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Edith Cavell

Page 39

by Diana Souhami

  François, Paul, 29–30, 35–6

  François, Mme. Paul, 30, 35

  Francqui, Émile, 313

  Frankfurter Zeitung, 348

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 28, 123, 127

  Franz Joséf, Emperor of Austria-Hungary, 123–5

  French, General Sir John (later 1st Earl), 140, 156–7, 173–4

  Froggett, Dr. (medical superintendent, Shoreditch Infirmary), 88

  Fry, Elizabeth, 43

  Gahan, Revd. Horace Stirling Townsend: as chaplain in Brussels, 155

  at Christmas 1914, 196

  denied access to EC in prison, 304

  administers final Communion to EC, 307, 310, 321–3

  meets Pastor Le Seur, 309

  EC asks to reassure mother, 327

  notifies EC’s family of execution, 333

  conducts service for EC’s reinterment, 360

  Gahan, Muriel, 309–10, 317 gas (poison): used in war, 207–8

  Gathorne Hardy Act (Metropolitan Poor Act, 1867), 79–80

  Gentlewoman (journal), 357

  George V, King, 126

  Germany: EC visits with family, 26–8

  and outbreak of Great War, 127–9, 131

  declines to respect Belgian neutrality, 129

  invades and occupies Belgium, 130, 135, 138–44, 198–9

  war strategy, 140

  rule in Belgium, 145–6, 181, 200

  early wartime advance, 173

  U-boat warfare, 220–1

  army desertions, 228

  reaction to shooting of EC, 348–52

  defeat (1918) and retributions, 358–59

  Gibson, Hugh, 146, 304–5, 312–16, 333

  Gibson, Margaret, 20–2, 24, 29, 49, 249, 345n

  Gilles, Louis, 262

  Gilles, Victor, 206, 225, 262

  Girton College, Cambridge, 43

  Godart, Dr. (of Brussels), 108

  Godart, Marie, 171

  Godefroid, M., 234

  Going, Robert, 84

  Goltz Pasha, Field-Marshal Colmar, Baron von der, 146–7

  Gombergen, Pastor van, 255

  Gough, Lilian, 74–8 governesses, 18, 23–4

  Gow, Ruth, 71

  Graham, Helen, 103–4, 106

  Grandprez, Elize, 353

  Graux, Mme. (of Brussels), 90, 336

  Great War (1914): outbreak, 125–31

  numbers under arms, 130

  conduct and progress, 156–7, 162–3, 173–4, 200, 337

  casualties, 163, 185–91, 337

  conditions on Western Front, 185–91

  horses killed, 189

  Christmas 1914, 192–200

  America enters, 354

  ends, 354, 358

  Grenfell, Julian, 187, 189

  Grenfell, William, 189

  Gray, Sir Edward (later Viscount), 126, 128, 130–1, 272, 335, 340

  Gurney family, 3, 17, 43

  Gurney, Agatha, 28

  Gurney, Cicely, 28

  Gurney, Margaret, 28

  Hacks, Nurse, 237

  Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, 342

  Hall, Miss (Matron, Manchester and Salford Institute), 89

  Halstead, William, 48

  Hamilton, Elizabeth Kelso, 74

  Harman, Gwendoline, 72

  Harnack, Dr., 69–5

  Harrach, Count, 313, 316

  Harrison, Mrs. (of West Runton), 117

  Hartmann, Cardinal Felix von, Archbishop of Cologne, 336

  Haslemere, 82

  Hassel, Dr. Valentin van, 160

  Héger, Professor Paul, 107, 265–6, 268–9

  Henley, Oxfordshire, 88

  Herbert, Elizabeth, 71

  Heuze, Armand, 203, 283

  Hibbard, Giles, 177

  Hill, Octavia, 43

  Hitler, Adolf, 28, 196, 359

  Hogg, Annie, 57

  Holland: wartime refugees escape to, 163, 169, 202–3, 210

  electrified fence installed, 214

  Prince de Croÿ

  reaches, 259–60

  Holland, Sir Sydney George see Knutsford, Viscount Holmes, Lance-Corporal, 214

  Hoover, Herbert, 352

  Hora, James, 69

  Horn, Nurse, 266

  Hostelet, Georges: on behavior of English soldiers at Brussels Nursing School, 216

  under suspicion, 233

  EC names in deposition, 261–2

  writes on trial, 263

  taken to trial, 281

  in prison, 290

  Stoeber’s charges against, 293

  Dorff defends, 295

  on Baucq’s reaction to death sentence, 305

  Howele, Brigadier-General Philip, 190

  Hozier, Nellie, 206

  Hulse, Captain Edward Hamilton Westrow, 192, 195

  Huxley, Thomas Henry, 10

  Hylands House, near Chelmsford, 28–9

  infirmaries, 79–80

  Infirmière, L’ (Belgian nursing journal), 108

  Inglis, Miss (Matron, Shoreditch Infirmary), 83–4, 88

  International Congress of Nurses: London (1909), 107

  Cologne (1912), 119

  Jack (EC’s dog): EC acquires and keeps, 110–12, 118, 121, 152, 206, 217, 229, 238

  EC misses, 254, 290

  pines after EC’s death, 337, 370

  later life and death at Bellignies château, 370

  stuffed and displayed at Imperial War Museum, 370

  Jacobs see Jeannes, Armand James, Henry: The Turn of the Screw, 24

  Jeannes, Armand (“Jacobs”), 226, 238, 257

  Jemmett, George Elwick, 113

  Jemmett, Grace: as EC’s surrogate daughter, 112, 118

  depressive illness, 113–14, 154, 178

  arranges EC’s father’s funeral, 117

  stays in Belgium in war, 124, 136, 141–2, 148, 154, 178, 184

  celebrates Christmas 1914, 196

  EC writes to after arrest, 239

  EC worries over while in prison, 253, 266

  owes money to nursing school, 265, 324

  letter from EC after death sentence, 300

  learns of EC’s death sentence, 312

  EC gives watch to, 323

  returns to England with Sister Wilkins, 337

  Jewell, Sophia, 72

  Joffre, General Joseph Jacques Césaire, 140, 173, 289

  Joly, Auguste, 210, 212, 215, 262

  Jordan, Ethel Mary, 74

  José (Rumanian porter in Brussels), 112, 153, 196, 211, 216, 226, 253, 337

  Josephine, Mlle. (nun), 259

  Keeling, Sergeant-Major Frederic Hillersdon, 346–7

  Kell, Colonel (Sir) Vernon, 343

  Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, 352

  Kemp family (of Swardeston), 14

  Kempis, Thomas à: The Imitation of Christ, 17, 59, 63, 86, 113, 267–8, 321, 325, 353

  Kensington Society, 6

  Kettle, Captain Thomas, 190

  King, Gertrude, 57

  Kirchenheim, von (of Maubeuge military police), 257

  Kirschen, Sadi: defends EC, 279, 282, 295–9, 302–4

  Leval quarrels with, 353, 367–8

  censured by Bar Council, 368–9

  Kitchener, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl, 162, 173, 185

  Klebs, Edwin, 47

  Kluck, General Alexander von, 165

  Knutsford, Sir Sydney George, Viscount, 56, 69, 87

  Koch, Robert, 47

  Kraewel, General Richard von, 222, 232, 234, 278

  Lambert, Baron Léon, 313 Lancet (journal), 5

  Lancken-Wakenitz, Baron von der, 146, 273–7, 311–16, 333–4, 348–9, 351, 352

  Lanrezac, General Charles, 156–7

  La Panne: l’Océan hospital, 152, 191, 219

  Larner, Caroline, 310, 317

  Laurel Court School, Peterborough, 20–2, 29

  Layard, Lieutenant Peter, 190

  Le Boeuf, Dr. (of Brussels), 107

  Leggat (gardener), 258

among nurses, 75, 77–8

  Le Seur, Pastor Paul, 306–7, 309, 322, 326, 327

  Lespagnole, M. (accountant), Leval, Gaston de: as legal adviser to Whitlock, 146, 274

  and defense of EC, 276, 279, 302

  attempts to contact Kirschen, 303

  denied access to EC in prison, 304

  Sisters Wilkins and Smith visit, 308, 310

  and failed appeals for EC, 311, 314, 316, 333

  Lancken demands dismissal of, 349

  Whitlock arranges permits to leave Belgium, 350

  quarrels with Kirschen, 352–3, 366–8

  reprimanded by Bar Council, 366–8

  Lewis, Private, 160, 197, 210

  Leyendecker, Father, 305, 326–7

  Libiez, Albert: helps fugitive soldiers, 160–1, 204, 247, 262

  forges permits and identity cards, 202

  under suspicion, 233

  named in EC’s disposition, 247, 249

  in prison, 254–5

  betrayed by Jeannes, 257

  brought to EC during interrogation, 262

  trial with EC, 281, 284, 286, 288, 293–5

  and Princess of Croÿ’s intervention for EC at trial, 298

  sentenced, 300

  Libre Belgique, La (newssheet), 175–6, 181–2, 202, 223–4, 231, 234–5, 289, 292, 297

  Liège, 135, 137–40

  Ligne, Prince Abert de, 260

  Lint, Abbé van, 255

  Lister, Joseph, 5, 42, 43

  Little Wych, near Bridport: Cavell Home, 357

  Livingstone, Winifred, 71

  Lloyd George, David (later 1st Earl), 130

  London: epidemics, 47–8

  sewage system, 47

  London Hospital, Whitechapel: Eva Lückes as matron, 52–8, 60, 62–4

  organization and operation, 54–6, 69

  EC trains at, 56, 60–3, 69

  Light Treatment Ward, 70

  Mellish Ward, 72–8

  new block named for EC, 358

  Longueville, Abbé de, 170, 202, 292

  Louvain: destroyed in Great War, 139, 174, 198

  Lowestoft, 15

  Lückes, Eva: as matron of London Hospital, 52–8, 60, 62–4

  reports on EC, 64, 70–1, 76, 246

  sends nurses to help in 1897 typhus epidemic, 65

  commends Eveline Dickinson, 69

  assessments of individual nurses, 71–2, 74–5

  on Ethel Beecher, 73

  on E.K. Hamilton’s move to Boer War, 74

  on problems in Mellish Ward, 75–7

  EC leaves, 76–7

  and EC’s mugging, 82

  gives references for EC, 83, 85

  and EC’s 1906 break, 85

  and Eveline Dickinson’s notice, 86–7

  EC praises training, 88

  EC writes to on Manchester post, 89

  letter from EC on Brussels nurse training school, 93–5

  gives advice and help to EC in Brussels, 96, 98–101, 103, 106

  and EC’s complaints over lack of discipline among younger nurses, 110

  character, 116

  sends copy of annual lecture to EC, 120

  influence on EC, 122, 183

  keeps records, 201

  advocates better provision for nurses, 357 lupus, 69, 87

  Lusitania (ship), 220, 355

  Luttwitz, General Baron Arthur von, 174, 222

  McCrae, Lieutenant Colonel John, 189

  MacDonald, Ramsay, 130, 363, 364

  McDonnell, Alaster, 87

  McDonnell, Eveline (née Dickinson), 69, 82, 85–8, 105

  Macfadyen, Marjorie, 57

  Machiel, Madame, 226, 368

  McLellan, Lizzie, 75–7

  Magee, William Connor, Bishop of Peterborough (later Archbishop of York), 21

  Maidstone, Kent: typhoid epidemic (1897), 65–8, 374

  Maldeghem, M. van, 259–60

  Manchester and Salford Sick Poor and Private Nursing Institute, 88

  Mann, Miss (acting matron at St. Gilles, Brussels), 108

  Marguaty, Edith, 266

  Marie (EC’s German maid), 136, 154, 196, 217–18, 225, 253

  Marin, Xavier, 251, 308, 323

  Marne, Battle of the (1914), 173–4

  Martyrdom of Edith Cavell, The (play), 364

  Marx, Jenny (née von Westphalen), 26

  Marx, Karl, 26

  Mason, Captain William, 189

  Matha, Charlotte, 170

  Maude, Linda, 98

  Mauton, Marie, 207, 248

  Max, Adolphe, 147

  Maxtee, J.: Popular Dog-Keeping, 32

  Mayer, Otto, 224–7, 237–8, 243, 261–2

  Meachin, Sergeant Fred, 160–2

  Mead, Mrs. (Lilian’s housekeeper), 201

  Mercier, Cardinal Désiré-Joseph, Archbishop of Malines, 197

  Merrick, Joseph (“the Elephant Man”), 60

  Metropolitan Asylums Board, 45–8

  Meus, Father, 255

  Meyer, Dr. de (of Brussels), 108

  Meyer, Mlle. de, 337, 370

  MI5: and EC’s death, 341–2

  Moir, Miss (matron of St. Pancras Infirmary), 76

  Mons, Battle of (1914), 156–7

  Moore, Ruth, 102–3, 112, 150–1, 181, 183, 199

  Moreton, John Maddison, 56n

  Moriamé, Henriette, 166, 169–71, 224, 256, 261

  Morris, Dora, 72

  Motte, M., 225

  Moule, Handley, Bishop of Durham, 345 & n, 357

  Namur, 139–40

  National Council of Women of Great Britain and Ireland, 363–4

  Neagle, (Dame) Anna, 363

  Neels, Maurice, 254–5, 257, 270, 368

  Neuhaus, Sergeant, 243, 245, 248, 261, 289, 300

  Neusy, Emile and Marie, 171

  Nightingale, Florence, 18, 41–2, 53, 55, 79, 89, 122, 129, 357;

  Notes on Nursing, 4, 41

  Norfolk and Norwich Magdalen, Life’s Green, 16

  Norwich: railway, 15

  Norwich Cathedral: EC buried in, 361

  Nurse Edith Cavell (film), 363

  nursing: as profession, 36, 41, 55, 57–9, 105, 122

  EC trains for, 41, 45–6, 49–52, 57, 59–63

  practice, 50–1, 55

  uniforms and dress, 57, 101–2

  in Belgium, 99

  probationer training and routine, 102–3

  EC writes on duty of, 108–9

  Nursing Mirror (journal), 82, 104, 108, 114, 135, 145

  Oppenheimer, General, 202

  Owen, Richard, 11

  Page, Walter Hines, 272, 332–3

  Pansaers, Maurice, 283, 303

  Paris: threatened by Germans (1914), 173–4

  Parr, Corporal, 187

  Pasteur, Louis, 4–5, 43

  Pattison, Sister Dorothy, 102n

  Paul, Lieutenant (judge), 282

  Pech, Gabriel, 361

  Pechere, Dr. (of Brussels), 108

  Pegram, Henry, 361

  Pelham, John, Bishop of Norwich, 22

  Petit, Gabrielle, 353

  Petits Mots du Soldat, Les (newsletter), 167, 175, 202, 223–4, 234–6, 292

  Piaf, Édith, 363

  Pierart, Dr., 106

  Piersoul, Father, SJ, 202, 236, 255, 288, 294

  Pigott, Mrs. (companion in Germany), 26–7

  Pinkhoff, Sergeant Henri: assists Bergan, 222

  background, 222

  and arrest of Baucq and Thulize, 234–5

  searches EC’s office, 237

  interrogates EC, 243–6, 249, 252, 261–3, 278, 289

  interrogates other prisoners, 254–5, 257

  and Neels, 255, 257

  and Thuliez’s denial of statements, 256

  arrests Princess de Croÿ, 258, 287

  and EC’s demeanor in prison, 268

  brings case against EC, 270, 272, 278, 286, 291, 299

  von der Lancken consults, 275

  as witness at EC’s trial, 283

; awarded Iron Cross, 372

  Poincaré, Raymond, 369

  Pollock, Bertram, Bishop of Norwich, 344, 361

  poverty: and charity in Norfolk, 16–17

  Powell, Revd. Charles Mears, 22, 24

  Powell, Constance, 24

  Powell, John, 24

  Powell, Kathleen, 24

  Powell, Mabel, 24

  Powell, Margaret (Mrs. C.M. Powell), 24–5

  Preston, Captain, 168–70

  Princip, Gavrilo, 124 prison reform, 43–4

  Pryor, Arthur, 28

  Pryor, Elizabeth, 28

  Pryor, John, 28

  Pryor, Katherine, 28

  Putnik, General Radomir, 127

  Quien, Georges Gaston: visits Belgian Nursing School, 225–6

  works for Germans, 225–6, 238, 257

  meets Pauline Randall, 237, 270

  court martialled after war and jailed, 262, 368–69

  and EC’s arrest, 270

  Rameloo, Pauline, 354

  Randall, Pauline: as EC’s goddaughter, 112

  at Belgian Nursing School, 114

  travels to England with EC, 124

  returns to Belgium with EC in war, 129

  stops growing, 228

  under surveillance, 230

  Quien meets and questions, 236–7, 270

  and German visit to Nursing School, 237

  EC’s concern for, 253

  money in bank, 265, 269

  leaves Nursing School and works as maid, 269

  learns of EC’s death sentence, 312

  cited in Quien court martial, 369

  joins Salvation Army, 369

  Raphael, Edward, 69

  Rasquin, Philippe, 207, 233, 248

  Raven House, near Market Drayton: Cavell Home, 358

  Red Cross: in Belgium, 136–7

  Rees, Elizabeth Margaretta, 71

  Renouard, Paul, 43

  Repton, Humphry, 29

  Revely, Private, 230

  Richard, Michel, 259

  Richez family, 215

  Roberts, Annette, 49, 52

  Robertshaw, Ella, 57

  Rothwell, Sergeant, 212

  Rowena, HMS, 361

  Rowland, Sir Horace, 278, 335

  Roy, Raoul de, 221

  Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria, 28

  Russia: and outbreak of Great War, 127–9, 131

  Ryder, Rowland: Edith Cavell, 338n

  St. Camille hospital, 107

  St. Goar, Germany, 27

  St. Pancras Infirmary, 76, 78–80

  St. Thomas’s Hospital, London Nightingale Training School, 41–2

  Samenliet, M. de, 202

  Sarajevo, 123–5

  Sauberzweig, Karl-Gustav (son), 372

  Sauberzweig, General Traugott Martin von: posts notice on EC’s death, 34

  replaces Kraewel in Brussels, 278

  severity, 278, 302, 332

  and Stoeber’s charges against EC and others, 302–3

  orders speedy execution of EC, 306, 352

  rejects Whitlock’s appeal, 314–16

  and effects of EC’s death, 339

  posted to Western Front, 348

  Lancken traduces, 351


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