Book Read Free

Ugly Beautiful Girl

Page 19

by Tracy Krimmer

  “Violet, I know you like him. I mean, what’s not to like? He’s good-looking, nice, rich. But you’ve only known each other, what, five months? There will be other guys.”

  “No, there won’t.”

  “Yes, there will.”

  “No, there won’t! Jesse is the only one who has ever shown interest in me. That’s not even why I’m with him. He makes me feel special. He makes me feel beautiful.”

  “Oh, Violet.” She puts her arm around me and I lay my head on her shoulder. “You don’t need a man to define your beauty. You are beautiful. Don’t you know that?”

  “I’m not. Haven’t I proven that to you with the shitter story?”

  “High school sucks. Grade school sucks. All of it. It sucks. But you know what? We get older, smarter, we move on.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You don’t care what people think. I know I shouldn’t, I do. Not to mention that not only have you had one boyfriend, but you’ve had others. I never even went to my high school prom!”

  “First, that’s not my fault. You could have gone. Going to prom doesn’t require a date. They’re not going to turn you away at the door if you don’t have a guy on your arm. You chose not to go.”


  “Don’t cut me off. I’m not done with you.”

  She shuts me up real fast. I came here to feel better, not worse. The way Janna is scolding me, I want to drink more than ever.

  “Sure. I’ve had boyfriends. Do you really think I was fucking Paul because I like him? No. We all deal with our issues in different ways. I use sex.” Her arm drops off my shoulder and she puts her hands on her lap. “Huh. That’s the first time I’ve ever said that out loud.”

  “Are you having some sort of epiphany here?”

  She stands up and straightens her shirt as she walks over to the desk and leans against it. ”I’m telling you that you don’t need Jesse to feel beautiful. That you don’t need this man in your life to define who you are, but while I’m preaching that, I’m using every man I find to define me. Everything I’m telling you not to do, I’m doing.”

  “See? Confidence doesn’t necessarily come easy.”

  She slides down onto the floor and wraps her hands around her knees as she pulls them up against her chest. “I guess not.” She sighs. “Still want that drink?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  From Within

  unexpected shivers

  become a fragrance


  sometimes it escapes

  but you still know

  it’s there

  embrace your inner beauty






  I planned on going to the Annual Poetry Festival with Jesse. I even picked out a gorgeous dress to wear, and we were going to skip the fancy dinner and have a more intimate one. Since we’ve broken up, Janna offers to go as my plus one, so we make a girl’s night out of it.

  After a quick dinner at a local restaurant, we make our way to the hall the awards ceremony is being held. Once inside, we leave our jackets near the entryway and go into the hall. It’s amazing, like nothing I’ve ever seen before. We find our name tags and the spot where we are sitting.

  We’re at a table with Professor Howard and his wife, I assume, and a few others from my class. The second my butt hits the chair my nerves take over. I can’t believe I’m here. What if I lose? Or win? If I win I have to go up on stage, accept an award, and speak in front of all these people. I wrap my hand around the glass of cold water in front of me and take a few gulps. No. I’m getting ahead of myself.

  “I’m glad you could join us, Ms. Duncan. You, too, Ms. Melton. I’m surprised you didn’t enter the contest.”

  “You?” I don’t think she’s in any creative writing courses. She’s not once mentioned writing in all of our conversations. How does Mr. Howard know she writes poetry, and how do I not know?

  “Yeah. I dabble. Sorry, I never told you.”

  “I’ve known Janna since she was a wee little girl. My wife works over at the community library and Janna would come in almost every day. Some days she’d sit and read for hours, others she would draw, and those few days in between, she’d write. I couldn’t convince her to take my class this year. Maybe next year.”

  “Maybe.” Janna smiles at him, and I’m glad I’ve learned something new about her.

  The ceremony begins shortly thereafter, and I’m delighted as I watch winners accept their awards. No one is giving a speech, only walking on stage and accepting the award and sitting back down. My body can relax knowing I don’t have to talk back to an audience of people judging me.

  We’re close to intermission and they haven’t announced my category yet. I need to use the bathroom, and I don’t think I can hold it much longer. “Excuse me, but I have to use the ladies room.” Janna offers to go with me, but I’ll be fine.

  I walk out of the room into the hall. I haven’t been in this building before and have to search around for the bathroom. Once I find it, I swing into the first stall and don’t waste anytime relieving myself.

  Mid-stream, the main bathroom door flies open and I hear someone race to the last stall, slam it shut, her breaths fast and heavy. She’s practically panting.

  I finish up, exit the stall, and wash my hands. I should say something. But I don’t know this person so maybe I shouldn’t. I don’t think she’s crying. She’s upset, though. That much is obvious.

  What if I were in that stall, afraid and alone? I think back to all those times in school I locked myself in a stall crying. The people on the outside of the door didn’t think to say anything to me. A simple acknowledgment of my pain may have changed my life. Someone showing concern could have had a profound effect.

  Screw it. I’m doing it.

  I approach the stall with caution as though any minute she could come flying out the door and tackle me. I put my hand on the cold, tan door, and take it off right away. Instead, I cross my hands over themselves. “Are…are you okay?”

  “Go away. I’m fine.”

  I press my lips together and turn around to walk out the door. The woman sucks in so much air she cries out.

  “You need help. Please, let me in.”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  She’s not okay. These aren’t the noises of someone who is okay. She won’t let me in, so I don’t have a choice. I kick off my heels, stick my face close to the cold, hard floor, and push myself under the door. Squished in between the toilet and the side of the stall is Olivia.

  “Olivia, you’ll be fine.” I unlock the door and swing it open so there’s more space. “What’s happening?”

  “I’m having a panic attack. I’ll be okay. Just leave me alone!”

  She won’t look at me. Her eyes are closed and her head is against the wall. Her hair is wet from all the sweat. I pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1.

  “What are you doing? I’m fine!”

  I ignore her. I don’t care if she says she’s fine or not. Nothing is happening to her on my watch. I don’t care who it is in front of me, enemy or not, I’m not letting a person who is hurt sit there in pain.

  “I’m staying with you until help arrives.”


  “Why? So you don’t have to be here alone.”

  She doesn’t say anything back. She’s breathing in and out like she’s in a Lamaze class. Should she keep breathing like this or should I talk to her and try to calm her down?

  “I’m surprised to see you here. Why are you at this event?”

  “My friend Erin was nominated for an award. Funny enough, she’s up against you.”

  “Oh?” I didn’t even bother to look at the nomination list. Erin is in my class and we’ve spoken a few times. If I had to guess Erin’s friends, Olivia wouldn’t be on the list. Erin is one of the nice ones. I think anyway.

  “Yeah. And she hasn’t shut up about her nomination
since we arrived.” She pushes herself back up against the wall since she’s fallen a little. “It’s like if she wins this award she’s automatically better than me. Just because I have won nothing in my life doesn’t make me a loser, right?”

  I swallow—loud—as I listen to Olivia spill her emotions onto me, and with every sentence, she’s panicking even more.

  “Right?” She yells at me, her eyes closed.

  “Yeah, right. It doesn’t.” Olivia needs someone to take her side. This is why she does the things she does, to make herself seem more powerful. This is different though. She’s in this bathroom sitting on a hard, dirty floor, and she’s not trying to push me down to bring her up. The way her friend is acting is causing her pain. I don’t want to see her—anyone—in pain.

  “Are you okay?” Her cheeks have reddened to an alerting shade, and when she opens her eyes, they’re rolling back and forth.

  “I’m a little faint.”

  Okay, if she passes out, she’s at least against a wall right now. So that’s safe, right? She could fall to the right and then hit her head. I crawl over and sit next to her.

  “Why are you almost on top of me?”

  “There’s not a lot of room here. If you pass out, I want to be next to you so you fall on me instead of slamming your head against the stall next to you. That seems like a good idea, doesn’t it?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, it does.”

  The next thing I know, her head falls onto my shoulder.

  Moments after Olivia passes out, paramedics arrive. They take her off to the hospital for observation. Someone needs to call Jesse, and that someone seems to be me.

  I hold my phone in my hand, unsure if I dial his number, will he even answer? Olivia said that day she was blocking my number so I couldn’t even attempt to call him anymore. Well, I won’t know unless I try. I scan through my contacts until I find his name and press the call button.

  I put the phone to my ear slowly.

  It’s ringing. With every ring that goes unanswered, I worry. Someone has to get the message to him. If needed, Janna will do it for me. She’s waiting in the car for me as I stand out in the cold making this call. I don’t know why but calling him in front of her is something I can’t do.


  I almost drop the phone on the ground when I hear his voice, scared of how he’ll respond when he realizes it’s me. “Jesse! Don’t hang up! It’s important.”

  “Violet.” When he says my name I close my eyes, imagining myself sinking into him, his touch erasing away any pain, any fear, any doubt. “I’m not hanging up. I knew it was you.”

  Of course, he did. Olivia didn’t block my number, and my name came up on the screen when I called. He picked up knowing it was me. Even though he didn’t want to talk to me, to hear me out, something within him told him to answer my call. Maybe there’s still a chance. Maybe I haven’t lost him.

  He repeats my name, snapping me out of my daydream and back into this reality where I tell him the news about his sister. The person he loves. The person I hate.

  “Jesse, Olivia is in the hospital.” My voice cracks as I tell him this, and for a moment I think I may cry.

  “She what?”

  “Don’t worry. She’ll be okay.” I need to reassure him she’s not in any danger. “She had a panic attack and passed out. I was with her the entire time.”

  “You were?”

  “Of course,” I whisper as if there should be any doubt I’d do anything for him, even help his sister.

  “Thank you for calling.”

  “Of course.” Is that the only phrase I can say to him? “You should go see her.”

  “Yes, thanks. I’ll do that now.”

  I give him the information and disconnect the call. Just like that, he’s gone again.

  Chapter Twenty


  She Is Someone.

  At one time in her life,

  she felt she could never

  truly be loved.

  Then he loved her.

  She Is Someone.

  He forced her to believe in herself

  when she felt she was nothing.

  He knew the truth

  that she didn’t want to believe.

  She Is Someone.

  If he wouldn’t have loved her,

  she may never have realized who she is.

  She wouldn’t feel






  The past two days I've spent focused on my schoolwork, most specifically Creative Writing. I took home a bronze for my poem, and after a discussion with my professor, I think I want to try my hand at fiction. Janna has been busy, too, making up all the classes she missed while on her little “break.” I don't know how she got the school to reinstate her, but she did. I'm impressed.

  I'm tired. I've been working on this story for ages it seems. Really just about three hours, but it's exhausting. I want to make this work, but I’m afraid I may fail. Professor Howard has confidence in me, so I have to have confidence in myself. He keeps reminding me of that, and I need that.

  The hospital released Olivia the day after it happened. She didn’t return to our dorm room though. She sent a text thanking me for helping her and that she’d be staying with a friend for a few days. That’s fine. Right now I don’t want to see her or Jesse.

  Except I do. I want more than anything to see or hear from Jesse. After I hung up the phone with him, I played his voice in my head over and over again. I miss everything about him—the way the left side of this mouth raises a little higher than the right when he smiles, the smell of his neck when I wrap my arms around him, and mostly how he makes me forget about my past and only look forward to the future when I’m with him.

  I need to take a break from the writing. My mind is floating in a fog, all the words scrambling together and I can’t make any sense of them. I’m in need of a Mountain Dew and Cheez-Its. I toss my notebook and pen to the side when there’s a knock on my door.

  I open the door and Jesse stands before me. He’s in a tuxedo, and it looks amazing on him, and his hair is so short I can see his ears! He reaches a clear container toward me. Inside is a teal and white corsage.

  “Jesse? What’s going on?”

  “Violet Duncan, will you do me the honor and be my date to the prom?”

  The prom? What is he talking about? And why is he dressed up like he’s going to a dance? “You aren’t making any sense. Prom?”

  “Yes, prom. I saw you that day when you first arrived here and the minute I laid eyes on you, I knew I wanted to be with you. I want you to have everything. You didn’t go to your prom. I’m asking you now. Will you go to prom with me?”

  My dad told him I didn’t go to prom, that no one asked me. He’s pitying me. “You don’t have to do this, Jesse. I helped Olivia, and that’s that. End of story. I wasn’t trying to win you back or make some point. I never cheated on you. I want you to know that though.” The least I can be is honest with him. He deserves to know the truth.

  “I know you didn’t.”

  He what? “Wait. That day…you said you saw the pictures, and you were so upset. You know it wasn’t real?” I mean, the photo was real. I was at the party store with Will and I did touch his arm, but there wasn’t anything romantic about it, and that wasn’t my Facebook profile.

  “I know what I said and how I acted. I’m sorry.” He rakes his fingers through his hair. So much of it is gone now. “I wasn’t able to find out who is behind that website, but I did find out that Olivia posted the photo. And that she made the fake profile. Her friend Brynn works at the store. She took that picture.”

  That’s where I knew Brynn from! She looked so familiar but I could never place her.

  “Once I had that bit of information, I confronted my sister. She confessed to everything. All of it.”

  “All of it?”

  “Yes, the shaving cre
am, the College Slam website, that day she tried to steal your umbrella. I know all of it. I’m sorry.”

  “You don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “Yes, I did. I didn’t believe you. I should have believed you.” He kneels down and holds the corsage out. “Violet Duncan, please be my date to the prom.”

  “I still don’t know what you’re talking about. There is no prom. Homecoming—but that was months ago.”

  He stands and takes my hand, placing the corsage on it. “Just say yes, and I’ll show you.”

  I glance down at what I’m wearing. “Can I change? I’m in jeans and a Maroon 5 T-shirt.”

  “No.” He slides his hand up my arm, over my shoulder, and places it on my chin. “You’re perfect.”

  Fireworks explode inside me, and I want to kiss him. Not yet, though. Not yet. “Why did you cut your hair?” I ask as I shut the door behind us and start walking with him to wherever he’s taking me.

  “I thought I’d do something different. Do you like it?”

  I touch the side, and it’s slightly shaven. “I can’t run my fingers through it, but I’ll get used to it.”

  “You won’t believe how much shampoo I used this morning. Way too much, and I feel like I’ve lost about five pounds off my head.”

  We have a few laughs as we walk until we finally arrive at the quad. Our place.

  When we enter, lights are strung throughout, and a small group of people dressed in evening wear surrounds the perimeter. A DJ is there as well and plays “All of Me” by John Legend.

  “What’s going on, Jesse?”

  “Violet,” I hear from the side. I look over and Olivia is standing there next to Janna. I do a double-take, confused at this point. Olivia approaches me. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you. The way I treated everyone in my past. The fact that you stood by me when I was such a bitch, and after I broke you and my brother up, I can’t say enough good things about you. You’re a great person. And my brother should be lucky to have anyone like you in his life.”


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