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Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two

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by Breanna Hayse

  Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two


  Breanna Hayse

  ©2012 by Blushing Books® and Breanna Hayse

  Copyright © 2012 by Blushing Books® and Breanna Hayse

  All rights reserved. No part of the book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

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  Hayse, Breanna

  Time Out

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-60968-776-2

  Cover Design by Korey Mae Johnson

  Images provided by

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

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  Chapter One

  Kristina Barker rubbed her temple, staring blankly at the essay she was supposed to be writing for Philosophy 101- Critical Thinking. Sighing, she put her pen down and closed her eyes for a moment to try to think. Nothing. Professor Suzanne Bichat glanced up to notice the attractive young woman staring vacantly out the window. Suzanne frowned, knowing Kristina needed this class to graduate as a Literature major. It was early February, over one month into the semester, and Kristina was already spiraling in her grades.

  “Miss Barker? I’d like to see you after class if you have a minute,” Suzanne said firmly.

  “Um, yes ma’am, Ms. Bichat.” Blinking and jarred out of her daze, Kristina looked at the statuesque 6’2” Amazonian women sitting at her desk, dressed-to-kill in a designer silk suit. Her dark blonde hair was pulled back tightly in a bun and the only flaw on her model-gorgeous face was a stern, commanding, scowl.

  Suzanne nodded, returning to grading papers. The sound of impatient foot tapping caused her to lift her head to glance at the handsome young man sitting to her left. “Mr. Johnson, do you have a problem? You are being disruptive.”

  Glenn looked up suddenly, catching the cautionary look in Suzanne’s eyes. It meant trouble. “No ma’am. I’m sorry.”

  “Finish that paper and see me after classes today,” Suzanne ordered firmly. Glenn blushed, biting his lip as he nodded. He also fought back an instant hard-on.

  He and Suzanne had met two months earlier after he returned from Las Vegas with his eldest brother, Rob. Suzanne had been his other brother’s friend with ‘benefits’, and was visiting Bryon and Cassie, his step-sister. To his surprise, and intrigue, Suzanne had assumed the role of Cassie’s aunt in his brothers’ age-play lifestyle. Glenn was captivated and fascinated by the tall, serious and intimidating woman, as well as sexually attracted in a way he had never experienced. Upon his sister’s prompting, he made the decision to approach her privately.

  “Excuse me, Suzanne?”

  “It’s Ms. Bichat to you, young man,” the older woman teased with a firm voice. She was an experienced Top and recognized a different ‘vibe’ of submission in the young man, one so different than that of his older brothers.

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry.” Ok, he had nice manners. All the boys did, but still….

  “Did you need something? Sit down.” Suzanne asked, crossing her long legs and entwining her fingers as she stared up at him. Yes, there it was… Glenn lowered his eyes and sat down on a chair in front of her. My, my, he was a handsome boy! Deliciously built, a bit naughty, and equipped with a mischievous glint in his light brown eyes. Suzanne felt her body stirring with desire, wondering how efficient he was in bed, and how much fun it would be to teach him more!

  “Yes. I’m sorry to bother you. I don’t mean to sound presumptuous, but are you and Bry, uh, involved?”

  “Be specific.”

  “Are you actually dating or just having sex?” Glenn asked bluntly, looking into her beautiful grey cat-like eyes. The same eyes that narrowed disapprovingly at his question.

  “That’s a very personal question coming from a little boy, don’t you think?” Suzanne asked, testing the waters. Glenn blushed, looking down.

  “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

  “No, I will not forgive you. I told you to be specific, and you were. However, why would a little boy be interested in such a grown-up thing, hmm?”

  “I’m not a little boy. I’m an adult.” Glenn flushed, unable to budge from his spot in front of her.

  Suzanne reached across to lift his chin to look into her face. She smiled seductively. “You are such a sweet little boy. One that’s trapped in the beautiful body of a very attractive young man. Are you interested in older women, son?”

  “I, uh, I didn’t think so until…”

  He was so nervous! Suzanne found that trait instantly appealing. Over-confident and arrogant little boys annoyed her to no-end. “Until you met me?” she finished his sentence, watching his blush rise to his face. “I see. You do realize that there is a price for the privilege of being involved with me, even casually, right?”

  “A price?” Glenn felt his cock twitch uncomfortably against his jeans. She was stunningly beautiful, graceful and had power emanating from her very pores. He was smitten! He wondered how it would feel to have those long, strong legs wrapped tightly around his waist as he plunged his cock deep inside of her…

  “Excuse me, are you listening to me?” Suzanne asked, noticing him drifting off into his daydream. Glenn flushed again.

  “Um, I’m sorry. I had a brain fart.”

  “Stand up and follow me,” Suzanne ordered, rising to her feet. Even in flats, she was two inches taller than he was. She held out her hand, which he took without question. “If you would pardon me, gentlemen, but your baby brother and I need to have a talk. Do you mind if I use your room?” she asked Rob.

  “Go for it. Have fun!” he nodded with a grin.

  Bryon elbowed his brother. “You caught that look, too. I have a feeling that Glenn is about to be introduced to something special, other than Suzanne’s very talented mouth,” Bryon snickered.
br />   “We’ll know in a minute. The window upstairs is opened,” Rob replied, pointing up.

  “He’ll get an education like he never expected from that professor, that’s for sure. Both front and back, if she has anything to do with it. I guess I didn’t exhaust her this weekend after all. She’s insatiable.”

  “I didn’t know she wanted a little boy. Interesting,” Rob commented, pulling Cassie onto his lap and kissing her gently. She had witnessed the whole episode and started giggling.

  “You have a secret. Tell,” Bryon demanded.

  “He told me that he was wondering what it would be like to be spanked by Aunt Suzanne. It turned him on!” Her statement was immediately followed by the sound of a loud CRACK followed by an even louder - OW!

  “Guess he just found out. It sounds like she found our paddle,” Rob grinned, eyeing his brother.

  Glenn sat at the desk, recalling that day vividly as he squirmed restlessly in the small, uncomfortable chair. He was too tall for these desks and Suzanne had intentionally placed him there to make him uncomfortable. She liked it when he was uncomfortable…

  “I think you would benefit from something a little more intimate, young man, “ Suzanne had announced, eyeing him as he leaned over the ‘spanking chair’ in Rob’s bedroom , panting after another hard swipe from Rob’s special paddle. She reached around his waist, unbuckled and unzipped his jeans, and slowly yanked them down to his ankles. His boxers followed, exposing a firm, blushing backside. Suzanne licked her lips. His bottom was perfect! Shapely, smooth and very enticing. She resisted the urge to bite his muscular cheeks as she ran her hand gently over the red marks. She wondered if he was as well-endowed as his brother.

  “Stand up and come over to me,” she ordered, sitting on the edge of the bed. Her breath caught in her throat as he turned, his erection standing tall and strong against his belly. She was not disappointed. His penis was not as thick as Bryon’s, but longer and screaming for her attention. Suzanne steadied his hips in front of her, staring at his beckoning manhood hungrily.

  Glenn groaned as she gently engulfed the glistening head between her lips, twirling her tongue to trace the delicate velvety skin. She nibbled and sucked carefully, slowly taking him deeply into her mouth. Glenn gasped feeling her work her mouth and throat muscles. “Oh My God… Suzanne…,” he groaned, stroking her hair and trying to steady himself. His eyes closed as she increased the pressure and tempo of her mouth milking his cock.

  She pulled away suddenly with a smile. “Would you like more of this, little boy?”

  “Yes, ma’am! You are incredible!” Glenn panted, his engorged manhood craving release.

  “Over my knees, then. Be quick about it. If you take your spanking like a good boy, then Mommy will give you a special present.”

  Glenn didn’t even hesitate to obey her. The strength of her hand falling upon his hindquarters astonished him; he had underestimated her strength. She covered him thoroughly, from the top of both cheeks to the center of his thighs, not missing one pale inch of his sit upon. She felt his erection throbbing against her thighs and clamped his penis between her knees for the final volley of well-aimed strokes on his sit spot.

  “Don’t you dare come or I will take out Rob’s strap,” she warned, feeling him starting to pump himself against her.

  He reluctantly obeyed and was once again rewarded by the feel of her amazing lips swallowing the length of his pole. The woman had no gag reflex! Glenn clenched his teeth as he felt her throat encasing him hungrily, drawing him to the peak of the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced. Suzanne swallowed every drop of his thick, salty seed and lapped him clean once he was free from her hot, wet lips. She had laughed as he fell breathless onto the bed, momentary devoid of strength.

  Glenn smiled, remembering that special day and the first time she had fervently enjoyed him. The woman loved oral sex- maybe even more than he did- and always sought an opportunity to have herself a ‘little dessert’. That day was the first of many to come. Cassie encouraged him further to explore the lifestyle and his natural inclination to submit. Curiosity prevailed and, within two weeks of their meeting, he and Suzanne began to formerly date.

  Eyeing the handsome young man sitting uncomfortably in front of her, Suzanne also sighed as she recalled the last two months. Having an adult ‘little boy’ was more than what she could hope for and she was the happiest she had even been. However, she was concerned for her best friend. Bryon still lived part-time with Rob and Cassie, who had been engaged on New Year’s Eve. She could tell her closest friend was lonely. With both being Tops, Bryon understood Suzanne’s need for a submissive man. Likewise, she knew of her friend’s desire for a woman/little girl of his own, apart from his role as Cassie’s very loving, but firm, Daddy. He needed what Rob and Suzanne had. The adult fulfillment.

  Suzanne loved that odd little family desperately, wishing she could help Bryon find his soul mate. She eyed Kristina; cute, a bit chubby and very submissive. Suzanne trusted her instincts. Maybe this could work.…

  Standing in front of Suzanne’s office, Kristina fumbled nervously in her purse for her lip-gloss. She wet her lips and knocked softly.

  “Come in,” she heard the woman’s voice.

  “You wanted to see me, Ms. Bichat?”

  “Yes. Please sit down. I’m very concerned about your progress. You’re failing my class and you need it to graduate, don’t you?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” the poor girl looked like she was ready to burst into tears.” I just don’t get it. Something turns my brain off when it comes to writing thoughts outside my own mind.”

  “You’re a Lit major?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Hmmm, this won’t do. You need to see the universe from every different perspective. It’s like playing a game of chess; you learn how to analyze and associate every move with the piece and the player. The best writers and journalists are those who can view the world from every angle before pinning down one to explore. I want to help you, but you need to put the work in.”

  “I’ll do whatever I have to, I swear. I can’t afford another semester.” Tears started to pour.

  Suzanne sighed, her face softening. “Calm down, dear. I’m such a softy for little girls. Here, blow your nose,” she handed the girl a tissue. “I have a friend of mine who might be available to tutor you. He’s an English and History teacher at UM. Would you be interested?”

  “I…I can’t afford a tutor, Miss. Bichat. I’m a waitress at Denny’s on a grant,” Kristina said miserably.

  Suzanne reached across to pat the girl’s hand. “I’m sure Bryon would be glad to help. He has a sister your age and understands how tough it is out there. You’ll like him, he’s a smart, patient and very likeable man. Well?”

  “I’ll give it a try. Thank you so much, Ms. Bichat.”

  “No problem. I’ll have him give you a call. His name is Bryon Johnson. Oh yes, he’s a big boy, ‘bout the size of a mountain, but don’t let that scare you, ok?”

  “Yes ma’am, thank you so much for the chance.”

  Suzanne watched the girl leave the office and picked up the phone. Now, to get the ball rolling…

  * * *

  “I’m telling Robby! He said I could read this comic book. It’s not fair!” Cassie hissed as Bryon took her comic book from her.

  “You’re going to tell on your Daddy to your Dom? You know things don’t work that way,” he teased. She frowned. She still wasn’t quite used to him and Rob taking dual roles in ‘raising’ her. “You know what Rob thinks about snitching. Go for it, munchkin,” Bryon laughed, seeing her face redden. “Now go finish your homework.”

  “I’m done.”

  “Really? You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you? You got a switching last time you did that,” Bryon warned her, raising his eyebrow.

  “I’ll go double check,” Cassie paled, quickly making an exit. Bryon chuckled, flipping the TV on as the 20-year-old little girl/woman dashed out of the ro
om. She was a handful, that one. His phone rang.

  “Hey Bry, how’s it going?”

  “Suz! I was just thinking about you. Is Glenn behaving?” Bryon asked.

  “Hell, no. He does everything he can to earn himself a good spanking,” Suzanne snickered, leaning back in her chair. “I’m so glad I met him.”

  “Me too. It’s what you both needed,”

  “I agree. How are you holding up?”

  “Horny as hell, but otherwise ok. Excuse me… Cassandra Lynn! I told you to do something!”

  “Who are you talking to?” Cassie asked, peeking around the corner.

  “Your Aunt Suzanne. Now finished your homework or I’m getting Rob’s paddle.”

  Shrieking, Cassie ran upstairs and slammed the door as Bryon sighed. “My girl’s giving me plenty of distractions. Since they got engaged, she can’t seem to keep out of trouble.”

  “Well, I have another distraction for you. How would you like to tutor one of my students?”

  “What’s going on?”

  “She’s desperate to graduate and get out from under her load, Bry. Can you help?” Suzanne asked after informing him about Kristina’s situation and difficulty in the required class.

  “It sounds like she needs some incentives,” Bryon chuckled.

  Suzanne smiled. “You know me so well, my friend. Wanna give it a try?”

  “Sure. When are we going to see you? It’s been weeks and Cassie needs some girl time.”

  “When are you going to have me over?”

  “How about Sunday? Pop’s out of town again for a few days, which means Glenn would be home alone. You know that invites trouble.”

  “I just wish I could find a way to get my daughters to accept the fact I’m dating a man their age. They can’t get over it,” Suzanne sounded sad.


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