Aqua Domination
Page 21
Suddenly, Carol swung her arm and hit Jack hard on his left thigh. She whimpered and mouthed the fingers of her left hand. Jack moaned and quivered, his cock huge and rigid. Faye kissed and stroked Carol, and the blonde Valkyrie, so tall and slender, gritted her teeth and hit the helpless male captive eight more times, very hard, as if trying to persuade herself of something, striving to achieve a certainty.
‘That’s wonderful,’ Mary said brightly.
‘Beautiful,’ said David. ‘Just beautiful.’
‘Jack, thank these lovely girls and ask for more pain,’ Mary commanded.
‘Thank you, Carol and Faye, thank you. Please hurt me more, give me more pain. I need –’
Jack’s babbling was cut off by Mary’s slipping a rubber gag into his mouth and strapping it in place. Realising how he had been tricked, Jack struggled in his bonds and made animal noises in his throat and through his nose, but it was too late.
‘Let’s play with each other for a while,’ David suggested. ‘Then you can really punish Jack.’
Delightedly, they stroked and kissed in front of the captive, and all became massively aroused. Their orgasms so far only seemed a prelude to what was to come now that Faye and Carol were dominating Jack with mounting lust and cruelty. Cunningly, David and Mary caressed and praised the girls, stimulating them further with teasing caresses from vibrators and their tongues. Then David and Mary got into the bath. She lay down, proffering her lovely arse, and he mounted her with a sigh of pleasure. She held the rail at the side of the big red bath so they could watch Faye and Carol get to work on their helpless prisoner.
What a wonderful sight it was! Mary and David shivered and groaned in almost unbearable excitement as they watched and fucked. Carol and Faye, so lovely, and so fundamentally innocent, egged each other on, and inflicted more and more severe pain on Jack with their lashing leather tawses. Innocence actually helped them inflict more suffering, as they lacked both experience of physical pain and empathy, and were more easily swept away by the excitement of landing blows on a helpless male. Domination was to these lovely girls a fresh and amusing novelty.
‘Remember it was my idea to involve them,’ Mary murmured to David.
‘You nasty bitch,’ he muttered. ‘I’ll punish you with my cock.’
Truly it was delicious, thought Mary, to lure such charming, nice girls into the ways of absolute sexual corruption. It had been done to her, so they deserved it too. And if it felt so marvellous, how could it even be wrong?
Now she understood David better than ever. He had enjoyed corrupting her as she now relished corrupting Faye and Carol, two fresh-faced girls becoming addicted to sexual deviation. Suddenly, she felt she might be able, could even be forced, to forgive David for all he had done to her, for she was imitating him with such success and pleasure.
From now on, Carol and Faye were themselves deserving of punishment.
‘I want to thank you, Mary,’ said David.
‘You know what’s coming next?’ Mary said to Jack. ‘He’ll thank me for absolutely the wrong thing. He always does, on the very rare occasions that he thanks me for anything at all.’
‘Do I really do that?’ David asked in surprise. ‘Oh, well. Every human being is allowed one bad habit.’
‘He only has one bad habit, Jack. What a paragon.’
‘Anyway,’ David continued. ‘I want to thank you for helping me get out of Thailand.’
‘You’re hallucinating! I’d remember if I’d ever done such a thing. What, you think I smuggled you out in my private jet?’
‘Stock exchange?’ Jack inquired through a mouthful of fish and chips.
‘Stock exchange,’ David replied, shaking his head at Mary’s babbling of aircraft. ‘The SET, Stock Exchange of Thailand, was the world’s best-performing stock market last year, and this year it may well manage second. But who knows? A few hundred-quid bombs and the whole economy could go down the drain. Very cost-effective, terrorism. So I sold out the other day. Better to take a profit than wait for a loss.’
‘So where do I come in?’ Mary inquired.
‘I have to thank you because you made me wake up. You turned up uninvited, out of the blue, a few weeks ago, and you annoyed me and tried to take over my life, and that shook me out of my lethargy, so I was able to think properly about my investments again and decide to get out of Thailand with a profit.’ David raised his glass of orange juice to Mary and drank it with an air of victory.
‘You see how disappointing and bloody irritating it is when David thanks me for the wrong thing?’ Mary said to Jack.
‘Certainly,’ he agreed warmly. ‘So I praise your beauty, goodness, intelligence and sense of humour. What a contrast I am with David! And does it do me any good? Does it fuck. You wouldn’t notice if I set myself on fire.’ Jack laughed sharply, and put vinegar on his fish with some vehemence.
‘Don’t worry, Jack,’ David said. ‘I’ve been thinking, and I’m sure I’ve thought of a way to solve your problem. And mine. And Mary’s. We’ll start on it today. It’s a good opportunity, with Carol and Faye working on their summer projects. Now the three of us can get down to the real stuff, the core of our problems.’
‘What problems?’ Mary asked in surprise.
‘First, Jack’s problem. He loves you, and he also wants you to dominate him, to allow him to worship you as a goddess. This wouldn’t be a problem except that you’re too stubborn to accept his devotion, Mary. Which brings us to your problem: you love me and you want to stay here and prove your devotion to me by giving yourself to me and encouraging me to be cruel.’
‘You’re dreaming,’ Mary sneered. ‘You fancy yourself. You assume too much. If I ever loved you, I stopped a long time ago. I’m cured of my adolescent infatuation.’
‘Ha!’ Jack exclaimed. ‘Liar.’
‘For God’s sake!’ Mary exclaimed. ‘What are you two bloody fools analysing me for? Look at all the exciting games we’re playing, all the great sex we’re having. That’s what’s important, the excitement. I’m here now just for the physical pleasure.’
‘There are some people in the world who can play domination games without serious emotions,’ David said slowly, staring down into his cup of Chinese tea. ‘But none of them happen to be in this house right now.’
‘I refuse to waste my time arguing,’ Mary stated.
‘Lastly,’ said David, ‘we come to my problem, which is that I want to be alone. I love being alone. I think clearly when I’m alone and I feel much better. But I can’t be alone if you keep pushing your way in here, Mary.’
‘What an arsehole you are!’
‘Yes, as I keep telling you. So there we have the three problems. But I’ve hit on a way to solve all three at the same time. And we’ll also have an exciting time.’
‘In your bathroom of course,’ Mary sneered.
‘Of course,’ David agreed without embarrassment. ‘It’s a simple idea, but it’ll be great. Jack and I will dominate you together, Mary. I’ll teach him how to dominate you in ways that will satisfy you both. Then you might just end up together. I’m sure the two of you could be happy together, really. Don’t reject the idea out of hand, Mary.’
‘It’s rubbish,’ Mary protested. ‘You think you can palm me off with Jack and then throw us away, into the bin, so you can go back to being by yourself and rotting in loneliness and depression because you’re too cowardly to be with anybody and admit who you really are. You’re too weak to love, too weak to be yourself. Pathetic! If you want me to go away I will, but by myself, not with Jack. And anyway I won’t go until I’m good and ready, which is not right now, before you ask.’
‘Fine, fine,’ said David, raising the palms of his hands to Mary as though trying to fend off a dangerous physical attack. ‘So it’s an interesting challenge, right? Jack and I will try to make you attached – or whatever word you like, Mary – to Jack instead of me, so –’
‘Attached like a limpet,’ Mary
complained. ‘So you dream.’
‘So we need you, Mary, to surrender your body to us unconditionally for twelve hours. Come on, you know you want to try it. Two men. Twelve hours.’
‘I’d have to be crazy to agree to that,’ Mary sneered, pouring herself another cup of tea. When she looked up from the cup, she saw the two men looking at her in amused silence. ‘All right, so I am crazy,’ she admitted. ‘But not half as crazy as you two. All right, let’s try this challenge. Can you make me love Jack by dominating me? But there’s one thing you have to do first, David.’
‘Something really annoying, I bet.’
‘I suppose so. You have to ask me nicely. And not only nicely, but sincerely.’
‘Oh God,’ David groaned. ‘Deep down, very deep down, you’re far stronger and more sadistic than I am, Mary.’
‘You just realised? Pretty slow on the uptake.’
‘Women are absolutely ruthless at heart because for millions of years they had to do terrible things so their children would survive,’ David mused. ‘And the worst thing, the cruellest trick, that women ever did is this: they pretend to submit to men. And men are stupid enough to fall for it.’
‘Which gains women a further advantage for their children,’ said Jack. ‘At last I start to understand women.’
‘But for you,’ Mary stated, ‘it’s far too late.’
‘Cheeky, perky, provocative,’ David noted, frowning slightly with distaste.
‘You still haven’t asked me politely and sincerely,’ Mary said very quietly, leaning towards David and staring into his eyes.
‘Such a simple thing. It’s nothing. So why do I feel that if I do it, something terrible will happen?’
‘You’ll only know the answer to that after you’ve asked me. Nicely. Bad luck. For you. Not me.’
David visibly hesitated, pulled himself together, had second thoughts and several kinds of doubt before saying: ‘Please, Mary, submit to Jack and I. We need you.’
‘Yes, for twelve hours I’ll obey your every command,’ Mary replied, certain of David’s sincerity and truthfulness. He had said he needed her, which was a great step forwards.
‘I’ll run a bath,’ she said at last.
‘It’s running,’ David replied. ‘It’s been running a long time.’ His voice had its flat tone of subdued anger, the anger which was in David, even more than in other men, an integral part of lust, perhaps indeed not just a part but the core. To inspire such dangerous and strong emotions was, Mary thought, really something. Her greatest achievement. David had got rid of other women, but she had stayed the course. She was like a horse, bridled and saddled, a slave, yet a slave carrying its rider, David, further and further into black, airless, realms where all her strange and frightening fantasies became reality. The more she submitted to David, the further she dragged him into dangerous waters. No wonder he felt such lust and anger.
Lunch was soon finished, and Mary insisted as usual on their doing the washing-up and tidying the kitchen. Then the three of them undressed in David’s bedroom with the curtains drawn against a drizzly day of dullness and mundanity. How much better to be in what Mary thought of as her house. With her man. Dreams, she thought. So what. Dream harder.
Naked. Vulnerable. David and Jack stared at Mary in all her strength and loveliness. She was going to submit for twelve hours. Unconditionally. It was insane. Her whole body seemed to twitch and tingle and hum with vitality. She dressed herself up for a bath and, as she did so, both men’s cocks shuddered erect. So huge, so threatening. Slowly she put on a black plastic corset, and black stockings that each had three straps attached to rings at the base of the corset. She encased her long white throat in a red plastic collar, high and padded, and her long fingers were sheathed in soft gloves of black leather.
‘Come along, my poor silly mermaid,’ said David. ‘It is time for some truly serious bathing.’
In silence the three of them entered the bathroom, where many items were laid out, strange and compelling, but there was more, for David had bought three female shop window dummies with adjustable limbs. He and Jack had dressed them in plastic and rubber, and bound them severely in extreme postures of inventive cruelty. Mary shivered with fear.
‘Masturbate,’ David ordered her quietly. ‘Put on your best show ever. Or we’ll whip you so you daren’t show your striped skin to Carol and Faye for a month.’
Shivering with strange lusts and bizarre fantasies that seemed to crawl over and into every part of her body like a river of starving ants, Mary went down on all fours and crawled to the huge red bath full of foaming hot water, slipping into its heat and divine weightlessness, its infinitely seductive lubrication and its absolute insanity, to masturbate with real fury and frenzy, her black-gloved hands squeezing and stroking her shining wet flesh as she struck more and more extreme and outrageous poses.
In the huge mirror fitted to the wall, heated from behind to prevent condensation, she saw her hard ripe curves and long legs, her tits and arse flashing wet and shiny, the open and inviting lips of her powerful young cunt.
Sliding slowly like a snake she crawled out of the bath, removed her swimming mask, and moved to the mirror on the wall, staring into it with her bright hazel eyes locked on their own reflections. Slowly, she put out her tongue and licked the glass, then rose up with languid, unhurried grace to rub the tips of her nipples against the mirror, then her belly and thighs, sliding slowly up and down, making love to her own reflection so perfect and lovely. Jack and David were sweating as they stared at her, sitting in red plastic chairs, their cocks shivering and hard as though freezing cold and turning to rigid ice.
Smiling slightly, Mary made love to herself in the mirror, her clit tickling and teasing the image of itself as she pulled back its hood and thrust its sensitive head against the glass, holding her breasts as she stood there, before sliding slowly down to go on all fours, presenting her buttocks to the men and reaching behind herself to probe every crevice. Then she crawled over to David and licked his thighs, tasting his tangy fresh sweat and enjoying every drop. Revelling in her sexiness, she sucked David’s balls, then Jack’s. Both men shuddered. With a harsh grin of triumph, she opened the mouth of David’s penis and flicked the tip of her tongue around the red flesh inside, and then suddenly she darted away from him and lay on the water bed, eagerly seizing the items she needed to probe and restrain her own body in a deliciously perverse act of bondage.
First, she removed her gloves so she could use her fingers properly. Then she took a two-metre length of black plastic strap with O-rings at either end and several metal rings set along its entire length at regular intervals. This she placed over her shoulders and under her crotch, crossing between her breasts and in the middle of her back. She fastened it tightly, then wound a second identical strap around her waist and thighs, and around her chest above her breasts. After fastening this too, she lay down and wound the third strap around her feet, ankles, calves, below and above her knees, around her thighs, then her waist. She gagged herself with a red rubber bulb attached to a set of black plastic straps that she fastened around her head. Lastly, she wound a red cotton cord around her wrists, twisting it tight, fastening her hands behind her back. Now she was caught in a constrictive, ruthless trap of her own contriving. Arching and writhing, gasping and straining, she began to struggle desperately, striving with all her might to reach the orgasm she so desperately craved.
A minute passed. Another. Sweating and straining, shaking up and down on the undulating water bed, she began to feel she could do it. Not yet. Soon. Cruelly confined and constricted as she was, she felt more as though she were flying, using all her muscles to achieve the freedom of orgasm. She felt sure she had impressed David despite all his efforts to remain calm. Cold. He always tried to be cold and uninvolved, but really he was hot with volcano heat.
‘Let’s take control,’ David snapped, jumping from his seat. He jumped to Mary’s side and fitted wrist straps with O-rings which he attached
to rings at the back of her black plastic corset. He removed her gag.
‘Mary, only Jack can make you come. But you must pleasure and worship him first. You must beg for his cock.’
Mary decided to do just that. Sure that David expected her to resist out of her habitual stubbornness and contrariness, she wanted to annoy and confuse him by obeying him at once.
‘Master Jack, please, sir, make me come with your huge cock. I need to come so badly,’ she pleaded. ‘Grant me orgasm, my beloved master. Please don’t let David touch me, he’s just a weasel, a rat.’
‘Very clever, Mary,’ said David, staring at her sternly. ‘You see what an annoying bitch she is, Jack? She’s obeying, but in an insincere way, with sarcasm. But it doesn’t matter. No Mary, you won’t put us off our stride. We have all the time in the world. We’ll break your spirit, and in the end you’ll be begging Jack in all sincerity, worshipping him with all your heart.’
Ruthlessly, the two men hauled Mary into the bath and made her kneel. David squatted behind her and teased her with his clever, knowing hands, stroking and squeezing her in every way except for the way that would make her come. Tweaking her big hard nipples between his fingers, he thrust his huge penis against her slippery warm wet back. Firmly bound as she was, Mary could only squirm. Jack stood in front of Mary, held the shaft of his cock in his right hand, and worked the glans in and out of Mary’s mouth, then beat it against her tongue when she stuck it out, before having her suck him for a long time. Determined to make him come so that David would see how sexy she was, and how lacking in self-control Jack was, Mary put all her heart and soul into her mouth, sucking and licking Jack with superb expertise. Finally, she held the rim of his knob lightly with her teeth and pulled on it, though not too hard, while swirling her tongue round and round his sensitive flesh at high speed. Gasping and groaning like a woman giving birth, Jack filled her mouth with jetting cream, and Mary gulped it down noisily, making a production of it to annoy or arouse David. Hopefully both.