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Leviathan's King (The Search for the Brights Book 3)

Page 31

by Aaron Thomas

  “What if Kilen joined our side in defeating his father?” Alexander proposed.

  “I will not chance the boy learning the extent of the powers his father has already learned. No, he must remain in the dark for this battle. It’s good Atmos is distracting him from this. We’re lucky the two do not see eye to eye,” Warick said while looking at the small flame dancing on the dirt floor.

  “We’re abandoning the realms to see the death of one man,” Alexander spat.

  “One man and many spirits,” Warick corrected.

  Warick stood after taking the last sip of his tea, “Come, we have defenses that need to be seen too. After all, we’ll be surrounded by an army of undead by midnight. It’s best we begin our attack before the rest of the Elders or myself can find a reason to start killing our soulless soldiers.”

  Alexander quickly followed him out of the tent as they strode into the trees towards the next tent of Elders just out of eyesight. Warick moved quickly for an old earth wizard and Alexander’s skinny frame struggled to keep pace with the man’s strengthened stride.

  “Please, at least let me get the word out by pigeon to Twilix, just in case she doesn’t hear from us and assumes the worst,” Alexander begged.

  Warick stopped and turned to him, “You’re always so quick to take a flight instead of standing your ground. I’ve already prepared a way for your friends to be told what happens upon our demise.”

  The old earth wizard put his hands on Alexander’s shoulders, “I need you here, focused and ready. You’re the strongest we’ve had in the wind in a long while. Quit fluttering about and put your mind to the task at hand, Alexander. The elemental realm needs you at your best for this fight. You will, after all, be fighting the wind itself.”

  Alexander felt the hands leave his shoulders but did not move from his spot. He truly would be fighting a spirit embodied by the pure element of wind. Sometimes he felt that he was almost invincible, except for the body that he had to keep aloft in the skies. If he had no body, then he would be truly impervious to attacks.

  He shuddered when he realized what he would be fighting against.


  She watched as he slowly rode forward with his suit made of imbued metal. Catherine was disgusted at the way they violated the elements, bending the world to do their will. They were all cowards in her eyes. Battles were meant to be fought with the strength in your arm and cunning in your brain.

  In the last few months, Catherine had learned to do a great deal of a noble’s work. She even learned to plot and plan as for men’s deaths. Soon, she would have to act on those plans, but she would wait for the wielders to kill each other before she acted. If she acted quickly enough, perhaps she could quell the world’s need of a Dark Army. If she failed, the Brights would allow the army of soulless to sweep across the realm and cleanse it. Either way, her body would fight against the wielders.

  Atmos raised his hand as he approached her position just inside the tree line. The only greeting she offered in return was a slight bow of her head. She knew she would always demand respect from him so he knew she wasn’t inferior. Even if that meant giving him the cold shoulder.

  “I see your progress goes well,” Atmos said.

  Catherine turned her back to him, “We’re doing well. My people have completed the first siege weapon and are hooking it up to horses for transport now. We’ll have two more ready in the next couple days, but it’ll take us two days to move them into position.”

  Atmos gave a nod, “I’ll need some spare parts made for when the ones you have built break.”

  “Are you implying that they’ll break easily?” Catherine said with the best glare she could muster.

  “Of course not,” He replied. “My soldiers will be using them day and night until Leviathan’s walls tumble. With that kind of abuse, they’ll have some parts that wear down no matter how well you construct them.

  Catherine ran her hand along the trebuchet being attached to a team of six horses.

  “These weapons will be stronger than ones made with your elemental grown-trees. The trees we use are grown naturally, and can withstand more strain. I think you’ll be quite pleased with their performance,” Catherine said, beaming with pride.

  “You included the modifications I requested?” Atmos said as he unmounted his horse.

  Catherine gave a nod, “Yes, there is no crank. Although, it’s beyond me how you’ll lift the counterweight without one.”

  “One strength-enhanced horse should be able to lift the counterweight. How far will the weapon be able to throw the rocks?” Atmos asked.

  “If these horses are able to lift the counter weights, it should be able to throw an eighty-pound rock close to eight hundred feet. If you increase the weight, you’ll decrease the range of the weapon,” She explained.

  He’d asked her people to build some of the largest siege weapons in existence, and she accomplished the task. If he was unhappy with the weapons, she might just have to show him how well they work by using them on his own army.

  “Great,” Atmos said, running his hands over it. “I will need twenty of them before this is over. Also, I’ll need two battering rams.”

  “The battering rams you requested are already in production. Once they’re finished, I will put those men on producing more trebuchets. The defenses in the field are already complete, and you can have your men take up those positions as soon as you want. For right now I have my men in them just so Leviathan doesn’t take possession,” Catherine said as she handed Atmos a scroll containing her report.

  Atmos didn’t open the scroll. Instead, he handed it to the armored man on his right. The man was a completely loyal captain. Her spies said that the man, Captain Lorusk, was incorruptible. Although, she didn’t need him for her plans when she had already made moves to get most of the army to sympathize with her. If things went wrong for this battle she knew a large part of Atmos’ army would run to her for shelter.

  “I will have my men take up the positions at once. Please continue to provide the captain here with the supplies you need to continue your work,” Atmos said as he remounted his horse.

  “You will have the twenty completed very soon. The sooner your men take over the Keepers defenses, the faster I’ll be able to complete the task,” Catherine said, trying to imply he was the reason the process was being slowed.

  The king rolled his shoulders back while looking at the massive wooden machine, “Like I said, I will have my men take over soon.”

  “Very well, I am sure you and your men will kindly find your way out of our camp?” Catherine asked as she turned and walked away.

  Chapter 22 - It Begins

  Twilix smiled as she looked into the mirror. Jessica had done well finding dresses that would accommodate her growing abdomen. The woman she was proud to call a friend gently laced up the back of the dress. Twilix did her best to brush her hair while Jessica worked. The mornings were her only time for peace, and she was thankful for it.

  She knew it wouldn’t be long before Ria would walk in the door and begin going over the day’s schedule. Twilix practically had it memorized now, with minor changes being thrown in every day. She had eaten breakfast and was getting ready for her tasks. Next on the schedule would be meet with the captain, Council, and the commander.

  Twilix held up an empty hand; it was a signal for all tugging to stop while she fought back the urge to vomit. The pulling on the laces ceased until her nausea subsided and her arm went down. The tugging began again, and Twilix reached for the cup of putrid tea she was given by Izabel.

  The tea tasted horrible, but it did help. If she was able to get over the taste, she could usually keep whatever food down she needed to. The warm feeling rolling down her throat soothed some of the symptoms as well as washed away the salty salivating that was a precursor to stomach heaves.

  As soon as Jessica finished dressing her, she stood holding the crown on a pillow and waited for Twilix’s command. Twilix gave a smi
le despite her stomach turning, and the crown was placed on her brow. Jessica quickly adjusted any loose or stray hairs that the crown managed to disrupt.

  “Beautiful, as always, M’lady,” She said, standing so Twilix could see herself in the mirror.

  Twilix drained the rest of her tea, “Let’s get to the throne room. Perhaps we can arrive before Ria is able to give us the morning report and we have to hear it again from the captain.”

  Jessica giggled, “Ria has requested for my husband to start being present at the morning meetings, so I’m rather excited to make it to the throne room again.”

  Twilix turned and smiled, “What’s it like?”

  “Majesty? What is what like?” Jessica asked.

  “Getting to see your husband day and night - Twilix caught a lump of sadness well up in her throat, missing her husband - “Kilen and I were only married days before he had to leave on this excursion. Even though I have been married a couple of months, it feels awkward. I don't know if we'll ever get to be as comfortable as you are with Daniel.”

  Jessica hadn’t always had a warm smile, but since being placed in such a high position amongst Twilix’s worker ranks, her smile had turned from stone to a warm hearth. Twilix was beginning to like her and trust her more every day. The woman had started to predict her needs and make her more comfortable before Twilix even knew she was uncomfortable. With the absence of Mary and Kara, she was glad the woman had accepted a position as her chambermaid.

  Jessica’s hands gave a slight tug on Twilix’s, pulling her to sit on the bed. “Daniel and I were not always so close. Actually, I spent most of our time together being angry Kilen ran away instead of marrying me. You see, I didn’t want to be a farmer's wife or work the stables alongside my husband. I had spent my adolescent years dreaming of the days I would be serving the council beside Kilen and his mother. You see, they were far wealthier than anyone in Humbridge. Marrying him would have meant to never have to worry about my next meal or paying for medicine for a baby.”

  Jessica stopped to wipe away a tear, “It wasn’t until Kilen snuck into our house, or his house rather, that I realized the great man I had married. Kilen gave us a wedding gift that would have supported us for years despite Daniel having a job and livestock already built up. You see, when we received the gold from Kilen my fears around our financial wealth disappeared.”

  Twilix was confused, and it must have shown on her face because Jessica took her hands in her own and scooted to the edge of the bed to better face Twilix.

  “You and Kilen don't just have yourselves and future children to worry about. You have an entire realm. What's worse is you have a realm to worry about that is under attack by an army lead by a long-standing line of king’s. You’ll have to give him some time to clear away the problems so he no longer has to worry about you or your children, the realm, or its future. Once that is done I’m sure there will be other problems but none so significant. You will see. Give it time and your love will blossom to heights neither of you thought possible,” Jessica said as tears trailed down her face.

  “Thanks,” Twilix mustered as she wiped her tears on the shoulder of her dress.

  Jessica smiled, “At least, that’s what I think. Of course, I haven’t been married much longer than yourself. For right now, let’s just worry about you and the child that is growing inside you.”

  Twilix nodded in agreement as they embraced in a hug. Before they could finish wiping away the tears, Ria walked through the door.

  “Good, you’re awake and dressed. Everyone has been assembled in the throne room and is ready for you,” Ria said as she folded her arms in front of herself.

  Twilix wiped the new tears from her face and eyes, “Let’s get going. I’m sure we have an extensive schedule to keep.”

  Jessica leaned in, “Why would you bring up the schedule?”

  Twilix laughed, “If I ask for it, maybe she’ll make me wait at least until I demand it. I’m trying something new.”

  Jessica rolled her eyes and smiled. Twilix walked past Ria and strode out into the hallway of the castle. The glass-like walls were beginning to be covered by tapestries and art. Small tables with plants and pitchers were adorning the hallways and made it a little less confusing to walk the halls. She didn’t quite understand how Kilen managed to find his way around so easily. Although having walked around with elementals at all hours might make it easier to understand where you were in the building. She made a mental note to ask him.

  Two guards now stood on either side of the throne room doors and pulled them open as she approached. The room had been used lately as a gathering place for any important discussion or distribution of supplies amongst the town. Nobles, merchants, soldiers each came for supplies and to ask questions of one another. Today was no different as the loud discussions erupted from the room as soon as the doors were parted.

  As Twilix made her way down the stairs the room quieted and went to whispers. Ray began issuing his final orders, the newly promoted soldiers departed with a salute. Taking her seat on the cushioned throne, the room came to silence.

  “Commander, begin the report,” She said in the most commanding tone she could muster.

  Slowly, the merchants and low-ranking soldiers left the room. Those that remained were silent and took seats to listen.

  “Majesty, with a large increase in troop numbers we now have twenty thousand within Leviathan’s walls. In Basham, we have another five thousand that are aiding the city in rebuilding. The wielders are making progress and will be ready for battle within the next couple weeks,” Ray said.

  “Has Alexander reported in?” Twilix asked anxiously.

  “No, we haven’t heard from Alexander, the Elders, or your husband. We’ll let you know the moment we hear the word. I have some news you might find promising,” Ray said as he turned to a man in his twenties sitting midway up the bleachers.

  “We have been training wind wielders by having them push the sails of the ships moving to and from Basham. A few have shown promise but haven’t been able to fly like Alexander. Except for one. I present Wielder Barrett. He’s the first to show talent in flying. He’s no match for Mica currently but give him a month, and he’ll be a thorn in his side,” Ray said happily.

  “We don’t have a month, Commander,” Twilix replied.

  Gortus gave a chuckle, “That is what I told him. At best we have a few days.”

  “I know the time is short, but I would like permission to have Wielder Barrett begin relaying information to Basham and back. The use of ships is great, but it still takes a half a day to relay information one way. With this man’s skill, we can send word or request supplies from Basham within the hour. He has been performing short flights around the city’s grounds, but I need your permission to send him outside the walls,” Ray said, standing tall.

  Gortus stood up, “I warned him that we needed every wielder in the city to be ready for an attack, especially your wind wielders. If Mica were to attack while he’s away the damage to our defenses could be devastating. With him here we at least stand a chance.”

  Twilix tapped her fingers while she thought, “Gortus, I appreciate your concern, but I will eventually need to have a way of notifying Basham of an attack. Commander, get Barrett an earth imbuement and prepare him for a trial run. While he’s out of the city, I want every wind wielder at the ready for an attack. Wielder Barrett is to remain low to the ground during his flights and stay mostly just above the water.”

  “It will be done, Majesty,” Ray said, giving a bow.

  “Captain, how are the defenses?” Twilix asked.

  Captain Wells stood up and came to stand in front of Twilix.

  “We are now fully stocked with arrows and weapons, thanks to the supplies coming from Basham. We’re still only about half armored and are keeping the armor rotated between those manning the walls. Every day we can hold off the attack is a day I can outfit another fifty men. Unfortunately, I think we are limited on days,” Wells s

  “Why is that, Captain?” Twilix asked.

  “Last night we began seeing movement just after dusk. Soldiers took up defensive positions in the area just outside where Keepers was located. At first light we saw the first siege engine roll onto the field and begin its final assembly,” He explained.

  “How many troops can you see out on the field?” She asked.

  “So far thirty thousand troops, with Atmos’ secondary force of an additional five thousand chopping down every tree in site for construction of more weapons. Again, these troops are only the ones on the field and are not with Atmos’ main force,” Captain Wells said worriedly.

  “Thirty-five thousand troops that are not with the main force,” Twilix said, trying to picture the number of men in her mind.

  Gortus cleared his throat, “Majesty, I have observed the troops on the field. It appears that more than half of them are not soldiers. From the way they carry themselves and their clothing, I believe them to be nothing more than villagers brought to build. While traveling with Atmos to the battle with the Fire Realm, I heard some of his own people were helping construct defenses for the enemy. He may have forced them to march with him as punishment.”

  “Twilix nodded, “We can only hope this is the case.”

  Captain Wells’ demeanor began to relax a bit.

  “How is the soldier's training?” Twilix asked.

  “The same as yesterday,” Ray said. “We progress slowly. We have men trained in one specific weapon to hopefully make them as proficient as they can be. Wielders continue to train and use their abilities in combinations if Atmos manages to break through the wall.”

  “Do you not think Atmos’ wielders will be used before they break the wall?” Twilix asked. “Or are you saying our wielders will be useless at a distance?”


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