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Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “What on earth is going on?” Her apartment door opened revealing her friend. Drake recognised her from the image Mason had sent him.

  “Well, well, well, who is this?” Tiffany asked, folding her arms.

  Wendy rested her head against the wall groaning.

  Chapter Four

  Wendy was going straight to hell. There was no other explanation for it. Tiffany stared at her with her arms folded and one eyebrow raised. The questions in her friend’s eyes would not be hard to guess.

  “Tiffany, this is Drake. Drake, this is Tiffany.”

  “You’re the owner of Desire, right?” Tiffany asked.

  “The very one, but I’m not the only one who owns it.” Drake took her friend’s offered hand and placed a kiss on it.

  Wendy was going to throw up.

  You’ve just had his face between your thighs. Kissing your roommate’s hand is nothing, Wendy.

  “Drake was just leaving,” Wendy said, cutting through the introductions.

  “No, he needs to have a drink. If I can see he wants to talk to you then you can, too. Stop being rude to the man,” Tiffany said, pulling him inside their apartment.

  Sticking her tongue out at her friend was childish and immature, but Wendy did it anyway.

  Tiffany gave her the finger behind Drake’s back. She walked through to the kitchen to put away the melting ice-cream. Her legs felt like jelly with each step she took. The orgasm that Drake had just given her had been amazing. She’d never come like that in her life. That man had a wicked tongue and knew how to use it.

  She turned round to see Drake leaning against the counter watching her. His arms were folded over his chest. The coat he’d been wearing was removed.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Your friend told me to get comfortable.” Drake ran his gaze over her. “Do you want these?” He held her torn panties on his finger. She snatched them off him checking ‘round him to see if her friend saw his move.

  Drake caught her to him with an arm around her waist. His cock pressed, hard and thick, against her stomach.

  “You’ve got to stop this,” she said.

  He leaned down brushing her lips with his. “Stop what?”

  She tasted her essence on his lips. “You’re not playing fair.”

  “I’ve never played fair, baby.”

  Wendy tensed in his arms. The memory of her father’s pain washed over her better than any cold shower. She pulled out of his arms. “Yeah, I know why you don’t play fair.”

  Drake cursed. Before he got chance to say another word, Tiffany walked around the door. She’d replaced her clothes with her waitressing outfit.

  “I’ve been called in on overtime at the restaurant. I’ll see you when I get back later tonight,” Tiffany said, kissing her cheek.

  “I don’t suppose I could interest you ladies to come to Desire on Friday night?” Drake asked, stopping Tiffany from walking out the door.

  Wendy glared at Drake, knowing what he was trying to do.

  Her friend smiled. “I’d love to come and check out the hottest club around. I’ll make sure to bring Wendy with me. She’s not much for going out, but I’m sure she’d love to see you again.”

  Tiffany wrapped her arms around Wendy hugging her close.

  “I hate you,” Wendy said, whispering the words against her ear.

  “I know, but you’ll love me more afterwards.” Tiffany left the apartment, which meant Wendy and Drake were alone.

  “Your friend is nice,” Drake said.

  Wendy glared at him. “I know what you’re trying to do. It’s not going to work.”

  “What am I trying to do?” he asked.

  She grabbed the juice she’d bought and placed it in the fridge. “Why are you doing this? We met a few nights ago, and suddenly you’re outside my work and offering me lifts. I don’t get it. I don’t get any of this. We don’t know each other,” she said. She pointed between them trying to emphasise their differences.

  “Why are you intent on fighting it?” Drake asked.

  “What is there to fight?”

  He moved faster than she expected. Drake pressed her against the fridge. His hard, solid body branded her where she stood. One hand went next to her head while the other wrapped around her waist pulling her close.

  “You feel it. You want me, Wendy, even though you don’t want to at the same time.”

  She moaned as he pressed hot kisses against her neck. There was no control for the pleasure that consumed her. Her body felt like a volcano about to explode.

  The fact she barely knew the man didn’t matter. Her body knew him better than she did. All she wanted to do was give in to her body’s demands. Instead she placed her hands on his chest and pushed.

  Drake released her without argument.

  “I feel something, and I’m not going to be controlled by it.” She brushed past him opening the door to the apartment.

  He went to the door without question. Before he left, he captured her cheek in his palm turning her to face him.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  Wendy stared into his dark gaze. His eyes looked black as he stared down at her.

  “When you touch your pussy I want you to remember it was my tongue that gave you an orgasm.”

  “I hate you.” The words were a lie, but she said them anyway.

  Drake chuckled. “We’ll see.”

  He left her apartment without a backwards look. She shut the door, staring at it for several moments after he left.

  Her hand moved to cup her pussy through her skirt. She jerked her hand away shaking her head. She was going insane. Wendy needed a bath.

  Moving toward the bathroom she removed her clothing and watched the hot water fill the tub.

  She wondered how Drake had found out her address. Had he heard her tell the driver of the taxi she’d taken the other day?

  Shaking her head, she watched the water.

  How was she going to get through another meeting with him? When Friday came Tiffany would be going to Desire. She wondered how she was going to survive the night with Drake close by. Whenever he was near she seemed to lose all sight of her own senses. None of it made sense to her. She’d never been controlled by her desires before.

  Drake was overtaking everything she knew about herself.


  Evan looked up as Drake walked through the front door of their house. They lived in one of the upscale properties in the centre of the city. He’d spent the past hour running on the treadmill. Wiping the sweat from his brow, he observed his brother.

  “You don’t look happy.”

  Drake threw his keys onto the tray with such force they fell behind the unit. His brother cursed then proceeded to grab the keys from the floor.

  “I imagine I’ve spent the last couple of hours doing something more interesting than what you’ve been doing.”

  Hanging the towel around his neck Evan waited for Drake to elaborate. When nothing was forthcoming he left him to walk into the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge then turned to see his brother glancing down at his phone.

  “Where were you?” Evan asked. Being the elder of the two, Drake’s safety always concerned him. Since their parents passed he felt a need to make sure his brother was okay. “I went to see Wendy.”

  Evan tensed. The sound of her name alone was enough to set his hormones into overdrive. “I thought we agreed to leave her alone?”

  “No, you decided to leave her alone. I had my own plans.” Drake pushed past him to grab a bottle of water.

  “Well, what did you find out?”

  Evan hadn’t even talked to the girl, and he wanted to know every single detail of her life. The way she’d possessed his soul startled him. None of it made sense. His reaction to her freaked him out a little. He’d fucked plenty of women and still kept them at a distance. No woman was worth fighting his brother for. At a young age they’d both realised their future was with the sam
e woman.

  His brother smiled. The smile reminded him of when they were younger and Drake had gotten an extra piece of candy from their neighbour for giving her the puppy dog eyes.

  “What are you hiding?” Evan asked.

  “I know what she tastes like.”

  He froze on the spot. “What?”

  “The heavens opened up, and I offered her a lift. When we were in the back of the limo something changed.” Drake stopped talking to take a sip of his drink.

  Hanging in suspense, Evan took the water off him and glared. “Now is not the time to be drinking. What the hell did you do?”

  “We were talking, and I was stroking her leg, and then we were kissing. The kissing ended up with me between her sweet thighs licking the tastiest cunt I’ve ever seen.”

  Evan’s cock thickened to record proportions. He winced, moving the length into a more comfortable position inside his tight running shorts. The file Mason had obtained on her only made his desire for her more.

  Drake smiled at him as he took another sip of his drink. “I’ve also convinced her to come to the club Friday night.”

  Nodding, Evan turned away. He needed a cold shower and to rid the image of Drake between her thighs. He could only begin to imagine the kind of pleasure his brother had given her. She’d have been screaming in absolute bliss.

  Once he finished his cold shower he moved toward the office he and Drake shared. Desire was a raging success, and they were looking towards opening another club. Evan started looking through the properties the realtor had sent his way. Several looked promising, but only a couple of them caught his eye. They had enough money to invest into buying another suitable building. Being the overly cautious type, Evan would never dream of ruining their current financial situation. He liked being able to pay his bills and afford a lot of life’s luxuries without worrying about his bank balance. Pushing the properties aside he stared down at the file Mason had hand delivered to their door. The brown file didn’t look threatening, and yet the information it contained had done its worst on him. He ran his hand over the cover before flicking it open. There on the front page was a picture of Wendy.

  Her name ran through his mind like a caress.

  Stroking her lips Evan shook his head. He’d never known himself to be so taken with a woman he’d never spoken to.

  Usually he needed more to go on than what a document gave him. There was more to a person than a list of credentials or a complete background check into what they’d been up to. He needed to hear her laugh or see what she liked to eat. If she was like a lot of the women he dated and ordered very little and complained about her weight then she’d have to go. He didn’t like picky women. Staring at the photograph he saw the voluptuous curves on display. The picture looked like it had been taken at the park. She wore a pair of shorts and a tight fitting crop top. The heat was beating down, and she was standing between two other girls. One of them was her friend Tiffany while the other remained nameless. There had been some charity event at the college they’d attended, and this was when the picture had been taken. She was twenty-one years old in the photo with her whole life ahead of her.

  He closed the file wanting to wipe the memory of her from his mind. Ronald Peterson had been a tough man. He’d not been able to accept he was going bankrupt, and he was going to ruin his life along with his daughter’s.

  It had taken three financial specialists and two bank managers to convince Ronald of his downward trend. He’d not been making money in years and had drained all of his shop’s resources in order to keep himself afloat. Evan didn’t like the thought of putting a man out of business. He’d given Ronald more than enough money to get him by, but it seemed his animosity had spread into his daughter.

  Sitting back in his seat Evan knew it was time to see and speak to Wendy himself. Drake always got in first. For once, Evan wanted a chance to know the woman who was plaguing his thoughts day and night.

  Chapter Five

  The following day Wendy walked out of her apartment to find the road empty of any limo. To say she wasn’t disappointed would be a lie. Part of her had wished to see Drake again. She’d spent most of the past night tossing and turning unable to get a wink of sleep. Pushing her hands into her coat pocket she walked in the direction of the deli. She and Tiffany had finished the two cartons of ice-cream she’d bought yesterday. Stocking up was essential with ice-cream as there was always an excuse to eat it.

  She pushed her hair out of her face before placing her hands back into her pockets. Rounding a corner she bumped into a solid hard wall of muscular chest. Staring up the length of that chest she encountered the darkest eyes she’d ever seen. Wendy gasped as he stared down at her. His hands moved out to catch her before she tripped over.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart,” he said. The man’s voice had to have been a sin sent from the devil himself. Her pussy was literally burning she was that horny for him.

  He kept staring down at her, smiling. She noticed he didn’t let her go, and she also became aware of the fact her mouth was hanging open staring up at him.

  Closing her mouth, she stared past his shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I’m such a klutz. I should have been watching where I was going.”

  Wendy wanted him to talk again. The way his voice ran over her made her tempted to beg him to take her right there on the spot.

  Bad, Wendy. You shouldn’t be thinking such things.

  You had Drake’s tongue on your pussy only yesterday.

  The thought of Drake and his magical tongue sent a shiver of the good sort down her spine.

  “No problem. Are you all right? You don’t seem steady on your feet,” he said.

  Keep talking and you’ll see me melt in a puddle at your feet.

  Pulling her hand out of her pocket she pushed her hair out of her face once again. The wayward strands wouldn’t behave at all.

  “I’m fine.”

  The man pushed her hair off her face, and then she finally got a good, long and proper look at the man. She knew who he was as she’d stared at enough pictures of him to last her a lifetime.

  “Evan Johnson,” she said.

  “I take it my reputation precedes me.” He pushed her hair back off her face. The feel of his knuckles brushing her skin made her bite her lip in order to contain the moan wanting to escape.

  “I know who you are, and I imagine Drake has told you who I am.” She glanced around waiting for the posh car or limo to show up. “No lift today?”

  His gaze roamed down her body. She was shocked by the heat she felt from the simple perusal. “You’ve met my brother. I only figured it would be fair that you got the chance to meet me.”

  Wendy saw he was the bigger of the two brothers as well as being older. They were causing a blockage on the path. His hands still held her arms. She didn’t want him to let go, and that made her feel worse. Less than twenty-four hours ago she’d had his younger brother licking her pussy, and she was thinking about him in such a way.

  He moved closer to the brick building and out of the way of passers-by. “I think it is fair I get the same chance as Drake.”

  Her eyes widened at the implication. He wanted to lick her pussy, too?

  Evan chuckled. “I was thinking of coffee, but I’m sure I can get us some privacy so that I can become acquainted with you in the same way as my brother.”

  She was tempted in a big way. “Coffee sounds great.”

  Wendy waited as he signalled his driver. She took the spare few moments to call Tiffany and to let her know she’d be late.

  “Has Drake struck again?” Tiffany asked.

  Evan held the door to the limo open. How much money did these men have?

  “No, it’s his older brother. We’re going out for coffee.”

  “You’re a bad girl, Wendy. Have fun, and I expect all the details when you get home.”

  Closing her phone she slid into the limo. The scent of leather invaded her senses. She wondered if it was the same limo as yester
day. Heat filled her cheeks at the thought of what she and Drake had done yesterday. Evan slid in beside her. He didn’t make a move to touch her. She tensed in the seat waiting for his touch to come.

  More disappointment filled her when he made no move. He told the driver where to go and then sat back watching her. His gaze reminded her of a predator stalking his prey. She was nothing but a mouse in comparison to this man.

  “Why are you nervous?” he asked.

  “Why do you keep staring at me?”

  “I like looking at you. You’re a beautiful woman, and I like looking at beautiful things.”

  She frowned. “I’m not some commodity you can buy.”

  “I know.” He leaned in close. She inhaled his masculine scent. There was something dark about the man before her. He knew his appeal, and that was as addictive as Drake.

  Licking her lips, she was the first one to turn away.

  He chuckled. The sound was as good as listening to him when he talked.

  “Why are you and Drake suddenly everywhere I go?” she asked.

  “Maybe we want to get to know you.”

  “How old are you?” she asked. She’d thought the men who’d taken her father’s business were a lot older.

  “I’m thirty-three. Why?”

  “I thought you’d be older,” she said, returning her gaze to the scenery passing them by.

  “You don’t think thirty-three is old?”

  “It’s not that old.”

  She waited for a response. None came.

  Wendy settled back as the driver took them to their destination. She tapped her leg feeling conscious of the man beside her.


  Evan took his time watching her. He liked the way she nibbled her bottom lip when she was thinking. Her gaze kept straying to his hands, which he kept firmly in his lap. The desire to reach out and touch her was strong. He pushed the desires out of his mind. It wouldn’t do him any good to scare her off.

  All he wanted to do was hear her talk. He loved the sound of her voice, and her floral scent was addictive.

  “Drake told me he convinced you to come back to the club. You’re bringing your friend?” he asked.


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