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Aqua Domination

Page 15

by William Doughty

  ‘I know how you feel,’ Mary admitted. ‘I used to feel the same way about David. He dominated me and it was terrible, but I wanted him to do it again. So I could find out if it was wonderful or terrible. A dream or a nightmare. In the end I realised it was a nightmare.’

  ‘Dominate me one more time and then I too will know for sure,’ said Jack.

  ‘Now we can see our future,’ Carol said to Faye with an excited laugh. ‘We’ll get hooked on domination and then we’ll be confused and crazy about it. It’s like an addictive drug.’

  ‘Exactly!’ Mary exclaimed. ‘So we all have to try to give it up. Go cold turkey.’

  ‘But it’s so exciting,’ Faye protested, with a touching, childlike innocence.

  ‘So, you two lovely ladies have experience of these fascinating, harmless games,’ said Jack, eyeing Carol and Faye with real hunger.

  ‘Leave them alone,’ Mary snapped. ‘This is your problem, not theirs.’

  ‘Just being sincere and honest like you said I should be,’ Jack said with a smile.

  ‘Oh, shut up. This whole thing is ridiculous, and we have to be determined to stop it all here and now,’ Mary stated. ‘Let’s start being mature adults. The four of us will get a grip. Let’s be rational. All of this domination crap started with David, him and his damn crazy bathroom. He made me crazy, and then I accidentally made the three of you crazy. But David had the sense to know he had to stop, and we have to imitate him in that.’

  ‘Always David, you notice,’ Jack said sadly to Carol and Faye. ‘I bet she was thinking of him even when she dominated me.’

  ‘You should be glad,’ Carol pointed out. ‘It’s all the more humiliating for you. And being humiliated is an exciting part of the game, right?’

  ‘You really are experts!’ Jack exclaimed, thrilled at the idea of two such lovely girls, clearly from good families, being so knowledgeable about domination. ‘Tell me, have you two ever seen this famous bathroom of David’s?’

  ‘Oh sure,’ Faye replied eagerly.

  ‘It was great!’ Carol exclaimed.

  ‘I’ve heard so much about that bathroom from Mary,’ said Jack. ‘Now I feel like I’m the only one who’s never even seen it. I’m determined to at least see it.’

  ‘Carol and I want to see it again.’

  ‘The three of you will get yourselves into a mess,’ Mary sighed, shaking her head.

  ‘You’re like a reformed alcoholic.’ Jack laughed. ‘Like when they get all upset because somebody has a glass of wine.’

  ‘Domination is a whiskey distillery my friends, not a glass of wine.’

  ‘It’s a bit late for you to come over all moral,’ Carol told Mary. ‘After all we’ve done lately.’

  ‘It’s never too late for hypocrisy,’ Mary replied, and everyone laughed.

  ‘So, Jack,’ said Faye, ‘you want to be dominated?’

  ‘Yes, I can’t help it,’ he admitted, enjoying his own guilt. ‘After what Mary did to me, I’m obsessed. I have to have it.’

  ‘Find a prostitute who does it,’ Mary suggested. ‘I’m having nothing to do with you.’

  ‘Why not?’ asked Carol. ‘It’s only domination. It’s not full sex, or marriage, or living together.’

  ‘Exactly,’ said Jack. ‘It’s nothing. Come on, Mary, you know you’d enjoy it. Help me out.’

  ‘Oh God,’ Mary groaned. ‘I was chasing after David, and he didn’t want me, and now you’re chasing after me and I don’t want you. It’s like a bloody Dostoyevsky novel.’

  ‘It’s not as bad as that,’ Carol protested. She and Faye looked at one another and exchanged nods. ‘If all you want is to be dominated, Jack, then Faye and I could try, if you’d be interested.’

  ‘Really?’ Jack gulped.

  ‘Absolutely not,’ Mary snapped.

  ‘It’s not your house, and you’re not our mother,’ Carol said firmly. ‘Faye and I have discussed dominating a man, and how interesting it’d be to try.’

  ‘We’re experimenting,’ Faye said to Jack, as though that explained everything.

  ‘It doesn’t seem like such a big deal,’ said Carol, ‘after what we’ve been doing with Mary.’

  ‘Oh, do help us, Mary. Please, please, please,’ Faye wheedled. ‘We’ll only make a mess of it without you. Come on, you know you’d enjoy it.’

  ‘You’re right,’ Mary agreed quietly, suddenly losing all her ability to resist. ‘I will.’ A wave of lust swept through her, all warm and tingly, as she imagined all the things the three of them could do with Jack. To Jack.

  The expression on her face, the tensing of her muscles, the very odour of her body, all so strongly conveyed her sudden arousal that Jack, Carol and Faye were as aware of it as they would have been of a huge bonfire they stumbled towards after a long, hungry march across a dark and frozen plain.

  ‘This evening,’ Mary announced. There was no need for her to explain. ‘A few hours to build interest.’

  They finished their meal in a state of arousal that was uncomfortable and comic.

  ‘You’re excused from washing the dishes,’ Mary told Jack, seeing how his trapped erection made movement difficult.

  As it was a sunny afternoon, Jack went to work in the garden. He kept going to the toilet to empty his bladder and so temporarily lose his erection. The three women made plans, readied equipment, and then tried to distract themselves with housework. All were so excited that a great deal of work got done in house and garden.

  Late in the afternoon, the four of them changed into swimsuits and enjoyed themselves in the pool. The women flaunted their lovely bodies and exchanged occasional kisses and caresses, arousing Jack to a point where he could hardly stand his own lust. He knew that these gorgeous females already had a plan for his domination and chastisement, his utter humiliation. They had the will, the desire, the equipment, and they possessed a youthful beauty that was, for Jack, a source and the very centre of lust, agony and fear. Yet he had to swim and play with these delectable mermaids without touching their long curving bodies, and without the aid and comfort of being held by them as a helpless prisoner in strict restraint.

  A light dinner followed, and then Mary told Jack to undress, leave his clothes in the kitchen, and wait in the living room. Soon he was alone and naked in that large room, where terrifying equipment had been laid out, and the large heavy table of dark wood had been raised on end and leaned against the wall. The sight of these preparations filled Jack with crawling, shivery anxiety. It seemed to him that he waited alone for a very long time.

  When the three women came into the room at last, Jack took a deep breath and held it. Their beauty and air of determination were startling. Faye wore only a black fishnet catsuit with broad mesh and an open crotch, while Carol’s body was adorned by thigh-length black plastic boots and a matching belt and long gloves. Mary had on only a black leather corset. Jack let out the breath he held and gazed in awe at the women’s beauty. Faye’s huge breasts, Carol’s great height and Mary’s perfect full round arse struck him like physical blows; yet these were only the most obvious features. Everything about these women, from their hair and bright eyes to their feet, was gorgeous. Their female perfection seemed, to Jack, to demand the most extreme devotion, love, worship and sacrifice.

  ‘First,’ Mary stated, ‘you must insult us.’


  ‘I’m sure you heard what I said. Insult us. Call us names. Be rude. Be nasty. Hurry up, you’re wasting time.’

  ‘You’re telling me to insult you?’

  ‘I told you he was a stupid bastard,’ Mary said to Carol and Faye as she picked up a red leather cat-o’-nine.

  ‘Insult the three of us,’ Carol told Jack. ‘So we have a reason to punish you. A real motive. A need.’

  ‘How can I insult three such gorgeous women?’

  ‘Because we order you to,’ Mary snapped. ‘Come on! If you don’t insult us very quickly, we won’t waste our time on you. You’ll simply have to leave. And
your insults must be firmly based on reality. No random, meaningless statements.’

  ‘You can do it, Jack,’ said Faye. ‘You can say my breasts are too big.’

  ‘You can say I’m stupid and crazy,’ said Mary, ‘because I ran after David and then got poor Carol and Faye involved with all this domination crap.’

  ‘And you can say Faye and I are stupid naive middle-class idiots who allow Mary to manipulate us.’

  ‘But if you don’t start in the next few seconds,’ Mary told Jack, ‘you’re out of here. I swear.’

  ‘Your tits really are too big,’ Jack insulted Faye in desperation, suddenly convinced that Mary meant what she said. ‘Far too big. Ugly huge lumps of fat.’

  ‘More, more,’ Mary insisted. ‘Say worse things, much worse. Really and truly insult us. With skill. Shock us to the core.’

  ‘You run after David like a bitch in heat,’ Jack yelled, half crazy with shame and lust. ‘He doesn’t want you, he treats like you dirt. I want you, so you treat me like dirt, that’s what a pathetic loser you are.’

  ‘Good!’ Carol applauded. ‘But you can do much better.’

  ‘Use dirty words as well,’ Faye demanded. ‘Or Carol and I won’t let you stay here even if Mary wanted you to stay.’

  ‘Mary sows confusion wherever she goes, she’s mentally ill,’ Jack cried out, pained by his burning erection. ‘She’s fucked up my life, her own life and she’ll fuck up your lives too.’

  ‘This is better,’ Mary said pleasantly. ‘Now, we’re starting to get somewhere.’ She lay down on the rug with a cushion under her head. ‘Let’s all relax. Faye, Carol, you should sit on the sofa. Jack, you can stand here and jerk off. But only if you insult us far more nastily.’

  Jack clutched his cock and pumped it as the three women took up position in front of him. Their eyes were bright with excitement, and their faces were lit up by the pure smiles of carnivores.

  ‘My life is a wreck,’ Jack groaned. ‘Since you dominated me, all I can think of is you engulfing me in bondage and hurting me. I’m obsessed with you. You’ve ruined my life. I used to be normal, now I’m as sick and crazy as you. You want me, Faye and Carol to have the same mental illness as you, you crazy bitch. You’re just dirty and nasty.’ Now that he was masturbating, the words flowed more freely.

  ‘Good!’ Mary laughed. ‘Now you’re telling the truth at last.’ She caressed herself avidly, squeezing her cunt with both hands as though trying to get out all the juice. ‘Stop!’ she ordered. ‘Take your hands away from your cock.’

  Her manner was so commanding, and Jack was so submissive, that he obeyed despite his burning need to come. With a slight smile on her autocratic features, Mary picked up a flexible black rubber cap shaped like a small bell. On its inner surface it had hard rubber studs and a short knobbly stem of softer rubber. She smeared lubricant from a tube on this stem, and then fitted the cap so that it encased the helmet of Jack’s cock, with the stem entering his penis. He gasped in awe at the power of the perverse penetration, and revelled in the fascinated gaze of Carol and Faye who were eagerly stroking and squeezing one another’s bodies. Mary next fitted a leather cock corset to encase Jack’s shaft, fastening its five external straps rather more tightly than Jack would have preferred. Then she fitted a padded leather sheath over Jack’s penis, after which she bound his balls and the root of his genitals with a soft red cotton cord. Lastly, she fitted a nest of black leather straps around his waist and thighs, with straps between his buttocks and on either side of his cock. Jack groaned as the lubricated rubber knob fitted to the strap between his buttocks slid home. Mary fastened all the buckles on the set of connected straps, then attached the rings at the base of the leather sheath around Jack’s cock to the rings on the straps on either side of his genitals.

  ‘Interesting,’ said Mary.

  ‘Oh, my God,’ Jack groaned in awe.

  ‘Carry on insulting us, Jack,’ Mary ordered, sitting in an armchair. ‘You may masturbate. If you don’t insult the three of us far more severely, we won’t let you stay a minute longer. We don’t need you. Come on, you fool, insult us properly.’

  ‘You cruel bitch, Mary,’ Jack groaned. Desperately, he clutched his shaft, but he could hardly feel his own grip due to the two layers of leather imprisoning his penis. Only by squeezing his balls and the head of his cock, could he impart any stimulation to his genitals, and to do so was more of a pain than a pleasure; yet such was his lust that he had to embrace this suffering in the hope that it might eventually lead to orgasm.

  ‘Don’t try to remove anything from your stupid little cock and balls,’ Mary told him as she teased her clitoris with a vibrator. ‘If you try, we’ll only overpower you and tie you up.’

  ‘Insult us, please, Jack,’ said Faye. ‘You’ve hardly insulted Carol and me at all. Turn us on with dirty words.’

  ‘You filthy sluts,’ Jack gasped. ‘Stupid bimbo dykes. Mary is simply using you because David won’t fuck her and whip her and tie her up, so she’s pissed off with the world. A melon-breasted dyke and a tall freak dyke. Stupid cunts.’

  ‘Good, good,’ Carol moaned. Faye lay back and Carol mounted her, rubbing hard against her soft body.

  Insults are addictive. Politeness is a good habit, which like all the other elements of civilisation, can be lost with shocking rapidity. Vile words poured from Jack’s mouth as the minutes passed, a flow fuelled by his lust and frustration as well as by the women’s encouragement. He felt that he might be able to come despite the confinement of his penis if only he could find enough filthy words and insults.

  ‘That’s enough,’ Mary suddenly announced. ‘Now we’ll put you in restraint, unwrap your cock, and help you to come.’

  Mary’s statement, and her cold calmness, filled Jack with fresh fear. What would she, Carol and Faye do to him after he had insulted them so much? Should he not resist, even if it meant he had to leave? But even as he was asking himself these questions, the women were urging him towards the table that stood leaning with its top against the wall, and very quickly they had tied his wrists and ankles to its four legs, using red cotton cords that went over the top of the table as well as around its legs, so that he was helpless and spreadeagled. As his back was to the table, his genitals were proffered defencelessly to the women, at their disposal.

  ‘I didn’t mean what I said,’ Jack babbled. ‘I was only obeying your orders to insult you.’

  ‘What a cliché!’ said Mary. ‘Are you a German?’

  ‘I couldn’t refuse, right? You’re a goddess. I must obey you.’

  ‘You’ve failed an important test,’ Mary said grimly as she began to remove the leather sheath from Jack’s cock. ‘You should have refused to insult us. That’s obvious. Even an idiot like you should have been able to see that. You should have said we were so beautiful and good that you couldn’t possibly say a word against us. Instead you revealed what you really think of us.’

  ‘You were horrible, Jack,’ Carol said angrily.

  ‘I never thought anyone could be so nasty and stupid,’ Faye sighed. ‘Now I start to understand men.’

  ‘No punishment can be severe enough for what you said to us,’ Mary stated. She finished removing the bindings from Jack’s genitals, leaving them naked and vulnerable.

  ‘You know I didn’t mean what I said!’

  ‘Nobody knows anything about anybody,’ Mary replied.

  Jack suddenly became truly terrified. He knew he had been a fool to chase after Mary after what she had done to him in that hotel, but what proved his stupidity was the fact that he had allowed these three women to make him helpless. He would have given anything to turn back the clock. How serious and angry they looked! Surely they were mentally ill, capable of any cruelty.

  ‘Let’s play a nice little game,’ Mary announced. ‘The three of us will take turns playing with Jack’s cock. We’ll take five minutes each. Now then, Jack, listen carefully. If you can come while I’m playing with your cock, we’ll let you g
o, and then we’ll have some fun together. But if you come while Faye or Carol are playing with you, then you’ll really suffer. You’ll be punished severely, and you won’t even enjoy it, because you’ll have come already. There are too many clichés in domination, and one of these is that a man is punished until he comes. What’s the point of that? The man enjoys himself because he has an erection, so it’s not true punishment at all. In this game you risk punishment after you’ve lost your erection.’ Mary smiled a warm and happy smile, proud of herself for inventing such a good game. ‘You should thank me sincerely for thinking of this.’

  ‘No, no,’ Jack babbled. ‘Faye, Carol, don’t go along with this. She’s crazy. Now I see it clearly. She’s still obsessed with David. She wants to win his approval by training us. She’ll end up presenting us to David, and he won’t be able to resist. He’s the one Mary’s interested in. We’re just pawns in her real game, her game with David. We’ll end up in that crazy bastard’s bathroom. She’ll use the three of us to gain his interest. Faye, Carol, you have to – umm! Mmm!’ Jack’s tirade had been ended abruptly by a rubber gag. Mary had suddenly pushed it into his mouth while he had been staring at Carol and Faye, striving to convince them, and now Mary was buckling its attached red leather straps around his head with her usual efficiency.

  ‘What a baby!’ Faye exclaimed. ‘We haven’t even done anything to him yet. That’s pathetic.’

  ‘He comes here begging to be dominated and, as soon as it starts, he panics,’ said Carol. ‘It makes me angry.’

  ‘Mind you, there’s probably something in what he said about you and David, Mary. Don’t you think so?’

  ‘David and I are through. I have no plan to train you, Carol and Jack and then hand you to him as a gift to win his approval. What a silly idea! Nobody could be that crazy,’ Mary stated. She paused. Thought again. ‘Mind you, I’m no judge of my own motives. Who knows? Maybe David would enjoy you three.’ Sincerity had always been her main vice.

  ‘How reassuring!’ Carol observed. ‘You’ve certainly stopped me worrying. Thanks a lot, Mary.’


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