Aqua Domination
Page 13
‘We’ll get several kinds of plastic cords, ropes, belts, whatever,’ she stated. ‘Cheap stuff like that is useful because it’s disposable. We can throw it away if it gets oily.’
They ended up buying a surprising amount of things for the bathroom and for domination games, some of which startled Carol and Faye greatly. As they drove home in Carol’s new red Volvo, they shared a great excitement. Sensing Mary’s new determination and energy, Carol and Faye were also a little nervous.
After unpacking the groceries, Mary did something to make Carol and Faye even more nervous and excited: she took the black plastic bag of domination garments and equipment from her car boot and emptied it out on the living-room floor.
‘A few souvenirs from David,’ she explained.
The girls were amazed, and talked excitedly as they studied the items. They wanted to strip off and try them there and then, but Mary would not allow them such a quick satisfaction.
‘No, we’re going to wait,’ she said firmly. ‘We’ll have a long build-up, and then an even longer session. If we rush it won’t be so exciting. Look how nice the weather is. We should have a swim first.’
Full of anticipation, the three women had a happy time cleaning and discussing the bizarre pieces Mary had brought from David’s collection, as well as the many new things they had got from the supermarket, everyday items that could play a role in domination sessions. It was deeply thrilling to handle all this gear, and to know they would use it for extreme restraint and torment. Truly they felt like explorers of their own bodies, of the unknown borders of human sexuality and of their secret, hidden souls.
After a light lunch, they went into the back garden to have a swim in the pool. They wore swimsuits, as the pool could be seen from two nearby houses. Mary wore her new one-piece black suit with plunging neckline, while Faye had a red bikini and Carol a light-blue one-piece suit with a large oval cutout that showed part of her belly, flank and back. The women praised each other’s appearance with sincerity.
What fun life could be! All three women were strong swimmers, and it was delicious to swim deep to exchange caresses, and to splash and laugh in the sunlight that looked so fine and brave on trees, water and bodies. A bright-red plastic inflated chair floated on the surface, and it struck Mary that it would be useful in the bathroom. So they played in the water, teasing and arousing each other. After a short rest to get their breath back, they knew they had to start, as waiting any longer felt impossible.
To the bathroom they took the chair of inflated red plastic, and all the other items Mary thought they should try in their first bathroom session. They began to fill the bath, adding plenty of foam liquid. It was nowhere near as big as David’s bath, of course, but it was a good modern bath, wide and long and oval in shape, not a traditional narrow bath with high sides that seemed intended to make sex difficult. The shower was too small for their purposes, and there was a problem with the floor of the bathroom, which did not have drains and tiles as did David’s bathroom. They solved this by spreading a large plastic sheet on the floor next to the bath, so they gained the freedom of being able to use oil and splash water without having to worry about damaging the floor or staining the walls. A green-painted metal chair from the garden was placed on the sheet, as a useful piece of furniture for restraint.
Feeling somewhat subdued and serious, the three women removed their wet swimsuits in Carol’s bedroom. They knew they were about to do something very peculiar.
‘You’re willing to endure a terrible ordeal?’ Mary asked gravely.
‘Yes,’ Faye murmured, her eyes widening.
‘Why? Why should you do anything so foolish?’
Faye looked dumbfounded by the question. After hesitating, she blurted out the truth. ‘Because I want to.’
‘Very well,’ said Mary. ‘Our mission,’ she said to Carol, ‘is clear. We must cure this silly girl of her desire to submit by treating her so severely that she never feels such a perverse urge again. And we must punish her for flaunting her body in the swimming pool.’
‘That’s very good,’ Faye murmured. ‘Oh, Mary, you do it so well.’
‘Call me “Mistress” in future. And only speak if you’re asked a question.’
‘Come along, you silly girl,’ said Carol, following Mary’s lead. ‘This is going to be worse than you imagined.’
As the three of them entered the bathroom, as naked as fish, Mary almost expected to see David there. Life was so strange. Now she was following in David’s footsteps, trying his own unique fetish of bathroom domination, even though she had just broken up with him for the second, and final, time. It struck her forcibly that she was going to dominate a woman in the bathroom, just as he would have done. It was as if she were turning into David, becoming him. She thought that this would help her to understand him and, in some strange way, the idea pleased her deeply, no matter how she tried to put it from her mind and tell herself that her peculiar and hopeless relationship with David was now absolutely finished. Dead.
‘Sit on this chair,’ she ordered Faye. Forget David. He was nothing to do with this present pleasure.
Nervously, the big-breasted young woman obeyed, sitting on the metal garden chair. Dark and liquid, her eyes were wide with fear, and Carol too was nervous, gnawing her lip. Mary knew she would have to act quickly and decisively, or else the session would degenerate into a fiasco, and all their preparation would have been a silly waste of time. And if she allowed such a failure, Carol and Faye would doubtless blame her afterwards, and tell her she should have been more determined. What a responsibility it was to dominate others! It called for courage.
‘Help me secure her,’ she told Carol. Quickly, the two of them fastened padded black plastic ankle straps to Faye, each with a metal ring attached, through which they passed red plastic cords. These they tied tightly to the front legs of the chair. Next they fitted a remarkable bra, consisting of three interconnected black plastic adjustable straps, which encircled each of her huge breasts, with her stiffening nipples protruding through metal rings.
‘Don’t make me wear it too long, will you?’ Faye pleaded in a small voice. ‘It’s not comfortable.’
‘Be quiet,’ Mary snapped. ‘Be a brave girl. Stop whining.’ She had never complained like that to David even during severe treatment, so what right did Faye have to whimper?
At the sides of the bra were two padded black plastic cuffs on short metal chains, the ends of the chains being firmly attached to the strong, thick plastic of the bra. The whole thing was an ingenious piece of work, which had its own weird beauty. Faye’s wrists were strapped into the cuffs. Now, owing to the shortness of the chains, she could caress her own breasts, but not reach down to her own belly, let alone her pussy, and neither could she reach up high enough to remove the gag Mary planned to fit later. The bra with attached cuffs was a marvellously cunning device, and using it gave all three women a deep, forbidden kind of thrill.
‘Now you may worship our pussies,’ said Mary. ‘And our arses.’
Carol and Mary kissed and fondled one another while they presented parts of their bodies in turn for Faye to lick and suck, and they found it a pleasant experience indeed to have their very own sex slave.
‘Now she’s ornamental and useful too.’ Carol giggled.
‘How nice it is,’ said Mary, ‘to have a prisoner.’ She took another red plastic cord and used it to fasten metal rings at the back of Faye’s bra to the chair on which she sat so attractively, so that now she could not stand. Then she poured baby oil over Faye’s remarkably large udders.
‘Caress your own breasts,’ she ordered. ‘Perhaps after an hour or two you might even be able to come just from squeezing your breasts and clenching your thigh muscles. It’s certainly an interesting form of masturbation.’
‘Restricted masturbation!’ Carol exclaimed. ‘What a great idea. That’s really clever, Mary.’
‘I’ll go mad,’ Faye protested. ‘I need to
come already. I can’t stand it if I have to watch you and Carol fool around and come, if I can’t come myself. Let me go!’
‘All right, all right,’ Mary said soothingly, moving behind Faye as though to release her. Instead, she snatched up a thick black rubber cylindrical bit and pressed it into Faye’s mouth, between her teeth, as Faye reflexively opened her mouth to protest. Carol held Faye’s head steady so Mary could fasten the black plastic straps, attached to the ends of the bit, around Faye’s head. It was soon done, and Faye’s power of speech was reduced to an ability to imitate animals.
‘Don’t be silly,’ Carol told Faye. ‘We can’t stop now. It’s such fun. Calm down. You’ll thank me when it’s over.’ She paused. ‘Well, maybe you won’t, but we’re going on with this anyway. You kept saying you wanted to be dominated.’
‘Just relax and enjoy it,’ Mary said gently, pouring more baby oil on Faye’s breasts and thighs. She and Carol massaged Faye without going near her pussy.
Faye stopped tossing her head and straining her limbs, and instead squeezed and rubbed her own lubricated breasts, her eyes wide with amazement. Mary and Carol laughed to see her growing lust. They massaged one another with baby oil, rubbing their breasts and pussies on Faye’s thighs, as well as pressing their bodies together. Standing and kneeling in front of their prisoner, feeling her hungry eyes on them like an aphrodisiac, they played all kinds of games, thrusting out their arses and breasts, parting their legs wide to proffer their pouting pussies to each other’s hands. It was hugely stimulating to squeeze and rub and press flesh slippery with oil, and to know that they could come while Faye could not, added greatly to their mounting excitement.
Sighing with delight, Mary and Carol entered the bath and caressed one another ardently, their skins singing with the feel of warm slippery water and tingling foam. Their every nerve seemed to be sparkling with sensation, their muscles quivering with fresh energy. In turn they went on all fours so the other could rub her belly and pussy on firm round buttocks and hold the yielding soft jelly of breasts while thrusting. Then they probed one another with flexible waterproof vibrators, shivering and moaning as they lay back and opened their legs as wide as they could, one after the other yielding their innermost secret flesh. Then they lay back, heads at opposite ends of the bath, and intertwined their legs, pressing their pussies together in a wet kiss, a vibrator quivering inside each vagina, their hands on their own breasts. Like this they had orgasms of surprising force almost simultaneously, arching and splashing in the water, crying out as though in feverish pain, their lovely long rounded bodies straining with delicious greed for every spasm of ecstasy.
Laughter shook their bodies as the last shivers faded, as they took in the sight and sounds of Faye squeezing her own breasts, tweaking her nipples, and tensing the muscles of her thighs and belly as she struggled to achieve orgasm.
‘Now then, Faye,’ said Mary. ‘You’re going to be allowed to worship our pussies again. What a lucky girl! We spoil you.’ She released Faye from the chair, but left her hands bound, then sat down in the inflated red plastic chair, leaned back, and threw her legs far apart over its arms, displaying her open vulva.
Carol helped Faye out of the metal garden chair, and had her kneel down, still with the thick rubber bit in her mouth.
‘Rub your nose on my cunt,’ stated Mary. ‘If you do a good job on Carol and me, we’re sure to let you come soon.’
Faye obeyed immediately, and Mary sighed as the big-breasted girl pleasured her. With her bound hands, Faye was able to support her weight on the seat of the plastic chair, but it was a very awkward position for her, and it made Mary and Carol laugh to see her exertions. Overcome with lust, Faye lay down on her stomach and tried to bring herself off by rubbing her pussy on the black plastic sheet covering the floor of the bathroom, but after a few minutes, just as she thought she might well be able to come in this way, Carol and Mary pulled her up and then sat her in the red plastic chair. She moaned with frustration as her humming clitoris ceased to receive any stimulation, and then Carol straddled the chair and pressed her pussy to Faye’s mouth while Mary caressed her tall, shapely body and sucked her breasts.
‘This is lovely,’ Carol sighed. ‘Faye makes such a good prisoner.’
‘She does, she does,’ Mary agreed. For a moment, looking down on Faye writhing in frustration, she felt that Faye was herself, and that she was not Mary but David. She wanted to make Faye suffer as she had suffered, as a kind of revenge on the world, and even on herself for having been so stupid with David. Yes, in a way, punishing Faye was like punishing herself. And besides, it was such fun!
Next, Carol and Mary tried Faye in the bath, like children trying out the possibile ways to play with a new toy. They strapped a broad, padded black plastic belt fitted with rings to her waist, and had her sit on the ledge at one end of the bath, with her legs stretched out wide apart and her ankle straps attached by plastic cords to the shiny handrails set into either side of the top of the bath, so that her pussy was proffered, swollen and visibly pulsing with frustrated lust as it oozed juices, a sight Carol and Mary found fascinating in the extreme. To have built such desire, such a fierce hunger, in Faye’s helpless body, gave them a feeling of achievement and pride.
‘It’s time we punished Faye,’ Mary panted. ‘Just a little bit at first. You should be grateful we take so much interest in you, Faye.’
‘What are we punishing her for?’ Carol asked eagerly.
‘We’ll punish her for wanting us to put her into restraint and annoying us until we had to give in.’
Faye’s eyes widened again as she saw Mary pick up a long-handled brush with plastic bristles, and she made amusing pleading sounds through the bit between her teeth.
‘Stop drooling, you messy girl,’ said Mary. She tried the brush on the insides of the prisoner’s thighs. At first Faye hardly reacted, but as her skin reddened and the irritation increased, she began to whimper and struggle uselessly.
‘What a fuss you make!’ Mary complained. ‘A big girl like you ought to be able to stand a lot of punishment.’
‘She’s a crybaby,’ said Carol. ‘I’ll be much braver when it’s my turn, I’m sure. You won’t be able to punish me enough.’ She got into the bath with Mary, and the two women lay on their sides facing, pressing and rubbing their bodies together while alternately kissing Faye’s sensitive flesh and rubbing it with the harsh plastic bristles of the brush, so that Faye hardly knew if she were suffering terribly or moving to the verge of a wonderful orgasm, so cunningly did her two tormentors mingle and vary the stimulations of pain and pleasure.
‘Now let’s have her standing,’ said Mary. ‘Don’t struggle, Faye, or you’ll get a whipping.’ She and Carol had Faye stand in the bath with her legs far apart. They moved the straps at her ankles to just above her knees, then tied their metal rings to the rails at the sides of the bath with plastic cords, then freed her right hand and tied her wrist ring to a tap at the end of the bath before repeating the process for her left hand. Lastly, they used cords to fasten rings at the sides of her black plastic belt to the same handrails as her ankles were fastened to. Faye looked stunningly beautiful and vulnerable: standing with legs apart, and leaning sharply forwards with her waist held down and back so that her arse was thrust out in a spectacular fashion. With the straps above her knees fastened to the handrails, she could not move her arse downwards, as would have been the case had the straps been left at her ankles, Mary explained with some pride.
‘This is wonderful!’ Carol exclaimed. ‘Oh, you’re so clever. We can do all sorts of things to Faye like this, it’s lovely.’
‘I envy you, Faye,’ Mary sighed passionately, and kissed the captive’s thighs. ‘Be happy, my dear girl, my dear friend.’
‘Fuck me, fuck me, please fuck me,’ Carol whispered, overcome by a strange burning desire unleashed by the perverse games they were playing, a pure hunger unlike anything she had ever dreamed could exist.
‘Soon, soo
n,’ Mary replied. ‘Lie down and enjoy yourself. Soon I’ll fuck you hard, you lovely dirty bitch, my darling.’ She stood in the bath behind Faye. ‘First, I have to give this lovely girl, this sweet little prisoner, a severe spanking. It will do her good. It might even help her to come, if she tries hard enough. You must try, Faye. I’ll help you.’ Mary poured water from the bath over Faye and then filled the plastic bowl with cold water from the tap and slowly poured it all over Faye’s quivering body. She repeated this process five more times, alternating hot and cold.
‘We underestimate the effects of temperature,’ she said. ‘A lot can be achieved with heat and cold. It’s just another of the opportunities people usually let go by. We’re all so lazy and cowardly. But now we three will be brave.’ Mary bit her lip, realising that much of what she had just said consisted of quotations from David. Never mind. She would drive him from her mind by action.
‘This is wonderful,’ Carol gasped. She was lying back in the bath masturbating with a vibrator. Gazing up at Faye, she reached up and tweaked her nipples. ‘Faye has such a look in her eyes.’
‘Keep trying, Faye, my darling,’ Mary said quietly, feeling a kind of love for the deliciously helpless prisoner, who might just as well have been Mary herself. She poured a final bowl of bath water over Faye’s back, then squirted liquid soap over her shoulders, thighs and buttocks. Faye made animal sounds through her bit all the time: snorts, snuffles, bleats, whimpers and whines, like the sounds Mary had been reduced to making when with David, sounds she found wonderfully stimulating. How good it was to become an animal, to win the right to stop making sense!
‘There, there,’ said Mary, soothing Faye as though she were a fettlesome mare in harness. She unfastened the constricting bra from her prisoner, then massaged Faye all over her torso and limbs with the liquid soap, though she did not touch Faye’s swollen pussy. How rounded Faye’s body was! It was all curves, and so firm, fit and taut. There was a delight in stroking and gently squeezing Faye’s huge breasts, feeling their female softness and sensitivity, all so soft save for her nipples, big and hard from their long period of teasing. All at once, Mary gave Faye a resounding slap on her right buttock with her open hand. What a fuss Faye made!