

  She bowed her head, looking into her drink.

  “You want to take Ashley out into that?”

  “I want us to be safe.”

  “You’re safe here,” he said. “All you’ve got to do is pull your weight, do the chores that are required, and you can stay here for life. Once I’ve dealt with those pieces of shit, Ashley will be able to walk around freely. Or at least as much as possible.”

  She looked up then. “You do care about her?”

  “Of course.”

  “It’s not just about her being fertile?” she asked.

  He was starting to get irritated by everyone assuming he wanted her for her body and womb. “It’s not just about her being fertile. I know it’s crazy, but she’s different than anyone I’ve ever known. There’s an innocence around her that I want to protect at all costs. We need people like her.” Draven took a breath. “She’s not the first fertile to come through these gates. My desire for her has nothing to do with the band, and everything to do with her.”

  “You sound in love.” She sipped at her drink, smirking.

  “I’ve got to go and check on the perimeter. Try not to do anything rash.” He turned away and left the large mansion. He didn’t look back, nor did he look up to the top window to see if Ashley was watching him. He’d found some more romance books stored away in the library and he’d taken them to her. She’d been sleeping, and he made sure not to wake her.

  It was hard to
leave her. He loved watching her sleep. More often than not there was a sweet smile on her lips that tugged at his heart. He never wanted her to lose that ability to smile, to laugh. This world was shit, but not all parts of it had to be.

  His first stop was the main gate. He checked the locks and bolts were firmly in place. He checked the electric box off to the left and saw everything was up and running again. No one was getting in or out without his say-so. He controlled the gates. Moving past the electric box, he walked along the main wall, checking for potential security issues. Bricks could easily be smashed in, and he demanded a full inventory of each section of wall during the day and night to make sure there were no weak spots. The perimeter took him close to three hours to walk. He wanted to do a thorough job, until he was satisfied with their security. Making his way inside the house, he went straight to the roof. He held a pair of binoculars and checked past the wall. He couldn’t see too far, but he liked to check if there was anything odd like campfires or something out of the ordinary.

  “Sir,” Luke said, interrupting his thoughts.

  “What is it?”

  “The traitors filled our pantry with rats. Some of the bagged containers of rice, pasta, and grains have been destroyed.”

  Draven cursed.

  They had gotten a good couple of years’ worth of supplies built up. His anger grew, and all he wanted to do was slaughter those sons of bitches down in the basement.

  “We’re going to have to venture out beyond the gate,” he said. “I’ll come and check what supplies we have now, and we’ll make arrangements as to how long we’ve got. If we have more people arrive, we may have to turn them away.”

  “I know, sir. We all trust your judgment.”

  He was pleased someone did. Right now, he was ready to paint the basement walls red and he’d not even seen the damage.

  This had turned into one bad day. He needed a break.

  No, he needed inside his sweet woman, that’s what he needed. Following Luke off the roof, he made his way down to the storage area. He passed several of his people on the way, and they all looked nervous.

  Before he even saw the mess, he knew it was going to be bad.


  Ashley wondered when he’d come to see her. It felt like an eternity since she last saw Draven. She hadn’t even seen Luanna either. Everything had happened so fast.

  The secrecy and being locked in a cage were starting to wear thin. It may not be a literal cage, but she was a full-grown woman who could make her own choices. She was tired of being trapped in this bedroom. Why couldn’t she be out there with everyone, helping?

  She placed a hand on her stomach and nibbled her bottom lip.

  “What do I do?”

  She had no idea what this situation called for. Draven wasn’t hurt. She’d watched him walk across the gate. Her vision hadn’t been perfect, but she’d recognize him anywhere. Running her fingers through the strands of her hair, she stared out. The sun had gone down, the moon filling the night sky, and the rain had started again. She loved to see the trails as it ran down the window.

  “It’s going to be fine,” she said.

  Her legs started to get numb from sitting in the same position for so long. Getting to her feet, she swung her hands out, trying to get some circulation going. Stretching down to her toes, she lifted her hands above her head.

  Her thoughts drifted back to the hospital where she’d been kept. Staring at the band on her hand, she still hated it as much now as she did then. The brand of ownership. She’d become the government’s possession, not her own. It was so unjust.

  The sound of the door being unlocked pulled her from her thoughts. Once she saw Draven, she didn’t even allow herself to hold back. Throwing herself into his arms, she wrapped her legs around him.

  “Thank God, I was so worried. I didn’t want anything to happen to you.” She slammed her lips down on his.

  Draven held her ass, keeping her steady as he kissed her back. She missed his lips and his touch.

  She sensed a sadness in him, and it made her pull away with a frown. The seriousness in his eyes made her aware of something bad about to happen. Her unease grew when he kept quiet.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. “Don’t even say it’s nothing.” She knew he tried to protect her as much as possible. She wasn’t a child.

  “It’s … I’ve got to organize a party to go and get supplies.”

  “Supplies? I thought you had enough food,” she said.

  “I did. During the attacks, they didn’t fucking think ahead, and the pantry was filled with rats. They’re all gone now, but they’ve ruined our supplies. There’s not enough to feed us all for a week.”

  “That’s bad, right?”

  “It is. There’s a chance I’ve got to leave for a few days. I won’t take any cars. I don’t want to risk drawing attention to us. After last night’s attack, I don’t want to leave the compound, but I’ve got no choice.”

  “Can’t you send other people out?” she asked.

  “I could, but I know my way. I know what I’m looking for. I’m military. I know what I’m facing. Half of these men have the minimum training needed to come back with adequate supplies.”

  She felt tears spring to her eyes.

  “No, you can’t go.” She touched his chest.

  He covered her hand. “I’ve got to.”

  She shook her head. “It’s dangerous out there.”

  “You’re worried about my safety?”

  “Of course, I am. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I care about you.” She cupped his face and couldn’t resist kissing him again. “Please, Draven, don’t go.”

  He moved her back toward the bed. He’d already let her go, and she followed his lead, stepping back until the bed hit the backs of her leg. Draven didn’t stop there, and she fell back to the bed.

  Heat filled her body. She wanted him so much. His strength. His dominance.

  Cupping the back of his neck, she kissed him with passion, getting lost in his taste.

  “You drive me crazy,” he said. His hand rested on her hip, and the evidence of his arousal pressed against her core. Just imagining him naked and inside her made a thrill rush through her body.

  “You want me,” she said.


  “Then take me, Draven. I’m yours. Only yours.”

  “You know what to say to make it impossible to resist you.” His lips trailed down her neck, and as he sucked on her pulse, she gasped, closing her eyes.

  “I believe in fasting,” she said, trying to contain her moan at his kisses.

  He laughed. “We’ll all starve. I’ve got to go, but tonight, I’m all yours.”

  “All mine?”

  “Yes.” He kissed her again.

  Suddenly remembering Luanna, she pulled away from the kiss. “What about Luanna?” she asked.

  He groaned. “What about her?”

  “Is she okay? Is she safe?”

  “What is it with you two? You’ve not known each other that long.”

  “We helped each other. In this world you’ve got to take your friendships seriously or you’ll lose them. I’ve already lost so much. I don’t want anything to happen to her. I know she wants to leave. She hasn’t left, has she?” She didn’t want to leave Draven, and she couldn’t think of anywhere else that could be better than here.

  Luanna was safe here, Draven made sure of it.

  “No, she’s not gone. I spoke to her earlier today. I don’t know if she’s going to remain here. She wants to see you.”

  “Will I be able to see her?”

  He paused, and she hated the hesitation.

  “I’m not going to leave,” she said, trying to coax him to agreeing to seeing her friend.

  Draven sighed. “Fine. I’ll allow it tomorrow, but you’re not allowed to leave this room. There’s only so much stress that I can take. I’ll make sure men I trust are here as well.”

  “No, no. You’ve
got to take men with you so I know you’re safe.”

  “Ashley, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  She chuckled. “I know.” She kissed him again. “I don’t want Luanna to ever leave.”

  “There’s not a lot I can do about that. If she wants to go, I can’t force her to remain.”

  She pouted.

  “Don’t give me that face, Ashley. I’m doing the best I can.” He rolled off her, staring up at the ceiling.

  Seeing the stress in his eyes, she was hit by a wave of guilt. She straddled his waist, running her hands up his chest and back down again. His cock was still hard. “I’m sorry. I’m asking too much.”

  “You’re not asking too much.” His hands dropped to her thighs, holding her. She loved his touch. His hands were so warm and strong. “I just don’t like it when I can’t give you what you’re asking for.”

  She waited as he stroked her thighs. She stayed still, not knowing how to initiate sex. Was it what she wanted?

  “What are you thinking right now?” he asked.

  “I … I’m wondering what you’re thinking.”

  “You’re lying to me.”

  “I’m not.” Her cheeks started to heat at the blatant lie.

  He spun her around so that she was back on the bed and he was the one above her. “No?”

  She pressed her lips together, trying to suppress a laugh.

  “So you’re not thinking about how best to get me into bed?”


  “You’re lying.”

  “I don’t care if it’s on a bed or not.” She gasped, slapping her hands over her mouth.

  He chuckled. “Now that is a sexy thought. I can fuck you on the floor, on your knees, up against the wall, in the shower. I can take you wherever I want.” His lips began to work down her body, going to the tips of her breasts.

  Gritting her teeth, she tried not to make a sound, not wanting him to stop. Her nipples were so hard from arousal. It would be so easy to give into him.

  I want to give into him.

  When he took one of her nipples into his mouth, she cried out. The pleasure went straight to her clit, sparking a need so great she began to rock up against him, needing friction between her thighs.


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