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Time Out: The Game Plan, Book Two

Page 2

by Breanna Hayse

  “At least they don’t live at home,” Bryon sympathized.

  Suzanne grunted. “They are at my place so much, they might as well be. Here’s Kristina’s number. Let me know if you need anything.”

  Bryon hung up the phone and glanced upstairs. His hand was seriously itching to give his little girl a good bare bottom spanking for her defiance. Well, that would have to wait. He began to dial.


  “Kristina Barker? I’m Bryon Johnson, Suzanne Bichat’s friend. I understand you’re having some trouble in one of her classes…”

  * * *

  Kristina paced nervously, waiting for her first tutoring session. Bryon told her that they could meet at the library on campus to get acquainted. She agreed, grateful he had thought of her comfort and safety. She watched the doors; Suzanne told her only that the man was as big as a ‘mountain’. She did not expect to see exactly how much of one.

  Bryon was wearing faded jeans, boots, and a brown pullover. At a towering height of 6’6”, and weighing a solid 270 pounds, the darkly tanned man reminded her of a gorgeous, breath-taking rhinoceros as he plowed towards her. Her knees started to shake as he smiled, his dimples framing white, straight teeth.

  “Kristina?” he asked, holding out his huge paw of a hand.

  Timidly, she shook it. “Mr. Johnson?”

  “Call me Bryon. I’m sorry I’m late, had problems with parking.” Kristina looked at the clock. He was precisely on time. “Let me carry your bag and we’ll find a place to sit.” He held out his hand.

  “I’m good, you don’t…”

  “Another independent woman. What is with you girls?” Bryon sighed, not waiting for her to comply, taking the backpack from her. “My sister gives me the same problem. Just let me be a gentleman, ok? I even hold the chair out. See? It won’t kill you to let me practice my manners.”

  Kristina giggled, accepting the seat he offered. She couldn’t take her eyes off his face. He was so handsome, and also looked familiar.

  “Did I miss a spot shaving?” he asked lightly, noticing her stare.

  Kristina blushed. “No, I’m sorry. I’m an idiot. I feel like I’ve seen you before. Have we met?”

  “I doubt you hang out at any of my favorite spots,” Bryon grinned, shaking his head. “I look a lot like my dad. He’s Big Bill Johnson.”

  “From the Dolphins?”

  “Yep, the very same. Got my good looks and killer bod from his side,” Bryon laughed, flexing his massive arm muscles. Kristina relaxed, liking him immensely and trying to ignore the rush of heat that surged between her legs. She wondered what it would feel like to have those huge, powerful arms hold her.

  “Oh, put those away. I need the brain part, not the brawn,” she said lightly, wrinkling her nose.

  “So, we’re the little smart ass, are we? We’ll see. One day you’ll need these muscles,” Bryon chuckled, already enjoying the adorable girl’s company. She would look so cute in a little blue dress, curly hair pulled back in a headband, little white socks….

  “I have my moments,” Krissy giggled. “So, do you think you can help me? I’m useless in philosophy.”

  Several hours passed as they talked and reviewed the class material. The library lights began to blink, indicating time to close. Bryon glanced at his watch, frowning. “Shoot, I didn’t realize it was so late. I’m sorry,” he apologized, gathering the materials together to put away. The evening had come to an end much too fast for his liking.

  Kristina was just as disappointed that their evening was over. She had been thoroughly enjoying his company. “Me neither. It’s been a long time since I laughed so hard. I thought you were going to get us thrown out of here. You’re a little loud,” she giggled.

  “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been thrown out of a library. My poor dad got tired of signing the detention slips and just had the librarian stick me into a corner by myself,” he laughed loudly, seeing the old woman at the front desk glare at him for the umpteenth time that night, “Would you like to stop for some coffee before you go home?”

  “I really shouldn’t, I have an early shift tomorrow before class,” Kristina said sadly. She would have much rather spent a few more hours with this incredibly hot and funny young man.

  “No problem. Here’s my number. When would you like to meet again?”

  “I’m off Thursday night. I grab every shift I can.”

  “Which is probably another reason you’re having problems thinking. Do you really need to put in so much time?” Bryon asked with concern.

  “I’m on a grant which only covers tuition and my dorm. Everything else is my responsibility. There isn’t a lot of pay in waitressing at Denny’s, but my boss schedules me around school,” Kristina answered.

  “You have no one to take care of you?”

  “I’m 22 and my parents have washed their hands of me. I’m the black sheep of the family, the ‘grave’ disappointment,” the pretty redhead said, looking down as she repeated her father’s words.

  “Why would they say such a thing?” Bryon asked, cupping her face gently in his warm palm.

  “Because I didn’t want to get into the family business, or pursue a more lucrative field of study. Literature is useless as far as they’re concerned.”

  Bryon lifted her chin with a single finger. “Well, I don’t think you’re a disappointment at all. I find you refreshing, smart and a joy to be around. In the meantime, I want you to call me if anything comes up or if you just want to talk. Let’s plan on meeting Thursday around 6:30, ok?”

  “Ok. Thanks, Bryon. I appreciate the help.”

  “My pleasure. Nah uh, I carry a lady’s bags, remember? I’ll escort you to your car.”

  Kristina smiled, feeling very safe with the huge man walking next to her, wishing she looked like one of those picture perfect cheerleaders that hunks like him went after. Oh well, at least she knew her new teacher would also be a new friend.

  * * *

  “Well? How did it go?” Suzanne asked eagerly , the phone tucked under her chin as she climbed into bed that night.

  “She’s a darling. I think you might be right,” Bryon answered, driving towards his father’s house where he was going to spend the night.

  “I’m always right, big boy. She just needs to be nudged,” Suzanne giggled, slapping Glenn’s hand from her breast.

  “Is my kid brother over there pestering you?” Bryon asked, hearing the woman telling someone to ‘stop it.’

  “He’s a pain in the ass. I already gave him one today for being disruptive in class and I think it made him horny!”

  “I don’t need to hear this. I’ll let you go. I’m seeing her again on Thursday, by the way.”

  “Very good. If I think of anything, I’ll let you know. Night, Bry.”

  “Night, Suz. Thanks.”

  Chapter Two

  Bryon held the chair out for Kristina as they sat down at a quiet little coffee shop Thursday evening. They decided to meet elsewhere so that they wouldn’t disturb anyone again. He had been mulling over different ways to express his interest in her, but she just seemed to be interested in working.

  “How does one begin to look out from inside a box?” Kristina read from her assignment book, wrinkling her nose, “I have no freakin’ idea.”

  “Is the box opened or closed? Transparent or solid? What color is it? How big is it? Where is it located?”

  “I’m getting a headache,” Kristina groaned, covering her eyes.

  Bryon chuckled, pulling her hands away to look into her bright blue eyes. He held them securely in his own, squeezing gently. “Usually, I find it easier to place myself in the line of question. It’s like when I work out my game plan each new season. I have to ask myself what different directions and moves I would need to take to achieve a win. Then I have to change my thought processes to being an opponent and question how I would stop the advancement. Does that make sense?”

  “I never thought football was so intel
lectual,” Kristina smiled, slowly pulling away and sipping her latte. She did not want to allow herself to crush too deeply on him. She knew she was nothing that he would ever be attracted to and that his gestures were just sweet, friendly ones.

  “That’s the same issue I have with my kid sister. I keep having to remind her that I might be a jock, but I’m not stupid. Believe it or not, football is as intellectual as is it physical,” Bryon said seriously. He wasn’t happy with her withdrawal, but he accounted it for nervousness.

  “I’m glad I got to meet you. You’re really helping me a lot, Bry. Thank you so much.”

  “No, thank you. It’s been a long time since I’ve had such a nice time with a beautiful woman.” He touched her cheek, making her blush. Good, he got a positive reaction!

  “Stop it. Finish explaining your game plan thingy. Do you do that to help get a home run?” Kristina asked, her eyes glittering.

  Bryon groaned. Little smart-ass. He was going to have fun with her just as soon as he broke through her insecurities. He suspected it would not take long, especially with Suzanne’s assistance.

  * * *

  Suzanne beckoned to Kristina after lecture that Friday. “How did it go? Do you think he can help you?” she asked, gathering her briefcase.

  “He’s really sweet and such a gentleman. We’ve gotten together twice now and he’s given me a lot to think about. Thanks for the referral, I really appreciate it.”

  “He’s a big boy, huh? I hope he didn’t scare you too much,” Suzanne smiled, walking towards her office and holding the door open for the girl to enter.

  Kristina shook her head. “Not at all, I really felt safe with him. It helps that he’s really handsome, too,” she giggled. “He definitely knows how to hold my attention. Bryon mentioned that you might have some extra-credit assignments that I could do to maybe bring up my grade. Do you?”

  “Hmmm, I think we could work out something. Please, sit down.” Suzanne tapped her chin, thinking quickly. “I’ve been doing some research for my new book that you might be able to help me on. It’s about the psychology of philosophy. Does that sound like something that might interest you?”

  “What’s it about?” Kristina asked, settling in the chair across from Suzanne’s desk.

  “I’m investigating aspects of alternative lifestyles and the thought process behind those who invest in them.” Suzanne studied the girl carefully, watching her body language.

  “Like cross-dressing and stuff?”

  “A bit. My publisher wants me to do a follow-up to the last book I wrote, the one about PTSD adult regression. My primary interest this time is in the genre of age-play. In particular, I want to explore the reasons that full-grown, well-educated, and successful adults subject themselves to being treated like a child, and the resultant patterns of adult behavior following the activity.”

  “I never heard of that,” Kristina’s interest was piqued. She leaned forward, eager for more.

  “I’m sure you’ve heard of BDSM, yes?”

  “Of course. Whips and chains, leather, masks….” There was no judgment in her tone and she continued to leave her body language open for more discussion.

  “There is so much more to that community. In fact, what you described is just a tiny portion of what it entails. It’s a worldwide phenomenon and is attracting the involvement of more high profile individuals. I can’t even begin to tell you the different levels that exist in that lifestyle. This one, however, grabbed my attention because it was so opposite of its association with BDSM.”

  “Could you give me an example?”

  “My understanding is that an adult, of any age, gets involved in a relationship in which their partner assumes the role of either a parent, extended family member or a guardian. Depending on the age bracket the couple decides upon, each member would live and function in that age group with the same responsibilities and consequences.”

  “Are you saying that there are people my age who wear diapers and get spanked?” Kristina’s eyes opened wide. There was no repulsion visible in her expression and her hands remained calmly placed in her lap.

  Suzanne kept a straight face. She was good at reading people and Kristina was very curious. Good start. “Yes, some do. Other’s play an older role. My question is, how do these couples determine the age-bracket and why? What are their variables and how do they employ them? What is gained or lost? What dynamic occurs when other people, such as extended family members, interact as multiples? Ultimately, what is the provocation to engage in this lifestyle?”

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m captivated,” Kristina said, thinking. “If you don’t mind my asking, what got you into this research?”

  “I was counseling a friend of mine who verbalized interest in pursuing the lifestyle with her girlfriend. Although drawn to it, she was afraid there was something wrong with both of them. That’s when the questions started.”

  “What’s the problem if they are two consenting adults and no one got hurt?” Kristina asked.

  “That was my disposition. However, as we talked, we discovered there was much more under the surface. She desperately desired control, direction, and discipline. To her, it felt like she put female independence back thousands of years by wanting this woman to be her mommy.”

  “It sort of sounds that way, especially if the equal rights issues were involved. I would certainly see that attitude forming for those involved in a heterosexual relationship. I would think there are very few women today that would appreciate a man being invited to have that kind of control. What I don’t understand is that if she trusts her partner, why not? What harm could it do if it satisfies both of their needs?”

  Suzanne was impressed with the girl’s thought process. She was open-minded and genuinely objective. “That is exactly how I feel. So, do you think you might be interested?”

  “Absolutely! It sounds fascinating.”

  “It would require a lot of personal research and serious soul searching. You’ll need to be very honest with your own preconception of life and deal with any prejudice in your belief system in order to approach this objectively. Do you think you could do that?”

  “I’m pretty open to other people’s preferences. One of my sisters is gay and seems really happy. I mean, who am I to judge, right?”

  “Very good. I like that way of thinking. I also believe that this approach will greatly benefit you in your writing. Because of that, I’m offering you a position as my co-author.”

  “Are you serious?” Kristina asked, stunned.

  “Of course I’m serious. I’ve read several of your pieces and recognize your talent to puzzle together information and present it in an informative and palatable manner for any level of reader. I want to publish this study for both professional and layman usage. It would require a one year commitment from you with authorization of a very generous stipend.”

  “I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but why me? I know nothing about alternative lifestyles.”

  “I see something in you that has tremendous promise. I’m also paying it forward. When I was your age, I had a professor who gave me a break. I was very insecure and self-conscious, and people believed I was stupid because I looked like this, “she swept her hand over the length of her body,” He gave me the confidence to explore my options and the means to follow my goals. It if wasn't for him, I would never have gotten where I am today. I’m 41, a full professor with tenure, 6 publications, and yearly research grants for whatever I want to pursue. Not too bad for a girl from a low-income family from Nebraska, huh? Well?” Suzanne waited patiently, seeing the girl struggle. “I really believe you can do this. Don’t be afraid to try something new. I won’t let you fall, I promise.”

  Kristina finally nodded. “I’ll take the job. Thank you so much.”

  “You didn’t ask me what it pays. Or what I will need from you.” Suzanne raised her eyebrow.

  Kristina shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. You’re right. I’d be a fool to
pass up an opportunity like this. I’ve got to stop being so afraid and reach out for new experiences, especially as a writer. I promise Ms. Bichat, I’ll do my best to make you proud.”

  “Call me Suzanne. Because this is a new situation for you, I suggest that you start keeping a personal journal of your questions, thoughts, feelings, and impulses. Even the intimate and uncomfortable ones will help you become more aware of those around you and your perception of them. Just remember that the basics of philosophy will be the thing you’ll need to give you true insight into your study. I’ll download the research folder to you so you can start adding information as you gather facts.”

  “I have a question. How do you make a fact out of something that’s so subjectively personal and private? I wouldn’t even know what type of questions to ask if I ever met anyone who was into this.”

  “Start from the beginning. You need to take the first step towards a goal before you can achieve it. What do you think that would be? Take the idea literally.”

  Kristina thought for a second about Bryon’s statement concerning how he worked a play in his game book. “You have to first crawl, then stand and walk.”

  “Go on,” Suzanne urged, pleased to see that Bryon’s assistance was already getting the girl pointed in the right direction for her studies.

  “The three positions allow us to view our world from five different perspectives.”

  “Interesting. Why five and not three?” Suzanne was intrigued.

  “Before you can crawl, you have to be able to roll over. The fourth perspective is looking up, the fifth is looking down.” Kristina considered Bryon’s lesson about the box, and that it actually served a purpose beyond giving her headaches.

  “Excellent!” Suzanne clapped her hands happily while Kristina blushed with pleasure at her Professor’s praise. “Let’s not forget looking from side to side and behind. Ok, now wrap it up, my girl! Go beyond the literal.”


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