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Edith Cavell

Page 40

by Diana Souhami

  meets Hoover and Kellogg, 353–4

  death, 372

  Saxe-Meiningen, Prince Georg of, 165

  Schatteman, Emilie, 354

  Schleswig-Holstein, Friedrich Ferdinand, Duke of, 165

  Schlieffen, Alfred von: strategic plan, 127, 131, 139–40, 156, 200, 245

  Schwieger, Captain, 220

  Scott, Sergeant T.C., 215

  Serbia, 124–8

  Séverin, Louis: harbors fugitive soldiers, 172, 248

  raises money, 207

  under suspicion, 233

  named in EC’s depositions, 248–9, 261–2

  makes deposition, 263

  trial, 281, 283, 286, 293–6, 300

  death sentence, 300, 305, 331

  reprieved and imprisoned at Rheinbach, 336

  Shaw, George Bernard: Saint Joan, 365

  Shiells, Sergeant, 230

  Shoreditch Infirmary: EC appointed Assistant Matron, 83–5

  Sinclair, Annie Simpson, 72

  Smet, Maria de, 353

  Smith, Sister Beatrice, 308, 310, 326

  Solvay, Ernest, 120

  Souhami, Abraham, 83n

  Sovet, Adolphine, 207, 248

  Stannard, Joseph, 13

  Stanton, Clara (née Böhme), 99, 122 &

  n Startin, Rebecca, 57

  Steeple Bumpstead, Essex, 22, 25

  Stenger, Lieutenant (judge), 282

  Steward family, 3

  Stocks, Revd. Philip, 112, 155

  Stoeber, Eduard: appointed by Sauberzweig, 278

  prosecutes at EC’s trial, 283–6, 288–9, 294–6

  and sentencing of EC and others, 299, 302–3, 305–6

  present at EC’s execution, 326–7

  and effect of EC’s death, 339

  Kirschen’s effect on, 352

  later career and death, 372

  Stoops, Hélène, 99

  Sturman, M. (of Vecht), 177

  Suggers, Dr., 69

  Swainsthorpe, Norfolk: workhouse, 16

  Swardeston, Norfolk: EC’s birth in, 3, 5–7

  vicarage, 8–9, 15

  life in, 11–17

  Sunday School built and opened, 22

  EC holidays in from Brussels, 36

  EC revisits, 88, 105, 126

  stained glass memorial window of EC in church, 358

  Thackeray, William Makepeace: Vanity Fair, 23

  Thetford, Jack, 118

  Thielmann, Lieutenant (lawyer), 282

  Thorndike, (Dame Sybil, 363

  Thuliez, Louise: helps fugitive soldiers, 166, 169–71, 202–4, 229, 261–2

  on Jeanne de Belleville, 170, 263

  raises money, 207

  on fugitive soldiers’

  indiscretion, 216

  under suspicion, 224, 233

  arrested and imprisoned, 234–6, 240, 245, 290

  in EC’s deposition, 247

  interrogated, 255–7

  trial with EC, 281–2, 284–5, 287, 289, 292–4, 299

  death sentence, 300, 305–6, 331–2

  shares cell with Jeanne de Belleville, 305, 318

  hears EC leave prison for execution, 326

  Villalobar intervenes for, 332, 335

  reprieved and imprisoned at Siegburg, 336, 353, 359

  testifies against Quien, 368

  resistance in Second World War, 373

  Condemned to Death, 256

  Til, Jacqueline van, 109, 115, 120, 142, 237, 240, 269, 326

  Times, The: EC appeals to for money, 137

  Tongerlo, Abbey of, 260

  Tooting: Fountains Fever Hospital, 46, 48–50, 52

  Topping (clerk), 305

  Tredegar House, Bow Road, Whitechapel, 57

  Trevelyan, George Macaulay, 128

  Treves, Frederick, 60

  Tunmore, Sergeant Jesse, 160, 197, 210–12

  Twining, Louisa: Recollections of Workhouse Visiting, 43

  typhoid, 47–8

  epidemic (1897), 65–8

  United States of America: Marie Depage visits, 219–20

  and sinking of Lusitania, 220, 354

  enters war (April 1917), 354

  see also Whitlock, Brand

  Ursel, Duchesse d,’ 208 & n

  Vanderlinden, Charles, 205, 215, 221, 261

  Velde, Emilie van de, 99, 116

  Victor, M., 207

  Victoria, Queen: reign, 5

  Paul François disparages, 35

  Golden Jubilee (1887), 89

  death, 110

  Villalobar, Marquis de, 146, 313–16, 332, 349

  Villiers (British minister in Brussels), 360

  Wainwright, Mary Lilian (née Cavell; EC’s sister): childhood, 15, 18

  marriage and children, 28, 88

  schooling at Laurel Court, 29

  trains as nurse, 36

  home in Henley, 88

  cares for widowed mother, 126, 149n, 177, 359

  and EC’s nursing duties in wartime

  Belgium, 155

  wartime nursing, 180

  suggests home for retired nurses as EC memorial, 355

  and EC’s exhumation and reburial, 360

  at EC’s funeral service, 361

  Wainwright, William Longworth: marriage to Lilian, 88

  sends Grace Jemmett to EC in Brussels, 113

  EC’s mother stays with, 148 & n

  requests Sir Edward Gray to intervene for EC, 272, 277, 300–1

  learns of EC’s execution, 333, 335

  told of Whitlock’s report being released to press, 340

  Warming, Anne (EC’s maternal grandmother), 10

  Warming, Christianna (EC’s aunt), 10

  Warneford, Sub-Lieutenant Reginald, VC, 227–8

  Warner, Dr. (of London Hospital), 77

  Waschausky, Nurse, 236

  Waterhouse, Bertha, 72

  Way, Florence, 357–8

  Wedgwood, Josiah, 128

  Wegels, Nurse, 237

  Werthmann, Lt-Colonel (judge), 282

  West Runton, Norfolk, 117–18, 123–6

  Weymersch, Dr. (of Brussels), 108

  White, Sister Millicent, 124, 129, 161, 163, 173, 179, 218

  Whitelock, Sister, 218, 230, 237, 270–1

  Whitlock, Brand: as US Minister in Brussels, 146

  on Goltz Pasha, 147

  on US-financed soup kitchens, 152

  on von Bissing, 181

  on queues at Kommandantur, 222

  as channel of communication, 228

  on German hatred of English, 246

  on informers, 257

  intervenes over EC’s arrest and trial, 272–8, 302

  illness, 299, 302, 304, 311–12

  and death sentence on EC, 302

  on Conrad’s kindness, 304

  appeals for EC’s pardon, 310–12, 314—15, 317, 333, 344

  Muriel Gahan visits, 310

  never meets EC or Sauberzweig, 316

  notifies Hines of EC’s execution, 332–4

  Villalobar visits on behalf of Thuliez and Belleville, 332

  on decline in conditions and morale in Belgium, 337

  reports passed to press, 340

  Lancken accuses of false information, 348–50

  prepares report for Washington, 349

  takes enforced leave in USA, 350–1, 354

  on Sauberzweig’s meeting with Hoover and Kellogg, 353

  Whitlock, Mrs. Brand, 310, 317

  Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, 10–11

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser: accession, 26

  at Victoria’s deathbed, 110

  and outbreak of Great War, 125

  troops refused access to Belgium, 129

  absolute rule in Belgium, 145

  offers compensation to Dutch on sinking of Catwyk, 204

  receives appeals for clemency for sentenced women, 315–16, 335–6

  grants reprieves to condemned prisoners, 336

  orders no more women shot without personal sanction, 348, 354
br />   abdicates, 358

  Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, 204

  Wilkins, Sister Elizabeth: joins Nursing School in Brussels, 113–15, 118

  takes charge of School in EC’s absence, 121, 124

  in wartime Belgium, 136, 154, 163, 226, 229–30

  sewing, 201

  knows of EC’s wartime activities, 211, 237

  arrested and interrogated, 237–40

  and EC’s arrest, 238

  freed, 244, 252

  visits EC’s prison, 252, 270, 302, 326, 331

  manages hospital move to new premises, 253

  letters from EC in prison, 265, 270, 300, 313, 323–4

  awaits result of EC’s trial, 299

  told of death sentence on EC, 308

  and Leval’s appeal for EC’s pardon, 310

  EC gives money to settle final debts, 323–4

  as executor of EC’s will, 324, 331

  collects EC’s possessions from prison, 336–7

  returns to England, 337

  advises on EC’s dress for monument, 356

  testifies against Quien at court martial, 368–69

  letter from Princess de Croÿ on resistance in Second World War, 372

  as Matron of Chard Cottage Hospital, Somerset, 372

  Wilson, Woodrow, 332

  Witte, Baron de, 169

  Wolf, Nurse, 237

  Wolf, Valentine de, 99

  Woman the Germans Shot, The (film), 363

  women: status in Victorian Britain, 5–6, 23

  active in social reform, 43–4

  executed by Germans after EC’s death, 353

  Wood, Private Arthur, 341

  Woodhead, Dr. Sims, 66–7

  Woolf, Virginia: The Years, 364

  workhouse, 80

  World War I see Great War

  Yarrow, Alfred, 69

  Ypres, 186, 207

  Zelius-Laidlaw, Alice, 357

  Zimmermann, Albert, 351–2

  1 Her name rhymes with travel or gravel

  2 The graffiti has been preserved

  3 bed rest for women before and after giving birth

  4 kidney stones

  5 From a play by John Maddison Morton, 1847, about two lodgers, Box and Cox, who shared a room: one used it by day, the other by night

  6 It is now St. Leonard’s Hospital.

  7 My great-grandfather Abraham Souhami had a veneer import business there

  8 Renamed rue Franz Merjay after the First World War. Merjay lived at 183 rue de la Culture. He had eight children. He headed a Belgian resistance network and was shot in April 1917

  9 Named after an Anglican nun, a pioneer nurse, Sister Dorothy Pattison (1832–78)

  10 Eveline Dickinson had been Sister of the Light Treatment Ward at the London Hospital and exposed to radiation

  11 Clara Stanton, née Böehme, had trained at the School as a probationer. Her daughter Annie was the first baby born there

  12 The Belgians thought these looked like the labels round liqueur bottles

  13 Lilian and Longworth Wainwright

  14 The Duchess d’Ursel, from a wealthy French family, was charged with giving money to Belgians who wanted to escape Brussels to join the Belgian army

  15 I die where I attach myself

  16O Belgium, O dearest mother,

  To you our hearts, to you our arms,

  To you our blood, O Patrie!

  We all vow: you shall live!

  You shall live, ever great and beautiful

  Your unity invincible

  With our eternal pledge to

  The King, the Law, and Liberty!

  17 The German prison to which she was sent

  18 ‘dem Feinde Mannschaften zuführt ‘

  19 In the third week of September, in the Battle of Loos, General Joffre had ordered a two-pronged British/French attack on German lines. Chlorine gas and 250,000 shells were thrown at the German army. About 25,000 German soldiers died

  20 This is from Whitlock’s account. He does not say which lawyer

  21 Rowland Ryder, when researching his book Edith Cavell (1975), was meticulous at following up the fate of the men on her “Hotel Register” of guests at the Institute

  22 Dunelm, the Latin for Durham, was the surname taken by the city’s bishops. His real name was Handley Moule

  23 Miss Gibson had offered special terms for the clergy

  24 It was destroyed by German bombs in 1940

  25 Ramsay MacDonald feared it would have a bad effect on Anglo-German relations




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