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Aqua Domination

Page 20

by William Doughty

  Carol and Faye had put two of the inflated red plastic armchairs together, facing, and they sat on them and intertwined their legs so they could rub their pussies together, but they looked at Mary more than each other, as she thrashed, arched and bubbled like a fish dropped into boiling waters. Jack strained to watch her from his pool of slime, cock twitching. Suddenly, David could not hold himself back any longer, and he threw himself on Mary, plunging his huge penis into his mermaid, this all too vividly real incarnation of his dark fantasies. He held her as she writhed and shuddered, and she surrendered absolutely to him, holding one vibrator to her breasts, and pushing the other into her vagina. Ripped apart by an orgasm that was pure ferocity, stretched and filled to the utmost, she submitted her body and soul to the stinging jets of his explosive climax, which made him whimper and beg for mercy.

  For his satisfaction, for her seduction of him, Mary lay flat and still as he came and came in viciously powerful spurts, and she allowed him to ride her strong back just as though he were her master. After they had slowly disengaged they sat for a while in the bath, too satisfied to move or speak or to think of moving or speaking. Faye and Carol meanwhile made love on the water bed, and shuddered in simultaneous ecstasy.

  Knowing suddenly that she needed to come again a thousand times, Mary released the cord that connected Jack’s cunningly bound body to a ring in the floor, sat in the third red plastic seat, and accepted a fervent sucking from the captive. She repaid this favour, after she had come, by mashing him into the slime with her feet, and soon Faye and Carol joined her, the three of them comfortably seated, all playing with themselves while using their feet on Jack, and enjoying his sobbing pleas.

  At last they decided to let Jack come. After showering the gunk off him, they stood him against a wall and secured him to metal rings. Mary, Carol and Faye entered the bath briefly to wet their flesh, then squatted on the floor in front of Jack, soaped each other, and played with their prisoner’s swollen, tormented cock and balls, teasing and pleasing him for a long time.

  ‘This is such fun!’ Mary exclaimed.

  ‘It is,’ David agreed. ‘But why can’t I quite forget the idea that you’re still trying to take control of my life?’

  ‘Because you’re insane!’ Mary replied. David joined in her laughter.

  When Jack finally came, it was like the train shooting off the broken bridge over the River Tay and smashing into stormy deep waters with an explosion of steam and a hundred falling screams. Faye was rubbing her soapy breasts, so round and huge and soft, against his penis, while Carol and Mary stroked his thighs and belly. He gave a terrible cry, and all three women took a grip on his cock and balls as he spurted impossibly high, hard and long jets, his tongue protruding, saliva spraying mindlessly from his mouth along with sounds that it seemed could never have been made by a human. Mary, Carol and Faye were showered again and again as they gasped in awe at such a display of male ecstatic power.

  ‘Oh my God,’ Carol murmured. It was almost a prayer.

  Quickly, they released Jack, and then they put him in the bath to stroke and cuddle him, as though his orgasm had been a kind of catastrophic accident that demanded sympathy.

  ‘Now,’ Mary told Jack, ‘it’s time to obey me willingly and prove your devotion.’

  ‘Thank you, thank you,’ he replied fervently.

  Nervously he watched while David, Carol and Faye helped adorn Mary’s beauty with strange garments: a bra of black rubber with holes through which her large nipples and part of her breasts emerged tautly, a helmet of the same colour and material, with holes for her eyes, mouth and nostrils, plus long gloves of black plastic. Last came a frightening and ominous object that made Jack shudder: a black rubber strap-on dildo. It had a flexible, ridged stalk that fitted inside Mary’s vagina, and soft ridges to stimulate her labia and clitoris. Straps of black rubber fitted to its base went around Mary’s upper thighs and waist, with four straps joining the waist strap to the base of the dildo, arranged in such a way that the valley between her superb buttocks was left clear. The dildo had realistic, big balls and a valved inlet, so that when Mary squeezed the fake testicles, fluid could be shot from the tip of the lifelike rubber penis.

  ‘Come and massage me, slave,’ Mary ordered Jack as she got into the bath and lay down in its supportive, luxurious, warmth and slipperiness, which made her aware of every nerve in her skin.

  Worshipping her beauty and strength, Jack stroked and kissed her reverently for many minutes while she touched her own belly and thighs, then the dildo that pleasured her own genitals. She played with it as a man masturbates. Now and then she gave Jack’s cock and balls a squeeze.

  ‘Now suck my cock, you pig,’ she commanded.

  Hesitant and disgusted, Jack nevertheless obeyed. She sat in the foaming water and felt a strangely delightful frisson of power and pleasure as he sucked and licked. She squeezed the rubber balls, so foamy water shot into Jack’s mouth, which he swallowed at her command. Carol and Faye sat in the red plastic armchairs and watched in fascination while David massaged them with baby oil. They both handled his huge cock in return, exclaiming artlessly at its size and hardness. Then he went down on them and masturbated. Mary could not help but grudgingly admire how David was so cunningly training the lovely, innocent young women to trust and believe in his harmlessness. To trust in a lie. What skill! Sweet danger.

  ‘I want to hear you beg for mercy,’ Mary told Jack.

  ‘Please, Mistress, don’t punish me. I know I deserve only punishment, but please, have mercy, have mercy, I’m frightened.’

  ‘If you were truly frightened your nasty little worm of a penis would be soft,’ Mary sneered. ‘As eventually it will be. You may masturbate. But I warn you, if you choose to come, I’ll continue to use you for my own amusement. And you’ll suffer more when your dick is limp.’

  ‘If I come I’ll soon get hard again. You’re my Goddess. You’re so gorgeous. I’ll stay hard forever. But have mercy on me. Please, don’t hurt me. Allow me to worship you, and I’ll come and come and come if only you have mercy, please.’

  ‘Come and come and come,’ Mary scoffed, and gave Jack’s cock a slap. ‘This dirty worm will vomit up its life once and then die. If you come and don’t get hard again quickly, very quickly, you’ll suffer like a soul in hell.’

  ‘You can do it, Jack,’ David said. ‘Spray the bitch, hose her down, innundate her. Then do it again and again.’

  ‘Oh, so you encourage him?’ Mary scoffed. She stood up in the bath, grabbed Jack’s head, and squeezed the rubber balls at the base of the dildo she wore so that jets of water shot up Jack’s nose and into his mouth, making him splutter. ‘You two get on very well together. If you were real men you’d be competing for me, fighting and hating one another, but instead you’re friendly. Too friendly. Why don’t you leave us women alone and just play with one another?’

  ‘That’s very good, Mary,’ David said without sarcasm.

  Trying to ignore him, Mary went to the cupboard and took a folded clear plastic sheet from a drawer.

  ‘Lie down on the water bed, face up,’ she ordered Jack. When he had done so, she poured liquid soap over his body. ‘Open your mouth wide and close your eyes. Properly.’ She squeezed a large amount of toothpaste into his mouth, startling him. ‘Keep it in your mouth. Don’t swallow it or try to spit it out.’ Then she unfolded the plastic sheet and lay it over Jack, covering him completely. ‘Come on, girls, try my cock,’ she said to Carol and Faye, who came to join her, both giggling.

  Rubber cock thrusting out, a strange threat and promise, Mary arranged Carol on all fours, with her hands and knees on either side of Jack’s body, and then she crouched behind Carol and slowly slid the dildo home into her slippery cunt, above Jack’s face. Both women gasped. Mary rocked back and forth, feeling a delicious sense of pleasure and power. No wonder men were so obsessed with their cocks! It was really something to fuck a woman. After a series of sharp thrusts, Mary withdrew and tried Faye
in the same way. After that, the three women tried several positions and combinations, with David staring in dangerous fascination. Then Jack emitted a series of loud, choking gasps, spraying toothpaste from his mouth as his penis erupted.

  ‘Oh, the dirty beast has come!’ Faye exclaimed in disgust.

  ‘You’ll have to be punished for that,’ Mary told Jack. ‘Help me get him into the bath, girls.’

  Red-faced and gasping, Jack was hauled into the bath and dumped into the water with his arse uppermost. Faye, Carol and David watched closely as Mary pounced on her weak male victim, her lovely curvaceous body all shiny muscular litheness and strength. She soaped her rubber dildo while Jack babbled, pleading for mercy. He tried to resist, but Mary squeezed his balls and moved over him with pantherish grace. He gave a loud series of girlish, high-pitched cries as Mary gripped him with her long, strong arms and legs, her gorgeous big round buttocks rising and falling, muscles taut. Jack burbled and bubbled as she rode his back in the deep, warm, foamy waters, her right hand jerking his cock back and forth. Soon it was hard, and his writhings and protests, his futile resistance, all evaporated into absolute surrender.

  ‘Take that! And that!’ Mary hissed between clenched teeth. Finally, she came from the delicious rhythmic pressure of the soft, juicy lips at the base of the dildo, and the force of it was a shock that made her rear up on her outstretched arms, pushing Jack down as she thrust endlessly.

  Panting for breath, dazed, she finally pulled away from the coughing man she had punished so deliciously, and David helped her unstrap the dildo. He kissed and cuddled her as he never had before, and she was dismayed at how everything inside her seemed to melt.

  ‘That was wonderful!’ he exclaimed. ‘Mary, I need you, I need you so badly. Come onto the water bed.’

  ‘Not so fast,’ Mary snapped. ‘For ages you’ve been trying to drive me away, to get rid of me like I was a piece of rubbish. Two or three times you’ve forced me to leave you. Four even. Oh God, I can’t even keep count any more. This time it’s not going to work. You want to come, you can always jerk off.’

  ‘OK,’ David agreed. It made Mary even angrier to see him give a little shrug, and to feel he truly was not very bothered by her refusal.

  ‘Oh, Mary!’ Faye exclaimed.

  ‘You two bring him off if you want to. But don’t complain to me when he ends up treating you like white rats in his wet laboratory of weird sex.’

  ‘It can’t be so bad, Mary,’ Faye pointed out. ‘Because you keep coming back, don’t you?’

  Mary opened her mouth wide to yell at Faye, but then she was overcome by the simple truth of Faye’s statement.

  ‘Yeah, well. But that’s because I’m a fucking idiot.’

  ‘No you’re not,’ Jack said fervently. He got out of the bath and gave Mary a comforting hug.

  ‘Be nice to her,’ Carol whispered to David.

  ‘I don’t do nice. I’ve told her many times.’

  ‘Be nice to her or you’ll lose her to Jack.’

  ‘That’s the plan. My latest plan.’

  ‘Don’t you ever get bored making nasty plans?’


  ‘What I would like,’ said Mary, ‘is for you to ask me nicely, David. And to acknowledge that soon you’ll be trying to get rid of me again. And you could even try to explain why. Because sincerity and honesty are good things, that’s all.’

  David hesitated, then took a deep breath.

  ‘Let’s make love, Mary, please. I know I’m a complete bastard who doesn’t deserve to even touch you, and I admit I’ll probably try to drive you away again. Why? I like being alone. And I have nothing to give except crap. And I’m afraid of intimacy, I suppose. And of being understood.’

  ‘That’ll do,’ sighed Mary. ‘Your sincerity is pretty scary, David. I’m going to be on top this time. You lie on the water bed.’

  David agreed with alacrity, and then Carol and Faye helped Mary massage him using baby oil for twenty minutes. By then he was gasping and writhing with lust. Mary mounted him, sitting on his cock, and the girls took turns presenting their breasts and open vulvas to his mouth, as Mary asked them to do, while she stayed still and used her powerful vaginal muscles, developed by daily exercises, to squeeze David’s huge penis. He did not move either, but simply lay and tried to relax his every muscle so as to prolong his pleasure. Jack caressed and kissed Mary, his erect cock pressing against her strong thighs. Mary and David breathed more and more rapidly, then reached orgasm at the same time precisely, with loud groans, cries and sobbing gasps.

  ‘You came together,’ Faye said a minute later. ‘Like a perfect couple. It’s romantic even if you both say it isn’t. Which you will say.’

  ‘It’s not romantic,’ Mary protested. ‘It was just coincidence.’

  ‘Simultaneous orgasm,’ David insisted, ‘doesn’t mean anything.’

  ‘Isn’t it sweet how they agree?’ said Carol.

  ‘And they get all flustered denying the truth.’ Faye giggled.

  ‘What I’m going to do now is to punish you, Jack,’ Mary stated, resolutely ignoring Carol and Faye’s teasing. ‘You deserve it for annoying me so much.’

  With pleasure, she bound Jack’s ankles to rings in the floor using white cotton cords, so that he stood with feet parted and immobilised. Secondly, she tightly fastened a black leather corset around his waist, and strapped his wrists into the long leather cuffs, beautifully and strongly stitched to the back of the corset. Thirdly, she linked a metal ring at the back of the corset to a ceiling ring with a long white cord which forced Jack to remain standing. Her final act was to fasten a leather harness around his cock and balls, and to secure this to a ring in the floor, so that his penis, already becoming erect, was held down at an intriguing angle which would cause Jack greater and greater discomfort as his cock grew rigid. Mary then caressed Jack and herself, teased the head of his penis with her fingernails, and smiled as its downward-pointing erection did indeed make Jack whimper and plead.

  David, Faye and Carol stared in wonder at Jack’s superb confinement. Mary could not help feeling proud of her inventiveness, skill and cunning.

  ‘What a predicament you’ve got yourself into, Jack,’ she commented cheerfully. ‘You look wonderful. Good enough to punish. If you’re foolish enough to surrender your body for my strange experiments, something very bad is bound to happen to you.’

  ‘That’s amazing,’ Faye murmured in awe.

  ‘Well done, Mary,’ said David. ‘I can see you and Jack are perfectly suited for one another.’

  ‘Oh, shut up. Let’s tease him.’

  Spraying Jack with water was fun, as he spluttered and wriggled so. Hot, cold, warm and cold. The three women showered each other with hot water then soaped Jack and themselves, teasing him with great delight, rubbing their breasts and crotches on his chest and thighs.

  ‘Oh, please, fuck me, Jack, I need your cock so badly,’ said Mary as she straddled his harnessed penis, kissing its helmet with her warm, wet, slippery lips. It shuddered to full erection, held down at an angle, and she laughed gaily as he groaned.

  For some minutes the women had fun caressing each other and their helplessly aroused prisoner.

  ‘How dare you display your disgusting penis in this way!’ Mary suddenly snapped. ‘I didn’t give you permission for you to have an erection. Stop it at once!’

  ‘I can’t stop it,’ Jack moaned.

  ‘So you disobey me? Now you’ll have to be chastised, and severely. My young acolytes will do it for me. They need the practice.’ Mary took two black leather tawses from the cupboard and offered them to Carol and Faye. ‘Hit him. It’s fun.’

  ‘I don’t know,’ Carol murmured nervously.

  ‘Go on,’ said David. ‘You both look so beautiful.’

  ‘No, no, please, don’t,’ Jack pleaded.

  ‘Ignore Jack,’ laughed Mary. ‘He’s just pretending.’

  ‘Come on, Carol, it’d be a new experience,’ said Fa
ye. ‘It’s no big deal. You try it, then I’ll try it.’

  Mary was momentarily surprised to see that Faye was truly eager for Carol to strike Jack. Then she guessed the reason: Mary had sensed that Carol had a real sexual interest in David and Jack, that she was far from being a complete lesbian as Faye seemed to be. Doubtless Faye knew of Carol’s feelings towards men, and would like to see her lover treat Jack ruthlessly.

  ‘Oh, I’ll go first,’ Faye said impatiently, snatching the tawse from Carol, who was undecided and hesitant. With no delay, so as not to give herself time for moral qualms, the big-breasted young lesbian struck Jack seven times on his outer thighs. The first blow was very hard and loud, and startled her almost as much as it did Jack. The next three were light. Then she regained her nerve, and hit Jack three more times very hard indeed, with long pauses between the blows, during which Mary caressed her huge udders and murmured words of encouragement. She and David were profoundly thrilled to see her punishing Jack with such determination.

  ‘That’s wonderful,’ Mary told her warmly. ‘He deserves much worse, and I’m sure you’ll torment him more and more from now on. Really, he’d like to stick his penis into you and Carol and inject you with his mess.’

  ‘I know,’ Faye hissed. ‘He does deserve worse. And we’ll give it to him, won’t we, Carol? Come on, you hit him. We can’t leave all the work to David and Mary while we just fool around and watch like a pair of voyeurs. That’s not fair. We have to be more active.’ She pressed the leather tawse into Carol’s fingers, practically having to push them into position. ‘If you love me like I love you, Carol, you’ll hit him hard.’

  ‘Of course I love you,’ Carol protested.

  Mary and David exchanged looks. As if by telepathy, she knew what he was thinking: if Faye and Carol both punished Jack, they made themselves fair game. They would deserve punishment for their sex crimes – it would be David’s duty to teach them that cruelty had consequences. And so they would become bondage toys in a fantasy bathroom, twats in torment, nasty lesbian sluts in cruel restraint. Yes, Mary knew how David’s mind worked: nastily. As bad as hers.


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