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by Sam Crescent

  “I want to know everything about Wendy Peterson. Where she lives, what she does for a living, and even how many boyfriends she’s had in the last few years.”

  Evan was going insane. He knew it in the way he felt about this woman he’d never spoken to. None of it made sense to him.

  Mason asked for a few more details before hanging up the phone. Settling back in his chair Evan stared at the door. What the hell had he just done?


  Drake threw the keys onto the counter by the door. He tore his jacket off then pulled his tie open. The suit bothered him more than the way Wendy Peterson had looked at him. Running his fingers through his hair, Drake made his way through to the kitchen. He grabbed a beer from the fridge and then moved down to the basement where their workout equipment was housed.

  Unbuttoning his shirt he let the fabric fall to the floor. He picked up the arm weights and started to lift them alternately.

  The image of Wendy as she looked up at him flashed across his mind. He’d never met anyone who held him at bay. She didn’t even look interested in what he had to say.

  I need to stop thinking about her.

  Her pale creamy skin and soft raven locks still went through his mind, taunting him with what he couldn’t have. For many years he’d gone after any woman he wanted. None of the women he’d dated were a challenge to him. They fell at his feet as if he was some kind of fucking king. He found it funny at how easily he could get a woman to fuck.

  The first woman he wanted to strip bare and take his time with had run away from him.

  He counted each lift as he worked each arm. When he’d done twenty on each arm he placed the weight back on the floor and went toward the running machine. The energy inside his body needed to be worked off. Thoughts of Wendy were not helping his cause.

  She’d look so damn good on her knees in front of him with his cock in her mouth. Her blue eyes would flash up at him as he plunged deeper into her throat.

  “Fuck,” he said. His cock thickened in his pants. Turning the speed up on the running machine, Drake worked the muscles in his legs and arms.

  He didn’t understand how Evan could brush her aside. The way she was affecting him she must be having some kind of an effect on Evan.

  They’d been connected like this since they were teenagers. They’d sensed their connection with women at a young age. Sharing had only entered their lives when they’d left home and gone to college. Having a woman between them completed Drake. He’d known only a few men with similar desires.

  When his body cooled down enough to think, Drake turned the running machine off, grabbed his beer, and made his way up the stairs to his room.

  He needed a shower. Drake needed a long, cold shower to take the burn away from his muscles.

  Opening his bedroom door he saw his bed made up by the cleaning staff they’d hired. It amazed him how the staff were able to get every single wrinkle out of the bedding. He actually spent time trying to crease it just to see if they never succeeded in making it pristine.

  “That’s it, I need a life,” he said.

  Getting the time to crease his bed for entertainment meant he had a great deal of time on his hands.

  Pushing his idiotic thoughts to the back of his mind he turned the shower on. Removing his pants and then his boxer briefs he stared at the mirror. He wasn’t admiring his body but checking to make sure there was nothing amiss. He took his health seriously. His father had lost three brothers to cancer and had made sure both of his sons checked themselves over.

  Satisfied with his body check he climbed into the warm shower. Once he got accustomed to the temperature he turned the dial to cold. The blast of cold water had the desired effect. His body cooled off immediately.

  After he’d washed the sweat and grime off his body, Drake turned the shower off, grabbed a towel, and climbed out.

  He finished his business in the bathroom before making his way through to the bedroom. Settling down into his bed he turned on the plasma television to flick through the late night movies. He left an action movie on while his mind wandered over the night’s events.

  Wendy Peterson. Her father’s temper would stay with him forever. The man had raised his fist to his brother. Without thinking Drake had intervened before the older man could land a single punch. Drake hadn’t hurt the older man, but he’d pushed him away with some force. No one hit his brother. Evan could take care of himself, but Drake had promised he would always have his older brother’s back. He’d never let him down.

  His cell phone started to ring. Turning down the volume he saw his friend Mason was calling.

  “What can I do for you?” Drake asked.

  “Well, I wondered why you hadn’t called me.”

  Drake frowned. “Why would I call you?”

  “When Evan calls to tell me about a girl, I figured you’d be on the same train. You both have that connection with girls.”

  Mason was one of the few people whom they trusted with their secret. Drake had never gone to his father to tell him about it. Desiring the same woman seemed wrong somehow.

  “Evan put a call in about Wendy Peterson?” Drake asked.

  “Ah, so you do know what is going on.”

  Growling down the line Drake heard the door go. “I can’t believe you’re only just telling me this now.”

  “I aim to cause trouble. Tell your brother I’ll have the information he requires in a couple of weeks.”

  Mason was a good friend, but he liked causing trouble. Turning off the television Drake went in search of his brother.

  Evan was removing his own jacket and tie as he made his way downstairs.

  “So, leaving Wendy alone was never on the cards.”

  His older brother hung his head. “Trust Mason to go shooting his mouth off, and no, I couldn’t let it go.”

  Folding his arms Drake glared at his brother. No matter how angry he felt towards Evan he was also glad he’d decided to get in touch with Mason. Leaving Wendy alone wasn’t an option.

  Chapter Three

  Wendy finished work at five the following Monday. She worked in a beauty salon even though she could work for any business as a personal assistant or secretary. There were not a lot of jobs around, so she sorted through the books for Claire, her boss. The money was awful, but at least it paid the bills and kept her off the street. Being in the small salon with the regular customers reminded her of home and working in her father’s shop. She always liked the continuation of work and the same customers. Her mother had used to gossip with them for hours.

  Tucking her cold hands into her coat, she made her way along the street towards the local deli shop. She wanted to grab some more ice-cream for Tiffany, who had just broken up from her latest boyfriend. Her friend worked as a waitress in a restaurant even though she could do much more with her accounting degree. She shook her head at how different their lives turned out.

  She paused as a car stopped by her side. The passenger window opened to reveal Drake Johnson.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he said.

  “Seriously, you’re actually going to stalk me on my way home.”

  Wendy chuckled and carried on walking. It had been a week since she’d last seen Drake. The memory of him still lived in her mind. She’d had plenty of wet dreams about him in the last few days. All of them made her wake up gasping to be satisfied. She didn’t like the fact he held so much control over her.

  The car door opened, and then he was by her side. “It’s cold. Let me drive you home.”

  “You’re insane. That’s the only way to describe you, insane. You don’t know the first thing about me, and yet you’re inviting me into your car. What if I steal from you?” she asked.

  She was thrilled to see him, which also disappointed her. Wendy shouldn’t be thrilled. Her father would pitch a fit if he knew who was talking to her.

  “We got off to a bad start the other day. I didn’t know who you were, and I want to make it up to you.”

sp; As if the gods were looking down on him, the clouds opened up, and it started raining. Groaning at the unfairness of it all she followed him to the back of the limo. She wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth, even if the gift horse came at the hands of Drake Johnson.

  “That’s a good girl. Now, where do you want my driver to take you?” he asked.

  “I need to get some food. If you keep going along this road and turn right I can direct you from there.” She rubbed her hands together in an attempt to get heat to them. The rain poured out of the skies. She pushed her hair off her face and stared out of the window. Drake’s gaze didn’t move from her. “Could you stop staring?” she asked.

  When she turned to face him she saw a smile lifting his lips. His lips were plump and so inviting.

  Turning back to her window she rubbed her hands down her thighs.

  “Thank you for the ride,” she said. Her mother had trained her from an early age to have good manners.

  “It’s a pleasure.”

  When they got to the street where the deli was, she tapped Drake’s leg in order for him to stop the driver.

  “This is where I need to be.”

  Drake pressed a button, and the car stopped immediately. Smiling, she climbed out of her side of the car. Drake appeared out of the other end.

  “You should have let me open the door for you.”

  “I don’t need a man to open doors.” She brushed past him into the deli. In the short time that it had taken for them to get to the deli the rain had died off. Wendy grabbed a basket then made her way to the freezer section.

  “You sure know how to run away,” Drake said against her ear.

  She jumped, not expecting him to be standing that close.

  “You know how to scare a woman. Thank you for the lift, but I can make it home from here.” She opened the door grabbed a carton of vanilla and chocolate ice-cream then made her way down to the meat section.

  “It could rain again.”

  Wendy did everything she could to ignore the man behind her. The glances they were getting unnerved her. Drake gained a lot of attention no matter where he went. She’d seen the stares from the women the night she’d visited the club.

  She got to the checkout and was about to pay when Drake handed over his card.

  “I can pay for my shopping,” she said.

  Drake took the bag his card and then pulled her back out to the limo. When she was seated next to him she turned her glare toward him.

  “How dare you manhandle me,” she said.

  “I dare because I want to make sure you get home safely.” He gave directions to his driver, and she stared at him.

  “How do you know where I live?” she asked.

  Her body hummed with the sexual awareness bouncing between them. Licking her lips she tried to push the desire back, but her pussy melted at the dark brown gaze running over her. From his gaze alone she felt like his fingers were working a path with her body.

  “Please, stop,” she said. Her pulse pounded inside her chest.

  Drake pressed the button on his side of the car. The window went up between their seats and the driver. They were alone.

  “Stop what?”

  He turned toward her. His hand went to her knee. She glanced at his dark, tanned hand against her white, pale leg. Her clit swelled between her thighs. Her cunt grew wet at his closeness. The tips of his fingers eased under the skirt.

  Her heart pounded with each beat inside her chest. Part of her wanted to push him away while another part wanted to claw at him to stay. She’d never been so deeply affected by a man before. Tiffany had described this same feeling but never how intense it felt. Being under Drake’s scrutiny was sending her life into a whirlwind with no chance of escape.

  She didn’t know if they passed her apartment building or kept going.


  Drake saw the effect his closeness was having on her. There was nothing he could really do without Evan present. He needed to get his brother and Wendy into the same room so the two could meet.

  The feel of her soft skin under his fingers was driving him insane. Her eyes had dilated in the short space of time he’d been touching her. The scent of her pussy invaded the small limo. He wanted to taste her cream.

  “What do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  He’d driven past her workplace hoping to catch a glimpse of her. Mason had come back to them with a small file. Wendy Peterson was twenty-three years old. She’d not long graduated from college with a degree in business. However, she worked at a salon dealing with the book side of things and lived with her best friend, Tiffany Sanders. No boyfriend and no prospective boyfriends were on the cards. He was pleased with the last piece of information.

  She regularly visited her father, and her mother had passed away two years ago.

  The report had been detailed and thorough. Wendy had no debts to answer to. The money he and Evan had paid her father had seen to that.

  The moment he’d seen her walking out of the salon into the bite of the cold air, Drake hadn’t been able to stop himself. Offering her a lift was merely an excuse to spend more time with her.

  He didn’t understand the need burning inside him. Never in all of his years had he felt so attracted to a woman. Drake had fucked plenty of women with and without Evan’s presence. None of them made him feel like Wendy. She turned his whole world into knots.

  Moving his fingers farther up her thigh he watched her gaze widen as she stared at his hand.

  “All you need to do is say stop, and I will.”

  “This is not fair.”

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Wendy.”

  They drove past her apartment. She stared at him, and her hand settled over his on her thigh. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  She pushed his hand up, riding her skirt up to her waist. His palm slid against her panties. Her scent grew stronger as he pushed her panties out of the way to slide a finger between her soaking wet folds. Wendy gasped, and Drake took his chance to kiss her. He slammed his lips down on hers demanding she kiss him back. Her tongue peeked out, licking over his bottom lip. She moaned, opening her lips for him to delve into her moist heat. As his tongue slid inside her mouth he slipped a finger into her hot, hungry cunt.

  Wendy cried out. Her fingers sank into the length of his hair. She pulled him close pressing her lips harder against his. The passion inside her startled him. Her needy response echoed his.

  He added a second finger inside her, pumping them in time with his tongue. Drake pulled away watching her eyes flutter closed as he worked her pussy with his fingers. She looked so damn sexy. The coat she wore hung open on either side of her legs, and her skirt wrapped around her waist with her legs opened wide.

  “You look so beautiful.”

  Unable to not taste her, Drake slid to the floor, opening her legs wider to receive him. She moved to the centre of the seats staring down at him.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to taste you.” He tore the fabric of her panties in two then settled between her thighs inhaling her subtle, sweet scent.

  Before she had time to protest, Drake opened her lips and then licked a path from her clit down to her entrance.

  She gasped. Her hand stroked his hair as he licked out her pussy.

  “More,” she said, gasping when he teased her clit in slow circles. She thrust up to meet him. Glancing up her body, he found the only thing missing was her tits on full glorious display.

  Next time, Drake vowed he’d get her naked in the back of the limo.

  For now, he was happy to taste her. Her essence exploded on his tongue. Moving his hand to his pants, he opened the zipper and pulled out his throbbing length.

  His desire for her was too strong to deny. Taking his cock in hand, he began to pump the shaft. Pre-cum coated the tip, and he rubbed it around the mushroomed head. With his free hand, he pressed two fingers inside her cunt and licked her clit with h
is tongue. Her fingers glided through his hair making him moan at the feel of her around him.

  Her scent would stay with him for the remainder of the day. Drake tightened his grip on his cock working the length as he licked her. Her body shuddered under his tongue. In a matter of seconds she would explode. Her essence leaked out of her as her pleasure started to build.

  “I’m going to come,” she said. Her voice sounded breathless.

  Drake wasn’t far. Tasting her, watching her, was enough to send him over that blissful edge. At the same time Wendy cried out beneath him, her orgasm washing over her as his cum spurted over the floor. He continued to lick her until she begged him to stop.

  He cleaned up his mess the best he could before settling back. Wendy stared at him. Her eyes were bright with arousal and shock.

  “I can’t believe I just did that.” She pushed her skirt down in a jerky movement. He saw her apartment building coming back into view. She gazed out of the window to see it, too. “I’ve made the biggest mistake of my life. I can’t believe I let you do that.”

  Tucking his cock back into his pants he sat back. Licking the taste of her off his finger Drake watched her. She looked flustered but sated.

  “I’m pleased it happened,” he said.

  She glared at him. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

  Wendy grabbed her cases. The moment the limo pulled up outside her house, she opened the door. When she went to slam the door back in place, Drake held it steady so she didn’t get the chance.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Her blue eyes shot daggers at him.

  “I want to know when I can see you again.”

  “Never,” she said, storming off.

  “Stay here.” Drake followed behind her.

  Wendy kept ignoring him until she got to her apartment door. “This is stalking, and you can get arrested for it.”

  Drake leaned in close to her ear. “I’ve just had my face in your pussy. I don’t think they’ll be arresting me any time soon.”

  She growled turning away from him.

  Her hands shook as she tried to get the key in the door.


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