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Set Desire

Page 8

by April Fire


  “Let’s get this over with shall we?” was the first thing Fred said when I arrived, “Let’s try the dream. See if the two of you can’t get on with something a little… more erotic.”

  I dreaded those words. The last thing I needed was to be getting up close and personal with Julia when that really was all I wanted to do with her. I could feel my cock hardening in my trousers as I stepped onto the set, where the four poster bed had been set up with red silk sheets and hand cuffs hanging off the headboard.

  “Now remember this is the scene where Henry is dreaming of having Jane,” Fred reminded us, as though I could ever forget, “let’s get you into position, Julia.”

  I watched as she walked out from the other side of the set, and gaped as I saw her easily remove the robe that she had been wearing. Beneath, she was wearing nothing but a black lace bra and panty set that hugged her curves in all the right places. My jaw practically dropped to the floor as she slipped onto the bed and one of the set guys helped her into the handcuffs.

  “Come on, Hollywood, strip off and climb onto the bed!” Fred ordered me.

  I had no idea what was wrong with me, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. My heart thundered in my chest and I couldn’t stop myself from staring at the woman who was now spread on the bed before me, simply waiting for me to climb on and take her, or at least pretend to take her for the cameras. Had it not been for all the people on set, and all the cameras pointed right at us, it would have been a dream come true. Had we had the privacy we had in her room the night before, I would have jumped at the opportunity, but right now, I simply couldn’t do it.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do this!” I shook my head and whipped around to all but run off the set.

  “Hollywood, get back here or you’re fired!” Fred yelled after me, but I kept running. There was no way I could pretend to take Julia when all I wanted to do was take her for real.


  Chapter Twenty-One


  I couldn’t believe my eyes as I watched Dean turn and storm off the set. The words that followed from Fred’s lips made my stomach twist. The thought that Dean would risk his career to get away from me made me feel awful, and for a moment I began to feel bad about standing him up for our line reading. I felt even worse about how I had spoken to him when he had come to talk to me.

  The look in his reddened eyes, and the paleness of his face, had told me instantly that he was now painfully sober. I could see it in the way his eyes were slightly squinted, as though he had a major hangover. I wasn’t surprised at the fact. He had stunk like a brewery the last time I had been close to him. Yet, even as I thought of it, I found myself wanting to be close to him again.

  “Get these handcuffs off me!” I suddenly yelled to the prop guy, who had just stepped back off the set, ready to begin filming.

  “Oh hell no! You’re not going anywhere!” Fred protested, and I suddenly felt sick as I watched his eyes travel all over me. My heart hammered in my chest as I thought of the way he’d cornered me at the premier. God knows what he might have done if Dean hadn’t turned up.

  Now, there was nothing standing between Fred’s eyes and my half naked body. All I wanted to do was get away from him and throw myself into Dean’s protective arms.

  “You want to shoot this scene, don’t you?” I snapped at him, knowing it was the only way to get through to him. I added, “You’re wasting time and money - I should be out there talking to him! He’ll listen to me.”

  I flicked my head in the direction Dean had taken. Fred’s eyes flashed, the corners of his lips coming up in a smirk, “I’d sure like to see you in action,” he kept his voice low as he spoke to me - I was sure that he didn’t want anybody else to hear what he was saying to me, “But I’d prefer… a private showing.” He looked as though he was about to drool.

  “You damn well aren’t getting one,” I hissed back at him, “Billy! Get over here and get these fucking handcuffs off me - or you’ll all be losing out on your pay checks when this movie doesn’t get filmed!”

  That was all it took to bring the prop guy running back onto the set with the keys in his trembling hand. He carefully unlocked my hands, cautious not to brush against my near-naked body. I was more than a little proud of myself for speaking up and couldn’t stop myself from smiling as Fred gave Billy a cold stare.

  “You better go get our boy back, or I’ll be looking for a new lead actress too,” Fred gestured in the direction that Dean had gone as I slipped off the bed and stepped into the silk robe that Babs was holding open for me.

  “Are you alright?” she asked me as she saw the flustered expression on my face. She glanced at Fred as she spoke, and I knew that she had probably overheard what he had said to me.

  “I’m fine,” I assured her. There was no way I was about to tell her that he had been harassing me - I knew that would only end one way: my being fired, blacklisted, and moving back home to live with my father. He already had his reservations about my acting dreams, and this would just be icing on the cake. He’d get one of his buddies to set me up with a boring office job - and that would be the rest of my boring life. No - I was going to resolve this myself. I ran after Dean, my silk robe barley covering me as it flapped breezily in my wake.

  “Where are you going?” Babs called after me.

  “Nowhere,” I shouted over my shoulder. The look on her face told me that she didn’t believe a word I was saying. Babs always had a way of knowing when I was lying, but luckily for me, she didn’t push me on the subject, and simply let me go.

  Before I knew it, I was standing at the door to Dean’s trailer. I looked over my shoulder several times as I knocked, to be sure that nobody was watching me. The last thing I needed was to be photographed in a silk robe with him answering the door. I could only imagine the kind of headlines that would come from that. Not to mention the gossip that would hit every ear in the city.

  I knocked a couple of times, and when Dean didn’t answer, I yelled, “Dean, it’s me. Open up. I know you’re in there!”

  I waited for a moment, sure that he would ignore me, and when he didn’t answer I reached up and pulled on the handle expecting it to be locked tight. When the handle clicked open I was shocked, but not so shocked that I didn’t pull the door open and step inside, “Dean, its me.”

  “What the hell do you want?” Dean snapped as I clicked the door shut behind me. He was sitting at a table with a bottle of whiskey and an empty glass in his hand.

  “Drinking again? You know, so much alcohol really isn’t good for you,” I sighed as I walked forward and pulled the bottle and the glass away from him.

  “I didn’t know you cared,” Dean said, refusing to make eye contact. He stared off into the distance, as though he was only half present.

  “Of course I care,” I snapped back at him, “I don’t want to watch anybody drink themselves into a grave.”

  Dean looked up at me, as though something in my words snapped him out of his daze. He asked again, “What are you doing here, Julia?” His voice seemed strained, and his face looked pale - this was about something bigger than today’s scene.

  “I just want to say, if you’re really struggling that bad working with me - I’ll go. I’ll tell Fred that I quit,” I told him. Although the words made my entire body scream in protest, I couldn’t deny them. “I’ll walk away, and Fred can find another lead actress for you to work with.”

  “You really think all this is because I don’t want to work with you?” Dean gaped at me, and he pushed himself to his feet. I flinched as he took a few steps towards me, looking as though he was going to grab hold of me. He paused, seeming to think better of it, and dropped his hands back to his side. “All of this… is because I want you.”

  “That… that makes no sense,” I shook my head and turned my gaze away from his. I couldn’t bring myself to look him in the eyes - because I knew that what he was saying made more sense than anything else - because, I fel
t the same way.

  “I can’t pretend to make love to you in front of the cameras… and not have you for real,” Dean shook his head, and this time, he did reach for me, “I need to make love to you, Julia.”

  All I could do was gulp down the lump that formed in my throat at his words. The way he called it love making instead of sex caused my entire body to light with a fire like it never had before. In that moment I wanted him more than I ever had before, and I knew that I was done for. I knew there was no way I could stop this now. I had walked into the lion’s den, and there was no walking back out.

  “Then kiss me,” I heard myself whisper. I didn’t even recognize my own voice. It was the voice of a sexy seductress who knew what she wanted and knew she was going to get it. I reached up and wrapped my fingers in the front of his shirt, pulling him into me as I stepped into him. Our lips collided almost painfully.

  Shock overwhelmed me as Dean whipped me around to force me back against the table. The silk of my robe allowed me to slip easily onto the surface and I lifted my legs to wrap them around his waist. When his hands slipped down my front, and came to the tie of my robe, I felt myself shiver with a fresh wave of desire. The thought of having his hands all over me made my inner goddess dance with happiness and I couldn’t wait to feel it.

  He pulled open the tie and slipped his hands into my robe. I quivered as I felt his hands stroke over my ribs. They came up to cup my breasts and he squeezed gently until I groaned with pleasure.

  “Dean,” I whispered against his lips, “I need you.”

  “Just wait,” he whispered back as he pressed his forehead against my own, “I want to take my time and enjoy this.”

  His words caused my delight to intensify, but when he took a step back away from me, and broke the lock of my legs around his waist, I felt disappointed. That was until I saw him standing back, gazing down at me with his bottom lip between his teeth, “You’re so sexy, Julia.”

  The last time I had been called sexy it had been from a couple of big-headed men walking down the street, and it had made me cringe, but this was completely different. The way he said it caused me to believe him, and I found myself slipping off the table so I could stand and let the silk robe slip off my shoulders and pool around my feet on the floor.

  “My god, you’re beautiful,” Dean gasped as he stepped forward and took hold of my face in both his hands. He kissed me like he was hungry for me, and I kissed him back just as passionately. My fingers began to fondle with the buttons on the front of his shirt. I was desperate to feel his flesh against my own, to feel his abs pressed against my stomach without the restriction of cotton between us.

  “You aren’t so bad yourself,” I smirked against his lips as I pushed the shirt off his shoulders, sending it to join my robe in a pile on the floor. My hands glided down his abs, enjoying the feel of every curve rippling beneath my fingertips. When my hands glided lower and came to his crotch I heard him gasp. I gripped hold of his rock hard cock, “Somebody’s excited to see me.”

  “He certainly is,” Dean laughed. I gasped as he suddenly gripped hold of my buttocks and pulled me up into his arms. There was no protest from me as he picked me up and carried me through the trailer to the couch. He kicked the side of the leather couch and it sprung open into a small make-shift bed. My entire body quivered as he threw me down onto the leather mattress. I enjoyed the way the material caressed my body as he came down on top of me.

  “This is all I’ve been able to think about,” Dean growled as he reached down and began to undo his belt. I snapped his hands away and took up the job for myself, pulling the buckle open and popping open the button of his jeans. I pushed the well-worn denim down, over his muscular butt.

  I wanted to tell him that I’d been unable to think of anything else either, but I didn’t get the chance as his lips came down on my own again. He kissed me like I’d never been kissed before. His body pinned mine to the couch, and for a moment I was powerless. All I could do was return his kisses and enjoy the feel of his hands traveling over my body.

  A thought suddenly popped into my head, and desire overwhelmed me. It was the desire to taste him. I was hungry for him and I would not stop until my hunger was satisfied. I reached up and gripped hold of his head, forcing his face towards me so that I could look at him.

  “What’s wrong?” he looked me deep in the eye, with a look of mixed concern and disappointment on his face, as though he thought I was about to tell him I had changed my mind and wanted all of this to stop. There was no way I was going to do that. We’d gone too far to turn back now. I needed him.

  I looked him directly in the eye and spoke in a firm, seductive voice.“Get on your back now.” Stunned by my sudden dominance, he remained where he was for a moment, before he flipped over onto his back on the bed beside me.

  “Yes mistress.” There was a hint of amusement to his voice, but I had to admit, I liked it. For the moment, at least, I was happy to be his mistress. I pulled his thighs apart and slipped between them before reaching to grip hold of the hem of his fresh cotton boxers. “I was expecting these to be silk.”

  “I’m not quite that pompous,” Dean smirked back at me as I slipped his boxers off, exposing his huge, hard member that bounced against his stomach as it was released from its cotton prison.

  “Glad to hear it,” I giggled as I lowered myself down to trail kisses over his chest, his stomach and down further.

  “Julia, what are you…” Dean began, but never got the chance to finish, as I gripped my hand around the shaft of his cock and slipped my lips over the tip. He groaned deeply as I sucked, gently slipping my mouth up and down. I placed my free hand on his thigh and felt him quivering beneath my palm. The power I had over his pleasure made me feel even sexier than when his eyes had traveled over my body, and I relished in the groaning and gasping that came from his parted lips.

  The quivering in his legs intensified until I was almost sure that he was going to shoot his load into my throat. Just as I felt him begin to tense up, he suddenly reached down and pulled me upwards.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, disappointed that I hadn’t been able to finish him.

  “I told you, I want to take my time with this,” he told me, and before I knew it, he was flipping me onto my back.“Now it’s your turn.”

  He kissed me hard on the lips before forcing my head to the side with his fingertips beneath my chin. I shivered as he began to trail his tongue down the side of my neck. The warm, wet sensation of it sent a shooting star through my body to land between my legs. I could feel my womanly juices soaking through the lace of my panties. There was no way I would be able to wear these for the next shoot. His hands cupped my breasts again, and he kissed each of them before trailing kisses down my abdomen.

  I knew exactly where he was going, and the anticipation of it was almost enough to send me flying over the edge of insanity as the overwhelming desire consumed me. When his lips came down to land between my thighs I could feel his breath through the lace of my panties. I wiggled my hips in an effort to get ever closer to him.

  “Don’t move,” he growled, as he ran his tongue over the lace of my panties, teasing me through the material. All I wanted was to feel his flesh on my flesh, to feel his tongue caressing my most sensitive parts, and he knew it. I could sense it from the way he smiled, gazing up at me from between my thighs.

  “Dean, please,” I groaned as my fingers gripped the silk sheets on either side of my hips, “I need to cum!” That caused him to smile even more, and I was relieved when I felt his thumbs hook into my panties and begin to pull them down.

  “Well since you asked so nicely.” His words caused me to tremble, and in the next moment I felt his mouth come down on me. I groaned instantly as he began to work his tongue expertly over the sensitive swelling between my thighs. My silky juices coated his face and he groaned as though he found me delicious. My stomach churned and my entire body tensed with pleasure as I felt my climax drawing closer and c
loser. His tongue circled around and around, flicked up and down, went side to side - and then, suddenly, dipped inside me. I gasped aloud and my fingers tightened in the sheets. I was just about to climax when he suddenly pulled his face up to look at me with a huge smirk on his face. “Not just yet, sweetheart.”

  “Dean!” I screamed his name and his eyes sparked as though he loved the sound of it on my lips.

  “I’ll have you screaming some more before this is over,” he promised me, and when he gripped my hips and suddenly flipped me over onto my front - I knew what was coming, “On your knees.”

  I did as I was told and he gripped hold of my hips. My entire body flared with pleasure as he thrust himself deep inside me. I groaned and gasped as he began to pump.

  “I want you to cum with me, Julia,” he told me as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against my cheek as I turned my face slightly towards him.

  “Make me,” I growled back at him with a daring tone, and the dare seemed to drive him on faster. He gripped my hips almost painfully, holding me to him as he pummeled me to within an inch of my life. I screamed, and cursed, and yelled his name until I was blue in the face. When we finally came, we came together in a rush of pleasure and ecstasy.


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