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Leviathan's King (The Search for the Brights Book 3)

Page 32

by Aaron Thomas

  Ray smiled, “When Atmos’ father attacked Leviathan, I made the mistake of trying to engage his men on the battlefield. I realized this too late. Gortus and I have come to agree on a battle plan. Of course, you have the final say.”

  Twilix smiled, “Tell me your plan.”

  Ray gave a nod and held his hand out to Gortus.

  The Kapal man gave a slightly-pointed toothy smile, “We will let Atmos and his men beat themselves against the walls of Leviathan. If they get close enough, we will make them take our arrows, but we won’t engage with magic unless to protect the city. If they manage to break the walls and enter the city, their wielders will be tired and useless against ours.”

  “So we sit and do nothing?” Twilix yelled in question.

  Ray held up a hand, “Not nothing, Majesty. We will continue to train and watch as they reveal their wielders in their attacks. We’ll use an ability I did not know this city had when it was last attacked.”

  “What ability?” Twilix asked.

  “Water wielders have the ability to repair any damage done to the walls from the inside. Using them, we’ll keep the walls strong and reinforced, making Atmos work for every inch. Repairing will force their soldiers in close to do maximum damage and giving our archers a chance,” Ray explained.

  “I agree with this approach for now. At least it’ll give us a chance to wait for more troops and reinforcements to arrive. How are we on foodstuffs?” Twilix said, turning to Ria.

  Ria bowed her head and pulled a small notebook out of her pocket, “We have enough food storage to last us three weeks without resupply. Of course, if we continue to keep boats docking from Basham, we will have an almost endless supply.”

  Twilix gave a nod and Ria cleared her throat as if she was not finished.

  “It was Daniel's idea that we keep the supplies close to the inner city so if they’re able to attack with fire, none of the supplies would be damaged. We are currently in transition of moving all the assets to the castle’s store rooms, and anywhere in the noble district we can put supplies,” Ria said.

  Twilix looked up at Jessica, who was beaming with pride for her husband.

  “How are the animals, Master Peter?” Twilix asked.

  Daniel grunted and awkwardly stood, “Most of the livestock is being kept in Basham for the time being. We have some horses for moving carts, food, weapons, armor, and supplies around the city. The animals we do have are kept here in the castle's stables.”

  “Should we spread the animals out around the city to keep them from being a target?” Twilix asked.

  Daniel looked to Ray and captain Wells, who both gave a slight nod.

  “I believe that would be a good idea, and possibly put a few day’s rations with each,” Daniel replied.

  Twilix gave her approval, “If there’s nothing else to report I’ll let you gentlemen get back to your work. Commander, before you send Wielder Barrett on his first flight, I have some correspondents to send out.”

  “Majesty?” Ray asked.

  “My herbalist friend is making me some tea to aid with my condition. I will need a resupply, and I have a couple of questions to ask her. Also, I want to compose a letter to Kilen, should he arrive in Basham before coming back.”

  “Of course, we will go and get him fashioned with some wings and return here for the letters,” Ray said as he bowed.

  The room emptied of everyone except Jessica, Ria, and Twilix. Ria was already nose deep in a book as Jessica began pouring teas for them. Twilix pulled out a lap desk and began writing to Izabel. The short letter inquired about the underbelly of the city. Izabel’s past reports relayed that only a small amount of smuggling was going on as Twilix had not allowed wine or ale into Leviathan until the danger had cleared.

  Izabel had included a portion of the letter saying how allowing a little to weed its way into the walls would keep out a rebellion but keep it to a minimum so troops would not get stumbling drunk when they were needed most. Twilix made no move to stamp out the small bit of smuggling, as long as it was nothing dangerous.

  The city of Basham was Twilix’s main worry. The town had been around for a couple hundred years, and its occupants were strangely willing to work together in harmony. It was as if they were planning a rebellion at any moment. Izabel’s reports said that the city found Kilen to be an inspiration and they were all serving each other. She didn’t anticipate it to last, but was happy for the peace.

  A new mayor was holding everyone in the city to their agreements made to their new king. Twilix had spoken to the woman once and found Mrs. Reann to be a firm hand when the city needed it most. She just hoped the woman didn’t overstep her bounds.

  Twilix used a nearby lamp to heat the wax and drip some on the letter. She pressed her signet into the wax and started another letter. In her best hand, she wrote her husband’s name at the top. Her hand froze as the words that she was going to express left her. She wanted this letter to be more than a report. She wanted it to be a declaration of her love. Twilix hoped that upon reading the letter, he would find some joy and happiness, even in their situation as friends that turned newlyweds. She hoped it would help them both find a way to come together and be stronger with each other.

  As the ink dripped from her quill ruining the parchment, the throne room doors were pushed open. Commander Ray was rushing wielder Barrett through the doors. The brief moment the doors were open horns could be heard echoing in the distance.

  The commander didn’t wait for questions, “Atmos has begun his attack. If you still wish to send Barrett, it needs to be now!”

  Twilix took a deep breath and picked up the already-sealed letter. She knew there would be no time to write another. The words she wanted to express already escaped her, and with the war horns sounding, they would not come easily.

  “Tell Mayor Ranee to prepare the troops to march and see to it that this letter gets to my herbalist,” Twilix said.

  The young wielder slammed his fist against his chest as the leather flaps that connected his arms and legs swung wildly. The soldier awkwardly ran out of the room.

  Twilix turned to the commander, “Take me to the wall. I wish to make my presence known and see the attack for myself.”

  Ray looked disgruntled and started to open his mouth. Ria was at Twilix’s side in what seemed like a flash.

  “Do not disobey an order, Commander. If the queen wants to show her strength by going to the wall, then you will take her to the wall,” Ria said with a dangerous looking twinkle in her eye.

  The commander reluctantly took a step backward and gave a half bow as he led them out of the room. Twilix turned seeing Jessica following in their wake.

  “Find your husband and help him in carrying out the distribution of animals. I will see you in my private quarters by the evening meal, and no sooner,” Twilix said, hoping that Jessica would take the hint and spend some time with her husband. She didn’t know how many opportunities the woman would get now that the battle had started.

  Twilix tried to keep pace with the commander but found it hard to move as fast as they did. She had been growing increasingly tired since Kilen had left. Knowing she had a child growing inside her helped her to know that the fatigue was for a good reason. When she got to the bottom of the castle, a horse was waiting for her. She happily mounted and under Ria’s instruction, she was to ride only at a walk.

  As she rode the horse through the city, soldiers were being marched at a quickened pace to the walls in every direction. Each troop was a mixture of archers, swordsmen, lancers, and shield guardians. Twilix hoped that wielders were being mixed in so that the men stood a chance at winning.

  Halfway there a loud sound drew her attention to the wall in front of her. To her, it sounded like a pick axe being slammed against solid stone. A loud sound erupted as soldiers were being ordered into place. A horse whinnied somewhere to the noise that came so unexpectedly it made Twilix’s heart race with she wasn’t sure was excitement or fear.

sp; The commander issued an order for her to be surrounded by a band of soldiers that was marching past. He then ran off to where the commotion was coming from. Ria nodded her head and placed a hand on Twilix’s arm.

  “We will get there, let the soldiers do their job,” Ria said as if she knew Twilix wanted to ride as swiftly as she could to the fight.

  Twilix fought the urge to gallop away in defiance of the Earth Councilmen. The closer she came, the more and more soldiers stood before her in ranks awaiting orders. Captain Wells was riding along the wall and sending men to each gate and archers to the top of the walls. Twilix found the commander's horse standing outside a bar. She quickly handed her reins to a soldier and dismounted.

  Inside the bar she found Ray standing over a table with a large map and small painted stones. Blue stones were lined inside the walls depicted on the map. Each was painted with a symbol of the type of soldiers that were being represented. With each shout given out by captain Wells, commander Ray moved the stones into place.

  Another loud crack of the axe on stone echoed through the building. Soldiers started yelling as Twilix exited the building to see chaos erupting in the street. A large section of crystalline brick near the top of the cities wall had been broken away. As the soldiers parted Twilix saw the aftermath. A large stone lay in the street along with broken bricks. Several men lay bleeding as soldiers tried to pull them away from the wall.

  Twilix yelled for them to stop and made her way through the crowd that was parting for her. Twilix found a young man with a crushed arm bleeding more than any of the others and placed her hand on his chest. Pushing water magic into his body, she stopped the bleeding and moved the water to heal the man. She knew she could not expend too much of the man’s energy, so she stopped when he was partially healed and opened her eyes to see Ria renewing the man’s strength.

  Twilix gave Ria a smile and finished the healing. It took only moments, and during that time a peacefulness came over the chaos of the attack. Giving the man one last magic check she saw he was healed and opened her eyes. Soldiers stood nodding their heads in approval. Wielders pushed through the crowd and began healing their injured friends. It had taken only a couple minutes before all the fallen were back on their feet with weapons in their hands.

  “Pull that rock down the street, our earth wielders may be able to use it later,” Ray commanded, sending the soldiers back to work.

  The soldiers did as they were told and Captain Wells began issuing out more orders. Soldiers dispersed with what seemed a quickened pace from seeing a dying man back on his feet in only a moment. She knew they would see it happen more than once now that the battle began.

  “Commander, I would like to see the battlefield,” Twilix commanded.

  Ray gave a half bow with a salute and led the way through the marching soldiers. A newly constructed set of wooden stairs gave access to the wall’s walkway. Twilix climbed the stairs and slowly peeked her head above the battlements.

  One working trebuchet was being put back into a ready position as horses pulled the lever arm into place. Two men that must have been imbued with strength lifted a rock and moved it to lay in a sling. Other than the one working siege weapon, the battlefield was primarily empty. A few wood constructs were built scattered around the field to hide units. Wood spikes lay directly in front of the gates in case Leviathan were to open the doors and attack by horseback.

  The commander walked to the nearest longbow archer and whispered in his ear.

  “Commander?” Twilix asked.

  Ray turned back to her and pointed out to the field, “Checking the range of our bows. This arrow will mark the field for both Atmos and us. A single arrow will mark the point at which our bows cannot pass.”

  “He will know our limitations then. Why should we give away the range at which our weapons can reach? Shouldn’t we wait until they come into range before showing our abilities?” Twilix asked.

  Ray smiled, “Usually, yes, we would wait. Again, our strategy is to make his men wear themselves out. We want Atmos to know the line he shouldn’t pass.”

  The bowstring let out a thwack as the arrow went soaring into the air. Twilix held her breath as the arrow floated an unnaturally long time and buried itself into the ground halfway between the shoreline and the trebuchet.

  Looking up from the single arrow marking the battlefield, she saw the horses being unhitched from the siege weapon. They were ready for another attack. Ria stepped up to the wall and looked down to the water below.

  “If you don't mind Majesty, I think I will handle this one,” She said, pulling the sleeves of her green dress up to her elbows.

  Twilix watched as the men on the field cleared away from the weapon, pulling a small rope behind them. Once behind the small wooden barrier they gave the rope a tug, putting the machine into action. The large weight dropped sending the arm thrusting into the sky hurling the rock towards them. Seeing the rock, Twilix took a step back as if trying to get out of its way but the commander held her arm and offered a shield to guard her. The stone, thick as a man’s chest, tumbled end over end in the air until Ria thrust out a hand. The stone shattered, sending pieces a bit smaller than a man's fist peppering into the side of the wall.

  Twilix pushed away from the shield and looked over the wall where the stones hit were small waterfalls. She watched as the small leaks in the wall sealed themselves shut but left dents on its once smooth surface.

  “Those marks are what I was trying to explain. Water wielders can learn to repair that just like they can repair that chunk missing from the battlements just down the wall. If you can manage to repair it just once, I think I can learn to teach the others,” Ray said looking down the battlements.

  “I can try, but I‘ve never repaired a wall before,” Twilix said.

  Ria smiled and put her arm through Twilix’s, pulling her along, “While I’m here, it’s safe to try. If you are feeling up to it, I’ll protect you while you experiment.”

  Twilix nodded and raised her chin to look confident in her abilities. People had always expected more from her when using magic. She started wielding at such a young age and had shown to be more proficient than most that now it was almost demanded of her to learn new things faster than others. Her feelings or abilities mattered little at this moment because her kingdom needed to succeed more than her pride and reputation.

  Placing her hand on an unbroken piece of the wall, she pushed her water magic senses in all directions. She could feel a pattern in the bricks that were laid and felt the water that moved inside of them just below the hardened surface. She felt the wall as it extended into the water below and into the mud of the lake’s underbelly. As she felt her magic along the surface, the pattern was missing where the stones should have been. Like an open wound, the water did not flow where the rocks once were.

  Pushing her water magic as if healing the wall, the bricks began to take form. She didn’t understand how the edges or sides of the bricks hardened. As she healed the wall, the city itself seemed to glow in her magic vision as if it was alive. From where she stood she felt other wounds along its surface. Each stone had caused pores and cracks where the boulders struck with an intense force. With a bit of effort, she pushed the cracks closed and seeped water between the bricks to re-seal the pores, making the wall whole again.

  When she opened her eyes the commander was staring back, “With this ability, our walls can hold against any bombardment of rocks. I’ll teach the wielders to do what you have done. Thank you, Majesty.”

  Ray turned to look at the soldiers staring up at him from below, “She has repaired the wall and shown me how. The Earth Realm cannot shatter our walls!”

  A cheer rang out, and weapons began slamming the ground. Soldiers beat swords on shields and horses whinnied at the sudden increase in noise. Twilix felt her heart well up in her chest, and for the first time since Kilen had left, she felt as if she wouldn’t be sick.

  Chapter 23 - United Cause

thoughts raced through her head as she stared at the two shadows standing in the middle of the road shrouded by fog. She knew she would have to show confidence, but in the past Sahara only showed confidence when she was slitting the throats of her victims. If she had any luck today, she wouldn’t have to do that.

  Just up ahead stood two men she had spent the last few centuries evading at the cost of her existence. Elder Wizard Warick and Alexander were talking about their defensive measures where they thought no one could here. It was sad they missed the living corpse floating halfway submerged in a water trough only feet away. She listened through her servant's ears.

  They spoke about how they feared her and how she was a threat and not to be trusted. Warwick had set plans into motion that would mean her death if even a single one of her army stepped out of line. Their grandiose plan would have failed even if she didn’t know about it. Harming her would do no good as long as even one of her soulless still walked. She would transfer the wound from herself to the soldier and become new again.

  Sahera, tired of living in the shadows, took a final deep breath and stepped out from behind the tree she was hiding. She was still a few hundred feet from the two talking in the middle of the road, but she knew exactly where they were. Actually, she knew where they all were. During the night her army had snuck in and taken positions all throughout their camp. She hoped by refraining from killing them she would gain some trust. Even though she knew that was not the way the world worked, fear was her only advantage.

  She walked slowly until she heard Alexander’s call to her.

  “Who’s there?” Asked the wind wizard.

  “An ally, if you would still have me?” Sahara questioned back.

  Warick grunted, “As if we have a choice. Come to where we can see you.”

  She reluctantly approached where the two men stood and gave a deep bow, lowering her eyes to the ground.

  “I am pleased to see you, gentlemen. I was hoping that you would live through the night to see our arrangement come to fruition,” Sahara cooed.


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