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Fleet Academy

Page 29

by M. Scott Cottrell

  “Well, to be honest Lynn… Um… Well, I kind of like someone…”

  “Oh God. You have a thing for that little nurse and you think that I’m going to mess that up?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “If she’s on a fleet ship, I’m pretty sure she’ll understand. You’re out numbered on fleet ships. I don’t quite know why, but it seems that there are more single women in the fleet ships these days than guys. We outnumber you by almost two to one on this ship alone. That’s not the case on all ships, in particular troop ships. Women are still not well represented in the fleet Marines. But in ships crews, well… we thrive. If she’s been on any number of deployments she knows what happens and in general we understand that the men of the ship are hard pressed to resist, and sooner or later any guy will give in. So just relax, tell her what happens if you want, but don’t worry that it’s going to make her want you less.” Then she slid her face next to his so their cheeks were gently touching, and whispered to him. “Sometimes it makes him wanted even more. I mean look at what that little video did for you… I don’t know a woman on this ship that didn’t want to get into your pants on the trip to Jupiter… and I suspect that a lot of them tried very hard.”

  “Yes ma’am, a few of them tried,” he whispered in response.

  “There you go again.” She chided pulling her face away from his. “Getting all serious again when we were just having a nice little heart to heart.”

  “Sorry ma’am.”

  “Sorry my ass. Let’s go get some food before we starve to death Lieutenant.” She said pulling back from him and zipping her jump suit the rest of the way up, covering the huge amount of cleavage she had left showing for him. She stepped past him and walked out the door with Matt following behind.

  “Well Lieutenant, how goes the training?”

  Matt nearly jumped to attention at the sound of the Captain’s voice behind him.

  “At ease Lieutenant. May I sit down?”

  “Certainly ma’am.” Matt said, sitting back down himself and going back to eating his lunch, but with a bit more finesse this time.

  “So how’s the training going?” She asked again, setting her coffee cup on the table as she sat down.

  “Pretty well ma’am. We did weapons and suit training this morning.”

  “How did everyone do with the suits? Any problems?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “None? That’s good. Some of my officers haven’t been in a suit for a while.”

  “No ma’am. The only real problem was getting Commander Emerson into hers. We used the closest thing we had in stock for the sizes on file, but she had a bit of trouble getting herself into hers.”

  “Knowing the Commander, I’m sure she got all the help she needed. Is everyone going to be ready on time?’

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “I’ve been thinking. Both Lieutenant Brody and Lieutenant Yang out rank you, but you have more experience in EVA’s than anyone else on the team. I wondered if you though that Lieutenant Yang would have a problem working under you instead of being in command.”

  “I don’t think she would. I mean that she seems to be easy enough to get along with.”

  “I think that even though you’re junior, I think you’re going to command the EVA. I want the most experienced outside person in command, and that’s you. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take their advice. They are all experts in their field and I expect you to treat them as such.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said with some hesitation in his voice.

  “Is there something else Lieutenant?”

  “Um. Yes ma’am.”

  “What is it Lieutenant?”

  “Well ma’am. I’m a bit concerned. Commander Emerson made a pass at me and I wasn’t sure how to handle it.”

  “She did? Just a pass? She must be getting slow. I would have figured her to keep you occupied for at least an hour.”

  “Well, I may have understated a bit ma’am.”

  “I bet. Don’t worry Lieutenant, your free to accept or decline any advances she makes. Because of the man shortage we’re a bit more liberal out here.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt said, pausing for a long time. “One more thing ma’am. I want to talk to you about Master Chief Wallace.”

  “What has the Master Chief done this time?” She mused with a frown.

  “Nothing ma’am. I asked him to do something for me, and, well, I don’t want him to get in trouble for it.”

  “Just what did you ask him to do?”

  “Well ma’am. I read in his file where he got written up for fixing some of the hard suit packs to fly a bit faster.”

  “That would be an understatement; he was racing hard suits across the shuttle bay and nearly killed himself and another rating that was racing against him, but go ahead Lieutenant, what did you ask him to do?”

  “Well ma’am. I thought that it would be a good idea to have some insurance. I asked him to juice a set of four suits. I wanted a team in hard suits in a second lock that could get to us in a hurry if we needed it. I told him to double the flight distance and double the thrust.”

  “That sounds like a good idea, but the only way to do that would really kill the suit life support time.”

  “Yes ma’am. I told him to give them as much as he could, but still leave two hours suit time. That way they can be in the lock on buddy cables with the ship until we need them… if we need them.”

  “You realize that breaks at least a dozen Fleet Directives.”

  “Yes ma’am. I’ll take responsibility. I just thought it would be a good idea to have some help ready if we needed it.”

  “Alright Lieutenant. I’ll authorize it. The whole idea is a pretty good one. Most of this mission is breaking fleet directives, what’s a few more?”

  “Thank you ma’am.”

  “Very well Lieutenant, drive on. I’m counting on you to let me know if there are any problems.” She said standing up.

  “Yes ma’am, thank you ma’am.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. You may well yet curse me if this doesn’t work and you get stranded out there Lieutenant.” She said with a finality that indicated the conversation was over. She stood up and nodded at him before striding purposefully across the mess and out the door.

  Matt made his way down to the Armory after lunch and froze when he entered his office. Trina was sitting in the office chair half naked, her legs sticking obscenely apart, restrained only by her jump suit and underwear around her ankles, one hand squeezing and working her tits, her other franticly working between her legs. “Good Lord. Can’t I get away from it anyplace?”

  “Uhh Uhhh Fuck! “ Was all Trina said as he retreated from the office and headed to his quarters.

  Matt tossed himself on his bunk with a data pad, thankful that his quarters were empty. There was only one person right now he wanted to be having sex with, and she was still on duty. Matt began looking at all the data that had come in on the artifact. They could now see some grainy images, but seeing it clearly at the velocity it’s traveling was another matter. The data looked like everything was on track. The tanker was well on its way to catching them. With the tail chase method of intercept, he figured they would be able to see it a full day before it was reachable because of the velocity difference. They just had to wait for it to catch them and do its breaking thrust to match velocity. It was going to be a tricky maneuver. One wrong move and the Saint Claire would be stranded without enough fuel to stop. Matt was engrossed in studying the latest information on the new suits and biopacks when the door slid open.

  “It’s me.” Jenny said, stepping inside their quarters.

  “You’re off already?” He said, sliding off the bunk and dropping to his feet in front of her. He took her in his arms and pulled her close to him. “Hmmmm you feel good.”

  “Oh good.” She said with a giggle. “That’s just exactly the right thing to say to a naked horny woman.” She said between kisses.

  “But you’re not naked.”

  “I can fix that.” She said as she stepped back slightly and pulled down the zipper of her white jump suit. She pushed the cloth off her shoulders, letting it hang over Matt’s encircling arms. She pulled his arms from around her, letting the jump suit fall the rest of the way to the floor, leaving her in just a white lace bra and panties. She reached behind her and unfastened her bra, letting it slide down her arms. She tossed it aside and guided his hands to her now exposed breasts and placed each of his palms on each one. “Now make those wonderful hands of yours useful while we get rid of your jump suit.”

  “My pleasure.” Matt said, massaging her large mounds of soft flesh. He lowered his face to one of them and was rewarded with a gentle groan of pleasure.

  Matt and Jenny made it to the officers’ mess for some dinner, well past normal dinner hour. They had to settle for breakfast, which was being served for the duty shift that was just getting out of bed. They enjoyed scrambled eggs, ham, bacon and toast, washing it all down with reconstituted orange juice. Jenny giggled like a school girl when Matt answered her hooking her leg over his by sliding his hand between her legs and up her thigh until it was resting against the heat of her mound. “You’re such a naughty boy.” She said in that accent he enjoyed so much.

  “Only for you.”

  “Oh that is such a pile of crap!” she laughed. “You think I didn’t hear about your little tryst in the suit room?”

  Matt looked at her with obvious shock on his face.

  Jenny laughed. “Good lord. Relax! I’m not mad at you.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “You mean that Commander Emerson gave you a workout?”

  Matt blushed at the thought of Jenny being told by someone that he was having sex with some other women.

  “God you are so cute when you blush!” She said kissing him on the cheek before taking another bite of bacon. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t bother me; I know you’re in demand. I’m just glad you saved the best for me.”

  “How did you hear?”

  “On a ship full of women? You’re kidding right?”


  She looked at him seriously for a second. “You’re really worried, aren’t you?”


  She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. “Stop worrying. I care about you a lot. You’re the only one I’m looking to be with. You can’t stop other women from needing a man, and you being handy, and well, to be honest, damn enticing. Just relax and enjoy it, as long as it’s just sex it doesn’t matter. If it gets to be something besides just sex, like we have right now, then, it does matter. Ok?”

  “I will never understand women.”

  “Good.” She said kissing him on the cheek again. “Men aren’t supposed to understand us.”

  Matt laughed. “Ok you’re the boss. Now what?”

  “I say we go back to our quarters and make mad passionate love all night long!”

  “Like I said, you’re the boss… You can have me as long as you can make it stay up.”

  “Oooooo, a challenge. You have no idea all the tricks I have to make it stay up a long, long time! And if I run out of tricks I know that our roommates have a few that we can try too.” She whispered as she stood up, pulling him up and wrapping her arm around his waist. “So off we go!”

  Chapter 11 – Neptune Loop

  Morning came far too early for Matt’s foggy, sleep deprived brain. Five nights up late with Jenny was taking its toll. It was early in the morning when he finally gave up and cried uncle, settling down in a bunk with Jenny in his arms to get some much needed sleep. In the dark he couldn’t see her, but he felt her wrapped in his arms, the two of them spooned together. She was still breathing gently and regularly, the breathing of a contented sleeper. Matt wished that it could go on forever, but the beeping of his watch told him that it couldn’t. He felt a hand fumble with his watch and press a button to silence it.

  “You need to get up Matt.” A female voice from below them said.

  “Do I have to?” He groaned.

  “I don’t want you to.” Jenny said groggily as she pulled the arm he had wrapped around her, tighter to her chest.

  “Hmmmmmm” he responded. “I don’t want to either.”

  “I think we have to though.” She said patting the back of his hand. She tossed the covers back and rolled out of the bunk, dropping to the floor, still wearing what she went to bed in, nothing. “Come on love, let’s go get cleaned up.” She said holding her hand out to him. Matt rolled out of the bunk and hit the floor equivalently dressed.

  “Damn, this is definitely the way to wake up in the morning.” Suzi said from the bottom bunk, reaching out to stroke the morning woody that Matt was sporting as he stood leaning against the top bunk.

  “God Suz… Don’t you ever get enough?” Jenny asked her roommate as she pulled Matt toward the head and out of reach of Suzi’s roaming hands.

  “Not usually.” She said with a giggle. “Don’t spend too much time in there; I know how you two love birds like to take those long showers. I gotta go on duty too.”

  “Loud and clear Suz” Jenny said as she led Matt into the cubicle. She closed the door and they stepped into the shower tube. Given the time crunch, Jenny and Matt didn’t spend too much time in the shower, getting the washing done fairly quickly. Matt used some of the cream supplied to take care of the stubble that reappeared every day, and then did the same to Jenny’s legs, getting giggles from her as he worked his hands up and down her legs with the slippery cream. After he had rinsed and toweled the remaining cream from her long smooth legs, he stood up and kissed her gently. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. “You're going to be careful today aren’t you?”

  “Yes ma’am.” Matt replied with a smile. “It’s just a tanker intercept. This should go easily enough.”

  “Yeah, a tanker intercept at nearly one fifth light speed.”

  “Don’t worry. It will be fine.”

  “What time do you go EVA?”

  “About 1100. We do the speed match maneuvers at around ten hundred. We can’t suit until that’s done.”

  “Well, you be damn careful out there. I don’t want you to go floating off into space.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.” He said kissing her again.

  “Come on you two” Suzi said sliding the door open, “I need to use the shower too.”

  “So use it.” Matt said. “It’s not like any of us are strangers here.”

  “True.” Suzie said, stepping into the head naked. The compartment was small for two, and with three it was positively tight. Matt and Jenny both felt Suzie’s hand slide between them, searching for a handful of Matt.

  “At ease girl!” Jenny said with an impish grin. “This morning he’s all mine.”

  “Actually, this morning, I’m out of time.” Matt said, kissing Jenny one more time before pulling away from her soft body and Suzie’s groping hand. Matt stepped out into the cabin and turned on the lights.

  “Ohhhhhh Just stand there a second…” Matt heard Patty say from the lower bunk where she was reclining, her blond hair tussled wild, and her legs thrown wide apart to give her busy fingers room.

  “Sorry Pats. I’m already running late.”

  “Don’t be a spoil sport, sweetie.” Jenny said, stepping out of the head behind him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, one hand on his chest and the other wrapped around what Suzie got started. “Let her have a little look.”

  “You three are insatiable, aren’t you?” He asked Jenny, turning his head around enough to try to kiss her.

  “It would appear that way.” She said, leaning her head to meet his kiss, the two of them concentrating on their own shared feelings, drowning out the vocalizations of Patty finishing things off for herself.

  “I really have to go.” Matt said after they finished kissing far longer than Matt had planned.

  “That’s a shame.
I mean, after I got this all hard and everything.”

  “It’ll still be there later.” He said turning around to face her, punctuating his remark with a quick smooch on her lips before pulling away to find his jump suit and deck shoes.

  Jenny let him slip from her arms, disappointment clearly outlined on her face. She watched him dress, and then stepped to him and wrapped her arms around him for one last kiss before letting him disappear out of the cabin.

  Matt skipped breakfast, looking toward a long EVA later in the morning, and headed down to the armory office to make sure everything was ready.


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