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Fleet Academy

Page 28

by M. Scott Cottrell

  “Who says that’s unfortunate?” Command Emerson said with a bit of a grin as she unzipped her jump suit and pushed it off her shoulders. Matt tried not to stare as she quite obviously was enjoying disrobing in front of him. She went to work on her bra before her jump suit had even finished sliding down her legs. She undid the clasp behind her back and let the two ends go; allowing the bra to slide off her arms, exposing what appeared to be easily a set of one hundred centimeter D size breasts. “What’s the matter Lieutenant, cat got your tongue? What do you think of an old woman’s body?” she asked, turning around for him as she stepped out of her jump suit, leaving her standing in nothing but a pair of pink panties with a lacey waist band.

  “I think I better go change into my cool suit.” Matt said, trying to tear his eyes from her body. Besides being a lot older than he was, she was a Commander, but part of him below the waist didn’t seem to care, even though he was trying hard to command it to care. He walked over to the table next to hers, where his suit was laid out, and quickly stripped down to his briefs. He began pulling on his cool suit as quickly as he could, turning to see how the rest of the group was doing.

  “I can see that they got the proportions about right.” Commander Emerson said as she pulled the material tight over her breasts, letting it stretch and form around them. She seemed to take extra time to lift and move each breast, cupping them and stroking the material smooth over each one. Facing Matt, she finally pulled the fastener closed up the front of her body. The material quickly formed itself until it was encasing her and touching almost every square centimeter of her body. The dark tan material shimmered in the light as her body moved inside it, making it a tantalizing display, covering but not hiding any of her. “Do you need any help Lieutenant?”

  “No thanks, I got it.” Matt said as he began working the stretchy material up his legs. He stood up as he pulled the material up to his waist and then pushed his arms into the sleeves and onto his shoulders. He worked the closure to fasten it. When he had it fully done up he turned to see that the rest of the team was discreetly facing away from them as they talked, already in their cool suits. “OK let’s continue now.” Matt said, calling the team together. Matt noticed that he was not the only one having a reaction to the view of the women looking even better than naked. Ron was also trying to cover his own embarrassment, much to the pleasure of both Kim and Tina, whose arousal at the situation was obvious by the small mountain peaks on top of their shimmering breasts. “The new outer suit will go on just like this class seven. It’s a one piece suit, with a rather unique collar. This one is a solid collar ring, but the new one uses a flexible collar that seals to the bottom of the helmet. There isn’t any air flow in the suit itself, just pressure, which is why the new cool suit design. These suits work pretty much the same. You step into this suit just like a jump suit.” Matt said, demonstrating as he stepped into his suit. “Once you have your arms in…” He grunted as he worked his arms into the sleeves until his hands were sticking out the ends. “Pull the zipper pull up the front. The material behind the zipper interlocks and seals. This is the only part that is different. On this suit, once you pull the zipper up, you have to attach the helmet ring to the front like this.” Matt said, snapping the ring closed around his neck, being careful to lock it around the lugs that are built into the neck of the suit. “OK let’s everyone get to this point and then we’ll go on from there.”

  The group broke up, and Matt walked back and forth, watching them work their way into the suits until Commander Emerson called him over. “Mister Molter, I’m having a bit of trouble getting the suit closed, would you mind?”

  Matt walked over. She had the suit on and partly zipped, but her large breasts were still sticking out the front of the suit. “You're going to need to tuck those in to get it closed.”

  “That much I figured out, what I hadn’t figured out was how to tuck them and zip at the same time. How about you do the honors while I zip?” She said seriously.

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said. He stepped over to her and tried as diplomatically as possible to tuck one of her breasts into the suit. Much to his consternation, it wasn’t working. Finally he placed his hand over as much of her breast as he could grip and squeezed it into the suit. He changed hands and went to work on the other side, noting that she was grinning from ear to ear and not making his job any easier. If anything he swore she pushed her chest out making him squeeze her breast even more. There was certainly no mistaking that her nipple had hardened under his palm and was now poking rigidly into his hand. He finally got her tucked into her suit and she pulled the zipper closed. He watched her close the ring around her neck and seal it.

  “Ok everyone done?” Matt asked, looking around. “All right. The next step is to mount the bio pack. These suits are unique in that all the bio lines come in from the helmet. Slip the pack onto your back and buckle all the straps snug. Then put the helmet on, with the visor open, like this.” Matt said, pulling the bio pack on and then placing the helmet on giving it an eighth turn to lock it into place.

  “Once you have the helmet on you have to slide your hand in through the visor and connect the two hoses to the nipples on the mounting ring. Once that’s done you have to connect the hose bundle from the biopack on the outside on the right, and the power cable on the left side.” Matt said while he demonstrated the connections. “Once that’s done, you can put on and seal the gloves and you’re ready to go. Like the hard suits, the mics are voice activated, and the controls are on the left arm. Go ahead and finish suiting up. Make contact on channel one once you’re ready to go. You don’t need to seal your shield yet. Ok. Go.” Matt finished, looking at the small group. Matt watched them don the bio packs and helmets, helping Commander Emerson and Tina with the hose connections on the outside of the helmets.

  “Emerson up on one.” Matt’s radio crackled.

  “Brody up.”

  “Yang up.”

  “Hillard up.”

  “Very good. Follow me. We’re going to the suit room lock to pressure test.” Matt said, turning and heading out of the room. Walking in the suits takes an odd bow legged shuffle because of the stiffness of the joints. The group of them looked almost comical as they half waddled, half shuffled across the locker room to the cage room air lock. Matt walked to the far side and turned to watch the rest of them come in. “OK, it’s time to seal your helmet. Check the indicator on your pad on the sleeve. The one downfall of these suits is that while you can pressure test them in normal air, you don’t want to if you can avoid it. It takes too much oh two. We’ll just do a slow blow and we can check the pressure once we get down a little in the lock. Is everyone ready?”

  “I think we are Lieutenant”

  “Very well. Here we go. I’m taking it down one third.” Matt said as he keyed the new pressure into the controls on the wall. The door slid closed and the light over the door turned red. Matt felt his suit stiffen as the pressure began to drop in the lock. He checked the pad on his arm to make sure his own suit was holding pressure, and then went around to each of the team and checked their pressure as well. “Ok. Everyone looks good. I’m going to take it the rest of the way down.” He said over the radio circuit as he punched in the max vacuum on the control pad. His suit stiffened even further as the pressure in the airlock dropped, soon reaching the vacuum of space. “Ok, we’re at hard vacuum. Go ahead and try to move around. I can’t drop us to zero g in this lock, but I can take us down to one tenth.” Matt said as he set another control and lowered the gravity in the lock to ten percent of Earth normal. Matt turned around to see the other four in the lock experimentally bouncing up and touching the ceiling of the airlock. Even at this level, Matt noticed that the compensators were having problems. As they bounced they tended to float toward one wall. Matt recalled from his ships engineering courses that the high acceleration rates are difficult for these fairly large locks to compensate for at lower g settings, this lock was no exception. The larger the space, t
he more difficult for the system to compensate. That was why the ships were laid out with most of the long rooms perpendicular to the spine of the ship. Most space travelers that didn’t understand the operation of the artificial gravity system tended to complain about how the ships corridors were laid out. Lots of back and forth across the ship to move forward and backwards along the ship. Matt decided to return the gravity to Earth normal before anyone got hurt, and punched one hundred percent back into the control. He felt the gravity increase until he once again felt his full weight. Punching in full pressure into the control pad started the process of bringing full atmosphere back as well. Within a minute or so the lock was back at full pressure and gravity. “Ok” Matt said as the door slid open. “Let’s go back to the repair bay and get out of these.”

  “That was kind of fun.” Kim said over the radio circuit.

  “Haven’t you done suit training before?” Commander Emerson asked her.

  “We did it at the academy, and we did it once when we got onboard our first ship. But I haven’t been in a suit since then.”

  “You’re missing a lot of fun then.”

  “I can tell. Besides, the view isn’t too bad getting dressed either.”

  “Then you’re going to be really happy. It’s a common shower room.” Tina said.

  “Ok. Enough chit chat.” Matt snapped.

  “What’s the matter Lieutenant, bashful?” Kim chided.

  “Not at all. This is not a secure comm channel.”

  “He knows all about that, doesn’t he?” Kim said.

  “Ok hot shot. If you insist on talking about people, how come so many women in the fleet have such big tits?” Matt shot back at her.

  “Oh that’s easy.” Commander Emerson responded. “It’s a combination of low gravity and LOTS of really good hormones.” Matt could almost hear the smile in her voice, even though he couldn’t see her face. “It helps to have them massaged a lot too.” She added after a slight pause.

  By this time they had made it back to the suit repair room, so Matt went back to talking them through the doffing procedure. “Ok, step one is to open the visor, and shut off the bio pack on the pad. Pull the hoses on the right and left of your helmet. It’s easiest to do with the gloves off.” Matt said to the group as he

  tossed his gloves on the table after unsealing them and pulling them off. He reached up and pulled the hose bundle and the electrical connectors from the helmet on the outside and then reached into the helmet and pulled the two cool suit connectors loose. He turned the helmet the required eighth turn and pulled it off. “So let’s go ahead and get ‘em off, and then hit the shower. Even though you don’t feel dirty, when the cool suits are cleaned, they are impregnated with a bit of talc to help them slide on better. It’s a good idea to wash it off. Once you’re showered, that’s it for today. Go ahead and leave your suit and cool suit on the table and the suit techs will clean it all up.”

  “Thank you Lieutenant.” Commander Emerson said as she pulled her helmet off and set it on the table. I may need some help getting back out of this suit, since you did such a nice job of tucking me into it.”

  “Yes ma’am. Go ahead and give it a try. I’ll help if you really need it.” Matt said while pulling the zipper of his own suit down, having already taken the mounting ring off the suit. It didn’t take him long to get the rest of the suit off and lay it on the table. He looked over to see how the others were doing, before he started stripping off the cool suit. Tina and Kim were well on the way to getting theirs off, and the Ron was already out of his and peeling off the cool suit. Commander Emerson was still struggling with her helmet ring. “Here ma’am. Let me help you with that.” Matt said as he stepped over to her and reached up to take the ring off. He placed his hands on hers and helped her fingers find the release for the latch, and then he let her take the ring off.

  “Thank you Lieutenant.” She said with a smile as she pulled on the zipper, the front of the suit spreading as she worked it down with difficulty. Part way down it stopped even though she gave it a few gentle tugs. “I think it’s stuck.”

  “Here ma’am.” Matt said, taking the zipper pull from her hands and giving it a tug. It did seem to be stuck. “I think you need to suck in your chest ma’am.” He said, pulling down with some force on the zipper. She did as he asked and the zipper released and slid the rest of the way down easily. “There you go ma’am.”

  “I think if we’re going to be working this close together, you should call me Lynn when were alone.” She said, pulling the suit apart to expose her cool suit clad chest to him. She shrugged the top of the suit off and stepped out of the bottom, leaving her standing in just her cool suit. Matt looked over and the other three were already gone to the showers. She bent over and picked up the suit and put it on the table, and then turned to face him. She pulled the fastener on the cool suit apart, and spread the front of the suit, pulling it off her now bare breasts. “Don’t you think you should get your suit off too?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said a bit of a tremble in his voice as he stared at her bare breasts as she gently stroked her fingers back and forth across her nipples.

  “I thought I told you to call me Lynn.” She said as she pushed the material down her body, wiggling her hips much more than was necessary to get the material over them. She turned around and bent at the waist to push it down her legs. She stood back up and turned to face him. “Well, Lieutenant. I thought we were supposed to be taking off our cool suits. Let me help you this time.”

  She stepped toward him began pushing the unfastened cool suit down his arms and body to his waist, her fingers stroking his skin ever so gently in the process. “I see you’re in pretty good shape Lieutenant.” She said, reaching up placing both hands on his chest. Slowly she slid them down his chest to his stomach. He felt them slide around his waist and then slowly down to his hips. He almost jumped as her warm fingers slipped inside the waist band of his briefs along with the cool suit. He felt her push the material slowly down his body, sliding the palm of her hand down his hips and then his legs as she knelt before him, taking the material down with her. He could feel her hot breath on his body as she knelt in front of him, her face inches from his body. Once she had it to his ankles, she stood up; her body close enough to his to drag her rock hard nipples against his chest. She put her arms around his neck and pulled his face toward hers.

  “You can kiss me any time you want.” She whispered as she rubbed the tip of her nose against his, sensuously licking her full lips before moving her lips to touch his. As their tongues touched she slipped her arms from around his neck and slid her hands down his arms until her fingers were able to tangle with his. She pulled his hands to her stomach and slid them slowly down and around to her hips, making sure his thumbs slipped inside the lacy top band of her tiny panties. “You can finish this too if you want,” she whispered before replacing her soft lips against his.

  It was well past lunch time when Matt and Commander Emerson finished showering and dressing.

  “That little nurse is one very lucky girl.” She said as they walked out of the suit repair room and headed across the locker room.

  “How so Commander?”

  “I thought I told you to call me Lynn.”

  “You did… Lynn. It’s just a bit hard to remember that.”

  “I take it you’re nervous having sex with a senior officer?”

  “Yes ma’am,”

  “Well, let me put your mind at ease.” She said, stopping him and wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him nose to nose with her again. “You’re not in my chain of command, and I’m not in yours. You can call me Lynn whenever were alone. In public we have to mind the P’s and Q’s of rank. I can’t order you to have sex with me, and I won’t try. I can invite you to my cabin, and you can refuse, as long as it’s a personal request, and I will always make sure you know the difference. Any more concerns?”


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