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Wanton Desire

Page 24

by Ruth D. Kerce

  Finally, Joe settled her onto her back and covered her mouth with his. His hands slid around to her breasts and he massaged them softly.

  When his thumbs brushed her nipples, Emma moaned against his mouth. She felt the erotic sensation right down to her pussy and it caused her clitoris to throb. He broke the kiss and lowered his head to one of the fleshy buds. After a couple of loving licks, he sucked it into his mouth.

  Emma tangled her fingers in his hair as more pleasure shot through her. “Love me. Now,” she pleaded, needing to feel his cock inside her again. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  He raised his head. “I can’t. Not yet.” Even so, he moved more fully on top of her and she wrapped her legs around him.

  The heat of his body penetrated her already warm flesh, raising her temperature to an almost uncomfortable level. But still, she urged him even closer. His hesitation to enter her about drove her crazy for she longed for fulfillment again—the emotional and sexual fulfillment that only he could give her.

  He tossed the covers completely aside and moved down her body, kissing every inch of flesh along the way. Oh yes. Not what she’d expected but she loved his mouth wherever he wanted to put it.

  When he reached her thighs, she moaned and squirmed beneath him. Her body ached for another release so strongly that it was almost painful. Every time he touched her it felt more exciting than the last and she hoped her touch, her mouth, her body excited him just as much.

  Gently he pushed her legs wider. His tongue touched her intimately, stroking the sensitive bud of nerves within her.

  She gasped and tightly clutched the sheet beneath her fingers. “Oh…” The act of him licking her pussy seemed so wickedly decadent. She wanted it to go on forever.

  When he sucked her clitoris into his mouth, she groaned and arched her back. Sensation after sensation rushed through her body in a flood of unending pleasure as she peaked. How could anything feel this good?

  She wasn’t certain how long the climax lasted. It seemed forever, yet not long enough. When her body finally relaxed, she looked down at Joe. He was smiling slightly with a look of pure love on his face. He slowly kissed his way back up her body.

  “You are incredible. Gorgeous. And I’d be nothing without you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Feeling more loved than she ever had in her life, Emma turned her head and kissed his mouth eagerly, tasting herself on his lips. Finally he slipped inside her body and pushed his cock deep. She loved the feel of him and knew it wouldn’t be long until she’d once more shatter in an explosive climax.

  She moved her hips with his, matching his rhythm. The pleasure increased, flowing through her body in waves of delight. Joe broke the kiss and moaned her name against her ear. She loved the growl of possessiveness in his voice. He began to move faster, harder, deeper inside her.

  Even though she’d already climaxed twice, she felt her body’s need to come yet again. “Yes, fuck me,” she whispered against his ear, uttering that word for the first time in her life. It felt strange on her tongue but tasted deliciously sinful at the same time and sounded exciting to her ears.

  “Ah yeah!” And Joe did just what she wanted. He fucked her thoroughly, thrusting into her pussy over and over again.

  As one, they climaxed, clinging to each other desperately. The ecstasy was so great that she felt as if their souls touched. Her gaze locked with his. When the physical pleasure finally ebbed, the emotional pleasure and love remained strong. She could see it all in his eyes.

  Emma knew that she’d found the man who would be beside her for the rest of her life and she looked forward to raising a family with him and growing old in the light of his love.

  He moved off her and they held each other in silence. Exhausted, Emma cuddled close. She listened to Joe’s even breathing and realized that he’d fallen asleep. Eventually, she drifted to sleep also and slipped into a realm of erotic dreams where Joe fulfilled her every fantasy.

  * * * * *

  The next two days passed quickly as they prepared to leave, and before Emma knew it, the day of departure had come. She took one last look around the clinic. Knowing she and Joe would be back made leaving bearable. But not by much. She turned when he came into the front room.

  “Are you and Willie all packed now?” he asked.

  After their wedding night, they’d decided to stay at the clinic so they wouldn’t need to ride back and forth between the ranch and town each day. Willie had joined them the next morning and Emma had made sure the girl had proper clothing for the trip. Wade and Skylar, along with Beth and Cal, had ridden in earlier this morning and they’d all enjoyed a family breakfast together.

  Now they were waiting for the stage. Most of their luggage had already been taken over to be loaded once the coach arrived but she and Willie had wanted one more look around.

  “I think Willie’s still upstairs gathering a few things from her room. Do you have everything?”

  “Yeah, I think so. I didn’t have much. Whatever we forget, we can purchase along the way. Oh, good news. Wade’s arranged for me to be his livestock manager for shipments to and from the East Coast, so he won’t have to travel as much anymore. It’s a good position. It will give me something to do and it’s fairly good money, depending on sales. I’ll get a commission on shipments. Wade wants to grow the ranch and the quality of their breeding program with more stock imported from Europe, but he doesn’t want to be away from the family right now with Skylar expecting again.”

  “Wonderful! That’s going to take a lot of stress off my mind. Now we should be able to afford our new place much easier. And my schooling. Maybe I’ll even be able to take some advanced training courses in surgery. That would really help me in my future practice. I also think I’ve convinced Willie to take some nursing courses while we’re in Boston, if we can arrange it. She has a flair for tending wounds and it would keep her out of trouble.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “What is the town going to do about a sheriff?” she asked, concerned for Elk Valley’s citizens.

  “The deputy in Fox Valley is going to come over and help out until they can find a permanent replacement. They’d hoped he would just take the job but he has a family that he doesn’t want to uproot and their sheriff is getting on in years. He wants to take over the position there when the time comes.”

  Emma nodded. “Well, I’m glad that the town council found at least a temporary solution. I don’t feel so guilty now about taking you away.”

  Joe smiled. “I intended to go anyway, whether they found a replacement or not. You know that, right?”

  “Yes. I know.” She’d never had a doubt. Well, not after their wedding night. She returned his smile, then looked around the clinic once more. She sighed.

  He slid his arm around her waist. “Are you all right?”

  “I suppose. Leaving again is harder than I thought it would be.”

  “We’ll be back.”

  She looked over at him and smiled. “Knowing that is keeping me going and strong.” She squared her shoulders. “We better head on out. If we miss the stage, we’ll have to travel by wagon.”

  “Relax.” He pulled her close. “Wade will hold the stage for us, as long as we don’t dally overly long.” He kissed her softly on the lips, letting his mouth linger. His arms circled her and he rubbed her back. With each stroke, his hands drifted closer to her butt, until he rested his palms there and squeezed lightly.

  She loved this man so much. She knew they were going to have a happy life together. It might not always be easy, but as long as they had each other, they could deal with any problems that came their way.

  And right now her nerves were definitely a problem. She probably wouldn’t be able to put aside her worries about the city and how everyone was going to like it until they were in Boston, moved into their new place, and they all settled into a daily routine.

  Joe pulled back. “All right. I can feel that you’re anxious.”

/>   “Sorry.” She chuckled. “I’ve got so much on my mind. I don’t think I’ll be able to settle down anytime soon.”

  “Then we best get going.” He picked up her bag. “Willie!” he called up the stairs. “Time to go.”

  When there was no response, Emma walked over to the steps. “Willie!” She looked back at Joe. “I’ll go up and get her.” She went up and searched each room, but the girl was nowhere to be found. She returned to the first floor. “Willie’s not up there. Maybe she’s over at the stage already. She could have left when I wasn’t paying attention.”

  Joe nodded. “All right. We’ll meet up with her over there.” He took her hand and led her out.

  She locked the door, then handed the key to Beth, who was standing just outside, waiting for them. “Have you seen Willie?” Emma asked her.

  “Earlier I saw her with a small satchel. She was crossing the road in front of Carter’s Mercantile. She’s probably over at the stage by now with everyone else. We’re all going to miss you something terrible. I’ll be marking the days on my date pad until you return.”

  “We’re going to miss all of you too,” Emma said, giving her best friend a hug. Beth wasn’t the only one who’d be counting the days.

  When they got to the stage, everyone they loved was there. Wade, Skylar, Cal, Myrah, the children, and Beth who had walked over with them. Emma and Joe hugged everyone and said their goodbyes.

  Joe looked around. “Where is Willie? Willie!”

  Emma searched for the young woman. Willie had been depressed after Montana left but this morning she’d seemed in a much better mood and had looked so lovely in her new traveling dress and shoes. Emma hoped she hadn’t changed her mind about coming with them.

  “I’m here!” Willie rushed out of the general store and ran toward them. “I just wanted to buy some candy for the trip.”

  Emma breathed a sigh of relief and she felt Joe relax beside her. He had probably been worried about his sister changing her mind too.

  Their luggage had already been loaded, so they simply boarded the coach and settled in for the ride. They were the only three on the stage, so the ride to the next stop would be a comfortable one.

  Emma grabbed Joe’s hand as everyone waved to them. She held back a sniffle as her emotions jumbled inside her—a mixture of happy and sad.

  When she looked over at Joe and he squeezed her fingers, she knew that everything was going to be all right. No matter what life brought to them, they were a family and nothing would ever tear them apart again.


  Eight months later, Boston

  Emma grimaced in pain. This was a lot harder and more stressful than she’d anticipated.

  “Push!” Willie maneuvered herself into a better position on the end of the large bed.

  “I can’t. I’m exhausted,” Emma practically cried. She wanted Joe. Having him beside her right now would give her strength.

  “You should be in the hospital. What good is living in a big city and being a doctor if—”

  “I don’t want my baby born in a cold hospital room if it’s not necessary. Oh!” Another contraction took hold and though she felt completely spent, she gathered what strength she had left and pushed through it. “I want to give birth at home, Willie,” she said, her voice tight from the pain.

  The contractions subsided for the moment and she fell back against the pillows. “You can handle this. You’ve finished your training. Besides, there are two doctors next door if we need them. And a midwife lives across the road.”

  “None of which are home. I already sent Jacob over to check.”

  Jacob was one of the young boys who sometimes worked around the house to earn a little extra money. Emma smiled at the thought of him and his endless stream of questions. She’d taken a shine to the boy right away and he’d proven to be quite responsible and personable.

  “The hospital is just down the way if we need help. Ah!” Pain racked her body again but she trusted in Willie to get her through this more than any doctor or midwife. The girl had a special touch that she hadn’t recognized yet. “Where’s Joe?” He should be here for the birth of their first child.

  “I sent the boy to fetch him from the harbor. He’ll be here any minute, I’m sure. Then I told Jacob to run down to the hospital and drag a doctor over here. I’m just a nurse, barely done with my training, and I only took the basics.”

  “You’ve assisted in childbirths.”

  “Only two. Oh! I see the head. Push!”

  Emma pushed with all her might.

  “Yes! Almost. Yes, the head is out.”

  Sweat dripped down Emma’s face and after swiping at her skin with her hand, she finally grabbed a cloth sitting beside her to dry herself. She felt another contraction and groaned, then she began to push once again.

  “Wait. Stop pushing!”

  Emma’s heart lurched and panic struck. “What’s wrong?”

  “The cord is caught on the baby’s shoulder. Hold on.” Willie’s face tensed and it seemed forever before she visibly relaxed again. “All right. I got it free.”

  “Is the baby all right?” Emma could barely get the words out, her fear was so great.

  “The baby’s fine. Thankfully, the cord wasn’t around the neck.”

  The relief that flowed through her at Willie’s response made her collapse on the mattress like a rag doll. She knew she’d put her trust in the right person. Willie had abandoned her wild ways as soon as they’d arrived in Boston and had turned into a mature young woman in an amazingly short amount of time.

  “Don’t relax. We’re not done yet. We still need to get the shoulders all the way out. You need at least one more good, long push.”

  Emma got up on her elbows and pushed with all she had. At that moment, the door to the bedroom flew open.


  “Joe.” She reached out for him and her anxiety about doing this without him immediately eased.

  He was at her side in a flash and held her hand. “Jacob told me. He’s gone to get a doctor. He should have done that first.” Concern filled his face. “I didn’t think I’d make it in time. How are you doing? How’s she doing, Willie?”

  “She’s doing just fine. I need another push, Emma.”

  Emma squeezed Joe’s hand. He supported her back with his other arm as she pushed.

  “Yes! Good. The baby’s out. It’s a boy!”

  Emma relaxed against the pillows but her mind couldn’t relax as her thoughts were on her son. “Let me see him,” she said, reaching out.

  “I need to tie off and cut the cord.” After a few moments, Willie smiled. “All right. Done.” A frown crossed her face. Willie wrapped the baby and took him over to a side table.

  “Willie?” When the girl didn’t respond, Emma’s heart began to pound painfully. Why hadn’t she brought him to her as she’d asked? “Is he all right?”

  “I think so.” Her voice sounded strained. “Let me get him cleaned up.”

  “Shouldn’t he be crying?” Joe asked, looking white as a sheet.

  He was right, Emma realized. She wasn’t thinking as clearly as she should be. “Willie! Why isn’t he crying?” Her heart raced. She tried to get up but was too weak. “Bring him here!”

  And then the room filled with wails. All the tension in the air dissolved and everyone audibly sighed. Willie turned with the baby cradled in her arms and brought him over to the bed. “He’s fine. He just needed a little encouragement to take his first breath.”

  Emma reached out for her son. Once in her arms, she stared down at him in amazement and awe. The love and protectiveness that washed over her was more powerful than any she’d ever felt. When she looked up at Joe, she saw tears in his eyes.

  Willie moved over to the dresser to wash up in the bowl of water there. “Maybe you should take the baby for a bit, Joe, while I help get Emma cleaned up. Then you need to sleep, Emma.”

  “Not just yet,” she said. “I want to hold him a while
and I need to nurse him. Oh my. He’s so handsome. Just like his papa.”

  Joe beamed.

  Willie came back over to the bed. “So, what’s his name?”

  Emma glanced over at Joe.

  “Tell her,” he said.

  She looked up at Willie. “We decided, if it was a boy, to name him after both our families, or someone in both our families, that is. We chose the name—William Bray Jackson. Bray, after my family name, and William, after you, since you’ve come to mean so much to us and our lives.”

  Willie’s eyes widened, then she sniffled and gave them a small smile. “That’s a fine name. For a fine boy.”

  “Oh!” Pain shot through Emma and she almost dropped the baby.

  Willie took the boy from her. “What’s wrong?”

  Joe jumped to his feet. “Emma?”

  Emma couldn’t believe this was happening. She’d had no idea. She reached out for Joe’s hand. When the pain passed, she looked up at Willie. “I think there’s another baby.”

  Joe’s knees gave out and he sank down beside her. He looked to be in shock.

  Willie laid William in the crib that Joe had finished making weeks before. “Maybe it’s just the afterbirth.” She moved to her position at the end of the bed and took a look. “Oh, my goodness. Yes. I see it. There is another baby. You didn’t know about this?”

  Emma shook her head. “There was no indication of more than one.” Suddenly Colton’s words came back to her. You’re going to have a baby too. But he’d paused before the last word. You’re going to have a baby. Two. Was it possible he’d known?

  Another contraction hit her and Emma’s fingers dug into Joe’s hand. Her other hand gripped the sheet beneath her. “Ah!”

  “Where is Jacob and that doctor?” Willie practically shouted. “Push!”

  Emma pushed with all her might, but she didn’t have much strength left. She didn’t know if she could do this.

  Joe had recovered from his shock and found his voice. He was now encouraging her to be strong. He and Willie were both talking to her but all the sounds around her seemed to be coming from a deep well as she concentrated on getting this second child out.


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