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Journey's End

Page 19

by Deatri King Bey

  Roaring Thunder glanced over his shoulder at Joy and stopped the intimidation of Lucas.

  Jared handed Joy to Roaring Thunder and she hugged her brother. She wanted her love to help remove the blinders of hate. “Don’t ever follow hate, brother.” She gazed into his enraged eyes. “Don’t follow hate. We are better than that. We are warriors. We are Miwok.”

  “Let them go,” he ordered, then handed Joy to Jared and stalked into the woods.

  Joy hadn’t noticed Soaring Eagle, Pops and Samson were detained until a pack of braves released them. Wolf handed her crutches to her. She went to Lucas. Stopping short a few feet, she glared, angrily asking, “Why have you come here?”

  Jared handed him his shirt, and he put it on while speaking to Joy. “I came to see the baby. We received Jared’s letter that you had a boy.” He looked around at the warriors. “I take it this is your Indian family.”

  She turned from him to greet her friends. She didn’t want to deal with him yet. First, she’d have to make sure Roaring Thunder would be fine. “Pops, Samson, Soaring Eagle I missed you all so much.” She hugged them all.

  Pops looked down at her leg and chuckled. “I see you’re still getting into everything. Now where’s my grandson.”

  Joy led her friends into the house and introduced them to everyone on their way. The baby slept peacefully in his crib. The three men looked into the crib at the beautiful baby boy. She beamed with pride as she introduced her son. “His name is William Montgomery. He’s a great baby, only crying when he gets hungry.”

  Soaring Eagle picked him up for a closer look. “You did good work making this little one, Joy. Lucas will love him.”

  Falling into a deep depression, she sat on the bed. “He won’t once he sees he’s white.”

  Pops sat beside her while Samson and Soaring Eagle cooed with the baby. “He doesn’t care about his color, Joy. He’s changed.”

  “He gave me away to Jared because I was pregnant by a white man. He hates whites and he’ll hate my baby. I won’t let him treat my baby like he does other whites. He’ll have to respect my husband and my children if he wants anything to do with me. I have lived this long without him, and will continue. I want him, but don’t need him.”

  Samson and Soaring Eagle stopped playing with the baby on that note and left the room. They took the baby with them.

  Joy fiddled with her shirt.

  “He gave you to Jared, not a white man, because you love him and he loves you. He hated white men because whites killed his wife, his son, his sister and his parents.” Joy was shocked to find out about her grandparents. She’d often wondered why Lucas lived with them, but was afraid to ask.

  “He’s accepted Jared, who happens to be white, because he was the one who helped you through the loss of your family. He is probably the only white man Lucas truly admires. He loves you and will love your children regardless of what shade they are. He has changed, Joy, just give him a chance to prove it.”

  She leaned over on Pops. “I can’t do anything until I settle things with Roaring Thunder. If he doesn’t forgive Lucas, I can’t allow him into my life out of respect for my Indian family. They are the ones who raised me, and I not only owe them my loyalty, I feel my loyalty is for them.” Roaring Thunder hated Lucas with just cause and may never forgive him. The family situation tore Joy in several directions.

  Pops patted her back. “There are no simple solutions. Everything will work out for the best.” He kissed her forehead and left her alone.

  Joy made her bed, stalling to avoid dealing with her family problems. Things were so much simpler when she lived alone in the cabin. Before she joined her Indian family, she’d dream about having a family again, thinking all her problems would disappear.

  She gazed out the window of the cabin. Some of the children had come up the mountain to play and help celebrate. She leaned on her crutches; now she had more family than she knew what to do with.

  Jared shut the bedroom door and watched Joy stare out the window for a while, waiting to see if she’d say anything, but she didn’t. This should be the happiest time in her life, but she looked miserable. He had to do something to fix the rift in her family. He went to her side and opened his arms. She leaned into him and had a good cry.

  “Miracles happen every day, Joy.”

  That afternoon, Jared pulled Raven and Soaring Eagle to the side. In order for his plan to have a chance, he needed their help. The three conspired, enlisting the help of Wolf, Running Elk, Samson, and Pops. Each knew what they needed to do and the consequences that would beseech them if they failed.

  Pops convinced Lucas he should go to the Miwok village and see how Joy lived for the past ten years. With Roaring Thunder leading the way, everyone returned to the village. Everyone except Soaring Eagle, Wolf, Samson, and Joy. Jared went along to help maintain the peace.

  Keeping the peace was not an easy task. The two men hated each other. Roaring Thunder for obvious reasons, and Lucas was jealous Joy picked Roaring Thunder over her own blood. By the end of the day, Jared felt exhausted. He, Pops, and Lucas chose to spend the night in the village and return home in the morning.

  Back at the cabin, Soaring Eagle, Wolf, and Samson quickly prepared one of the extra bedrooms as a guest room. They went to town and bought two bunks, a few pieces of bedroom furniture, and a couple of extras. When they finished with the rooms, it was dusk.

  Joy asked them what they were up to, and they said when they came to visit they wanted somewhere to sleep. This explanation made sense to her, so she accepted it and continued about her business.

  Jared woke first. Joy wouldn’t be happy until Lucas and Roaring Thunder made peace. “Lucas, Pops, it’s time to head back to the cabin.”

  The two men stirred. “What time is it?” Lucas asked.

  Jared looked at his pocket watch. “Six-thirty. Joy will worry if we don’t get back early.”

  “Do you know how to find the way back?”

  “Of course I know how. I’ve been living here for the past year. What do you think of the village? It’s not what you expected, is it?”

  Lucas pulled his pants up. “No, not really. How many different tribes are here anyway?”

  “I don’t know. Roaring Thunder’s father took in members of other tribes as they were forced off their land. That’s why this isn’t a true Miwok village. They are very tolerant people.”

  Lucas grumbled as he buttoned his shirt.

  Roaring Thunder poked his head in their lodge. “It’s time to leave. I’ll escort you back.”

  “We don’t need your help. Jared knows the way.”

  “I don’t want to spend an extra second with you, but Raven insisted I escort you back, so I’ll escort you back.”

  Jared stood between Lucas and Roaring Thunder. “We’d be grateful. I know Joy will want to see you.” On the trail, Jared tried to stimulate conversation between Lucas and Roaring Thunder, but gave up after a while. They were both determined to hate each other.

  “Before we step foot into the cabin, I need to clear the air about something.” Jared stopped and Pops stood beside him. “I will not allow you to upset Joy. She has been though more than enough and shouldn’t have to deal with you two. She loves you both, and your hate for each other is tearing her apart.”

  He faced Roaring Thunder. “You know she will not even try to forgive Lucas if she thinks you don’t approve.”

  “As she shouldn’t.” He crossed his arms over his expansive chest. “He doesn’t deserve her forgiveness.”

  Lucas stepped up to Roaring Thunder. “Who are you to decide who she forgives? She is my family, not yours.”

  “She became my family when you abandoned her. She is Miwok now. She will follow her brother and Chief.” He turned and stalked off toward the cabin.

  Jared shook his head in disgust. He hoped he wouldn’t have to follow through with the plan, but Roaring Thunder and Lucas left him no choice. “Come on, Pops, let’s catch up.”

oy watched Wolf, Samson, and Soaring Eagle closely. “Whatever you are planning, I suggest you rethink it.”

  Wolf took the baby from her. “William is such a handsome little thing. I think he has my eyes.”

  “Your eyes are black, not green. Now give me my baby before you rub off on him.” He handed the baby to her and returned to one of the guestrooms. “Thanks for fixing the extra rooms for me. It wasn’t necessary. Jared would have done it.”

  Roaring Thunder opened the door, startling her. Once she realized who it was, she calmed and held out her hands for him. He dropped his gear to the side and hugged her.

  “Where’s Jared?” she asked.

  He smiled down at her. “Don’t worry, he’ll be here shortly.” He took the baby from her and placed him in the bassinet. “You can’t hold him all day, Joy. You’ll spoil him. How will you hunt with a baby on your hip?” He kissed her cheek. “Where’s Wolf?”

  “In the...” She heard Jared’s voice. “Help me to the door.”

  “No. You need to stay off your leg. Jared loves you and will never abandon you.”

  “I’m trying.”

  Jared entered with Pops and Lucas close behind. He went to Joy and kissed her lightly. “So how’s my favorite warrior doing today?” He lifted her, spinning her around until she giggled.

  “Put me down. You’re making me dizzy.”

  He set her on the couch. “I love you.” He pecked her nose and looked down at his son. “I think we need to go shopping for baby clothes before the snow starts.”

  Lucas knelt to look at the baby. Joy glared at him, but didn’t say a word. “He’s beautiful. May I hold him?”

  “If he’s held too much, he will be spoiled. Jared would you please hand me my crutches. I need some fresh air.”

  “Stop it, Joy.” Jared took the baby out of the bassinet and handed him to Lucas. “His name is William Montgomery.”

  “Roaring Thunder, would you please take me outside?”

  Jared blocked his way. “No, he won’t. Wolf, please take Joy outside for me.”

  Wolf appeared from one of the extra rooms, picked Joy up and left the cabin.

  Knowing something was amiss, Roaring Thunder rounded the couch. “What are you up to, Jared?”

  “Soaring Eagle, Samson come on out.” Jared took the baby from Lucas and handed him to Pops. “Look at how she is treating Lucas. You know that isn’t Joy speaking. She is treating him how she believes you want him to be treated.”

  Roaring Thunder crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Lucas. “Then she’s doing an excellent job.”

  Lucas shook with fury. “Look here. I am her family, not you! You will never be her family. I thank you for supporting her all of these years. I am grateful, but you are no longer needed. She has me now.”

  Roaring Thunder approached Lucas and poked him in the chest. “You can’t dismiss me. I am the Chief, not you. You are in my territory. You didn’t want her, and you have no claim to her now. I won’t allow you to hurt her again.”

  “What do you think you’re doing now? She loves me and will always love me. She will forget about you once she leaves this mountain. You were a substitute for her real family, and nothing more. I am back now, and will not give her up to you.”

  Soaring Eagle stood behind Lucas, and Samson stood behind Roaring Thunder.

  “What makes you think she will leave the mountain? She won’t leave unless I give her the go, and I’m not giving it.” Roaring Thunder stuck his chin out, confident in his last statement.

  “Listen to you,” Jared cut in. “I am her husband. I am her family, and if you two don’t make amends or at least act as if you have for Joy’s sake, I will take her so far away, neither of you will see her again.”

  “That’s absurd. I know you, Jared. You wouldn’t take her away from her family. It would kill her.” Roaring Thunder thumped himself in the chest. “We are her family. Not you.” He pointed at Lucas.

  “You can’t expect me to leave her on this mountain now that she has a baby. No way. He will need a proper education and—”

  “The mountain was good enough for Joy, and it’s good enough for her children.”

  “That’s it.” Jared held his hand out to both. “Would you please call a truce for Joy’s sake? I’m not asking you to love each other. I’m just asking you not to fight.” Both turned their heads away. “Then you leave me no choice. Soaring Eagle, Samson.”

  Within three seconds, they shackled Lucas and Roaring Thunder together.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Lucas tried to bat them away a second too late.

  “Joy is miserable, and you two are the cause. I won’t allow you to hurt her any longer. You two will stay shackled together until you work out your differences.”

  They pulled at the leg shackles, trying to free themselves.

  “This isn’t funny, Jared. Turn us loose,” Roaring Thunder demanded.

  “You may be the Chief of the tribe, but I am the Chief of this house, and you will do as I say. You will stop all of the bickering and work out your differences.”

  “I’m not one of your slaves. You can’t shackle me,” Lucas snapped.

  “I won’t fall into that trap, Lucas. I know you both love Joy. I’m sorry I’ve gone to such extremes, but you’ve left me no choice.”

  “I have a tribe to run. I can’t just disappear.”

  “Running Elk and Wolf will take care of things while you are here. I just wish your other two brothers were here to help talk some sense into you.”

  “But I have a business. I can’t stay here.”

  “I’ve got that taken care of.”

  Lucas shook his head. “How could you betray me like this, Soaring Eagle? You’re my brother.” His eyes traveled over to Pops. “You, too?”

  Pops patted Lucas’s shoulder. “First you let hate separate you from Joy, now you’re letting jealousy. The Miwok are her family. If you want to be a part of it, you will have to make concessions.”

  “I’m not giving her up again, Pops. She’ll think I don’t love her. I can’t let her stay here.”

  “Who said you have to give her up?” Pops asked.

  “I’ll say it.” Roaring Thunder boomed. “She doesn’t need you. I will not allow you to hurt her again.”

  Jared held out his hands. “This isn’t getting us anywhere. I won’t unshackle you, so you might as well get comfortable. It looks like you will be here for a while. Hold out your hands.”

  “Hell no.”

  “We can either do this now or when you are asleep. It doesn’t matter to me.” They both held out their hands and allowed Jared to shackle their wrists together. “Soaring Eagle, would you please get the others? It’s time for us to have our first family dinner.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Jared lay beside Joy in the bed; she moved to the far side of the bed.

  “Don’t be mad at me, Joy. I’m trying to make them work out their differences.” He scooted closer, trying to pull her close.

  She turned around to him. “You chained them to the floor. How could you do that?”

  “I don’t want them to leave overnight. They’ll be so angry with me, they’ll forget about their anger with each other. You’ll see. It’ll work.”

  “I don’t want them to be mad at you, either. And what about the tribe? How will they get along without Roaring Thunder?”

  “He leaves for weeks at a time. It will work out. I have to try.”

  “Why don’t you just let Lucas go back to his home so we can live in peace? I can’t stand him anyway.”

  “That’s not true. You love him. You’re rightfully angry about his abandoning you as a child. You need time to forgive him. If you don’t, you’ll be miserable. Don’t follow Roaring Thunder on this one, Joy. Didn’t you tell him not to follow hate? By following him, that’s what you’re doing.”

  She laid her head on his chest. “Why doesn’t he love me, Jared?”

  He kissed her eyelids. “He
does. Try to sleep. William will be up soon.”

  Jared woke the following morning angry as a shaken hornet’s nest. He cooked breakfast for his guests and went on a walk to cool off. He couldn’t believe those two selfish jerks loved their anger more than Joy. Before he realized it, he was in the hunting cave. He sat down next to Night. “You are so lucky you’re not human.”

  “Jared,” Wolf called out.

  Jared stood to shake. “I thought you’d be on your way down the mountain by now. Grab a stump.” They sat together.

  “My father would have never tolerated Roaring Thunder acting like this. He believed in forgiveness. Joy isn’t taking this very well, either. Maybe I should take her and the baby to the village with me.”

  “I’ve already been separated from her too long. I know I’m being selfish, but I don’t want her to go. I’ll think of something.”

  Wolf rose and walked into the cave. “Why not bring them here. I’ll buy more chain in town. Stick them with each other all day and night. They can battle it out and Joy won’t see or hear it.”

  Jared followed him. “I think you have a point. The colder it becomes, the more liable they are to try and work things out.”

  “I’ll have things ready by morning.” He turned to leave. “See you, brother.”

  “Thank you, brother.”

  Lucas and Roaring Thunder glared at each other from across the cave, each blaming the other for their predicament. Wolf checked their chains. He’d fastened each to a separate tree.

  “Traitor,” Roaring Thunder hissed.

  Wolf laughed. “Now, now, big brother. You will have to learn to play well with others before you are freed from this punishment.” He left the men alone and met Jared a short distance from the cave.

  “How’s it going in there?”

  “I think they may kill each other,” Wolf joked. “For Joy’s sake, I hope this works.”

  “It has to work.”

  Joy relaxed in the tub with the baby while Jared drew the scene of them bathing. He turned the picture for her to see.


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