The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series

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The Creature - Book Two of the Marcus II Series Page 9

by Bonnie Somerville

  Viva sat at her desk at the clinic. She had treated a rash, two scrapes and a broken finger. She felt like an idiot. She’d seen Kaley and Eno hold hands, hug and even kiss each other. Each time she had no doubt that those were expressions of friendship nothing more. She had no idea what it meant when Eno held her hands and kissed her cheek. She didn’t know how experienced she was sexually or if she felt any amorous feelings for her. Viva was so confused she couldn’t concentrate on anything. She was so deep in thought this morning she’d walked right past the clinic.

  Queen Catherine and Rachael walked through the clinic door. Viva rubbed her forehead, she was not in the mood for this. “What can I do for you two ladies?” Viva asked. “We’re working on sending a team to The Cove to build the aqueduct and irrigation system. We’re looking for volunteers.” Catherine told her daughter. “I’m not a builder so…” Viva started to say. “I understand that Viva we think it would be a good idea to send a Doctor at the same time to have on hand while the work is being done as well as taking care of the towns medical needs.” Catherine interrupted. Viva looked from one to the other. “I have enough work here.” She said. Catherine stepped forward. “Viva I would take it as a personal favor if you would accompany Rachael and Kaley to The Cove.” Catherine said formally. Viva pursed her lips and sighed. “Maybe I can get Steph to cover my patients while I’m gone. How long will this little project last?” She inquired. Catherine smiled. “We’re looking at two to three months to start.” Rachael said. Viva threw up her hands. The last thing she wanted to do was go north for three months. “Fine! When do we leave?” Viva said exasperated. Rachael looked at Viva apologetically. “The first group will leave as soon as we can arrange it and as soon as the girls are able to travel Kaley and I will follow.” Rachael said. Viva thought about the prospect for a moment. Maybe it was a good idea if she put some space between Eno and herself. “I’ll talk to Steph when I see her. Let me know when things are formalized.” Viva said resignedly.

  Kaley and Eno wrapped the girls up in travelling blankets that could be strapped to their bodies. They packed a picnic basket and headed out on foot. Rachael was busy making plans so she wasn’t making the trip to the Tree House. This was the first time Kaley had been to her home in the forest for months. She missed the smell and feel of the forest and she wanted her daughters to know that feeling as well. She wanted her daughters to grow up knowing that the forest was their home as well as the city. They made it to the bottom of the tree and made the climb up. When they reached the top they fed and changed the babies.

  They went out onto the balcony and had their picnic lunch. “Look the Pendek are here, they must have heard us and smelled our food.” Kaley said. A small group came down to the feeding platform. Eno put Darcy down and climbed under the rail and climbed across. The Pendek seemed glad to see her greeting her enthusiastically touching and smelling her thoroughly. She took treats out of her pockets and fed the troop. “Look there is Clover and she’s brought her babies too. Wow they’re getting big and they look healthy too.” Kaley noticed then came back across. “Help me take the girls over to the platform. She showed me her babies when they were only a few weeks old.” Kaley said. They wrapped the girls tightly in the blankets and tied them to themselves and climbed across. They sat down and unwrapped them so Clover could see. Clover was very curious and came right over and sniffed each little girls head. It was amazing, she was making cooing sounds. The visit over Kaley and Eno climbed back across and shortly climbed down to the ground and home. Their visit had been more than Kaley could ask for. While she was with the Pendek she’d been able to collect a few swabs from a couple of the Pendek for analysis. ~

  “Did Viva agree to make the trip to Dori’s Cove?” Kaley asked when she arrived home. “She seemed a little reluctant at first but after we explained how important her presence was she seemed to warm up to the idea. She said she would be ready whenever we were.” Rachael informed her. Kaley kissed Rachael. “I’m glad she’ll be going to The Cove. They’ve needed a Doctor there for a long time.” Kaley admitted. Eno came walking in and suddenly had a questioning look on her face. “Viva is going to The Cove with the team we’re sending to build the aqueduct system.” Kaley explained to her. Eno looked stricken because she didn’t want Viva to go. Kaley tried to explain to her how important it was for Viva to be there and that they would follow. Eno seemed inconsolable. She tried to see Viva but she was always so busy with work, busy packing and busy instructing Steph on her regular patients’ needs. Eno became depressed and maudlin.

  Later Kaley sat down beside Eno. “You don’t want Viva to go.” Kaley said. It wasn’t a question. Eno just looked away. “Why don’t you want her to go?” Kaley prodded. Eno shrugged. Kaley looked her in the eyes and said in a low voice. “Do you know why you don’t want her to leave?” Eno didn’t move. “What I’m asking you Eno is if you like Viva.” Eno nodded. “Eno do you love Viva?” Kaley asked. Eno inhaled deeply. “Eno?” She looked up at Kaley with tears in her eyes but they didn’t fall. Kaley put her arms around Eno and held her tight. After a few minutes she tried again. “Do you love her like you love me?” Eno shook her head. Kaley blew out a long breath. “We don’t know how she feels about you but I think you should let her know how you feel.” Eno shook her head and got up and went into the house. ~

  Kaley showed up at the clinic just as Viva was finishing up for the day. “Do you mind if we have a bit of a talk?” Kaley asked. “I’m a little busy Kaley. Is it important or can Steph see you in the morning?” Viva said a little distracted. “I’ll walk you home. I know you still have to finish packing for tomorrow.” Kaley said not taking no for an answer. Viva sighed, they headed out and neither spoke for almost a block. “What is it Kaley?” Viva said impatiently. “Why haven’t I seen you at the house recently and don’t say you’ve been busy.” Kaley tried the direct approach. “I have been busy. Why are you asking?” Viva responded curtly. “You were at our house every day for over a month and all of a sudden we don’t see you anymore. Has something happened?” Kaley prodded. “Kaley I’m not feeling comfortable talking about this with you.” Viva snapped. “Ok fair enough. I’ll talk and you tell me if I’m right or way off base.” Before Viva could speak Kaley continued. “The night of the festival you practically knocked me over trying to get away. I’m guessing something happened between you and Eno. Did she try something with you, an unwanted advance?” Kaley tried. Viva looked at Kaley squinting. “No Kaley, she acted completely appropriately. She was warm and kind. She was so amazing with the girls. She didn’t do anything wrong.” Viva replied.

  Kaley knew what the problem was. “Did you want her to do something she didn’t do?” She tried again. Viva chewed her lip. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to.” Viva played dumb. Kaley sighed. “You two are going to drive me crazy, one has selective mutism and the other refuses to talk. I give up. Eno has been stomping around the house for weeks because she misses you and I was wondering if you miss her too.” Kaley stopped and looked directly at Viva. Eventually they started walking slowly. “Fine if you won’t talk to me you can listen. Eno cares for you very much but I don’t think she can just come out and say that to you. She doesn’t understand why you’ve been avoiding her. I think she thinks she may have done something wrong. Something that upset you so much you won’t see her anymore. Do you want her to think that? If you care about her too, which I think you do. You might have to be the brave one here and tell her. Don’t leave without letting her know how you feel.” Kaley studied Viva’s face for answers. “I do care for her Kaley, probably more than I want to admit. I can’t be near her without…” Viva stopped. Kaley stepped closer to her and said in a soft voice. “Talk to her.” ~

  Jaaza entered the shared accommodation house used by a number of young adults. It hadn’t been very long since she and Viva had shared a room here. She found Viva getting the last of her gear together. Viva was just standing there not moving staring into space. “Hey kiddo” Ja
aza greeted her favorite sister. “Shit Jaaza you scared me.” Viva said. “I can see that. What’s going on?” Jaaza giggled. “This place has been like Main Street, everyone and their mother has shown up to say goodbye. You’d think I was going for a year instead of a few months.” Viva threw a pair of shorts into her bag. Jaaza went over to her and gave her a big hug. “I’m going to miss you like crazy big sister. Who else am I going to go to for the voice of reason?” Jaaza joked. Viva sighed. “Jaaza since you’ve been with Steph I hardly see you. You’ll survive, talk to her.” Viva said impatiently. Jaaza hugged her again and kissed her on the temple. “Wow Viva! Something’s going on here and I’m not leaving until you tell me.” Jaaza said. Viva continued to pack. “Go away Jaaza I need to get ready.” Jaaza flopped down on the bed. “Do you remember when I was struggling with my feelings for Steph? Well you’re kind of acting like I was then.” Jaaza pulled Viva down beside her and held her hand. “Who is it? Is it that new girl Eno?” She asked. Viva didn’t try to argue any more.

  She did need to talk to someone and who would be better than her little sister. “I like her Jaaza… a lot.” Viva confided. Jaaza smiled at her. “That sounds like a good thing. So what’s the problem?” Jaaza asked seriously. Viva whispered her reply. “I want her Jaaza, so much I can’t think straight.” Jaaza looked at her sister sympathetically. “I’m still not seeing the problem. It sounds like you have the same affliction that happens to most people in love.” Jaaza tried unsuccessfully to stifle a giggle. “Jaaza this isn’t funny! She’s my patient and there are so many questions we don’t have answers for. She’s so different.” Viva explained. Jaaza forced herself to be serious. “Viva honey, I didn’t know anything about Steph when I met her except that I liked being with her and wanted to be with her all the time.” Jaaza explained. Viva stood up to pace the room. “It’s more than that Jazz. I want her. I don’t know if she likes or wants me back. She doesn’t talk enough to have a proper conversation about it. I’m at my wits end.” Viva concluded. Jaaza squinted at her sister. “What did you tell me when I said something similar? You told me to stop being a muffin head. I don’t think she needs to talk for you to know how she feels about you. Do you? You’ll have to talk for the both of you and watch for signs. Kaley seems to have conversations with her and seems to understand her perfectly. Time is running out for you if you want to do that before you leave. You better go.” Jaaza stood and took Viva’s hand dragging her with her. She hugged her again tightly. “I’m going to miss you so much and don’t forget how much I love you. Do a good job and make me proud.” Jaaza grabbed her bag and guided her to the waiting wagon. ~

  This project was going to need a lot of equipment transported from The Landing. Viva needed enough supplies to set up a makeshift clinic. The convoy included six wagons loaded with workers, tools, food as well as a Doctor and Blacksmith and their gear. Jaaza threw Viva’s pack up on the rig beside her equipment and medical supplies. Kaley handed her another large package. “Could you please give this to my Ma Nicola, and tell her the girls are strong and healthy and we’ll be along soon.” Kaley leaned in and kissed Viva on the cheek. Viva felt like the world was spinning out of control. She looked around but didn’t see Eno. Her driver helped her onto the seat of the wagon. They were saying they needed to head out if they were going to get there before dark. Their progress would be slow with the heavily laden wagons. Viva was trying hard not to start crying. She suddenly wanted to see Eno very much and it was breaking her heart that she wasn’t there to see her off. Queen Catherine was saying her goodbyes but Viva didn’t hear a word she was saying.

  Eno stepped out from the back of the crowd. She took a few tentative steps closer. She couldn’t stand to see Viva leaving but she couldn’t stay away either. Viva caught sight of her and jumped off the wagon just as it was about to pull away. “Hey what the hell are you doing? You could have been killed!” The driver shouted. Viva swallowed hard and took the few steps necessary to stand in front of Eno. “We’re not going to see each other for a while. Aren’t you going to give me a hug goodbye?” Viva said smiling. Eno reluctantly stepped into her embrace. “Eno I’m going to miss you so much. I’m sorry I was avoiding you.” She tried to explain. “We have to go now miss!” The driver called. “You’ll wait an extra few minutes.” Catherine said glaring at him. He fell silent and looked away. Viva held Eno in a tight embrace and whispered in her ear. “I stayed away because I was having some very strong feelings for you and I didn’t know what to do with them. When I’m close to you I want to… I want you so much. Do you understand?” Viva asked. Eno nodded. Viva leaned back and stroked Eno’s cheek. She ran her thumb across Eno’s lips. She licked her lips nervously as she looked at Eno’s lips.

  When she took a deep breath she heard it catch. “I don’t want you to think you did anything wrong. I was afraid you wouldn’t love me back.” Viva said. Eno hugged her and kissed her on the cheek and neck. Viva pulled back and placed a tentative kiss on Eno’s lips. She opened her mouth and ran her tongue across Eno’s lips. She could feel a tremor reverberate through Eno. She slid her tongue along her slightly open mouth asking permission to enter. When her tongue started to enter her mouth she felt Eno responding. Viva took a deep breath and started kissing her more deeply exploring her mouth thoroughly. Eno’s hands went up to hold Viva’s face as they continued to explore each others’ mouths. Eventually Viva had to pull away. She blushed when she realized everyone was watching them. She didn’t think their first kiss would be a spectator event. She hugged Eno and again whispered in her ear. “You’re making me so hot. I wish I had time to show how much you affect me.” Viva explained. Eno frowned. “I want you so much Eno. I better go. You make me so wet and I’m throbbing.” Viva rested her forehead against Eno’s forehead letting out a long slow breath. “Damn I have to go.” She started to pull away. “Love you.” Eno said. Viva smiled broadly. “I love you too Eno. I’ll see you soon ok. I’ll be waiting for you at The Cove.” They shared one more kiss before Viva pulled herself away and returned to her perch on the wagon seat. The wagon train pulled away moving down the road slowly to shouts of goodbye and see you soon calls from friends and family.

  Kaley came forward and slipped her arm around Eno. Viva looked back and waved. Eno leaned into Kaley, tears running down her face. “I know it’s sad to see her leave but at least you know she loves you. You’ll see her soon and when you do you two can have a more private conversation.” Kaley winked at Eno. “You have time to make some romantic plans for your next meeting.” She said encouragingly. Eno nodded. This was going to be a very long month. ~

  Chapter Eight

  Viva and the convoy entered Arklow where she was greeted by her cousin Romi and her partner Sara. She stayed at their home overnight but more importantly it allowed her time to talk to Sara about the DNA testing they wanted conducted. Sara jumped at the chance to analyze the samples provided as well as donate some of her own DNA to go along with the Terran human samples. The Pendek samples were handed over and arrangements were made for Sara to take samples from Eno when she came through town in a few weeks time. She also informed her that Kaley intended to find more of The Lost Children and with any luck get them to agree to provide more samples so that Sara’s analysis would be more comprehensive.

  The trip from Arklow to The Cove went excruciatingly slow. The road from one to the other was little more than a rutted dirt track making their heavily laden wagons difficult to manage. The trip that would normally take two days took three so that when Viva finally stepped down from the wagon she had to resist the urge to kiss the ground. “Welcome to Dori’s Cove, you must be Viva the Doctor. I’m the official spokesperson here Nicola Bailik. We’re pretty informal here.” Nicola said holding out her hand.

  The first thing that Viva noticed upon arriving was that there were several people of both genders with Kaley’s complexion. Nicola was tall and slender and although she was middle aged looked strong and muscular. Her face showed signs of spendin
g many days working in the sun but otherwise had pleasant features and a broad smile. This is what Kaley would look like in twenty or more years she thought. Back in The Landing Kaley and Eno stood out but here they would fit right in. Viva reached out and took Nicola’s hand in greeting. “I’m Viva Murray, Catherine’s daughter but please don’t hold that against me.” Viva said. Nicola squinted her eyes and let out a hearty laugh. “We love Rachael around here and she’s well respected. Please follow me.” Nicola took Viva’s bag and started walking.

  Viva ran to catch up. “Nicola, Kaley asked me to give you this package and she wanted me to tell you she and Rachael are doing well as are the twin girls they have now.” Nicola stopped and looked at Viva. “She had twins and they’re both healthy? As a Doctor you must realize how rare that is. It’s also very good news indeed.” Nicola had a smile from ear to ear. They walked down past the last old house on the row of houses and made a turn toward the forest. There was a new cob house overlooking the river while still having easy access to the forest. “Before Kaley left last time she picked out this land for the site of her home here. I took the liberty to have a home constructed for them on their return. Since you’re family I think it would be appropriate for you to stay here. For the time being you can also use it for your clinic, maybe under the shelter over there.” Nicola pointed to a clean three sided structure with a roof. They entered the house and placed the boxes and bag by the door. “I’m glad we tackled this project as soon as my daughter left. Her growing family will need some space and privacy. I hope they don’t mind me taking the initiative.” Nicola said shyly. Viva looked around. “I think its beautiful Nicola I’m sure Kaley will be pleased. I notice you have several other housing projects already in the works. I have to hand it to you you’ve made wonderful progress. I’m sure some of our young people will be able to help you finish those buildings more quickly.” Viva hoped she sounded respectful. She handed Nicola the package from Kaley. “Kaley asked me to give you this. She’ll be joining us in less than a month.” Nicola took the package. “Thank you, come let me show you the rest of the village. We’re in the process of enlarging the showers, cooking and dining areas. There’s space in this direction for your people to set up their tents and if you need anything my house was the first one you passed when you first entered the village.” Nicola told her. After the short tour Nicola excused herself while Viva went about unpacking her gear. She would be very busy in the next few days getting the clinic organized but at least she would have a decent place to lay her head.


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