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Leviathan's King (The Search for the Brights Book 3)

Page 37

by Aaron Thomas

  A loud clap of noise echoed throughout the city streets as stone met the magical wall. Twilix clutched her chest as the sound vibrated the core of her being. She hated the constantness that was the enemy's relentless attempts to break her home.

  The commander slipped out from behind his table as if the stones were a signal to make his rounds.

  “Majesty, I would like you to join me for a look at the walls. If you don’t mind, of course?” He said as he strapped on his helmet.

  Twilix stood, and he marched out the door. She followed and watched as men along the wall ran from their safe positions to place their hands on the wall. The healing magic of water poured out of them, drawing the lake’s water back into its place inside the walls. Some of the soldiers ran back after work was complete, others were exhausted and stumbled as if they had been drinking. She warned them not to push it that far, but they took pride in holding the position for as long as they could.

  Ray ordered the scout on top of the wall to the bottom, leaving them alone to speak.

  “They moved two more trebuchets into place today. With the increased number I’m not sure we will be able to hold for much longer. King Atmos knows the same as well. He’s started to march his troops on the field,” He said, pointing to the rows of white tents.

  “We must prepare for what will come,” She said as if she hadn’t said it a dozen times in the last few days.

  Ray nodded his head, “We’re just about as prepared as we can be. The only exception would be if your husband showed up. We have reinforcements at the gates, and a secondary wood constructed wall has been set into place for when Leviathan’s doors fail. Archers are at the ready to man the walls. I fear we have used up our magic strength keeping the walls repaired and will be next to useless if it comes down to a fight with the elements. We will have to depend on our fire and wind wielders to defend the city.”

  “I’ll take another shift and see if we can give these men a break,” Twilix said as she leaned over the wall.

  “You already do too much, Majesty. You are wearing yourself too thin. I mean no insult but your eyes are sunken, and you look as though you are having a hard time standing. For your children's sake you must find some rest,” Ray pleaded.

  He was right, she was tired. Even as tired as she was, she found no sleep with the constant boom of stones resounding through the streets. Each one was a signal, an omen of the death that was coming to her home. She straightened herself to try and look more composed than she was.

  “I know my limitations, Commander. If I say I’m taking another shift,then I will take another shift,” She said in what she thought of as her stubborn queen voice.

  The commander slapped his fist to his chest and then motioned to some movement on the streets of the castle. A white horse was being led by captain Wells to the command post.

  “It appears the next set of ships will be arriving soon. Shall I put you down for a shift at the wall tomorrow? Perhaps after you see to the new arrivals and get some rest?” Ray said with a straight face.

  Twilix was furious and saw through his ruse to delay her. The commander thought just because she had other duties that she would abandon her shift. Twilix made a mental note to take a shift late in the night when he wasn’t there to hold her hand. She was sure the man thought so highly of himself that he could wield water better than her.

  “I will take a shift when I please, and that will be the end of it, Commander.” Carefully, Twilix descended the walls and mounted her horse. Daniel had made sure that only the best-trained horses had been given to her to ride. The white was her favorite, and she was glad to see it again. She leaned in close and whispered as such into the horses twitching ears. She named the horse Love. She knew it was silly to name her horses as she would have many but she couldn’t resist naming this one.

  As they started trotting away from the wall another volley struck. Love twitched but didn’t jump like the captains. Wells turned red in the face as he tugged on the reins, getting his horse under control. Daniel had done an exceptional job training Love.

  The city streets took a drastic change in only a couple blocks. Soldiers were being trained so closely together in the streets she had to slow Love to keep from trampling them. Just a street later shops and storefronts were empty and abandoned. She hoped they would be able to fill those buildings soon.

  The sound of training commands and wood training weapons resounded in the open area of the marketplace. Soldiers of all types honed their skills by clashing sword and shield. Men on horseback ran and attacked dummies on wooden stakes. Bolts and arrows were being released in unison as the archers bragged about their accuracy. Twilix gave them a wave and the field was called to attention as she passed by. She hated interrupting their training, but Ray said the men needed to see her and pay their respects.

  As she rounded a corner, she could hear the forces resuming their training at the commands of their superiors.

  Wells smiled, “The training is coming along. I’m excited to show Kilen the improvements when he returns. I may even be proficient enough to train with him if he still desires it.”

  “I am sure he would love a rematch,” Twilix said sweetly.

  The captain was loyal and determined, but his need for Kilen’s approval had been a constant annoyance when the man gave troop updates. She wished he would simply do the job he was given instead of making decisions on what he thought Kilen would prefer. The man seemed to swoon for her husband, and because Kilen wasn’t there, she got to hear updates on the captain’s personal improvements.

  Twilix was lead to the docks as three ships were making a final approach and lowering their sails as they neared. Jessica and Daniel stood arm in arm, watching. Daniel took a couple glances down at a scroll before tucking it away in his pocket. Jessica gave a bow, kissed her husband’s cheek and made her way to Twilix.

  “There’s a shipment of tea from Izabel on this boat. I’ll store some in your room and have a batch made to go along with your dinner,” Jessica said as she approached. “Also, there are a couple more pieces of clothing I need to pick up.”

  “My clothing for battle, has it arrived yet?” Twilix asked as she looked at the dock farthest from her.

  Jessica cleared her throat, “It was on the last ship. I will have to say Izabel was not too happy about having to acquire it. She said that you should not consider getting close to the battle.”

  “I’ll take that into consideration when the Earth Realm forces break down the gates and flood the city,” Twilix said with a harsh voice. It was perhaps a bit too harsh. “Sorry. The commander thinks I need to be handled with velvet gloves as well.”

  Jessica nodded her head seemingly hurt, “It’s not my place to speak of what you should or should not do.”

  Twilix sighed in frustration, “I know that you are all just looking after my child and me. It’s not that I’m trying to get hurt. I fear that if I don't help win this battle, then my children may never get the chance to be born.”

  Jessica nodded her head as she took a step back, waving Twilix’s attention to the docking boats. Ropes were tossed down, and planks were extended. No sooner than the wood connected to the boat to the glass-like stones did men start disembarking the vessel. Shields and swords being hefted on their backs were quickly scooped up by men on the dock to be distributed to the soldiers near the wall.

  Wells collected the numbers from the dock master and spoke with Daniel before they approached.

  “Majesty, another sixty-five soldiers and four horses on these ships. The regular supplies and armor as well. They say they will be able to make two more trips before nightfall,” Wells said.

  Twilix nodded her head, “The wind wielders are improving then.”

  The captain beamed at the compliment as if it were him pushing the sails with wind magic. Before he could explain in detail just how much effort he was taking to help them improve she distracted him.

  “How many soldiers does that make in the city, Ca

  Pulling more papers from his pocket, he added some numbers before raising his head again.

  “Best I can tell we are nearing twenty thousand,” He said with confidence.

  She smiled and turned to Daniel, “You did very well with Love.”

  As soon as the name of her horse left her mouth, she wished she had not spoken at all, even if it was a compliment. Daniel looked confused and glanced at his wife for some sort of understanding.

  “I’m sorry, I named the white horse. Her name is Love,” She added.

  Daniel seemed to understand and relaxed his shoulders, “Thanks. She was a fine horse to begin with but trained easily with the rocks hitting so often. She shouldn’t spook even if she were set on fire.”

  Twilix laughed trying to hide her embarrassment, “Well, you did a fine job. I would like her to be my personal horse after this is all finished.”

  Daniel nodded and looked over the new list he was given. She watched him examine the horses as they were carefully lifted out of the boats and placed on the docks. After a few moments, he turned towards her.

  “We are nearing two hundred horses for the cavalry. Although, half of the horses aren’t what I would call warhorse material,” He said.

  “I’m sure with the training you give them, they will serve their purpose for this battle well enough,” She said as she saw a hooded man step off the boat. “Captain, who is that?”

  Wells shrugged and walked towards the hooded figure speaking with the dockmaster. It wasn’t long before Wells led the man to Twilix. When he approached, he pulled the cloak from his face to reveal familiar features. For the first time in weeks, she felt a bubble of excitement well up in her chest.

  “Calvin! Is it truly you?” She said with glee hurrying towards him trying not to run.

  The former king’s advisor went to a knee and clasped his fist to his chest as he bowed. The formality of the bow was something she had seen Calvin give only to King Atmos’ father.

  “Majesty, I come to serve you as it pleases you,” He said with his face down.

  Twilix nearly jumped and clapped her hands in joy, “It pleases me! Get up, get up. We have a lot to talk about.”

  Calvin took his time getting off one knee and a moment to look around, his eyes finally settling on the wielders practicing on the far dock.

  “It appears you have been very busy,” He said as he watched.

  Twilix took his arm and started leading him away, “Jessica, have the tea brought to the throne room. See that Ria is requested to join us there, as well as the Commander.”

  Jessica curtsied and ran about her business with a quick wave to her husband. A small set of guards followed Twilix as she walked with Calvin through the streets towards the inner walls of her castle.

  “I hear my son is not within the city walls?” Calvin asked.

  Twilix shook her head, “No, he is with Kilen as they recruit soldiers.”

  Calvin nodded, “I will wait for his safe return. It’s about time we reconnected as a family.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, shouldn’t you be with the Elders?” Twilix asked.

  The old wizard took a slow breath from what she was sure was not the tempo of the walk. His eyes gave nothing away except for frustration at the mention of the Elders.

  “They did not exactly see eye to eye with me. I arrived at their camp shortly before Kilen did and was accepted into their ranks. Although I was given free reign of the town, they kept Kilen at a distance from me. I did not know their motive then, but I suspect I do now,” He said as if he held a great secret.

  “Is there something else besides them making sure he claimed the throne?” Twilix asked.

  “That is most of it,” Calvin said. “I fear however that there is more than they are revealing. It is the Elders very nature to use subterfuge to achieve their goals rather than outright action. I believe in action as does my son Brent.”

  “I thought you disagreed with his motives most of the time?”

  Calvin gave a small laugh, “Brent was always a bit more ostentatious in his actions than I wanted him to be. People could see through his plans to read them as they were. He hid nothing, and I hoped to teach him how to at least make it seem he was hiding something. I’m sure he came to understand that.”

  Twilix gave a small laugh, “I don’t think he did, but having you here seeking him out will mean a great deal to him.”

  Calvin took another large breath as they walked through the castle's courtyard. Gortus was kneeling, holding his blade across his lap as he had done when he began Kilen’s training each day. Twilix was sure it wouldn’t be long before his giant blade was whistling through the air in preparation for battle.

  “It’s a good sign that Gortus is here. He alone will keep Atmos from getting close to the city,” Calvin whispered.

  “Why’s that?” Twilix asked.

  Calvin watched the Kapal until they entered the castle and began winding their way up the stairs to the throne room.

  “Atmos won't admit it, but he is fearful of Gortus. It’s not all Kapal he’s afraid of, it’s Gortus in particular. The moment he started training your husband, Atmos showed his fear. I was able to listen in on secret meetings between Brandon, Atmos, and Captain Lorusk as they plotted to kill Kilen. Jace died as a result of one of those plots going awry.”

  “So Jace wasn’t a traitor.”

  “Oh no, he was, but not to Kilen,” Calvin corrected her. “Each of the plots was designed so Gortus would have no way of protecting Kilen. In Atmos’ plans to avoid Gortus, he gave away his fear. Atmos has tried to control the Kapal for years, and the more he tried to control Gortus, the more Gortus pushed back. If you have not already, I would ask him how he feels about killing Atmos. I think you would be pleasantly surprised by the answer.”

  “I don’t think Kilen would like me sending Gortus to kill Atmos. It would be too dangerous of a mission.”

  “Your life may be in danger if you speak like that in front of Gortus. He would definitely take that as an insult,” Calvin said as he helped Twilix up the last few steps.


  “Did you forget already that he is a Kapal? Atmos relies on his imbuements and power to intimidate those who oppose him. Against a Kapal all the imbuements in the world are useless. If he even came near Atmos, the out of shape king would crumple under his own weight,” Calvin said, laughing.

  Twilix shook her head, “We won’t be able to get Gortus near Atmos during the battle. He would just die to trying to get there.”

  “Gortus doesn’t have to go after him. All he has to do is wait in the city so Atmos doesn’t come in. King Atmos, like his father, has spent his life hoarding all the imbuements he could. Forcing Atmos to keep his distance from the battle is taking their most dangerous weapon,” Calvin said as if he were teaching one of his son’s.

  “We should put him somewhere he can be seen.”

  Calvin smiled, “So Atmos will fear coming too close to the city.”

  “Thank you for you insight, Wizard Parker,” Twilix said.

  He gave a half bow, “I didn’t come here to be insightful.”

  As he finished the sentence the throne rooms doors burst open with Ria walking into the room. She gracefully walked down the stairs and had a seat in her rocking chair.

  “Has he told you how to rule your kingdom yet?” Ria said as she opened a book from the top of the stack. Even though she was an earth wizard, when she spoke of the commander, she looked like she could wield fire.

  Calvin smiled, “It has been a long time, Ria. I was hoping you were still around. I departed the Elder Wizards on not-so-wonderful terms and wanted to speak with you about them.”

  Ria’s book made a pop as she slapped it shut, “You left the Elder Wizards? I would have thought a great many things possible, but not this.”

  “Yes. I have to admit, I placed a lot of faith in their decisions in the past. After spending some time with them, I can see they a
re not who they let on to be. They are a stagnant lot of scared wielders,” Calvin said with a straight face.

  Ria placed the book back on the stack as Jessica came into the room with a tray of food and tea. As refreshments were distributed, Ria’s eyes barely left the gray-haired wizard. Her dirt-encrusted fingernails tapped the curled wood arm of her chair.

  “What did they do,” Ria finally asked before taking a drink.

  Calvin sat down in the first row of seats in the throne room and placed his cup beside him. His face showed signs of frustration when he spoke, “You mean besides manipulating a child into becoming a king and leaving him to fight this battle on his own? I think that was enough for me.”

  Ria’s hand shook a little as she placed her teacup back on its saucer, “I do believe there is hope for you yet, Wizard Parker.”

  Calvin nodded, “You both look a bit tired. Shall I renew your strength?”

  Ria smiled and held out her hand. Calvin rose and took her hand. The lines of fatigue faded from her face. Twilix watch as Ria gained day's worth of rest in only a moment. When Calvin let go of the earth wizard’s hands, she looked renewed and happier than Twilix had seen the woman since she met her.

  Calvin held his hands open, awaiting Twilix’s permission. She smiled and put her hands in his. The feeling of exhaustion started fading from her body. Just as she was starting to feel like herself again, Calvin’s hands pulled away. Twilix opened her eyes and looked up at him.

  “You are with child?” He asked.

  Twilix nodded and smiled.

  “Are you happy?” Calvin asked as she was still nodding.

  Twilix thought it was an odd question to ask a pregnant woman, but she tried to ignore that.

  “Very,” She said smiling from ear to ear.

  Calvin took up her hands once more, “Then I am happy for you. There is no better joy in this world than to watch your children grow into their own. I pray that the Brights always watch over you and your children.”


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