The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series Page 8

by Bonnie Somerville

  When they reached the front porch of their home Kaley finally said something. “You want to know the best thing about her naming them with numbers? We know that there are at least seven of them. Plus I suspect there could possibly be more that have never had contact with Loki and the homestead. Right now I’m just interested in those seven. Oh shit!” Kaley reached for her abdomen. “What? Is it the baby?” Rachael said as Kaley almost doubled over. Rachael helped Kaley into the house and made her comfortable then ran to get Viva. ~

  Viva and Eno walked arm in arm. Viva was caressing Eno’s arm with her other hand while they walked. She was enjoying her company very much. Kaley had seen through Eno’s selective mutism and Viva could see why. There was something very endearing about Eno. Eno helped her over obstacles, made sure she didn’t trip over tree roots close to the surface. She was thoughtful, caring and very attentive. Viva could see that by watching how she had responded to Kaley. She was in no real danger of falling but Eno had pulled her close to her and held her tightly. Viva looked over at Eno, she wanted to kiss her. When they stopped she licked her lips and leaned in. Eno touched her cheek and smiled.

  Viva looked at her and realized that Eno was like a babe in the woods. She was sweet and unspoiled and possibly a virgin or at the very least inexperienced. Living in the forest wasn’t the best place to find people her own age. Viva scolded herself for even considering what she had been about to do. She herself was the second youngest of Catherine’s five children and had started medical training as a teenager as is often the case on Marcus II. She had been rotated out to other communities and been loaned to Arklow briefly but she was still an unattached woman. She lived in a house with several other young single adults who were too old to be living with their families but also weren’t ready to have families of their own.

  Viva’s work and studies had kept her very busy. Doctors were in high demand on Marcus II not because people were in poor health but because there were so few. Viva’s personal life had suffered over the years but she had to admit she loved her job. She had had the odd fumble in the dark with one or other of her housemates but there was no emotional connection. Since she’d met Eno she finally knew what that could feel like. She was physically attracted to her but there was also something else there. There was a seed that had begun to germinate the moment she’d taken her hand but was it the right thing for Eno? She needed to keep her libido in check. It wouldn’t be fair to either of them to rush into something. She could have very easily seduced Eno but she would have hated herself. Eno needed something else entirely… she needed roots. She needed to feel the love of friends and family and she needed the security of a home.

  Eno heard something far off in the distance coming from the town. She took Viva’s hand and urged her to run toward where the forest and town met. “Hurry” she said. Viva saw the look of concern on Eno’s face and did her very best to keep up Eno’s breakneck speed. Eno could have covered the distance in half the time but she had hold of Viva’s hand making sure she made it through safely. When they arrived at the perimeter they were met by a group of young people. “Doctor, hurry its Kaley” They shouted. “Tell them I’m on my way.” Viva commanded. Eno looked terrified struggling between running as fast as she could to Kaley and taking care of Viva as she had promised Kaley she would. “It’s ok Eno. I have to get my bag and I’ll meet you at Kaley’s.” Eno shook her head, she would help Viva. Viva would make better time with her help. They stopped at the kitchen and asked for hot water, and clean sheets and towels to be sent over to Kaley’s then went to the clinic for Viva’s medical supplies. Eno helped carry the supplies as they ran to Kaley and Rachael’s house.

  Steph and a nurse practitioner were already there when they arrived. Rachael was holding Kaley’s hand as she lay on the bed. Kaley was smiling when they entered and Rachael looked like she were going to faint. Viva couldn’t help but smile at the proud family. “Ok let me get in there so I can have a look at our girl.” She said firmly. Everyone parted to let her into the room. “Right then, it looks like everything is fine here. We’re going to have a new member of the family here soon.” Viva stated. “Two” Eno corrected. Viva looked at her briefly and then her Doctor persona took over again. Rachael and Eno were ordered out of the room to wait after exchanging hugs and kisses with Kaley. “Thanks for holding up the fort until I got here.” Viva said to Steph. Steph had been leader of the research team from Terra that had come to Marcus II. She was a very competent Doctor but ob/gyn was not her specialty. “It was my pleasure I’m glad I could help. Is there anything I can do?” Steph asked. “No Thank you Steph, I think my nurse and I can handle things from here but don’t go too far in case we need you.” Viva said. Steph smiled and nodded. “I’ll wait outside and make sure the proud family doesn’t hurt themselves in their exuberance. Holler if you need me.” Steph said.

  Rachael was so excited she couldn’t sit down. She kept pacing back and forth until she’d almost worn a rut in the ground. Finally Eno went over to Rachael and put her arm around her and held her tight. Rachael didn’t know why but she felt more comfort with Eno being there than her own family. Queen Catherine had arrived as had her cousin Jaaza, Steph’s partner. Even Loki was there waiting on the periphery. In spite of their recent disagreement she was still very excited about the arrival of her grandniece. Rachael actually called her over to wait with the family. Loki looked down embarrassed when Eno looked her in the eyes and said. “Not animal.” Loki nodded. “I know Eno, I’m very sorry I said that. I hope someday you can forgive me.” Loki said sincerely. Eno nodded and looked away. This was not the time or place for hard feelings. This was a celebration to welcome a new life to the planet and a new member of the family, the entire community was buzzing with anticipation.

  In such a small community everyone knows everyone. The Murray family is the most prominent and prolific family on Marcus II. Many of the children have been taught from a very early age how to be administrators, negotiators and diplomats. This was not a case of nepotism, the community genuinely love, respect and trust them each for their own merits. Rachael was known as a friendly helpful capable young woman. Kaley had been a relative stranger a few years ago when Rachael brought her home. The people were a little reticent at first because she was just so different but once they became accustomed to her she quickly became one of them. She was a groundbreaker and always treated people as she wished to be treated, with dignity, compassion and good humor. Not to mention that if she had not already been partnered with Rachael she would have had numerous suitors.

  The community readily welcomed all new children as they meant the continuing success of their dream. Rachael had finally sat down to wait, which admittedly she didn’t do well. When she heard Kaley all the way outside where they were waiting she stood up again nervously. Steph went to her and said. “I’ll go see if there’s anything that I can do to help. I’ll be right back.” Steph knew that bringing the family news was helpful. A few minutes later she came back outside and knelt beside Rachael. “It’s not going to be long now. Would you like to come in and see your child being born? Viva said it was ok.” Steph offered. Rachael didn’t trust her voice and all she could manage was a nod. When she stood her legs were a little wobbly, the reality of the whole thing was starting to sink in. Eno stood and helped steady her. When she walked through the entry she dragged Eno along with her. Rachael went to Kaley’s side to hold her hand. “I love you Kaley, how are you making out?” Rachael kissed her hand. “Better now that you’re here.” Kaley said. Eno stood in the doorway looking nervous.

  From outside Loki, Catherine and Jaaza were joined by Steph. They all seemed to be sitting on the edge of their seats. No one would be able to take a full breath until they knew for sure that Kaley and the baby were safe. They all sat in a row holding hands.

  Eno stepped out onto the verandah her arms wrapped around herself, tears in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. Catherine went to her and wrapped her in a powerful embrace. V
iva followed after a few minutes, she looked pale and exhausted. Jaaza her younger and closest sibling lent her strength. “Is everything alright Viva?” Jaaza asked quietly. Viva who was looking at the ground looked up and said. “Everything went well and Kaley is fine but she is totally exhausted.” Viva took a shaky breath before continuing. “What about the baby Viva?” Jaaza asked. Viva’s voice was small and shaky. “It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed. The babies are perfect and healthy and gorgeous.” Viva explained. “Babies?” The surrounding group said in unison. Jaaza was hugged by Steph, Catherine and Loki embraced in relief and Eno put her arms around Viva. Viva looked at her and asked. “How did you know?” She asked. Eno only smiled. Then Viva said. “I knew because the scanner showed two fetuses but I didn’t say anything because the mortality for twins on Marcus II is extremely high. I don’t know of any twins that have been carried full term and both being born alive and healthy. It’s a miracle and you knew.” Viva said.

  Eno continued to smile, hugging her and kissing her on the cheek. Viva closed her eyes enjoying the intimate contact. Steph went in to help Kaley and the nurse while Eno guided Viva over to the sofa to rest. While Viva napped Eno returned to the babies. The babies had been weighed, measured and examined. Rachael sat Eno down and handed her one of the babies while she held the other. They both sat there staring with awe at their respective charges. They stayed like that for a long time while Kaley rested.

  When Viva had regained her strength she went to check on mother and babies. She stood in the doorway watching for some time the sight of Rachael and Eno with the babies. Kaley looked over with a half-smile on her face. “Welcome to Marcus II my girls.” Kaley said when she was finally able to sit and hold her daughters. Even at this early stage of their lives you could see that they would favor their mother in skin and eye color. ~

  Chapter Seven

  The next few weeks were filled with family and friends coming to visit the babies. Kaley was glad that Eno was there. It made her feel like she had family there with her during this very important time in her life. Rachael was run ragged with feeding and changing. Eno helped with the little ones but when she had the opportunity she made sure Kaley was pampered a little too.

  Loki and Kaley had called a truce. When Kaley found out that Loki and Eno were making an effort to get along she relented and allowed Loki to come over every day to take a turn caring of the babes. Catherine, Jaaza and Steph pitched in as well. Viva initially came to check on the baby’s progress daily but as she was more reassured that there were no problems she had less reason to hang around. In spite of that she still found excuses to see Eno.

  Kaley sat in a rocking chair on the porch breastfeeding little Reese. They had named the girls Reese and Darcy Bailik. On Marcus II it was customary for children to take the last name of their birth mother. Kaley held Reese while Darcy lay on the floor in her bassinette by her feet. Rachael had taken time to visit Queen Catherine while others were helping Kaley. Kaley smiled when she saw her lover crossing the street coming toward her. They hadn’t spent much time alone together lately and Kaley missed that. Their lives were finding their new normal rhythm with the addition of the babies. “Hi Darling” Rachael leaned over and gave her wife a kiss. She caressed Reeses’ hand that was clutching Kaley’s breast. “Hey leave some for me.” Rachael said with a smile. “How did your meeting go with Catherine?” Kaley inquired. “It was very productive. We’re working out a work schedule that doesn’t interfere with planting and harvesting so we can send workers from The Landing and next time a crew from Arklow to get that aqueduct up and running.” Rachael explained.

  Viva was walking by on her way to the clinic and stopped to say hello. “Are you two going to the fire pit tonight? There’s going to be music and a play.” Viva asked. “I’m not sure that Eno is up to watching the twins alone quite yet.” Kaley said with a smile. “I’d be glad to come over after dinner so you two can have some time together.” Viva offered. “That sounds like a great idea.” Rachael said enthusiastically. She was anxious to get out and have some adult time. She loved her daughters but she and Kaley needed time together as well. She didn’t want their relationship to be only about the children. They were together because they loved each other. Marcus II was the perfect place to raise a family and there were always family members willing to babysit so Kaley acquiesced.

  Viva arrived after dinner and Kaley and Rachael were just about ready to head out the door. Eno had been watching out the door anxiously. Kaley met Viva at the bottom of the stairs. “Eno has been watching for you for the past half hour.” Kaley said. “I think she’s looking forward to spending time with you alone.” Kaley confided. Viva smiled and took a deep breath. She was feeling a little anxious herself but wasn’t ready to admit that to anyone quite yet. “Well I’m here.” She said cheerfully. Before she could say another word Rachael raced by her and took Kaley’s hand and spirited her off down the street. Viva entered the house. Eno had been checking on the girls as they just ate and had been put down for a nap. She gestured for Viva to sit then rushed into the kitchen to get the tea and coffee cake. Viva knew that this was Eno’s idea of entertaining and she felt quite flattered. It didn’t matter what they did together Viva just enjoyed being with her.

  After their tea the girls were fussing so each took one and headed out onto the porch. Some young people stopped on their way to the fire pit to take a look at Darcy and Reese. One who Viva knew as Camille seemed to have her eye more on Eno than the babies. Eno noticed but didn’t seem to show any particular interest. Eno was happy to have Viva and the babies there and that was all she needed. Viva sat back in Kaley’s rocking chair with Darcy. She watched Eno cuddle Reese and she couldn’t help think she would make a wonderful mother… someday.

  Viva had to shake her head because she was doing that thing again. One day she had caught a glimpse of Eno at the community shower and she couldn’t take her eyes off her. The only thing that had relieved the throbbing between her legs was to go home and masterbate. She tried very hard not to allow her mind to end up in the gutter when she was with Eno. “So Eno it looks like some of those girls were checking you out. What do you think of that?” Viva said playfully. Eno shrugged. “Would you like to have gone to the festival with one of them?” She asked. Eno shook her head.

  Viva wasn’t sure how far she should go with this questioning. Eno put Reese back in the bassinette and sat back down beside Viva. Viva noticed Eno watching her with Darcy. She started to feel that throbbing again, shit! She started to hope Kaley and Rachael would come home soon. Eno sensed Viva was feeling uncomfortable so she reached out and took her hand briefly. Viva put the baby down and stood leaning against the railing, Eno came to stand beside her. She looked at Viva with her brows knitted… she was concerned. Eno took both of Viva’s hands and stood in front of her and looked into her eyes. Eno reached up and caressed Viva’s cheek. Viva closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was so not ready for any kind of serious conversation especially if she had to initiate and contribute ninety percent of it. It would make things so much easier if Eno could speak but that was just not in the cards. “Eno I…” Rachael and Kaley came walking down the street with their arms around each other. They were laughing and seemed so happy. Viva gently extracted her hands from Eno’s grasp. “I have to go now Eno, I’m sorry.” She leaned in and kissed Eno on the cheek. “I had a nice time.” She said softly. Eno made a gesture with her hand that said something like “where are you going?” or “what’s going on?” Viva rushed past the returning parents. “Have to run sorry.” Viva called out over her shoulder. Kaley pointed with her thumb at Viva’s retreating back. “Did you have a good time?” She asked. Eno shrugged. “What happened? Did you have a…” She struggled for ways to ask without Eno being able to answer directly. “Did you two have a misunderstanding?” She asked. Eno just sighed and went into the house. Both Kaley and Rachael shrugged. ~


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