Aqua Domination
Page 14
‘Shush, shush, that was nothing much,’ said Mary. ‘Silly girl.’ She stroked and squeezed Faye’s buttocks gently, touched the tips of her pouting labia, running her soapy, slippery finger up and down the ridges of flesh, and then she put her left forefinger very lightly on Faye’s clitoris and gave her a hard slap with her right hand, followed, after a short interval of tickling Faye’s clitoris, by three more slaps. Faye’s buttocks were now visibly reddening.
‘Oh God, it’s wonderful,’ Carol moaned, virtually in a trance of luxurious masturbation. ‘She’s scared. So am I.’
Faye squealed like a pig as Mary poured cold water over her arse, then probed her with her tongue before abruptly giving her two more slaps. She had to pause to rub her own pussy, thighs, belly and breasts with both hands, greedy for the kind of powerful sensations she was granting Faye with such lavish generosity. Mary felt jealous of the melon-breasted girl – really this was all too good for her. She took the plastic brush and rubbed its bristles on Faye’s buttocks, touched her pussy lightly with the long black handle, then tapped it several times. Desperately, Faye struggled to rub herself on the curving plastic even as Mary used her other hand to give her three very hard slaps on the arse. Clearly, Faye was trapped on the very brink of the climax of her life, and Mary knew she had power over Faye’s future, over her very soul: she could caress Faye to orgasm, or release her, or else she could do something very cruel and wrong, something that might warp this innocent girl’s whole life.
As David had warped Mary’s life. So Mary began to alternate light slaps delivered upwards between Faye’s legs with harder blows to her arse. Faye squealed, arched her body, tensed and struggled, going wild in the grip of her bonds, and was finally ripped apart by an orgasm that seemed appalling, as Carol reached up to hold her breasts and Mary cupped her pussy with one hand in front and one behind, squeezing out all her lust like juice from a lemon. Mary and Carol were awed by the power and length of Faye’s climax, which went on and on as they held her, filling them with wonder, excitement, pride and envy. The startling power of this orgasm reinforced the three women’s addiction to advanced sexual deviations. They sensed the future even as Faye was still shuddering and twitching in her final convulsions, and it made them tingle with seductive, tantalising anxiety.
‘Oh God,’ Faye gasped brokenly when Mary removed the rubber bit from between her teeth. ‘I didn’t know, I didn’t know.’ Her limbs were released, and she was cuddled and caressed by Mary and Carol. For minutes none of them spoke a word, as there seemed nothing that was worth the saying.
Soon they were moving against each other with increasing urgency, and they tried all kinds of positions, surging forwards from one orgasm to another with a fantastic energy.
Finally, they left the bathroom, and talked eagerly for hours about what they had done and would do. All were fired with eagerness and determination, though in Mary alone this mingled with anxiety and a nagging, subdued guilt.
* * *
Next day, Carol and Faye’s strong sense of duty and devotion to their university work asserted itself, and they drove to nearby woodlands where Faye could study and photograph the forestry work, while Carol did likewise for the local geomorphology, as part of their summer projects. Mary was invited to come, but declined, sensing that for her it would be boring.
To see David in the local Tesco’s should not have been a shock for Mary, as his house was less than a mile from that of Carol’s parents where she was staying, and yet it was indeed a shock, as he somehow seemed to have become part of the remote past, and should, according to Mary’s mental map, have been removed to a remote part of Asia where there was no chance of their ever meeting. It had never even occurred to her that they could possibly meet, and yet here he was, and their trolleys nearly collided as they came to the same corner at the end of the shelves loaded with tinned fruit. And I never even buy tinned fruit, Mary told herself in surprise.
‘Oh God!’ David exclaimed, looking as if he had seen a ghost. ‘What the hell are you doing here?’
‘Shopping. People quite often do that in Tesco’s.’
‘For heaven’s sake. You’re not following me, are you?’
‘Don’t flatter yourself. I’m staying a couple of days with Carol and Faye. Nothing to do with you. Goodbye. Oh, just one thing: if you don’t want the cat, I’ll take her. Don’t have her put down out of spite.’
‘Of course not. She’s fine. I like having her around.’
‘OK. Goodbye then,’ said Mary. David muttered something unintelligible in reply, and Mary quickly moved away from him, feeling very proud of herself for not lingering to talk or shout or hit the little rat with a big tin of rambutans. She did not see him again that day. When Carol and Faye returned, they were very glad of the fine meal Mary had got ready for them, and the three of them enjoyed it greatly.
Eating ice cream and peaches for dessert, they once more started talking about what they had done in the bathroom.
‘It’s so exciting being helpless,’ said Faye. ‘I was scared, but it was a sexy fear.’
‘And it’s great having you helpless,’ Carol said eagerly. ‘Mary and I could tease you and we could come when you couldn’t. I came and came.’
‘And you and Mary were so cruel, but that was exciting too. Oh, when I think about all the things we can do, I want to do everything, try everything.’
‘It’s addictive,’ said Mary. ‘I warned you. It makes straight sex seem dull. That’s bad really, but there you are. Once you’ve started it’s hard to stop. Though we should.’
‘I don’t want to stop!’ Faye exclaimed. ‘I want to do something tonight. Something different from yesterday.’
‘I have an idea,’ Carol said a little nervously. ‘But it’s a bit crazy. Really I shouldn’t even say it.’
Curiosity made Mary and Faye demand that Carol share her idea. She breathed in deeply and took the plunge.
‘It’s a hot night, right? Suppose we go for a secret, bizarre, swimming party? We start late when people in the nearby houses are asleep, and we have to be very quiet, that’s part of the fun. It’s secret and mysterious, you see.’
‘Like superheroines going out at night,’ Mary put in, her active and overstimulated imagination seizing on the idea immediately. ‘Batgirl, Supergirl and Wonder Woman going out at night on a mission. We can dress up in plastic and rubber and take special equipment.’
‘Oh, that’s great!’ gasped Faye. ‘I always wanted to be a heroine in a comic. We can tie Carol up for a while, can’t we, Carol? It’s your turn. I must have some revenge for yesterday. We can use the ladder! One day we’ll be in our own comic, I can see it now. What shall we call it? Heroines of Restraint, or Bizarre Bitches?’
‘How about Wet Women?’ Carol giggled.
‘I have the perfect name for us,’ said Faye, ‘but “Three Silly Girls Getting Out of their Depth” is too long.’
“‘Aquanauts”,’ Mary announced, and grimaced.
‘Perfect!’ cried Faye. ‘Mysterious, costumed explorers of sexuality in a swimming pool at midnight! We should try to sell the movie rights.’
‘Is that what David said you and he were, in his wonderful bathroom?’ Carol asked Mary quietly.
‘Yes. You’re clever. Oh, it’s stupid of me to think of the past. It annoys me so much to see how weak I was.’
‘It’s not about being strong or weak,’ Faye insisted.
‘Never mind, Mary,’ said Carol. ‘Fool around with us and you’ll feel better. Two naive and gullible middle-class girls getting involved with sexual deviations. I mean, come on, what more could anyone ask for? Jam on it?’
‘If you answer “David” I’ll hit you,’ Faye giggled.
They all three laughed loudly and, as they joked and talked about what they would do in the pool at midnight, Mary forgot David for minutes at a time. After washing the dishes, they gathered equipment and garments, trying things on and making plans.
Excitedly they dresse
d up. Carol wore a black plastic suspender belt with six straps supporting black stockings, and a stretchy black plastic top, while Faye opted for a black fishnet top and matching stockings with an open crotch, plus red rubber gloves. Mary chose thigh-length black plastic boots with elasticated tops, matching long gloves, and a black plastic halter top that left her breasts, including her nipples, almost completely bare. Happy and excited, the three women kissed and touched each other and exchanged sincere praise for their outrageously sexy, fetishistic appearance. Shushing each other, they took towels and toys out to the pool. Now they were aquanauts indeed, thought Mary, a secret group of kinky mermaids.
Midnight had just passed. It was a moonless cloudy night, with no lights showing in the nearest houses, and, by the pool under the garden’s large old trees, it was surprisingly dark and eerie.
‘I feel,’ Carol whispered, ‘more like a witch than an aquanaut. How quiet it is. Why do people sleep so much?’
‘They’re rehearsing,’ Mary replied, ‘for when they’re dead.’
Mystery all around and inside them, they lit six candles and placed them around the edge of the pool, to prevent them banging their heads in the darkness. They entered the water as quietly as they could, finding it deliciously cool on such a hot and sultry summer night, and they kissed and fondled each other as they pressed their bodies together, keeping to the part of the pool nearest the fence at the back of the garden, a spot overlooked by only two windows, both dark, of one neighbouring house. The sense that they were out in the night, risking observation and eavesdropping as they indulged in forbidden acts, was a massive stimulation.
Urgently, they thrust at one another, and then they used the pool’s ladder to play games: one of them squatted on this with her back to the pool, and a second lay floating face up to lick and suck her pussy, while the third went between the floating girl’s parted legs to give oral service while masturbating. All three of them tried each place with great pleasure. Then they brought the inflated red plastic chair into play. Mary sat on it first, throwing her legs wide apart over its arms so that Faye could float in the water and suck her off, while Carol played with Mary’s breasts, clinging to them from behind while rubbing her own clitoris on the bottom of the chair. Then Faye and Carol gave one another a foot between the thighs, rubbing and pressing upwards while pleasuring Mary. Again this was so fine that they all three tried each position, finding it fascinating and thrilling that they could form all kinds of combinations while floating in the water. Its support gave them new freedom to play games of rare delight.
‘Why does nobody ever tell you these things?’ Carol whispered in wonder. Her perky breasts were even more upstanding than usual, thanks to her excitement and the cool water, and she was sighing with pleasure as Mary and Faye handled them tenderly. ‘Why is it a kind of secret that you can do things like this?’
‘The economy would collapse,’ Mary told her, ‘if people ever realised how happy they could be without spending money.’
‘Any kind of happiness must be a secret conspiracy,’ whispered Faye. ‘We’re the Aquanauts. Let’s take our conspiracy beyond all limits. Dream harder.’ She fetched swimming masks and waterproof vibrators from the bag they had placed at the side of the pool. All three donned their blue swimming masks in serious, lustful silence, and turned on the vibrators.
Aquanauts, mermaids, secret players of wet games in the darkness, the three of them breathed deeply, then dived deep, to explore the depths of passion. It was a sweet strangeness, a dark delight, to swim and to come in ecstasy.
Panting and trembling, the three women finally left the pool for a rest, radiant with fresh vitality after their astonishingly powerful orgasms. They dried each other and rested for a while on the red chair and a blue plastic airbed. Touching and smiling, they could hardly believe their own pleasure.
‘Now,’ breathed Carol, ‘you must tie me up.’
Pouncing on her, Faye and Mary stripped her of her black plastic top, though not her black suspender belt and stockings. To tie her to a tree with soft white cotton cords was a simple matter, and there she stood in the darkness, wrists and ankles fastened. With a cruel smile, Faye tweaked Carol’s nipples and clitoris in turn, and she did this for quite a long time, while Mary sat on a garden chair watching in fascination, caressing Faye’s body as well as her own. Carol bit her lip as she struggled not to cry out, or plead. She had to remain silent in case the neighbours heard, which was much more difficult for her than if she had been inside the house, gagged, yet paradoxically free to make all kinds of noises in her throat and through her nose, enjoying the luxury of exerting herself and sounding like an animal. Not being gagged left her all too human.
Sighing with malicious and loving pleasure, Faye teased Carol with her mouth. Carol whimpered. Her magnificent tall body with legs so long and breasts so high and jutting was straining, arching and beaded with sweat, as she shuddered and heaved in the firm grip of a restraint that held her torso and limbs in an exquisite tension, so that she was a rigid bow of quivering tautness, straining to release an arrow into infinity.
Mary and Faye made love on an airbed in front of Carol, while she could only watch and listen in frustration. Before she came, Mary had Faye caress her while she struck Carol six harsh and cunning blows to her thighs with a leather strap, and this aroused Mary so much that she mounted Faye again and came with protracted whimpering and sobbing, as though she were consumed by grief.
When Carol was released, she went back into the pool to revel in the freedom of her limbs and the pleasuring of her body by Faye and Mary, until all three glowed with satisfaction.
‘We must do more and more,’ Carol said eagerly when they were back indoors. ‘Everything.’
‘Yes,’ Faye agreed. ‘Strange sex. Stranger sex.’
There was a man in the house. Mary heard a male voice as she came back from the shops. For a moment she thought it must be David come to apologise, and a savage delight leapt up in her like a leaping tigress as she imagined kicking him and driving him away, taking revenge. And later, so gracious and kind, to grant forgiveness. To realise that it was only Jack was no small disappointment. She took a deep breath, and walked into the breakfast room, all varnished wood and white paint, where Jack sat at the big table drinking tea with Faye and Carol. Mary had last seen her ex in that hotel room where she had subjected him to cruel and unusual domination and then abandoned him like a piece of rubbish. Seeing your old rubbish turn up again is rarely a pleasant experience.
‘Hello, Mary,’ he said with nervous brightness. ‘Sorry I’m not David,’ he added, reading her face with his professional skill as a good salesman.
‘How did you know I was here?’
‘I tried your apartment, your friends, your parents and, finally, David. A funny thing: last year I copied his address from an old letter I found in your room. Like I knew one day I’d need his address. A premonition. I suppose I knew you were still obsessed by him. Obsessed or whatever word you prefer.’
‘Whatever it was, it’s over,’ Mary replied as she put away her shopping. ‘Just as you and I are finished.’ She was about to ask how David had known where she was, and what exactly he had said, and how he had seemed, but then she remembered that he had seen her in the supermarket, and as for the rest of her questions, she swallowed them by a great effort of will, and reminded herself that she was not even a little bit interested.
‘Let’s all have lunch,’ Faye said brightly.
‘Yes, and then Jack will have to go, won’t you, Jack?’ Mary said firmly. ‘Owing to his enormous workload.’
‘Oh, Mary,’ Carol protested, ‘you can’t send Jack away when he’s come such a long way.’
‘Never mind, Carol,’ Jack said, touching her hand. ‘Mary has suffered a lot. She has a right to be a little brusque now and then.’
‘No, I have a right to be bloody rude all the bloody time if I want to be.’
‘I can’t help loving you, M
‘Oh, it’s so romantic,’ Faye sighed.
‘It’s just crap,’ Mary protested. ‘He’s just trying to impress you and Carol. He’s in sales. Fucking sales! He knows all the crappy little psychological tricks.’
‘She’s right,’ Jack told Faye. ‘I’m manipulative. It’s sad, really, how psychology has become more about controlling people than helping people.’
‘Another trick,’ snorted Mary. ‘An unexpected burst of sincerity and self-criticism. Chapter seven in his favourite book.’
‘Unworthy as I am, I can’t stop thinking about you, Mary. That’s the plain truth.’
‘What you really mean is that you can’t stop thinking of the time I dominated you,’ Mary snarled. ‘Be sincere, be honest. Anything else is just a waste of time. You want me to whip you.’
Jack, Carol and Faye all stopped eating their chicken salad with rice. Mary alone kept on munching.
‘I see you have no secrets from Faye and Carol,’ Jack said at last. Mary was pleased to see a definite blush on his bland features.
‘What use are secrets anyway?’ wondered Carol. She was delighted both by the turn the conversation had taken and by Mary’s confidence, a quality in her that Carol and Faye found inspiring.
‘You liked being dominated and you want me to dominate you again,’ Mary said through a mouthful of food, waving her fork at Jack.
‘All right,’ Jack agreed. He tried hard to be dignified and calm, but could not bring it off because he felt he was being a fool. ‘You dominated me, and it was a terrible, shocking experience. But it haunts me. You taught me things about myself I had never even suspected. I feel I have to be dominated by you again or I’ll go crazy. Maybe I’m already crazy.’