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Leviathan's King (The Search for the Brights Book 3)

Page 38

by Aaron Thomas

  With the end of complement, the rejuvenation began again. The last week of healing and magic use had taken a far greater toll on her body than she predicted. Calvin’s earth magic washed every bit of it away, leaving her feeling warm and happy. She smiled at the thought of her children feeling the same way.

  Commander Ray walked into the throne room at a brisk pace with his armor echoing off the floor while he walked. His steps slowed as he looked at Calvin standing on the dais.

  “Oh, I was wondering where they had sent you,” Calvin said as Ray approached.

  Ray gave a half bow to Twilix, ignoring Calvin, “You summoned me, Majesty?”

  Twilix looked between the two men feeling an awkward tension between them. She then realized that Calvin had left the Elders against their will and Ray had come by their instruction. She wondered if there was a punishment for leaving the Elders once you were a part of their ranks. She supposed she would have her answer in the next few days by the way they acted.

  Twilix asked.“Well, you two probably know each other, so I will spare you the introductions. Wizard Parker has agreed to help us. I would like you to escort him to the wall and have him renew our wielders. That is, if you are still up to the task Wizard Parker?”

  Calvin turned away from the commander and gave a bow, “It would be my pleasure. I only ask that after I renew the wielders, I can return here to get some rest of my own. I have spent a few too many days laying on rocks and sticks. I could use a good night’s sleep before I aid Ria in training your wielders.”

  “Of course. I will have a room made up for you in the Councilman's Quarters,” Twilix said.

  She watched them depart the throne room and felt excitement bubble up inside of her. She turned to Ria, who was watching her intently. Twilix, for once, did not care. With the arrival of Calvin, their situation had changed completely.

  “We can win this,” She said to Ria.

  Ria narrowed her eyes for a moment, “Child, that is what we have been preparing for. Don’t tell me you planned on losing?”

  “Of course not,” Twilix said finding a book of her own. “It’s just, with Calvin here we actually stand a chance.”

  Ria let out a humph, “Your confidence in these men is not inspiring. I would advise you that you keep any more statements of that kind to yourself. A small whisper of doubt from a queen and your walls would crumble from the inside by the panic that would ensue. Even in the face of death, your role is to act as if death is afraid of you.”

  Twilix picked up a book from her own stack, “I will try to keep that in mind.”

  She found it hard to concentrate on her book now that she had a massive surge of hope walk through her door. She put the dusty pages on her seat and walked out of the throne room. She didn’t know if she would be able to sit down until she saw the look of everyone’s face when Calvin went out and restored this castles army of weary faces. Instead of sit still, Twilix walked the halls of her castle and did her best to take in all the changes that Jessica had made.

  Chapter 26 - The King of Flames

  A field of weaponless and tired people finished piling their tools for the end of the day. Bowie watched from a safe distance in the trees. Their camp was very large, well organized and busy. No matter how close Bowie came, he still couldn’t see just what it was they were making.

  Large logs laid strewn about in different states of processing. Most were stripped of their limbs and bark. They were shaved smoothed and distributed to other areas of the camp. What made it confusing was each log being cut into uniquely shaped pieces for specialized uses. He would have thought they were building houses, but none of the pieces were long enough for the side of a house.

  Watching closely, he could see a familiar face walking amongst the workers. Catherine Hill was an elementalist and a woman whom he had spared in the Earth Realm. Bowie watched as she gave out orders and pointed men to go in each direction, helping the workers with their burdens from the day. Women carried pots of water and food as they crowded the men finishing their tasks.

  Catherine looked down at her parchment and wrote with a long feather quill. After writing something down, a man stepped forward, gave a small report, and walked away. She jotted down the report and continued until all the workers had gone back to camp. Catherine waved the last few people away and stretched as she walked a small distance away from the camp.

  Bowie thought this would be his best chance at gaining information. He stepped out from his hiding place amongst the trees and brush and put his hands in the air, “Mrs. Hill?”

  She was a bit started but turned towards him. Some of the workers nearby noticed and fetched whatever tool they could and ran to surround her. Bowie took a couple more steps forward until he was told to stop. Catherine stood amongst her circle of men wielding axes and hammers. She cocked her head sideways, examining Bowie as if she didn’t recognize him.

  “I use to wear a black hat?” He asked, trying to jog her memory.

  She shrugged and took a step forward, “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.”

  “My name is Bowie Crescent. Some people call me Master Crescent for recognition of my trade name,” Bowie said, smiling his best smile.

  “You were with the wizard at my farm house, weren’t you?” Catherine asked, pushing in front of her men.

  “Yes, that was me,” He said, putting his arms down to his side.

  The few men that were protecting Catherine moved to block her path for protection. They wielded the familiar tools of their work, which seemed to make them more confident. Bowie rapidly put his hands back on his head.

  “Stop,” Catherine commanded. “Gentlemen, this is the legendary Master Bowie Crescent. He is a wielder of immense power and would probably kill half our camp before you could cross the distance with those tools.”

  Her voice sounded more matter of fact than it did condescending or insulting. Catherine turned to walk away and curled a finger for Bowie to follow. He slowly lowered his hands as the men lowered their makeshift weapons. He squeezed in between them as they tried to make sense of him.

  She turned her head when Bowie caught up, “I hear that you are now an outlaw?”

  Bowie took a moment to fish out one of the posters with his face drawn on it. He handed it to her and cleared his throat, “Ria had a lot to do with that.”

  “Heathen wielders will always get you into trouble, Master Crescent,” Catherine said. She smiled, “Although, Ria did have a great taste in tea. I wish I had a bit of what she served us that day at my cottage. The taste just hasn’t been quenched since then, unpleasant as our meeting circumstances were.”

  Bowie reached back into his bag and pulled out a small pouch of tea leaves Ria had given him.

  “I don’t know if it’s the same tea, but it came from her, and you are welcome to it,” Bowie said, holding it out.

  Catherine stopped and gently took up the tea. She checked the contents before pulling the drawstring closed and putting in her pocket.

  “What is it that you want, Master Crescent? I am sure that you are not here to enforce his majestie’s laws,” She said being very blunt.

  “I am leading a few people from the south on our way to Leviathan. I was simply scouting ahead so I wouldn’t lead them into danger,” Bowie said as he looked around at the camp.

  From what he could see, there wasn’t a single weapon of war other than the tools the men wielded towards him. Children of all ages, men, and women alike, roamed the camp performing various chores as they watched him. Whatever was cooking in the nearest pot made his stomach growl. He tried ignoring it knowing he shouldn’t press his luck at getting any.

  “Leading more to their deaths?” Catherine asked with an eyebrow arched.

  Bowie scratched his head. He never really liked thinking about the men he’d lost. It wasn’t his idea to attack. Even though they did well in battle, he still felt bad for all the lives taken and felt somewhat responsible for them.

  “Where they go
is up to them, I am just trying to make the journey a little safer,” Bowie replied.

  “Diplomatic words, Master Crescent,” She said as she started walking again. She disappeared inside a small tent and waved him inside, leaving the flap open. She offered him a seat on a small wooden stool that seemed to be recently made.

  She started to prepare the tea leaves he gave her but only put one cup on the small table.

  “If you lead these people through our camp you will be in no danger. However, you will be leading them directly into battle. King Atmos has control of the land that surrounds Leviathan, except for Basham. A large army gathers there, but for some reason, Atmos is waiting for that force to come to him from the land,” She said while working to warm her water by a small fire just outside the tent.

  “The battle has started?”

  “Atmos started his attack over a week ago. He uses the siege weapons we were commissioned to build for him but doesn’t do anything else,” She looked over her shoulder at him.

  Bowie gave a sarcastic chuckle, “You're working for Atmos?”

  “For the time being,” She replied as if it were a bad taste in her mouth. “We have agreed to make the weapons so long as we don't have to fight. When the battle is over, we will be able to have a bit of land to ourselves and make a new life there, free of wielders.”

  Thoughts ran through Bowie’s head, but none sounded like the right thing to say at the moment. He wanted to tell her how making the siege weapons was just as bad as using them, but he had no room to talk. He looked shamefully down at his wind imbued bracer and remembered all the people he had killed in battle while he was hidden safely behind a wall.

  Catherine’s pot started to simmer, and she removed it from the fire. He took it as his cue and stood.

  “Thank you for your information. I think I will lead the people the long way around to Basham. I hope you get the peace you are looking for,” He said, bowing as best he could.

  Catherine set the pot down and reached out to shake Bowie’s hand, “Thank you for the tea. If you happen to see Wizard Ria, tell her I say hello.”

  Bowie took her hand in his just before her men hastened him from the camp. He hoped he would have time to catch and turn the large group of rogue wizards before they reached this group of elementalists. If he didn’t, there would probably be trouble. Stopping them meant they would have to backtrack, and at their already slow speed that would mean they wouldn’t make the battle in time.

  Auburn was nervously waiting with Charger and Sally where he left her, nearly a mile down the road. She was sitting amongst the branches of the trees, watching him approach. She made a bird call when he came near as if his wind vision wouldn’t show her amongst the leaves. He mounted charger and watched as she dropped from a branch.

  “Who are they?” She asked

  “It was a friend and others from the Earth Realm. We had tea at her house. Catherine, remember? They’re building siege weapons for Atmos,” Bowie said, turning Charger towards the road.

  “You have some strange friends,” Auburn replied.

  “C‘mon, we have to turn the caravan before they walk right into battle,” Bowie called as he kicked his horse into a gallop.


  The familiar scents of Muana filled his nostrils, Elrick took a deep breath sucking in the smells of home. Sparing only a second of the moment he pressed on, leaving the rest of his most faithful Crimson behind. The streets of the Fire Realm capital was empty and that meant only bad things for him.

  His leg muscles burned as he charged for the center of the city. A cheer rose from the streets ahead as he realized his fears were far closer to fruition. A contest of fighters was being held at this very moment to choose the man that would replace him as king. From the sound of the crowd, he would have one hour before the next challenge took place, but he needed to see who was fighting.

  Snatching a hooded robe hanging to dry, he covered himself as to not be recognized. Elrick knew that showing his face could get him killed if someone with proper interests wanted to see their king of choice on the throne instead of him. He quietly weaved his way in and out of the crowd until he came to the lip of the area. Looking down he saw his second in command standing on a stone square platform in the center of a large sand pit.

  For a new king to be named, he would have to be the last man willing to stand on the square. Pada stood looking down on the stones, now splattered with a mixture of his blood and the blood of his challengers. Elrick remembered the feeling of waiting for the next challenger. He remembered being forced to fight his friends and comrades to be named king.

  Crimson trainees drug the challenger from the platform as he gasped his last breaths. Once out of the arena the trainees would stabilize the man so he might stand a chance to heal on his own. The pain of recovering naturally was to be a reminder of how the challengers failed to defeat Pada for the crown.

  Pada, on the other hand, was flanked by two women dressed in layers of white silk. Placing a finger on either shoulder, he shuddered as earth and water magic flowed into his body leaving him whole and renewed. Pada raised his head and held the two blades at his side as he waited for the next challenger. It would be almost another hour before the next one walked into the arena.

  Working his way around the rim of the arena, Elric listened to women send their men to place bets or fetch them sustenance. Having been claimed by a woman, these men had no reason to fight in or watch the battles. They instead served their wives, as their proper place in the Fire Realm.

  As he closed in on the throne, he saw his wife paying no attention to the battles in front of her. She was much frailer than he remembered her being. He stopped to picture her in his mind before pressing forward. On her right side sat a blonde councilwoman that was slated to take the throne, Wizard Cynthia Trale. The girl had been groomed for years to take the throne, and her presence was one that Elrick disdained. Cynthia had a particular disgust for men and beat them for any minor glance or imperfection. Elrick hoped one day she would be discovered as a traitor just so he could have a reason to return some of the punishment she had given out.

  To the other side of the queen, a woman with long black hair sat looking intently at the man in the center of the ring. He was sure he’d seen the woman before, but couldn’t remember where. He pushed her from his mind and focused on his wife. She looked for another husband when he was there alive and with her. He wondered what she would do when he presented himself to her.

  Coming to the edge of the queens guarded pavilion he pushed back the hood on the cloak letting it slip from his shoulders. Some of the Crimson gasped as he approached, others saluted as he passed without question. Catching the queen’s eye, she sat up on her pillowed seat.

  “Elrick? Is it truly you?” Aris said as women all around gasped at his return.

  Elrick knelt in front of his wife and placed his fist against his chest, “I have returned, my Queen.”

  There was a moment of silence as he was sure Aris was trying to contemplate the political situations his return would complicate. Elrick waited patiently as he recuperated from his run and prepared for what he knew would have to happen next.

  “Elrick, you must know I am pleased that you have returned to me-” Aris took a deep breath - “But your return is only a day too late. I would dishonor all those that have fought and have been challenged in the arena. The contest will press on, my husband, only the best fighter can lead the Crimson and be my General,” For the first time he heard unsteadiness in her voice.

  “I understand my queen,” He replied loudly enough that the closest woman could hear.

  Aris sighed, “You know that my new husband will have to execute you for your failure.”

  “I know, my Queen,” Elrick said before standing. “Which is why I must fight to remain your husband.

  Aris took a deep thoughtful breath and gave a small nod of her head. Elrick was hoping for this; a second chance at being king. He only had to fight P
ada and win a second time. Turning away from his wife, he stepped to the edge of the arena and dropped inside. Landing on the thick white sand, he gave his body a few last stretches before he approached his second in command.

  “You have done well, Pada,” Elrick said as he stood below his friend.

  Pada looked in his eyes, “Thank you, Majesty. Are you here to challenge me?”

  Elric gave a nod.

  “I won’t be easy. I don’t wish your throne, but I do not want the dishonor of losing to you a second time. I will never be worth enough for any woman to call me husband if I do,” Pada said.

  “I understand, my friend. Fight your best, and I will do the same. My life is on the line as much as your honor,” Elrick said, walking up to Pada.

  Pada took a step back, holding his two swords out in front of him, “I am armed. You better make yourself armed as well.”

  Elric shook his head, “I have much more to prove than you, Pada. I must do this empty handed, and for that I am sorry.”

  Pada took another step back, “I cannot show your mercy. Please take a blade.”

  Elric stopped, now standing only a few feet from his second in command.

  “Today I am your enemy, and you should never show an enemy mercy. If you do, you will end up defeated by a handshake. Fight me with everything you have, Pada. It is not in me to show mercy to anyone again,” Elrick said as he took another step forward, backing Pada off the pedestal.

  A wide swing from one of Pada’s blades caused Elric to take a step back. At the moment Pada flipped his sword over grasping his second sword by the handle, the fight began. Taking a step to the side, Elric dodged an underhand arcing swing as he batted Pada’s forearm aside.

  Just as the man had trained, a sword backswing caused Elric to retreat another step. Empty handed, he held open palms before him readying for the next attack. At first, they came slowly as Pada kept Elrick at a distance. As the man’s arms tired, the blades were held to his side, allowing Elric to advance in small amounts and take glancing blows at Pada’s midsection.


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