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Leviathan's King (The Search for the Brights Book 3)

Page 39

by Aaron Thomas

  One such attack wasn’t anticipated and caused Elric to take a cut to his arm. It was shallow and bled only for a moment. The pain of the cut mixed with the fatigue of his muscles and warned him to be careful. He tried to remember everything he learned from his brothers. He watched Pada’s eyes and feet at the same time. Their movements gave away the attack so he would have time to react. Pada’s eyes didn’t even look at Elrick, they looked to the stand where the queen watched.

  Elrick lunged and dove to the side causing Pada to turn away and put his back to the queen. He then noticed Pada’s attention was back into the fight, but the woman with the black hair had eyes that read of panic as she watched Pada dance. The brief moment it took him to read Pada’s love for the woman opened Elrick to an attack that left him bleeding from his chest.

  Wincing in pain, he tumbled to the sand and rolled to his feet. Looking down, he watched as the sand painfully rubbed together in the new open crease in his chest. He knew the small pieces of stone would help stop the bleeding, so he left them in place. Stepping forward, he feigned a rage which gave Pada a moment of excitement in his attack. The swing of the blade cut Elric’s underarm but gave him a chance to strike Pada’s wrist while it passed.

  The blade came free of his grasp and sunk itself into the sand leaving the handle wavering in the air. He knew Pada wouldn’t retrieve the blade; his honor barely allowed him to fight with the weapons he began with. Retrieving a fallen weapon would have sullied it even further. Elric didn’t wait for another attack. He dove in close and wrapped his left arm around Pada’s sword arm.

  With his strong arm, Elric slammed his open hand into Pada’s ribs. When he started to block, Elric adjusted the blow and pummeled his face until Pada’s other sword dropped to the ground. The two men stood chest to chest, beating each other with bare hands as the crowd cheered. The contest of skill had become a contest of strength and willpower.

  Elric’s already weak and burning muscles begged him to release Pada, but he continued to fight until he felt a bone break beneath his impact. The first sound of pain escaped Pada’s lips, and Elric slammed his hand again into his friend’s side.

  Pada’s legs buckled, but Elric held him up in the grasp of his left arm. With his right arm, he slammed his fist again into the man’s side, hearing another bone break. Pada’s lips opened, and red tinted drool coated the man’s teeth. Elric hit him one more time before letting the man’s arm slip from his grasp, sending him to his knees.

  Elric took a moment to breathe as he stood over Pada, “Sorry, friend. I will do what I can for you from the throne.”

  Pada spat blood and mucus on the ground before lifting his head. With his arms at his side, he looked up at Elric and closed his eyes. A closed fist knocked Pada limply to his back. Elric took a breath as he waved the trainees out to collect Pada. The woman next to the queen had eyes full of tears as he walked to the pedestal. The woman and Pada didn’t know what Elric had just done for the both of them. He hoped one day Pada would forgive him for the dishonor he had given out today.

  Some cheers rose out of the crowd, but it mostly fell silent as two women in white dresses touched Elric’s shoulders. His wounds closed and dropped dried blood and sand to the stonework. He had an hour to wait, and if no challenger came, he would be king again.

  Elric looked at his wife as he waited and noticed the dark-haired woman to her left paid him no attention. Instead, her eyes were watching the iron bars from which Pada had disappeared behind. She was sad now, but when the woman finds out he made it possible for her to be with Pada, he knew she would thank him for bringing the man so close to death. He’d contemplated losing his first set of battles while in competition for the throne when he was younger so that another would be burdened by the throne. He thought it selfish to think of finding a woman to love instead of leading the Crimson.

  The girl's clear affection for Pada was unexpected, and he relaxed at the thought that Pada would still possibly lead an honorable life as the woman’s husband.


  The Earth Realm king watched as rock after rock was hurled through the air, crashing into Leviathan.

  The cracks mended shut almost as soon as the stones struck. Again and again, the trebuchets were reset and loaded with more stones. Atmos was growing more frustrated each day.

  Just when he began to make headway collapsing the wall, the damage done miraculously closed in on itself with a renewed vigor. It had taken him a week and a half to create the crack that sealed together in a matter of minutes. He knew they were using magic inside to repair the walls but how they managed to keep up was beyond his grasp.

  Turning to his second in command Atmos grunted, “Captain, I want you to start alternating the oil, staggering their shots. Let’s see if we can set some of the wielders on fire.”

  The captain was a good and loyal soldier, and Atmos knew he would have to be rewarded immensely for his work. Lorusk saluted and went about distributing orders. One last wave of rocks flew through the air again sending small fractures up the walls. His adversary was growing bolder by having the wielders walk the top of the wall. They stopped only to heal the battlements as they passed.

  Large clay pots filled with oil were being loaded in every other trebuchet. Just before their release, an oil-soaked rag was lit by a torch that would trail up the side of the pot as it crossed through the air. On impact, the clay pot would break, exposing the contained oil to the fire, bathing the target in flames. The oil would burn for a few minutes before extinguishing on its own.

  Captain Lorusk issued the orders to the trebuchets, and the first set of flaming attacks were launched. Atmos watched as the silent trails of smoke made their way over the walls. Soon after they disappeared from view, he could see large plumes of smoke that rose to the sky, turning from white to black. Still, his focus wasn’t entirely on the smoke or the screams that echoed out from behind the walls.

  Atmos’ eyes stayed intent on the walls of the city as the trebuchets reloaded. What seemed like forever made his excitement raise until at last the siege weapon teams put up a flag to signal they were ready for the next volley. When all the flags were raised, he could feel his heartbeat in his neck as he waited for Captain Lorusk to issue the order. Rocks and pots of oil again sailed the distance. Atmos stood up in his saddle to watch the boulders collide with the already-cracked walls.

  He almost shouted in joy as the rocks collided and sent more fissures amongst the damage the previous volley and made. The occupants of Leviathan were not able to combat the flames and heal the walls at the same time. He had finally found a weakness to exploit.

  Turning in his horse, his eyes found the second in command; Lieutenant Vincent Roads. The man had taken up the deceased Lieutenant Borgan’s position with ease after the battle with the Fire Realm. Vincent had also fought beside the fletcher during the battle and knew what the boy was capable of.

  “Lieutenant Roads, assemble the army. Make sure that the battering rams are ready for deployment in the next couple hours. I want every man in armor and a weapon in hand as quickly as possible. The walls are crumbling,” Atmos said with pleasure.

  The trebuchets were already reloading as the captain made his way back to the king. He reined in beside Atmos and pulled back his horse so he was positioned slightly behind Atmos.

  “My lord, the walls were not repairing,” Lorusk said.

  The captain said it as if he was confirming something Atmos already knew. Atmos gave a slight nod of his head.

  The captain continued to speak, “Shall I set the Trebuchets to fire at will, my lord?”

  The king’s horse danced under him, probably feeling his excitement.

  “Yes, keep alternating their shots. We will rule that city by morning,” Atmos said happily.

  The captain gave a salute before spurring his horse back to the line of siege weapons. On his way, the man signaled another volley to be released. Atmos smiled and stood again in his saddle, he was going to enjoy every
second of this attack.

  Chapter 27 - The Darkness

  The streets closest to the inner city were filled with soldiers, injured or worn out from healing those they could. Twilix herself was on the verge of collapse as she waded through the sea of men. She walked towards the new command post midway from the castle to the outer city walls. The firelight in the distance gave her path the visibility she needed although the smoke that hung in the streets still stung her eyes.

  Using the slightest bit of magic, she coated her eyes with water from the air to take away the sting and shuffled forward. They told her not to push herself, but this was her city, and she would do what was necessary to keep it. She gave smiles to some of the half-asleep soldiers that were trying to raise themselves in honor of her presence. She waved a hand, and they slumped back against the buildings and curbs of the streets.

  Pushing aside the door of the command post, she slipped inside and listened to Ray and Calvin in discussion over the map.

  “We’ve pulled all the troops back except for those with water and fire imbuements. We need to regroup what men are still able to fight and prepare them to man the wall at a moment's notice,” Ray said while intently staring at a scroll.

  Calvin scratched his chin and cleared his throat, “I suppose if we keep men in the buildings with magic stone roofs, it may protect them from the fire. They could remain closer to the walls for a quicker reaction time, but moving large groups to those locations will be taxing on our already exhausted wielders. The trebuchets are firing at unpredictable intervals so we can’t move them without risk.”

  Twilix let out a sigh which brought the conversation to a halt, “Use the alleyways and backdoors of the establishments for less exposure, and you will use less magic. Perhaps talk with the captain to see if some soldiers know ways that will put them in a less vulnerable position.”

  Both the men turned to see her slumping down in the chair. They both saluted and then turned to shrug at each other.

  “You may have a good idea,” Ray said, looking back over the map of the city.”

  “Majesty,” Calvin said, coming to her side. “You shouldn’t be this far from the inner city. It’s far too dangerous for a pregnant woman, let alone the queen.”

  “It’s my city, and I will go where I please. Give me an update,” She commanded.

  Without asking permission, Calvin placed a hand on her shoulder filling her with energy. She smiled knowing she would be able to heal more men on her way back to the inner city. Then she remembered they didn’t need healing, they needed energy. Most hadn't slept for days and being healed was taking the energy out of their bodies.

  “Atmos has moved battering rams closer to the city. His army is forming ranks outside, and it won’t be long until the true battle begins. I predict we have a few hours at most. We need to get as many men close to that wall so when the wall is breached, we can react quickly,” The commander explained.

  Twilix listened to his words as if they were a death sentence. She saw the state of her forces on her way to the post. Atmos’ soldiers hadn't even begun to exhaust themselves.

  “Very well, make sure that it is done within the hour. I want to know the moment they are in place,” She commanded as if they hadn’t already planned on informing her.

  Calvin gave a sympathetic smile, “We will make sure it’s done. Please, Majesty, go to the throne room, await our word and get some rest.”

  Twilix reluctantly nodded her head and departed the command post. Crossing the next two city streets, she found no one wounded to heal. Each man was so exhausted that healing a wound would have drained what was left of their energy and most likely killed them anyways so she continued on. Another round of attacks bathed the outer city in a red-orange light from flames behind her.

  It took another ten minutes before Twilix entered the palace grounds. Ria was already hard at work energizing anyone coming off the boat and sending them to Captain Ross. Twilix could see a bead of sweat roll down the side of the wizard’s face. It was quickly wiped away as she approached Twilix.

  “How fares the command post?” Ria asked casually.

  Twilix gave a slight smile, “It holds. Wizard Parker and the commander are about to regroup our troops in safe locations near the wall. They think the real attack will begin soon.”

  “However unfortunate it is that the fight will begin, I think our troops need it. Sitting behind our walls and despairing over their deaths is causing some of them to become frightened. The sooner we can let them do their job, the more effective they will be,” Ria said as she started walking towards the palace.

  Twilix followed keeping pace, “Yes, the fear could cause us some problems. I think, however, the exhaustion will cause us much more.”

  “There is little we can do about the exhaustion, but the fear we can prevent. Preventing fear is much like curing darkness. Darkness can be washed away by a candle’s flame. Fear can be washed away with the smallest amount of hope,” Ria said as they ascended the staircase to the throne room.

  “So how do I inspire them to fight?” Twilix asked.

  “You are already doing it. You walk the streets and show them that you do not fear,” Ria replied. “As soon as you get some more rest, you can resume your duty of lighting the candle.”

  Ria’s concept was simple but effective. Twilix was already feeling better with the inspiration Ria had provided with her words. For the first time, she realized the reason the men had for protecting this city. She and her husband provided hope for an entire realm by raising a castle. She knew more than ever that she would have to keep the city safe.

  Twilix’s concentration was broken by Ria’s voice as she came to the top of the stairs.

  “Keep your distance, Kapal. We have not the strength to stand with you near us,” Ria warned in a commanding voice.

  Twilix finished climbing the stairs to see Gortus looking out a window over the city. The Kapal’s black armor seemed to make him invisible in the darkened hallway. The man hadn’t set much more than a foot outside the castle in the last week, fearing a wielder would wander too close to him. Now Ria was telling him he wasn’t safe even inside the castle.

  Twilix waved Ria into the room. Ria reluctantly went inside. Twilix took a deep breath and slowly approached Gortus. She’d been in his void many times before and prided herself on not letting her fear show around him. As she got to about five feet away she felt the void slide over her, and her connection to the water disappear. She stood at his side and looked out the window with him.

  Small streaking lights were crossing paths in the darkness near the edge of the city. Small fireballs and flame lashed out giving a temporary orange luster to the city. No sound could be heard except for the occasional stone hitting the outer wall. She was sure if she was a little closer she could hear the battle commands being given and the screaming of men in battle.

  “It has begun,” Gortus said in a low voice through pointed teeth.

  Twilix nodded, “So much for getting rest. How come you’re not there fighting?”

  Gortus turned his face to look at her and left the window, slowly walking to the throne room. Twilix followed behind, hoping she didn’t offend the warrior.

  “Kapal are nearly useless in a battle like this. We are more effective facing a wielder one on one. If I could get to where the opposing wielders were then I would be much more effective,” Gortus explained.

  Twilix sighed, “I have seen you training with Kilen. You are the most talented swordsmen I have ever seen. Surely you could be of use in battle.”

  Gortus gave an intimidating version of a smile, “I am sure I would be. Unfortunately, it only takes one arrow to fell the best swordsmen. A thrown axe not seen could land in my back, a misstep could break bones. In a battle, I am as vulnerable as any other man.”

  Twilix rounded into the throne room to see Jessica and Daniel embraced near the front row of benches. Gortus took up his place laying down and putting a bedroll under his head. H
e closed his eyes and ignored the conversations around him. Ria sat, slightly sipping her tea as she rocked.

  She turned back towards the window, wanting to throw herself into battle. Reluctantly, Twilix kept moving to her throne. She listened as Jessica quietly whispered to her husband in fear of what would happen this night. He told her that he would protect her, giving a half smile and flexed one arm.

  “Are you going to the battle?” Twilix asked.

  With their conversation brokenm Jessica looked as though she would be sick. Twilix watched as the color drained from her face in fear of losing her husband.

  Daniel shook his head no, “I wouldn’t be good in battle. The only weapon I am descent with is a hammer. Now, if you need me to shoe some horses, I may be able to help. Otherwise, I think I would be just getting in the way.”

  Ria spoke from behind her book, “You know there are a great many warriors that went to battle with a hammer.”

  “Not the kind of hammer I use. Mine is made for putting nails in the bottom of a horse’s hoof,” Daniel replied.

  “Is it made of steel? Would it not hurt someone if you struck them with it? I think you would be better in battle than you think,” Ria replied without looking up.

  Daniel opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Twilix saw him watching her as if she may give the command for him to join at any moment. She gave him a small smile to assure him that she didn’t plan on it. He seemed to understand and pulled Jessica in tight. She thought he probably now realized that he may yet have to fight for their lives.

  Everyone in the room was silent for a time. Each in their own deep contemplation of the events that could transpire fairly soon. A large clanging of metal armor drifted up the stairs alerting Twilix to a coming soldier. She sat up in her throne awaiting the news from near the wall. Soon, Ray entered the throne room coming to kneel before Twilix.


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